已閱讀5頁,還剩9頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、餐廳英語情景對話Dialogue 1A: What can I do for you, sir? 先生,您要來點什么?B: What have you got this morning? 今天早上你們這兒有什么?A: Fruit juice, cakes and refreshments, and everything. 水果汁、糕點、各種茶點等等,應有盡有。B: I ' d like to have a glass of tomato juice, please.請給我來一杯西紅柿汁。A: Any cereal, sir? 要來點谷類食品嗎,先生?B: Yes, a dish of

2、cream of wheat. 好的,來一份麥片粥。A: And eggs? 還要來點雞蛋什么的嗎?B: Year, bacon and eggs with buttered toast. I like my bacon very crisp. 要,再來一份熏豬肉和雞蛋,我喜歡熏豬肉松脆一點。A: How do you want your eggs? 您喜歡雞蛋怎么做?B : Fried, please. 煎的。A: Anything more, sir? 還要什么別的東西嗎,先生?B: No, that ' s enough. Thank you. 不要了,足夠了。謝謝。Dialog

3、ue 2(A couple waiting to be seated in a crowded restaurant) (一對夫婦在擁擠的餐廳外等待就座)A: Do you have a reservation, sir?請問您訂位了嗎?先生,太太?B: No, I am afraid we don ' t. 沒有。A: I ' m sorry. The restaurant is full now. You have to wait for about half an hour.Would you care to have a drink at the lounge unti

4、l a table is available?很抱歉, 餐廳已經(jīng)滿座了。 約要等 30 分鐘才會有空桌。 你們介意在休息室喝點東西直至 有空桌嗎?B: No , thanks. We ' ll come back later. May I reserve a table for two? 不用了,謝謝。我們等一會兒再來。請?zhí)嫖覀冾A定一張二人桌,可以嗎?A: Yes, of course. May I have your name, sir?當然可以。請問先生貴姓?B: Bruce. By the way. Can we have a table by the window? 布魯斯。順

5、便,我們可以要一張靠近窗口的桌子嗎?A: We'll try to arrange it but I can't guarantee, sir.我們會盡量安排,但不能保證,先生。B: That ' s fine. 我們明白了。(Half an hour later, the couple comes back.) 半小時后,布魯斯夫婦回來了。A: Your table is ready, sir. Please step this way. 你們的桌子已經(jīng)準備好了,先生,太太。請往這邊走。Dialogue 3A: Waiter, a table for two, ple

6、ase.效勞生,請給我一張兩人的桌子。B: Yes, this way please.好的,請跟我來。A: Can we see the menu, please?能讓我們看一看菜單嗎?B: Here you are.給您。A: What ' s good today? 今天有什么好吃的?B: I recommand crispy and fried duck.我推薦香酥鴨。A: We don 't want that. Well, perhaps we' ll begin with mushroom soup, and followby some seafood an

7、d chips.我們不想吃香酥鴨?;蛟S我們可以先吃蘑菇湯,然后再要點海鮮和土豆片。B: Do you want any dessert?要甜品嗎?C: No dessert, thanks. Just coffee不,謝謝。 咖啡就行了。(After a few minutes.)過了一會兒。A: I can have the check, please.結帳。C: George. Let ' s split this.喬治,我們各自付帳吧。A: No, it ' s my treat tonight. 不,今天我請客。B: Cash or charge, sir?現(xiàn)金還是記帳

8、?A: Charge, please. Put it on my American Express. 記帳。請記入我的“美國運通信用卡帳號。Dialogue 4A: Good morning. Can I help you?早上好。有什么能效勞的嗎?B: I want an American breakfast with fried eggs, sunny side up. 我想要一份美式早餐,要單面煎的雞蛋。A: What kind of juice do you prefer, sir?您想要哪種果汁呢?B: Grapefruit juice and please make my coff

9、ee very strong. 西柚汁,還有,我要杯很濃的咖啡。A: Yes, sir. American breakfast with fried eggs, sunny side up, grapefruit juice and a black coffee. Am I correct, sir?好的,一份美式早餐,要單面煎的雞蛋、西柚汁及一杯清咖啡,對嗎?B: Yes, that ' s right. 是的。A: Is there any thing else, sir?還有什么嗎,先生?B: No, that ' s all. 沒有了,謝謝。(Later) 稍后A: G

10、ood morning, sir. I' ve brought the breakfast you ordered.早上好,先生。您要的早餐送上來了。B: Just put it on the table, please.請放在桌上。A: Do you need anything else, sir?先生,還有其他需要嗎?B: No thanks. Ah, yes! Can I have some more juice for the minibar? 沒有,謝謝。 ?。】煞穸喾乓恍┕诒淅??A: What kind of juice would you like, sir?哪種果

11、汁呢,先生?B: Tomato, orange and apple juice, please.番茄汁、橙汁及蘋果汁。A: Yes, sir. I' ll get them for you right away. Would you please sign this bill first? Thank you, sir. 好的,我立刻去取。麻煩您先簽了這張帳單。Dialogue 5A: Oh, I ' m starving. I ' d like to try some real Chinese cuisine. What would you recommend, wa

12、iter? 啊,我快餓死啦。 我想吃點真正的中國菜。 您給我推薦什么呢, 效勞生? B: Well, it depends. You see, there are eight famous Chinese cuisines:for instance, the Sichuan cuisine, and the Hunan cuisine.那要看情況了。您知道,中國主要有八大菜系。比方說,川菜、湘菜。A: They are both spicy hot, I' ve heard. 我聽說這兩種都很辣。B: That ' s right. If you like hot dishes

13、, you can try some. 對。您要是愛吃辣的,可以試試。A: They might be too hot for me.對我來說可能太辣了點。B: Then there ' s the Cantonese cuisine and the Jiangsu cuisine. Most southerners like them. 再有是粵菜和江蘇菜。大多南方人都愛吃。A: What about any special Beijing dishes?有什么特別的北京風味菜嗎?B: There ' s the Beijing roast duck.有北京烤鴨啊。A: Oh

14、, yes. I 've heard a lot about it. I' d like very much to try it. Where can Ifind it? 啊,對了,聽過屢次了。我很想試一試。在哪兒能吃到呢?B: You can find it in most restaurants, but the best place is certainly QuanjudeRestaurant. 大多數(shù)飯店都有烤鴨,可是最好的當然還是全聚德烤鴨店。A: Is it near here?離這兒近嗎?B: Not too near but not too far eithe

15、r. A taxi will take you there in 15 minutes,if the traffic is not too bad, I mean.不太近也不算遠。乘出租車 15 分鐘能到。我是說,要是堵車不厲害的話。A: Well, thank you for your information. But what is the nameof that restaurant again? 好,多謝您的指點。請您再說一下那個飯館的名字好嗎?B: Let mewrite it down on this slip of paper for you. You can show it t

16、o the taxi-driver. 我來給您寫在這張紙片上。您好拿給出租車司機看。A: That ' s very kind of you. Thanks a lot.您真是太好了!多謝多謝。B: You ' re welcome. 不客氣。A 是你 ,B 是外國人A:Welcome to our hotel 歡迎光臨。A:So you have got altogether four pieces of baggage?您一共帶了 4 件行李,是不是?B:Let me have a check again讓我再看一下。A:The Reception Desk is stra

17、ight ahead接待處就在前面。A:After you, please 你先請。B:Excuse me , where can I buy some cigarettes?勞駕。我到哪兒可買到香煙?A:There is a shop on the ground floor一樓有個商店。A:It sells both Chinese and foreign cigarettes在那兒可買到中國香煙和外國香煙。B:Can I also get some souvenirs there?也可以買到紀念品嗎?A:There is a counter selling all kinds of sou

18、venirs 有個柜臺出售各種各樣的紀念品。B:Excuse me , where is the restaurant?勞駕,請問飯廳在哪兒?A:We have Chinese restaurant and a western style restaurantWhich one do you prefer ?我們有中餐廳和西餐廳,你愿意去哪個? B:I'd like to try some Chinese food today 今天我想嘗嘗中國菜。酒店英語口語會話必備手冊一概述在酒店里所使用的英語會話,根本上是屬于商業(yè)英語,與日常生活會話中所使用的英語略有 不同,較注重禮節(jié)。正式英語通

19、常會讓人誤解為極艱深的英語,其實,只要套用一定格式的 句子和單詞,就可以了。例如:非正式英語What' s your name? 您貴姓?Do you want some tea? 您要喝茶嗎?正式英語May I have your name?請問您貴姓大名? Could you like some tea?請問您想喝茶嗎?Over here, please.這邊請。Could you come this way please?請您往這邊走好嗎?* 不要說 OK, Sure, Yeah 等等,而要說 Certainly, Sir.* Hey, uh-huh, Hang on 等等,也不

20、適合在酒店中使用。* 別說“ I don ' t know. 答復“不知道是非常不禮貌的說法。可以說“ just a moment, please. I' ll check that for you. 請稍候,我來幫您確認,然后請有能力處理的人前來協(xié)助。* 對男性客人,尊稱為 Sir; 面對女性客人時尊稱為 Ms.在招呼客人時,最好說“ Excuse me, SirMs , 不要直接稱呼 Mr. 或 Ms. 至于稱呼小孩, 可以直接使用 Excuse me ,但是不可以直接稱呼 boy 或 girl.* 正視對方的眼睛,以顯示出你的信心和誠意。但必須注意,注視對方的眼睛,并不是

21、無理 地盯著對方看。* 在面對語言不通的外籍人士時,一定要多加利用手勢和肢體語言。但是使用手勢時要特別小心,因為對于不同國家、民族而言,手勢的意義也大不相同。二. 根本待客英語一在正式的英語表現(xiàn)里,疑問根本句型可分為以下四種:1. May I 2. Could you 3. Would you 4.Shall I ? 只要理解這四種根本的句型,就可以處理大局部業(yè)務上的狀況。1 自己要做什么事時,就使用 May I May I have your name, please?請問尊姓大名May I have your check-out time, please?請問您什么時候結帳離開?May I

22、 see your passport, please? 請讓我看一下您的護照好嗎?May I know your nationality, please?請問您的國籍是什么?2 麻煩客人時,可使用 Could you Could you fill out the form, please? Could you write that down, please?Could you draft the fax, please? Could you hold the line, please?請您填寫這張表格好嗎? 請您寫下來好嗎? 請您寫下 的草稿好嗎? 請不要掛 好嗎?3 詢問客人的喜好或是做什么

23、時,可使用 Would you Would you like tea or coffee?請問您要喝茶還是咖啡?Would you like to take a taxi? 請問您要搭計程車嗎?Would you mind sitting here?請問您介意坐在這里嗎?When would you like to visit Kunshan? When would you like to have lunch?What time would you like to eat?Who would you like to contact? Which kind of room would you

24、prefer? How would you like to settle your bill?How long would you like to stay?請問您想要何時參觀昆山?請問您想在哪里用餐? 請問您想何時用餐? 請問您想和誰聯(lián)絡? 請問您喜歡哪一種房間? 請問您的賬單如何處理? 請問您要逗留多久?How many tickets would you like to buy? 請問您要買幾張票?4 在提供建議協(xié)助、征求意見時,可使用Shall I 或 Would you like me to do?Shall I draw the curtains?請問需要我把窗簾拉上嗎?* 只要在

25、疑問詞后加“ Would you ,就可以提出大局部的詢問。Shall I draw you a map? 請問要我為您畫一張地圖嗎?Shall I make the reservation for you?請問要我為您安排預約嗎?二招呼語Good morning. 用于中午以前 Good afternoon. 用于中午至下午六點以前 Good evening. 用于下午六點過后 在這些招呼語的后面接句子,例如: Good morning, sir. Are you checking-out?早上好,先生,請問您要退房嗎?Good afternoon, sir. Welcome to LI J

26、IA Hotel.中午好,先生,歡迎光臨麗嘉酒店Good evening, Ms. May I help you?晚上好,小姐,請問我能為您效勞嗎? 后面也可以接上自己酒店名稱、部門名稱,如: Good morning, sir. This is the Front Desk. May I help you?早上好,先生。這里是效勞臺,請問您需要效勞嗎?三答復1. 一般性的答復I see, sir.我明白了,先生。Certainly, sir. 好的,先生。2. 請對方再等一會兒Just a moment, please. 請稍等。Thank you for waiting. 您久等了,先生。

27、I am very sorry to have kept you waiting.很抱歉讓您久等了。Could you wait a little longer, please?請您稍候好嗎?3. 要麻煩客人或是拒絕客人的要求時 拒絕客人時,不要一口回絕說“ No. ,要委婉一些。I am afraid I can' t do that.不好意思,我恐怕沒方法那樣做。Excuse me, sir. Please let me pass.不好意思,先生,麻煩讓我過一下。4. 抱歉如果是自己的錯就說“ I am sorry. ; 如果是公司的錯,就說: “We are sorry. 。I

28、am very sorry for the delay.很抱歉延誤了時間I am very sorry for the inconvenience.很抱歉造成您的不便。I would like to apologize for the mistake.為這個錯誤我深致歉意。5. 客人對自己說“ Thank you. 時答復You are welcome. 不客氣。Thank you, sir. 謝謝您,先生。Thank you very much. 非常感謝您。6. 交給客人某些東西時,可以說Here you are. 您要的東西在這里。Here is your room key.這是您的房間

29、鑰匙。Here it is.這是您的東西。7. 當客人準備離開時,可以說:Have a nice day. 祝您有美好的一天。Please enjoy your stay 祝您住宿愉快。We hope to see you again soon.希望不久能再次見到您。Thank you for staying with us.謝謝光臨。8當客人的英語難以理解時 面對客人的疑問,不要只是一味地傻笑,或是一直說Yes, Yes. 如果聽不懂事,要向客人提出疑問,或是先向對方說“ Just a moment, please. , 然后請求他人協(xié)助。Pardon? 對不起?Pardon me? 對不起

30、?I beg your pardon?對不起請再說一遍好嗎?Could you repeat that, please? 請您重復一遍好嗎? 假設是不敢肯定對方所說的局部內容時,可以將不明白的局部重復一遍,如:Excuse me, sir. Do you mean you lost your room key?不好意思,先生,您是說您丟了房間的鑰匙? 英語的應對1 接 時不可以簡單地答復“ Hello , 而應報上自己的公司或所屬單位的名稱。例如: “ Hello, this is Information Desk.您好,這里是問詢處?!?Information Desk speaking.

31、May I help you?問詢處,請問您要效勞嗎 ?2. 打錯 時 如果是外線打錯時,可以答復:I am afraid you have the wrong number.不好意思,您打錯 了。This is the LI JIA Hotel, 2234-1156.這里是麗嘉酒店, 是 2234-1156 。如果是總線轉錯內線時,可以答復:This is Room Reservations. I' ll transfer your call to Restaurant Reservations.這里是客房預約處,我?guī)湍D接到餐廳預約柜臺。I am afraid this is a

32、direct line. We can not transfer your call to the Chinese Restaurant Could you dial 2234-1156, please.不好意思,這是直接 。我們無法為您轉接中式餐廳。請您改撥 2234-1156 好嗎?3. 當負責的工作人員不在時I am afraid Mr.Lin is out at the moment. He should be back around 5 p.m. 不好意思,林先生現(xiàn)在外出。他應該會在下午 5 點左右回來。I am afraid Mr.Hao is on another line. C

33、ould you hold the line, please? 不好意思,郝先生正在講 。請您在線上稍侯好嗎?I ' ll tell him to call you back when he returns.他回來時,我會請他回電。May I have your name and phone number, please?請告訴我您的大名和 好嗎?4. 當會話結束時 結束 中的對話時,不可以簡單說“ bye-bye , 最好說: Thank you for calling. 感謝您的來電。You are welcome, sir. 先生,不客氣。We look forward to h

34、earing from you.我們靜候您的佳音。Please contact me if you have any further questions. 如果您有任何其他問題,請和我聯(lián)絡。三柜臺效勞C=效勞員 (Clerk) H= 客房效勞員( Housekeeping )G=客人( Guest )To the Front Desk.B: Good evening, Ms. Welcome to China-trust Hotel.G: Thank you. 謝謝你。B: How many pieces of luggage do you have?G: Just this three.只有

35、這 3 件。B: Two suitcases and one bag. Is that right? 2G: Yes. That 's all.對,就這些了。B: I ' ll show you to the Front Desk. This way, please. Ipost over there. 我來帶您到柜臺,這邊請。我先將您的行李放在柱子旁邊。G: I see, thanks.我知道了,謝謝。B: A bellman will show you to your room when you have finished checking-in. 當您辦好住宿登記時,行李

36、效勞員會帶您到房間。B=行李效勞員(Bellman ) BC=班(Bell Captain )帶客人到柜臺小姐,晚安。歡迎光臨中信酒店。請問您有多少件行李?個旅行箱和 1 個手提皮包,這樣對嗎?' ll put your bags by the祝您住宿愉快。 帶著客人至客房G: OK. Fine. 好極了。 B: Please enjoy your stay. Taking a guest to the room超實用的飯店英語對話一、點套餐Please give me this one.請給我來這個。We want two number eights, please.我們要兩份第八套

37、餐。二、隨意點餐May I have a menu, please ?我可以看菜單嗎?Could you tell me how this thing is cooked?能否告訴我這道菜是怎么做的?Lobster ? It is steamed and served with our special sauce. 龍蝦?蒸過后加上本店特制的調味料。Is it good ?好吃嗎?Sure. It is a most popular dish.當然,很受歡迎的。I think I will try some lobster, and give me some green salad toget

38、her. 我想我來點兒吧。再給我一份蔬菜沙拉。We have three dressings for salad. Which one would you like?我們有三種沙拉調味汁,您要哪種?What kind do you have ?你們有什么?We have Italian, French and Thousand Island.有意大利,法國和千島的。Make it French please. 給我法式的吧。三、如果對當?shù)氐牟穗炔皇煜?,通常先詢問:What is the specialty of the restaurant?這家店的招牌餐是什么?Do you have any

39、 special meals today?今天有什么特餐嗎?What would you recommend ? I prefer something light. 我想來點清淡些的,你能推薦什么嗎?四、可以讓同來的人替你點菜,或者要重復的: I will leave it to you.我讓你來點。I will have the same as that one.我要一份和那個一樣的。五、如果不急于點菜時,可以這么說:Can I take your order now?你現(xiàn)在叫點什么嗎?Not quite. Could I have a few more minutes?不,我可以再多等會嗎

40、?餐飲效勞業(yè)英語口語大全餐廳常用語1. What kind of food do you prefer?你喜歡哪一種菜?2. Do you like Chinese food ?你喜歡中國菜嗎?3. What kind of food do you like, Chinese or American ?你喜歡吃什么菜,中式的還是美式的?4. Would you tell me where the Chinese restaurant is請你告訴我中國餐館在哪里?5. Do you know where I can get a quick snack? 你知道哪里有快餐可吃?6. What w

41、ould you hxdye for dinner ?你要吃什么?7. What would you like to order ? 你要點些什么菜?8. Have you ordered yet ?你點過菜了嗎?9. No ,not yet ,I am waiting for a friend.I will order later. 還沒有,我在等一位朋友,稍后再點。10. What would you recommend ? 請你推薦一些好菜好嗎?11. What's your today ' s special ? 今天的特色菜是什么?12.I would like to

42、 have something simple. 我想吃些簡單的東西。13. What will you have for dessert ?你喜歡吃點什么點心?14. We are in a hurry.我們要趕時間。15. Please rush your orders.我們點的菜請快送來。16. The beefsteak is very good today.今天的牛排很不錯。17.I will take the beefsteak. 我就要份牛排。18.How would you like to have beefsteak, well-done or rare ?你喜歡的牛排是熟一些

43、還是生的?19.I would like my beefsteak well done. 我要熟一點兒的牛排。20. How about a drink ?喝一杯怎樣?21. Bottoms up !干杯!22. To your health !祝你健康!23.I ask you to join me in drinking to the health of Mr.Chen. 請你跟我一起舉杯祝陳先生健康。24.I ask you to join me in drinking to the future success of our cooperation 請你跟我一起舉杯預祝我們合作成功。2

44、5.I'm looking for a cheap place to eat.我要找個廉價的地方吃。26.Is there a restaurant near here? 這附近有餐館嗎?27.Can you recommend me a good restaurant?你能介紹一間好餐館嗎?28.Is there a Chinese restaurant in this town?在本鎮(zhèn)有中國餐館嗎?29. Can you show me a restaurant where they serve good food at reasonable prices?請你告訴我哪里有價錢公正

45、而菜又好的餐館好嗎?30. How is service ? 效勞怎么樣?31. Could I have the menu , please ? 請給我一從菜單好嗎?32. Here is the menu , sir. 先生,菜單就在這兒。33. Are you ready to order now ? 你現(xiàn)在就準備點菜嗎?34. Where did you hxdye dinner last night? 昨晚你在什么地方吃飯的?35. Do you like Chinese dishes ? 你喜歡中國菜嗎?36.It's very delicious. 它的味道很好。37.T

46、he food is too salty. 菜太咸了。38.I'm thirsty. 我口渴了。39.Give me a glass of cold water, please. 請給我一杯冷水。40.I'm on a diet. 我在節(jié)食中。41.I don't feel like eating more.我不想再多吃了。42.It was a very enjoyable dinner.43. What would you like to drink44. Could I have a cup of coffee45. Would you like coffee o

47、r tea46.I would like tea with a slice of lemon47.Do you like to hxdye anything else48.No , thanks.I hxdye had enough.這是個令人愉快的一餐。 你要喝點兒什么? 我想要一杯咖啡好嗎? 你要喝咖啡還是茶?, please. 我想要檸檬茶。?你還要吃別的東西嗎?不用,謝謝。我已經(jīng)吃飽了。49.I would like to hxdye ice cream and fresh fruit.我要吃點冰淇淋和新鮮水果。50.Help yourself to anything you like

48、.你喜歡什么隨便吃。51.Please pass me the salt and pepper.請把鹽和胡椒遞給我。52.I ordered ten minutes ago.我 10 分鐘前就點菜了。53.I hxdye been waiting for half an hour.我一直等了半個小時。54.Why is our order so late?為什么我點的菜那么慢?55.I can't wait any longer.我不能再等了。56. Please serve us as quickly as possible.請盡快效勞。57. Could I have the bi

49、ll please?請把賬單給我好嗎?58. Here you are , please pay the bill at the cashier's desk.這就是,請到柜臺付賬。59. Let's me pay my share.=Let' s go Dutch. 我們各付各的。60. No , It's my treat. 不,這次我請客。61. May I pay this time ?這次我請客好嗎?Bowl 碗 Chopsticks 筷子 Fork 叉子 Napkin 餐巾 Pepsi 百事可樂 Seven-up 七喜 Coffee 咖啡 Tea 茶

50、 Apple juice 蘋果汁 Beer 啤酒 Lemon 檸檬 Dumpling 水餃Dessert 甜點 Soup 湯 Entr ee 主菜 Fry 煎 Boil 煮 Deep-fry 炸 Braise 燉 Steam 蒸Grill 烤 Bake 烤 Roast 烤 Oily 太油 Light 清淡的 Heavy 口味重的 Chili 辣椒 Steak 牛排 請給我菜單。May I have a menu,please?是否有中文菜單?Do you have a menu in chinese?在用晚餐前想喝些什麼嗎?Would you like something to drink b

51、efore dinner ?餐廳有些什麼餐前酒?What kind of drinks do you have for an aperitif ?可否讓我看看酒單?May I see the wine list ? 我可以點杯酒嗎?May I order a glass of wine ?餐廳有那幾類酒?What kind of wine do you have ? 我想點當?shù)爻霎a(chǎn)的酒。I'd like to have some local wine. 我想要喝法國紅酒。I'd like to have Frence red wine. 是否可建議一些不錯的酒?Could yo

52、u recommend some good wine ? 我可以點餐了嗎?May I order,please ? 餐廳最特別的菜式是什麼?What is the specialty of the house ? 餐廳有今日特餐嗎?Do you have today's special ? 我可以點與那份相同的餐嗎?Can I have the same dish as that? 我想要一份開胃菜與排餐 (魚餐 )。I'd like appetizers and meat(fish) dish. 我正在節(jié)食中。I'm on a diet.我必須防止含油脂 (鹽份/糖份 )的食物。I have to avoid food containing fat(salt/suger). 餐廳是否有供應素食餐?Do you have vegetarian dishs ? 你的牛排要如何烹調?How do you like your steak ? 全熟(五分熟/全生 )。Well done (medium/rare),please.請告訴我要如何食用這道菜?Could you tell me how to eat t


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