英語必修二 Unit 5 Music-Reading_第1頁
英語必修二 Unit 5 Music-Reading_第2頁
英語必修二 Unit 5 Music-Reading_第3頁
英語必修二 Unit 5 Music-Reading_第4頁
英語必修二 Unit 5 Music-Reading_第5頁
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1、Warming up Listen and see if you can guess which music matches which picture.12743856The BeatlesDo you know the Monkees?The Monkees the most popular band in the USA from 1966 to 1968!A big hit! but only one person was accepted.B. but reunited in the mid-1980s.C. form a band because they like to writ

2、e and play music.D. to celebrate their time as a band.E. was a big hit.Join the correct parts of the sentences together.Comprehending: First reading They produced a new record in 19962. Most musicians get together and3. They put an advertisement in the newspaper looking for four rock musicians,(D)(A

3、)(C)4. The first TV show5. However, the band broke up about 1970,(B)(E) Main idea of each paragraphPara 1: Para 2:Many people want to be famous as singers or musicians.How most bands start.Para 3: Para 4:The Monkees started in a different way.How the Monkees became popular and how they developed as

4、a real band.1. A famous singer or musician usually belongs to a band.2. If you sing karaoke, it will be easier for you to be rich and famous.3. Many musicians form a band because of their common interest in music.FFT4. Playing music to passers-by in the street is the first step to fame.5. When perfo

5、rmers make records and sell millions of copies, they are successful.FT1. roll Were just going to roll our sleeves _ and get on with it. A. over B. up C. down D. out 翻身翻身, 打滾打滾 卷起卷起 滾下來滾下來 鋪開鋪開, 離開離開, 大聲朗讀大聲朗讀2. folk n. 人們?nèi)藗?復(fù)數(shù)形式可加復(fù)數(shù)形式可加s, 也可不加也可不加, 表表示家里人示家里人, 父母父母(常加常加s) 他們是天底下最好的人。他們是天底下最好的人。 They

6、 are the best folks on the earth. How are all your folks? 你家里人好嗎?你家里人好嗎? folk music folk tale folk song folk dance folk singer6. everyone is clapping and appreciating your music? v. 鼓掌鼓掌 She clapped her hands in delight. 她高興地拍起手來。她高興地拍起手來。 n. 掌聲掌聲 Lets give her a big clap. 咱們給她用力鼓掌。咱們給她用力鼓掌。7. prete

7、nd vt.佯裝佯裝;假裝假裝;+to-v+(that)He pretended that he was innocent.他假裝無辜。他假裝無辜。He pretended to be friendly with me.他假裝對我友善。他假裝對我友善。9. attach vt.1. 裝上裝上, 貼上貼上, 系上系上(+to) Hell attach the label to your luggage. 他會把標(biāo)簽系在你的行李上。他會把標(biāo)簽系在你的行李上。2. 使依附使依附;使附屬使附屬(+to) This hospital is attached to the medical college

8、nearby. 這個醫(yī)院附屬附近的那所醫(yī)學(xué)院。這個醫(yī)院附屬附近的那所醫(yī)學(xué)院。 3. 把把.歸于歸于(+to) How can you attach the blame for this accident to the taxi-driver? 你怎么能把這次事故的責(zé)任歸于你怎么能把這次事故的責(zé)任歸于出租車司機(jī)呢出租車司機(jī)呢?10. But just how do people form a band? 考點考點 form在句中作動詞,意為在句中作動詞,意為“組組成成”。此外,。此外,form還有還有“制作,養(yǎng)成,制作,養(yǎng)成,培養(yǎng)培養(yǎng)”之意;作名詞講時為之意;作名詞講時為“形狀,外形狀,外形,形

9、式,表格形,形式,表格”之意。常用結(jié)構(gòu):之意。常用結(jié)構(gòu):form the habit of 養(yǎng)成養(yǎng)成的習(xí)慣;的習(xí)慣;in the form of 以以形式。形式??祭祭? China has promised to revise its existing regulations and _ new policies according to WTO requirements. (2006上海春上海春) A. forming B. to formC. to be forming D. have formed 點撥點撥 to form 與與to revise 并列,表示并列,表示“根據(jù)根據(jù)WTO

10、的要求形成新的政策的要求形成新的政策” ??祭祭? Reading is an experience quite different from watching TV; there are pictures _ in your mind instead of before your eyes. (2004全國卷全國卷III)A. to form B. form C. forming D. having formed點撥點撥 考查考查form 的非謂語形式。句意為:的非謂語形式。句意為:閱讀是一種不同于看電視的行為,閱讀時閱讀是一種不同于看電視的行為,閱讀時圖像在大腦中形成而不是在眼前形成。動

11、圖像在大腦中形成而不是在眼前形成。動詞詞-ing形式作后置定語相當(dāng)于一個定語從形式作后置定語相當(dāng)于一個定語從句,表示主動,所以選項句,表示主動,所以選項C正確。正確。11. passers-by 合成詞構(gòu)成復(fù)數(shù)是一般合成詞構(gòu)成復(fù)數(shù)是一般在前面加復(fù)數(shù)在前面加復(fù)數(shù): lookers-on 旁觀者旁觀者 sons-in-law 女婿女婿 但是由但是由man或或woman構(gòu)成的合成構(gòu)成的合成詞詞, 復(fù)數(shù)前后的詞都要加復(fù)數(shù)。復(fù)數(shù)前后的詞都要加復(fù)數(shù)。 men-doctors women-servants13. earn vt. 賺得賺得, 使得到使得到 他每個月都賺錢不多。結(jié)果他每個月都賺錢不多。結(jié)果,

12、他不得他不得不過簡樸的生活。不過簡樸的生活。 He earns a little money every month. As a result, he has to live a simple life. His braveness earned him the reputation. 他的英勇使他獲得榮譽。他的英勇使他獲得榮譽。 earn ones living = make a living 謀生謀生 14. extra adj. 額外的額外的, 特別的特別的 I have extra work to do on Sunday. I want clothes of extra qualit

13、y. adv. 額外地額外地, 特別地特別地 我今天早上起的特別早。我今天早上起的特別早。 I got up extra early this morning.15. instrument n. C1. 儀器儀器; 器具器具, 器械器械The dentist picked up several instruments.那牙科醫(yī)生把幾把器械收拾好。那牙科醫(yī)生把幾把器械收拾好。2. 樂器樂器3. 手段手段, 工具工具; 促成某事的東西促成某事的東西Language is an instrument for communication.語言是交際的手段。語言是交際的手段。16. performanc

14、e n.演出演出;演奏演奏;表演表演CThe evening performance begins at 8 oclock.晚上的演出八點開始。晚上的演出八點開始。17. pay in cash 給現(xiàn)金給現(xiàn)金;現(xiàn)金支付現(xiàn)金支付 Can I pay you in cash for my meal?我可以用現(xiàn)金付飯錢嗎?我可以用現(xiàn)金付飯錢嗎?How are you going to pay, in cash or by credit card?您是用現(xiàn)金還是用信用卡支付?您是用現(xiàn)金還是用信用卡支付?18. studio n.畫室畫室, 照相室照相室, 工作室工作室, (無線無線電或電視節(jié)目的電或電

15、視節(jié)目的)演播室演播室, (制作電影的制作電影的)攝影棚攝影棚, (電影公司的電影公司的)攝影場攝影場TV studio 電視中心電視中心A film studio. 攝影棚攝影棚architecture of studio 電影制片廠建筑電影制片廠建筑Beijing Film Studio 北京電影制片廠北京電影制片廠Changchun Film Studio長春電影制片廠長春電影制片廠20. play jokes/a joke on 開玩笑開玩笑, 戲弄戲弄某人某人 沒人喜歡被別人戲弄。沒人喜歡被別人戲弄。 No one like to be played jokes on by othe

16、rs. make fun of laugh at play tricks/ a trick on21. loosely adv. 松散地;不緊密地松散地;不緊密地 e.g. 我們應(yīng)該把這些泥土包扎得既不我們應(yīng)該把這些泥土包扎得既不 太松也不太緊。太松也不太緊。 We should pack the earth neither too loosely nor too firmly.loose 1)adj. 松;散(與松;散(與“緊緊”相對),相對), 處于自由狀態(tài)(未被關(guān)住或處于自由狀態(tài)(未被關(guān)住或 栓?。┧ㄗ。?e.g. 那小孩的皮帶很松。那小孩的皮帶很松。 The childs belt i

17、s very loose. 2)vt. 放松;松開;解開放松;松開;解開e.g. 是誰把那只貓從籠子里放出來是誰把那只貓從籠子里放出來 的?的? Who was it that loosed the cat from a cage?24. They put an advertisement in a newspaper looking for rock musicians, but they could only find one that was good enough. 現(xiàn)在分詞做定語修飾前面的名詞現(xiàn)在分詞做定語修飾前面的名詞26. rely on v. 依賴依賴, 依靠依靠You can

18、t rely on the weather. 這天氣可靠不住。這天氣可靠不住。 信任信任: You may rely on me to help you. 你可以信賴我你可以信賴我, 我會幫助你的。我會幫助你的。 幽默的幽默的, 詼諧的詼諧的; 滑稽的滑稽的,可笑的可笑的They were imaginative, quick, and humorous.他們富有想像力他們富有想像力, 反應(yīng)快且富于幽默感。反應(yīng)快且富于幽默感。28. humorous adj.29. get familiar with vi. 變得對變得對.熟悉熟悉 Do not get too familiar with t

19、he hotel staff.別跟旅店的職員混得太熟。別跟旅店的職員混得太熟。32. after a year or so大約一年后大約一年后 1) or so “大約;大約;左右左右” ,通,通 常位于數(shù)量詞之后。常位于數(shù)量詞之后。 2) about, some, round 均為均為“大大 約約”之意,但它們放在數(shù)詞之前。之意,但它們放在數(shù)詞之前。e.g. a. We will complete the bridge in two weeks or so. b. There are some /about /round fifty students in our class. or so

20、= about 大約大約大約有三個鯨的物種危險中。大約有三個鯨的物種危險中。 Three whales species or so are in danger.About three whales species are in danger. 考例考例 My parents will move back into town in a year or _. (2005 全國卷全國卷)A. later B. after C. so D. about點撥點撥 or so意為意為“大約、左右大約、左右”,通常,通常放在被修飾部分之后。放在被修飾部分之后。32. break up 破裂破裂, 拆散拆散,

21、 打碎打碎 他們的友誼已經(jīng)破裂了。他們的友誼已經(jīng)破裂了。 Their friendship has been broken up. 驅(qū)散驅(qū)散 The police breaks up the crowd by violence. 停止停止, 結(jié)束結(jié)束 放學(xué)了。放學(xué)了。 The class has broken up. The thief broke in/into the palace last night. 闖進(jìn)闖進(jìn) The electricity was broken off by the flood. 中斷中斷, 停止停止, 斷開斷開The car breaks down suddenl

22、y. 壞掉壞掉, 發(fā)生故發(fā)生故障障The war broke out in 1943. 爆發(fā)爆發(fā)I. 用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. People who become _ (music) often learn how to play an instrument at an early age.2. The children were attracted by the wonderful _ (perform).3. There arent that many _ (humor) pictures right now, but I plan to add more

23、soon. 4. Parents were _ (reunite) with their lost children with the help of the police.musiciansperformance humorous reunited5. Bright colors are _ (attract) to children.6. Police asked _ (passer-by) if they had seen the accident happen. II. 用適當(dāng)?shù)慕樵~填空。用適當(dāng)?shù)慕樵~填空。1. Both his parents attached great impor

24、tance _ his education, which put him under too much pressure.2. It is very stupid to play _ a cow which is eating grass.passers-byattractivetoto3. Jenny always likes to pay _ cash when she goes shopping. 4. _ music added during broadcast, the program is popular with young students.5. They took many

25、pictures, _ which they celebrated their reunion after 25 years.6. It was _ the mid-1980s that they began to know the importance of business with foreign countries.inWithwithin7. He will hold a concert _ which he will sing for his dearest fans.III. 每空填一詞,使該句與所給句子的每空填一詞,使該句與所給句子的意思相同或相近。意思相同或相近。1. We

26、stayed for about three hours. We stayed for three hours _ _.2. The song is familiar to us. We _ _ _ the song.ator soare familiar with3. In order to catch the train, I left at 6:00. I left at 6:00 _ _ I could catch the train.IV. 根據(jù)括號內(nèi)所給的提示將下列句子根據(jù)括號內(nèi)所給的提示將下列句子翻譯成英語。翻譯成英語。 1. 這是我夢想中的房子。我們什么時候這是我夢想中的房子。

27、我們什么時候能搬來?能搬來?(dream of)so thatThis is the house I dream of. When can we move in?2. 有時候你只需要相信自己的判斷。有時候你只需要相信自己的判斷。(judgment) (rely on)3. 說實話,我對他說的不感興趣。說實話,我對他說的不感興趣。(to be honest)Sometimes you just need to rely on your own judgment.To be honest, I am not interested in what he said.4. 他們決定中止合作關(guān)系。他們決定

28、中止合作關(guān)系。(break up)5. 我們不會走錯路的我們不會走錯路的, 因為我對這兒的因為我對這兒的 街道非常熟悉。街道非常熟悉。(be familiar with)They decided to break up the partnership.We wont go wrong, because Im quite familiar with the streets here.He likes playing jokes on others, but dislikes being played jokes on.6. 他喜歡開別人的玩笑,但是不喜歡他喜歡開別人的玩笑,但是不喜歡別人開他的玩

29、笑。別人開他的玩笑。(play jokes on)Hello, everyone. My name is Freddy.When Freddy was young, he was a little tadpole. As time went by quickly, he soon became a frog.One day, Freddy sat on the water lily leaf and slid his long, thin legs into the water. Suddenly, he heard some music across the lake .Then what

30、would happen?Listen to the tape for the first time and answer the following question.What did Freddy find when he swam slowly towards the sound?He found three confident frogs sitting still on the leaf and playing the instruments.Listen to the tape for the second time and do the true or false exercis

31、e. Freddy had changed form a man to a frog. He felt lonely in his lake till he met his friends on the lily leaf. The singers of the band could sing very loudly. Freddy thought he could sing as well as the other singing frogs. Freddy was very confident about his singing. He sang the song to ask the o

32、ther frogs to be his friends.FTTFFreddy in the story remains a frog.He wanted to join in and make friends with the other frogs.Freddy was shy about his singing and asks them politely if he can join in.He joined in because he wanted the other frogs to be his friends.FFFreddy the frogFreddy the frog d

33、ipped his long, thin legs into the water. Within a few short weeks he had changed from a small tadpole into the beautiful animal he was now. He smiled to himself. Then suddenly he heard a fine, deep sound that carried far into the darkness of the quiet night. Freddy looked up. “Other frogs! I must t

34、ry and find them,” he thought. “Its so hard being a grown-up frog on my own.”scriptHe began to swim slowly towards the sound. Suddenly he knocked into a large lily pad. On it sat three confident frogs and they were playing instruments. Freddy climbed onto the leaf. “Can I sing with you?” he asked qu

35、ietly. “Of course,” they said. He opened his mouth wide and began:Help! I need somebody,Help! Not just anybody.Help! You know I need someone. Help!When I was young and so much younger than today,I never needed anybodys help in any way.But now these days are gone,Im not so self-assured.Now I find Ive

36、 changed my mind,Ive opened up the doors.(chorus)Help me if you can, Im feeling down.And I do appreciate you being around.Help me get my feet back on the ground. Wont you please, please help me!We formed a band and soon we became famous and went to Britain to give performances.Then what would happen

37、 in Britain? We would succeed or fail?Did Freddy and his band get a great success in Britain?Yes, they got a great success and became very popular in Britain.Read the text in detail and answer the following questions. What was Freddys most exciting experience in London? What happened when the progra

38、mme was over? What problem was caused after they became stars? Did Freddy and his band leave Britain at last?afterwards = afterward adv. 后來,以后,然后后來,以后,然后Lets go to the theatre first and eat afterwards.She was very well before lunch, but felt sick_. A. afterwards B. forwards C. downwards D. upwardsba

39、ckwards 向后地向后地eastwards向東地向東地backwards and forwards來回地來回地 sensitiveearnsortactorbriefAnswer key to exercise 1 on page 70 In England it is fun to go to the local _ for lunch on Sunday and for a walk afterwards. Freddys _ changed when he grew from a tadpole into a frog. Watson liked to pretend he was

40、spy when he wore a hat, a _ and sunglasses. George enjoys playing jokes on me but I find them _ . Kate broadcast her new CD on the radio; in_, she gave performances on TV.pubformbeardpainfuladditionOne day Freddy the frog was given an _ to hear another famous frog, Jeremy Green, _ his songs. Freddy

41、felt very excited as he was Jeremys friend and was _ his performances. He decided to pretend to be a devoted fan and _ on him. He put on a _ , a hat and sunglasses. He felt quite _ that Jeremy would not recognize him. After the _ Freddy went to the bank of the lake and waited for Jeremy. As the sing

42、er was near, Freddy waved, _ his legs in the water, slipped on a lily leaf and disappeared. invitationperformfamiliar withplay a jokebeardconfidentperformancedippedAnswer key to exercise 2 on page 70Jeremy looked horrified and then throwing off his clothes he jumped into the water at once. They both

43、 reappeared with Jeremy holding Freddy in his arms. _ when they were back on dry land Freddy apologized. “It was not a good joke,” he said. “Thank you Jeremy. I hit a rock in the water and it was so_. I might not still be alive if it were not for you!”Afterwardspainful I remember the day when our ba

44、nd was formed as if it was yesterday. The guitar with which Dave composed our first hit is in a music museum. The name by which we were to become famous was chosen by Mikes mum. The show at which we played our first hits was in America. The singer with whom we practised the most was Freddy. The musicians in whom we have great interest toured Europe with us.Answer keys to exercise 2 on page 37There have been many popular in the world, _the most famous was the Beatles. The four young men_ made up the band only performed and recorde


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