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1、內(nèi)蒙古開(kāi)魯縣蒙古族中學(xué) 2018-2019 學(xué)年高二英語(yǔ)上學(xué)期期中測(cè)試試題七完形填空(一)My n ames Jim Shelley and rm an addict(有癮的人).With these words I beganto_1_the problem,the problem of my teleph one addict ion.lused to callpeople_2 ,from the moment Iwoke up to the time I went to sleep,I_3_to be phoned, I wan ted to phone,Just one morecal

2、l. It started socially -a few calls each day.Itseemed_4_,just a quick chat Gradually though,the_5_got worse.Soon itwas_6_use,until,finally,addiction.And it began to affect my_7_.During the dayI would disappear for_ 8_call .If I could nt make a call,I spe nt the whole timewait ing for the pho ne to r

3、in g.Gett ing more and more_9_ ,in the en d,I would ringsome on e,the n some one lelse,_10 myself justone more call. I was phoning peopleand_11_messages to make sure_12_calls would see me through the day.I used toarrive at friendshomesand before the door was closed,go straight for the phone withthe_

4、13_Is it OKif I just use the phone.?At work,I became_14_when my fellowworkers tried to_15_me from using the phon e.A nd one day I hit mu boss(with thephone).finallythe police caught me_ 16_a phone box that had take my last one poundcoin,and I was_17_ to see a psychiatrist(心理醫(yī)生)。I havent_18_a phone i

5、nthe house for three weeks no w,a nd its several days_19_I used a phone box .I trynot to watch TV because there are_20_ people on it mading pho ne calls.My n ame isJim Shelley and I am an addict.1.A.face B.fi nd C.accept D.no tice3.A.tried B.asked C.waitedD.i nvited2.A. now and thenB.all the timeC.a

6、 t home D.at work4.A.politeB.i nportantC.fi ne D.special5.A.c on ditionB.situati onC.result D.effect6.A.freque ntB.regularC.unu sualD.particular7.A.f riends B.studyC.family D.work8.A.a quickB.a secretC.a n expectedD.a n extra9.A.hopefulB.delightedC.frighte nedD.anxious-2 -10.A.forci ngB.telli ngC.gi

7、vi ngD.limit ing11.A.leavingB.tak ingC.pass ingD.record ing12.A.lo ngB.immediateC.enoughD.surpris ing13.A.sayi ngB.dema ndsC.withD.words14.A. carefulB.madC.determ inedD.helpless15.A. saveB.reduceC.protectD.stop16.A.destroyi ngB.usi ngC.steali ngD.emptying17.A.offeredB.guidedC.orderedD.remi nded18.A.

8、missedB.hadC.receivedD.fixed19.A.asB.whe nC.ifD.si nee2O.A.always B.just C.moreD.differe nt(二)Ebron James isnt the first high school basketball player to go straight intothe NBA, but hes probably the best. he has the body, skills and the basketball brain of an all-star (全明星球員).this_ 1_was on_ 2_ as

9、he scored 41 pointsto take Cleveland Cavaliers (克里夫蘭騎士隊(duì))to a 107-104 win over the new jerseynets (新澤西網(wǎng)隊(duì))on march 28. Aged of 19 years and 87 days, James became the_ 3_ player to score 40 or more in the NBA it was by far James best_4_, said Clevela nd coachPaul Silas.known to his friends_ 5_ the kin

10、g, this was the day James earned his crow n(王冠).but he was_ 6_from being a king during a childhood spent in the back streetsof Akron, Ohio. _7_many other African-American basketball players, James earlyyears were a_ 8_ . his mother Gloria was just 16 whe n she gave birth to him;he knows nothing abou

11、t his father. Mother and son battled for everyth ing from foodto a place to live._ 9_help from his gran dmother and n eighbors, James would_ 10_have died whe n he was young. this spirit of survival has served him wellon court, forcing him to take any_11_ he fin ds. I_ 12_ los in g, I dontlike los in

12、 g, said James of his 41-po int display. I_13_ the opport un ity forus to win and I was_ 14_to capture it. at 2.03 meters, he is no Yao Mi ng butthis did nt_15_ him bei ng first choice in 2003 NBA draft. This was_16_to his strengthand skill, much of which he learned from high school American footbal

13、l.-3 -Although he has a _ 17_brain, James has never had to concentrate on _18_ .Somepeople think this is a mistake and say he should have gone to college to _19_his mind, but James is one of the lucky few who has found fame and fortune_ 20_a diploma (文憑).On the court, he is king.1. a. performa nee b

14、. activity c. actio nd. tale nt2. a. sale b. exhibiti on c. show d. duty3. a. oldest b. stron gestc. tallest d. youn gest4. a. performa nee b. less on c. actiond. appeara nee5. a. for b. as c. by d. with6. a. well b. far c. deep d. late7. a. as b. like c. likely d. alike8. a. fight b. struggle c. ba

15、ttle d. war9. a. except for b. except c. besides d. without10. a. certa inly b. impossible c. hardly d. probably11. a. goal b. game c. matchd. cha nee12. a. hate b. refuse c. object d. reject13. a. graspedb. seizedc. caughtd. held14. a. afraidb. uni uckyc. abled. certa in15. a. keepb. forbidc. prote

16、ctd. stop16. a. accord ingb. referri ngc. tha nksd. sticking17. a. fastb. quickc. highd. top18. a. study ingb. resti ngc. sleep ingd. eati ng19. a. adva neeb. marche. in creased. develop20. a. apart fromb. butc. exceptd.without(三)Surfing: Its Not Just for Boys AnymoreIf you asked high school girls t

17、o n ame their favorite sports, most would probably say basketball orvolleyball. I happe n to be one of the few girls who would _1_:surfing (沖浪運(yùn)動(dòng)).But isn t that a boy thing? So me people _2_. Most certainly not.-4 -I started surfi ng about five years ago and_3_in love with the sport on the very firs

18、t day. Riding that first_4_ was the best feeling I had ever experieneed.When I try to _5_ surfi ng with other thin gs, I find it very difficult because, inmy _6_, theres nothing like it. It involves (牽涉至U) body, _7_, and soul.Theres sand between my toes and cool, salt water all _8_ us. The feeling I

19、 getwhen Im surfing across that _9_, becoming one with the_10_, is like Imweightess. The one thing I can _11_ from surfing and not any other sport is endless challenge(挑戰(zhàn)).You can never be the“best suffer”because the ocean _12_ an uncoun table variety of wavesthat n obody can ever master. The variat

20、i ons of surfi ngstyles are wonderful. Somesuffers are free and flowing;others are very aggressive(活躍有力的)and _13_. All of these things attract me to surfing and make it _14_ from any other sport.Ive _15_ to tell every girl I know to do something that people dont think girls can do. Its part ofbeing

21、human to advanee to new _16_, so shouldn t it be expected that girls should step up and start_17_ the limits of things boys and men used to domi nate(主宰)?Therere wome n _18_ side by side with the Preside nt of our coun try, so why not girls a cha nee to_20_, and they will.1. A. tell B. an swer C. gi

22、ve D. realize2. A. won der B. un dersta nd C. reply D. believe3. A. stayed B. came C. dropped D. fell4. A. wave B. storm C. sail D. boat5. A. bring B. connect C. compare D. tie6. A. work B. study C. holiday D. lifeside by side with the boys _19_ the footballteam or out in the water surfing?Give-5 -7

23、. A. mind B. effort C. health D. time8. A. along B. above C. around D. by9. A. beach B. water C. board D. lake10. A. sky B. world C. earth D. ocean11. A. take B. get C. make D. keep12. A. catches B. i ncludes C. offers D. collects13. A. sharp B. great C. hard D. calm14. A. known B. right C. far D. d

24、ifferent15. A. chose n B. tried C. lear ned D. promised16. A. levels B. points C. steps D. parts17. A. reach ing B. accepti ng C. push ing D. sett ing18. A. sitting B. walking C. fighting D. working19. A. of B. from C. on D. with20. A. thi nk B. succeed C. perform D. feel(四)Everywinter, we children

25、would build a snowman in our backyard. One 21_pack ing a small sno wball, and the n rolled it in the fresh snow. Like 22 up a_balloon(氣球),the ball grew larger. We would 23 to see who could make theirs thelargest, although an occasi onal sno wball 24 would break out and it would attractour atte nti o

26、n from the competiti on(比賽).The 25 snowball from the winner was used as our base(底座).After thiscompetiti on, it was 26 teamwork. My twin brother Evan and I would put the sec ond largest on the base. Itwas a perfect body. My older brother Stephe n would pack snow27 the spaces, while my sister got wat

27、er to harden the newly packed snow. The process was repeatedusing ano ther 28 for the head.Two bran ches were the n put into the 29 for arms. Sto nes formed a smile, arow of butt ons, and a pair of eyes. A carrot(胡蘿卜)was used for the 30 . Fin ally, we poured a bucketof water over our snowma n, giv i

28、ng him a(n) 31 coat ing that-6 -shone in the light. A scarf (圍巾)and a pair of gloves(手套)would be put on for ourcold friend. We would sta nd back and 32 our efforts.-7 -Thissnowmanmaking process(過(guò)程)was atraditionthroughout my 33 wi nter, however, thesnowman-making 34 . We were growing up, and growing

29、 apart. And I hated it.So last year, I wandered (徘徊)out into the snow 35 . I built the base,and made a body and a head. I put in the 36 , the stones, and the carrot. I poured a bucket of water overmy creati on. I gladly gave my gloves to it. It took much a Ion ger time alone tha n it 37 as a team.By

30、 making that snowman on my own, I have voiced my worries about the growing38 between us. The 39_ is coming near again. Perhaps youll finda snowman inour backyard this year. Hopefully, it will have bee n made by more 40 tha n one. _21. A. startedB.didC. we ntD. set22. A. maki ngB. blowi ngC. takingD.

31、 looki ng23. A. wentB. stopC. competeD. hide24. A. struggleB. jokeC. danceD. fight二25. A. smallestB. largestC. oldestD.youngest 7426. A. littleB.allC. partlyD. hardly27. A. un derB.overC. betwee nD. among28. A. sno wma nB.baseC. bodyD. sno wball29. A. frontB.sidesC. backD. head30. A. noseB.mouthC. t

32、on gueD. breast31. A. muddyB. wateryC. snowyD. icy32. A. watchB.admireC. no ticeD. hear33. A. brotherhoodB.neighborhoodC. childhoodD.adulthood34. A. stoppedB. changedC. con ti nuedD. retired35. A. worriedlyB. lo nelyC. happilyD. alone36. A. bran chesB.butt onsC. eyesD. nose37. A. didB.lastedC. worke

33、dD. happened38. A. tired nessB.dista neeC. troubleD. courseOne-8 -(五)I was driving back home 41 Inoticed a hitchhiker(搭便車的人) who washaving no luck getting a ride. I rolled down my window and signed to the man to my car. I asked him wherehe was42 and he told me he n eeded a43 to hisdoctors office whi

34、ch would close in 15 minutes. I told him to44 and hegratefully did so.45 he got in he told me that he was a46 and went out to sea for weeksat a time. He took medicine for his nerves and 47 to get another prescription(處方)before he left on the boat. He said that he had prayed (祈禱)48 would stopfor him

35、so he could be there before the 49_ office closed. Withsome 50drivi ng we man aged to make it there in about 1051 . I the n askedhim how he 52 on getting back home and he sa id he could walk.“Ill patiently_3foryou and bring you back,”I told him. He54 meand said he should only be about 15 minu tes.Afterwards he got back in my 55 and tried his hardest to pay meback: offering me dinner, gas money,even offering to ship me 40 pounds of scallops (海扇貝).I 56 refused, gave him a smile card and aske


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