



1、職場英語:裁員風(fēng)行,風(fēng)聲鶴唳職場英語 成功英語 職場智慧 衡量工作標(biāo)準(zhǔn)workplace Englishcareer tips professional wisdomDownsizing in Vogue 裁員風(fēng)行In recent years corporate downsizing has been on the rise throughout the world.近年來世界興起了公司裁員之風(fēng)。Downsizing is reducing costs by dismissing employees and reassigning their duties to the employees

2、who remain. They usually call it restructuring, rightsizing, reallocating resources, or job separation. They sometimes use dieting metaphors like "trimming the fat," "getting lean and mean," or "shedding weight." Whatever the euphemism, employees affected by these pract

3、ices know what the words mean to them layoff. And no "kinder, gentler" words can do much to alleviate the anxiety and distress that come with losing a job.所謂裁員,就是公司為了降低成本而解雇一些員工并將其工作職責(zé)重新分配給其他人。裁員常被雅稱為重組、合理精簡、資源重新配置、崗位剝離等。有時也用 "抽脂 " 、 "瘦身 " 、 "拋重 "等減肥術(shù)語來比 喻。不管是

4、什么委婉措詞,裁員之舉波及到的員工都知道這對自己意味的是被解雇。而這些"更溫柔,更關(guān)切 " 的措詞對于緩解丟了工作所帶來的焦慮與沮喪也是于事無補(bǔ)。In their quest to lower costs to stay competitive, companies often wield the ax with little or no regard for the well-being of the people involved. For example, in the past years AT&T have dismissed thousands of m

5、anagers and employeesthrough downsizing, though many of these people have twenty or more years of loyal employment with the firm. Industry analysts assert that if organizations wish to consider themselves responsible, ethical corporate citizens, they must demonstrate concern for their employees, eve

6、n when they have to tell them they are no longer employed.Organizations concerned about easing their employees' shock and stress at being laid off can do so through careful planning and preparation. Effective, honest and timely communication is always important, but when staff reductions are imm

7、inent, it becomes critical. Employees who know what is going on can prepare themselves for the inevitable and are much better able to cope when the ax finally does fall.為減低成本以保持競爭力,公司經(jīng)常大舉裁員卻很少顧及受此影響的人們的安康。例如,在過去的幾年中,AT&T裁掉了成千上萬的經(jīng)理和雇員,而他們中有很多人已在該公司忠心耿耿工作了二十年甚至更長時間。產(chǎn)業(yè)分析家們斷言,如果公司還希望被看作是負(fù)責(zé)任的、 有道德感的企

8、業(yè)人,他們就必須表現(xiàn)出對員工的關(guān)心,即使在不得不 告知員工要解雇他們的時候。注重如何消除裁員給員工帶來的沖擊與 壓力的公司能夠通過精心籌劃與準(zhǔn)備做得妥善些。有效、誠懇與適時 的溝通總是很重要的,而如果裁員行動突如其來,溝通就更為關(guān)鍵。 了解情況的員工能夠為不可避免的結(jié)果有所準(zhǔn)備并在砍斧揮落時從容 面對。It is sometimes difficult to determine the right thing to do, but many firms are trying. IBM for instance, offers early retirement. AT&T offers

9、job search help and career counseling to displaced employees. Organizations can also support employees whose positions have been eliminated by providing retraining or outplacement assistance and a reasonable severance package. Those being laid off are not, however, theonly ones affected by the downs

10、izing. By addressing the needs and concerns of remaining staff, showing sensitivity to their feeling of loss, and dealing with their anxieties about additional layoffs, an organization increases its chances of retaining their loyalty and trust.有時很難決定怎樣做才對,但是很多公司在努力做好。例如, IBM 有提前退休計劃,AT&偽裁掉的員工提供求

11、職協(xié)助與職業(yè)指導(dǎo)。公司 也能夠為被解雇員工提供再培訓(xùn)或新職介紹協(xié)助以及合理的解聘補(bǔ)償, 但是,受裁員影響的并非只有被裁掉的人,所以也要關(guān)心留崗人員的 需求與擔(dān)憂,細(xì)心體察他們的失落感并化解他們對以后的裁員行動的 焦慮。這樣做公司得以保持員工忠誠與信任的可能性就會更大。Questions about the ethics of downsizing are sure to continue. Do responsible companies lay people off? Is it ethical to close factories? Must employers guarantee wor

12、kers jobs for life? What are the ethical issues involved when organizations become so downsized they are no longer able to attain their goals (a situation known as "corporate anorexia")? What happens, for example, to patients in a hospital that has eliminated so many positions it is no lon

13、ger able to provide the necessary level of care? If, as most experts agree, downsizing is here to stay, perhaps the real question is not, "Is it ethical to downsize?" but "How can companies downsize ethically?"相關(guān)裁員的道德問題肯定會持續(xù)出現(xiàn)。有責(zé)任心的公司解雇員工嗎?關(guān)閉工廠合乎道德準(zhǔn)則嗎?雇主必須給予員工終生工作保障嗎? 公司因規(guī)模減小而不能實現(xiàn)目標(biāo)(俗稱企業(yè)厭食癥)會引起什么道德 問題?例如,醫(yī)院減掉很多崗位而不能提供必要的醫(yī)療水準(zhǔn)會對病人 造成什么影響?正如絕大部分專家所認(rèn)同,如果裁員行動繼續(xù)下去,或許真正的問題不在“裁員是否道德”而是“公司怎樣做


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