



1、四級備考實用:73組最易錯的英語單詞1) quite相當quiet安靜地2) affect v影響,假裝 effect n結(jié)果,影響3) adapt適應 adopt采用 adept內(nèi)行- -Adapt sth. (for sth.)The machine has been specially adapted for use underwater.These styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes.- -adapt oneself to sth.Our eyes slowly adapted to the dark.She adapted

2、herself quickly to the new climate.- -adopt a name/ a custom/ an idea/ a style of dress4) angel天使angle角度5) dairy牛奶廠diary日記6) contend 奮斗,斗爭content內(nèi)容,滿足的 context上下文 contest競爭,比賽-contend with/against sth/sb. Contend for sth.Several teams are contending for the prize.She has had a lot of problems to con

3、tend with.Contender競爭者7) principal校長,主要的 principle 原則8) implicit含蓄的 explicit明白的Obligations are implicit in the contract.He gave me explicit directions on how to get there.They gave explicit reasons for leaving.9) dessert 甜食 desert 沙漠 v 放棄 dissert 寫論文(dissertation)10) pat輕拍tap輕快的敲擊聲 slap掌擊rap敲,打(same

4、 with tap)Pat a dogShe gave the lid a few gentle taps to loosen it.11) decent 體面,得體的 Never tell stories that are not decent.Earn a decent wageThat was a decent lunch.She descended the stairs.A person of French descent 祖籍法國12) sweet 甜白s sweat 汗水13) later 后來 latter 后者 latest 最近的 lately adv 最近14) costu

5、me 服裝 custom 習慣People wear historical costume for the parade.Skiing costume15) extensive 廣泛的 intensive 深刻的16) aural 耳白o oral 口頭的17) abroad國外aboard上(船/飛機,火車,汽車)We went/climbed aboard.Welcome aboard!He was already aboard the ship.18) altar 祭壇 alter 改變19) assent 同意 ascent 上升 accent 口音Give one's ass

6、ent to the proposal.I can never assent to such a request.Who was the first man to make an ascent in a balloon誰是第個乘氣球升空的人20) champion 冠軍 champagne 香檳酒 campaign 戰(zhàn)役21) baron 男爵barren 不毛之地的 barn 古倉22) beam 梁,光束 bean 豆 been have 過去式23) precede 領先 proceed 進行,繼續(xù)The mayor entered, preceded by members of the

7、 council.This point has been dealt with in the preceding paragraph.24) pray 祈禱 prey 獵物25) chicken 雞 kitchen 廚房26) monkey 猴子 donkey 驢27) chore 家務活 chord 和弦 cord 細繩28) cite 引用 site 場所 sight 視覺He cited one sentence from Li Bai s poem.29) clash (金屬)幢擊聲crash 碰幢,墜落crush 壓壞The crash of dishes being dropped

8、The tree fell with a great crash.His words were drowned in a crash of thunder.30) compliment 贊美 complement 附加物One likes to hear compliments on one s appearance.The frogs are an excellent compliment to the picture.31) confirm 確認 conform 使順從The rumours of an attack were later confirmed.The announcemen

9、t confirmed my doubt.The building does not conform to safety regulations.32) contact 接觸 contract 合同 contrast 對照33) council 議會 counsel 忠告 consul 領事34) crow 烏鴉 crown 王冠 clown 小丑 cow 牛35) dose 一劑藥 doze打盹36) drawn draw 過去分詞 drown 溺水37) emigrant移民到國外 immigrant 從某國來的移民38) excess n 超過 exceed v 超過 excel 擅長E

10、xcel in/ at sth.She excels in foreign languages.Excel oneself勝過過去His meals are always very good, but this time he 's excelled himself.39) hotel旅店hostel青年旅社40) latitude 緯度 altitude 高度 gratitude 感激41) immoral不道德的immortal不朽的42) lone孤獨的 alone單獨的lonely寂寞的43) mortal會死的 metal金屬 mental神經(jīng)的 medal勛章 model模

11、特meddle 干預,管 閑事You are always meddling.Don't meddle in my affairs.Who's been meddling with my papers 誰翻舌L了我的文件44) scare 驚嚇 scarce 缺乏的 scarityIt was wartime and food was scarce.The book is scarce.The scarcity of food forced prices up.45) drought天旱 draught通風,拖 拉draughts (英)國際跳棋areas of Africa

12、effected by dought.Can you close the door There's an awful draught in here.As the train began to move a pleasant draught cooled us all down.47) assure 保證 ensure 使確定 insure 保險48) except 除夕卜 expect 期望 accept 接受 excerpt 選錄 exempt 免除 excerpts from the novel.I've seen a short excerpt from the fil

13、m on the television.exempt from working overtime/military service49) floor 地板 flour 面粉50) incident 事件 accident 意外51) inspiration 靈感 aspiration 渴望aspiration for/after sth. Aspiration to do sth.She was filled with the aspiration to succeed.He has serious aspirations for a career in politics.52) march三

14、月,前進 match比賽53) patent專利 potent有力的 potential潛在的A potent cure, medicine.Potent weaponsPotent arguments54) police 警察 policy 政策 politics 政治55) protest 抗議 protect 保護She protested strongly at being called snob.A demonstration was planned to protest the mistreatment of prisoners.56) require 需inquire 詢問 ac

15、quire 獲得57) revenge 報仇 avenge 為.報仇58) story 故事 storey 樓層 store 商店59) strike 打 stick 堅持 strict 嚴格的60) expand 擴張 expend 花費 extend 延長61) commerce 商業(yè) commence 開始Shall we commence (the ceremony)62) through 通過 thorough 徹底的(al)though 盡管 thought think 過去分詞63) purpose 目的 suppose 彳所設 propose 建議64) expect 期望 respect 尊敬 aspect 方面 inspect 視察 suspect 懷疑65) glide滑翔slide使滑行slip跌落66) steal 偷 steel 鋼67) strive 努力stride 大步走Strive for/after sth.Strive for successStrive to improve one 's performanceStrive agaist/with sb/sthStrive against oppression, the enemy68) allusion 典故,暗示 illusion 幻覺 delusion 錯覺 elusio


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