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1、新課標(biāo)人教版課件系列高中英語選修選修( (模塊)模塊)7- 7-4.5New Words New Words in Unit 4 in Unit 4relevantly (adv)有關(guān)的有關(guān)的 ,有實(shí)際價(jià)值,有實(shí)際價(jià)值(重要性重要性)的的” 反義詞反義詞 :irrelevant be relevant to “與與有關(guān)有關(guān)” = be connected with have sth to do with 這種工作與性別無關(guān)這種工作與性別無關(guān) 。The work of this kind is not relevant to sex.The work of this kind is not re

2、levant to sex.這類課程與當(dāng)今的社會問題的關(guān)系這類課程與當(dāng)今的社會問題的關(guān)系 而論已毫無實(shí)際而論已毫無實(shí)際價(jià)值。價(jià)值。The type of the course is no longer The type of the course is no longer relevant to todays social problem. relevant to todays social problem. 2.adapt adjust adapt (oneself) to “適應(yīng),適合適應(yīng),適合” You should adapt yourself to the new environme

3、nt. 你應(yīng)該適應(yīng)新環(huán)境。你應(yīng)該適應(yīng)新環(huán)境。 adjust “適應(yīng)適應(yīng)” “調(diào)整調(diào)整”、“調(diào)節(jié)調(diào)節(jié)”使之適應(yīng)使之適應(yīng) adjust (oneself) to =adapt (oneself) to “適應(yīng)適應(yīng)”He adjusted his tie before entering the hall.You cant see through the telescope until it is adjusted to your eyes.adapt(oneself) to adapt(oneself) to 的的toto是介詞,后跟是介詞,后跟名詞或動詞名詞或動詞-ing-ing形式。類似的詞組有

4、:形式。類似的詞組有: be (get) used to 習(xí)慣于習(xí)慣于 be related to 與與相關(guān)相關(guān) lead to 帶領(lǐng)帶領(lǐng), ,導(dǎo)致導(dǎo)致, ,通向通向 devote oneself to 獻(xiàn)身于獻(xiàn)身于 contribute to 為為作貢獻(xiàn)作貢獻(xiàn) access to 接近接近/進(jìn)入進(jìn)入(某地的某地的)方法方法 注意注意 look forward to 盼望盼望 pay attention to 注意注意 give rise to 引起引起 be accustomed to 習(xí)慣于習(xí)慣于 be addicted to 沉溺于沉溺于 stick to 堅(jiān)持堅(jiān)持 belong to

5、屬于屬于 refer to 提到提到,涉及到涉及到,查閱查閱 3. privilege “ 殊榮殊榮” It was a privilege to know you . 能認(rèn)識你真是榮幸之至。能認(rèn)識你真是榮幸之至。 privilege 還表示還表示“特權(quán)特權(quán)”、“權(quán)利權(quán)利” have the privilege to do sth = have the right to do sth “有特權(quán)有特權(quán)(權(quán)利權(quán)利) 干某事干某事” Only members have the privilege to use the ground. the privilege of citizenship/ equ

6、ality 公民權(quán)公民權(quán)/平等權(quán)平等權(quán)4. operate (vtvi) operation (n) 1) vt “操作操作(run);經(jīng)營經(jīng)營,管理管理(manage)” 2) vi “操作操作,工作工作(work),運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn);做手術(shù)做手術(shù)” operate on sb “給某人做手術(shù)給某人做手術(shù)”The machine doesnt operate smoothly. 醫(yī)生正在給那個(gè)傷員動手術(shù)醫(yī)生正在給那個(gè)傷員動手術(shù).The doctors were operating on the wounded solider .The company operates three factories

7、 . She will have to _ on for her cancer . He and the other doctors didnt leave until the _ was over . He will perform an operation _ her for a diseased lung .be operated operation on5. otherwise (adv. conj.) “用別的方法用別的方法,其他方面其他方面; 否則否則,不然不然 (or)”He is slow , but otherwise he is a good worker .Seize t

8、he chance , otherwise (or) you will regret it . 祈使句祈使句 , and (or ,otherwise ) + 簡單句簡單句 (簡單句常用將來時(shí)簡單句常用將來時(shí)) 1) Hurry up , _ you will be late. A. and B. otherwise C. if D. unless2) Study hard , _ you will pass the exam . A. and B. or C. if D. unless 3) Study hard , _ you will not pass the exam . A. and

9、 B. otherwise C. if D. unlessBAB6. wonder 用法歸納用法歸納 1) wonder wh-詞詞 + to do“想想(不不)知道知道” 2) .wonder wh- / if + 從句從句“想想(不不)知道知道” I was wondering where to spend the weekend. I wondered if (whether) you are free this afternoon. 3) ( Its )no wonder + (that) 從句從句 難怪,怪不得,不足為奇難怪,怪不得,不足為奇 (Its ) no wonder tha

10、t he has passed the examination. wonder at “ 對對 感到驚訝感到驚訝(驚奇驚奇)”Everybody wonders at what he has done.I wonder _ they call these flowers. A. if B. what C. when D. whetherI wonder _ you would mind _ me a favor. A. if , to do B. whether , to do C. whether , doing D. when , doing BC7. lie lay lain lying

11、 “vi. 躺躺,位于位于” lie lied lied lying “vi. 撒謊撒謊” lay laid laid laying “vt. 放下放下,下蛋下蛋” 規(guī)則的撒謊規(guī)則的撒謊,不規(guī)則的躺不規(guī)則的躺, 躺過就下蛋躺過就下蛋,下蛋不規(guī)則下蛋不規(guī)則.The man lying there never lies .She laid the baby in the bed and left. 1) The pen _ on desk belongs to me .2) The baby _ in the arms of her mother .3) The village _ to the north of the city .4) He _ the bag down on the floor .lying laylieslaid 5) The book still _ where I _ them a month ago . A. lay , lay B. laid , had laid C. lay , had laid D. was lying , had lain6) There on some hay on the ground _ a poor peasant boy . A.


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