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1、審稿人學生姓名小組評價教師評價Unit4 Why don' t you talk to your parents?Section A 1a 2d二次復備【Study-aims】知識目標:1)掌握本課生詞、短語及 What s wrong?句式。2)依據(jù)所給信息做肩關討論問題并給出建議的對 話。能力目標:訓練在聽的過程中捕捉相關信息的技巧。情感目標:在學習過程中體會與人溝通以解決問題 的重要性。文化意識:良好的生活習慣有益健康。學習策略:列舉生活中常見的問題加以討論以激發(fā) 學生興趣?!綤ey & difficult points 止確運用 “What' s wrong?

2、Why don' t you”等句 式,分角色表演?!咀灾鲗W習,明確目標】根據(jù)漢語提示默寫卜向單詞、短語及句子。允許、準許打毛病的;錯誤的子夜;午夜猜測;估計太多閑逛去睡覺學得太多給某人打電話在電話中談論它勿打架哪兒不舒服? 【借助媒介,正音操練】1.導入2. Learning the new knowledge:Stepl: Guiding We often have some problems in life.What' re the most common problems? Can you give some examples?Step2: Listening and

3、speaking (1a-1c)1) Speaking:讀1a中的5個句子并討論這些問題是 否是嚴重的。2) Listening:聽并在1a中圈上你聽到的問題以完 成1b。3) Pair-work:根據(jù)聽力信息做對話完成1c。【合作探究,展示提升】Listening and speaking (2a-2c)1) Presentation :介紹有關Peter的煩惱。2) Listening:捕捉對話相關信息以完成 2a;2b.3) Exercise:Listen again. Fill in the blanks.Boy 2 had a with his best friend. He cou

4、ldhim a letter. But he isn ' t good at writing letters. He call him, but he doesn ' t want to talk about iton the. He talk to him so that he can sayhe' s sorry but it ' s not. He go to his house buthe doesn ' t want to nhi He could take him to the, but he doesn ' t want to wa

5、it that long,【達標檢測,盤點收獲】 漢譯英1)你看上去很累,怎么了?2)我的父母不允許我與我的朋友閑逛3)我與我最好的朋友打架了。4)為什么你不和他談談呢?審稿人 學生姓名小組評價教師評價Unit4 Why don' t you talk to your parents?Section A 3a 3c(閱讀課)二次復備【Study-aims】知識目標:能夠正確使用動詞look through, give back, get on (well) with, instead 或 instead of, offer to do sth, mind sb doing sth, a

6、nd explain sth. to sb. hang over。能力目標:能夠熟練的談論自己或他人的煩惱及給人 提出合理的建議。情感目標:培養(yǎng)學生積極參與活動的興趣,與別人能 夠談論自己興趣。學習策略:先瀏覽問題,再閱讀課文找答案,邊讀課 文邊標注關鍵點。文化意識:如何擺脫煩惱,一種肩效的方法就是用理 智思考。做一些其它的事情以轉移自己的注意力?!綤ey & difficult points 有用短語的使用及建議的表達; 如何解決困難和給人建議?!咀灾鲗W習,明確目標】1 . Pre-class 1.翻譯下列短語怎么了? 代替尋找介意某人做某事還回匕是事o 2 .根據(jù)漢意完成下列句子(

7、1)昨天我發(fā)現(xiàn)妹妹瀏覽我的東西。I find my sister my things yesterday.(2)我仍然和她生氣。I' m angry her.I can(3)我不能和家人處好。my family.(4)我總感到孤獨和不安I always feel and(5)媽媽不介意我一直看電視My mother doesn t mindTV【合作探究,展示提升】一、選詞填空instead, argue, nervous, proper, explain1. My cousin is in front of strangers.2. He could not come up with

8、 a answer.3. The TV shows are boring. Why not play cards?4. I don ' t want towith you. It' s waste o5. Pleaseto her how to use a computer.二、用括號中單詞的適當形式填空。1. All the(communicate) with the outsideworld was broken.2. Jim is a doctor. His(old) brother is an engineer.3. After high school Mike got

9、 a job instead of(go)to university.4. It ' very kind of you to offer(help) us on theweekend.5. Firstly we don' t have much money,(secoare too busy.f time.nd) we審稿人學生姓名小組評價教師評價Unit 4 Why don' t you talk to your parents?Section A 3 (Grammar focus-4c)二次復備Study-aims1.知識目標:會背本課時的單詞和短語,學會詢問他 人

10、遇到的問題及給出合理的建議。2 .能力目標:能夠正確運用所學的句型詢問他人遇到的麻煩并能給出合理的建議。3 .情感目標:通過對本課的學習,使學生們懂得要學 會關心他人,增進學生之間的情感。4 .文化意識:通過本單元的學習了解中國與西方國家 在孩子教育問題上的差異。5 .學習策略:積極與讓人合作,注意傾聽,積極思考 遇到問題主動向老師或同學請教?!綤ey & difficult points 1 .重點:詢問他人遇到的困難及給出建議。2 .難點:靈活掌握本課遇到的句型和短語,并能學以 致用?!咀灾鲗W習,明確目標】1. Pre-class1 .翻譯下列短語1.做運動 2和朋友閑逛3.獨自一

11、人消磨時間 4看電影5.讀書 6和一打架2.根據(jù)漢意完成下列句子(1)我的父母給我很多學習上的壓力。My parents give meabout school.(2)我沒有得到足夠多的睡眠。I don,t get.(3)我和我的父母吵架了I my parents.【合作探究,展示提升】Exercise:一、用所給單詞的適當形式填空1. We shouldn ' t(argue) with our parents.2. You shouldn ' t(use) the phone in the classroom3. Could I use your dictionary?-W

12、ell, you.A. canB. couldC. shouldD. might4. You ' d better(go) to school by bike.5. How about(go) hiking this afternoon?二、漢譯英1 .在學習方面,父母不應該給孩子太多的壓力。2 .昨天我和我的朋友吵架了 .3 .在學校我必須和我的同學競爭。4 .雖然你和你的父母生氣了,但你必須找他們談i.Unit 4 Why don' t you talk to your parents?Section B 1a 2e二次復備【Study-aims】1 .知識目標:會背本課時

13、的單詞和短語,領會文章意 思。2 .能力目標:通過回答問題能夠正掌握閱讀技巧并能 復述課文大意。3 .情感目標:通過對本課的學習,使學生們懂得要勞 逸結合,善于和父母溝通談心,讓父母理解我們,我們 也要理解父母。4 .文化意識:通過本單元的學習了解中國與西方國家 在孩子教育問題上的差異。5 .學習策略:在閱讀時善于使用簡單的工具書查找信 息,幫助理解文章大意?!綤ey & difficult points 1 .重點:單詞和短語。2 .難點:靈活掌握本課遇到的句型和短語,并能學以 致用?!咀灾鲗W習,明確目標】I. Pre-class1.翻譯卜刻短語1.課后活動2 的生活3.做 時間4足

14、夠忙5.很適合某人 6.總是抱怨2.根據(jù)漢意完成下列句子(1)我的父母給我很多學習上的壓力。My parents give meabout school.(2)我沒有得到足夠多的睡眠。I don't get【達標檢測,盤點收獲】1.閱讀并回答以下問題s important for kids to join1) Does Cathy Taylor think it after school activities?2) Does Linda Miller agree with Cathy? What' +er opinion?3) Does Dr. Green agree with

15、 Cathy or Linda? What does she say?(3)根據(jù)理解,復述課文。III. Post-class【合作探究,展示提升】1. Would you mind(clean) the room?2Would you please do the dishes? -OK.I(do) them in a minute.3. Could you please(help) me with the housework?4. When I(finish) the work, could you help me with my Chinese? 5. I enjoy(draw) pict

16、ures.6. I get(annoy) when people follow mearound.Unit4 Why don' t you talk to your parents?Section B 3a-self check二次復備【Study-aims】知識目標:能會背本課時的單詞和短語 usual, in ong s opinion, perhaps.能力目標:能夠根據(jù)2b短文完成本課時問題并給出 意見。情感目標:通過學習,知道如何處理不良情緒并能 夠給他人提相關建議。學習策略:先瀏覽問題,再閱讀課文找答案,邊讀 課文邊標注關鍵點。文化意識:通過本單元的學習了解中國與西方國家

17、在孩子教育問題上的差異?!綤ey & difficult points 進一步理解2b短文,用英語表達自己對某個問題的 想法?!咀灾鲗W習,明確目標】1. Pre-class翻譯卜刻短語1 .繼續(xù)做杲事2盡量/力3尋找4 .同意5你怎么樣認為? 6 .想讓某人做杲事 7 .允許某人做某事 8有空閑時間92某人閑逛10與某人吵架11與某人交談 12有足夠的睡眠13 .給某人才T電話 14重要的事15 .成功解決 16和睦相處 17 .主動提出做某事 18.一直【達標檢測,盤點收獲】1 .連詞成句1. buy, you, don' t, why, a, sweater2. somet

18、hing, should, her, get, you, interesting3. get, some, not, why, flowers2. Let some Ss read their letters and correct them.One possible versions better thatI don' tagree with the idea of sending kids to after-school classes because all these activities can cause a lot of stress for children. It &

19、#39; not good for a child ' s development. In my opinion, kids should have time to relax and think for themselves, too. I think it parents shouldn ' ctompare their children with other children. It' s crazy and not fair.【合作探究,展示提升】 一、選詞填空。perhaps, skill, opinion, continue, push, compare,

20、crazy, usual, typical, cause1. Careless driving often accident.2. Twelve o ' clock is the tim to have lunch.3. He is a writer of great.4. It was of you to skate on such thin ice.5. In my, people shall not smoke in public places.6. If you the two cars, you' ll find them very alike.7. W川 you help me to up the window?8. It '


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