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1、專(zhuān)業(yè)英語(yǔ)四級(jí)真題2008年( 總分: 137.98 ,做題時(shí)間: 90 分鐘 )一、BPARTIDICTATION/B(總題數(shù): 1,分?jǐn)?shù):15.00)1.Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times.Duringthe first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand themeaning. For the second and third readings

2、, the passage will be read sentence bysentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will bedone at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You willthen be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more. Please write the wholepassage o

3、n ANSWER SHEET ONE. (分?jǐn)?shù): 15.00 )正確答案: ()解析: 聽(tīng)力原文 BChoosing a Career/B When students graduate from college,many of them do not know how they want to spend their working lives, and theysometimes move from job to job until they find something that suits them and of equalimportance to which they are sui

4、ted. Others never find a job in which they are reallyhappy. They remain all their lives square pegs in round holes. Whenwe choose ourcareers, we need to ask ourselves two questions. First, what do we think we would liketo be? Second, what kind of people are we? The idea, for example, of being a pain

5、ter ora musician may seem very attractive, but unless we have great talent and are willing towork very hard, we are certain to fail in these occupations, and failure will lead tounhappiness in life. So it is important to assess our suitability for a certain career in jobsearch.二、BPARTIILISTE NING CO

6、MPREHENSION/B總題數(shù):3,分?jǐn)?shù):10.00)In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully andthen answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each questionon your answer sheet.BSECTION A CONVERSATIONS/BIn this section, you will hear several conversations. Listen to the

7、 conversationscarefully and then answer the questions that follow.Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. Atthe end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds toanswer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation.In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. L

8、isten carefully andthen answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each questionon your answer sheet.BSECTION A CONVERSATIONS/BIn this section, you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversationscarefully and then answer the questions that follow.Questions 1 to 3 are b

9、ased on the following conversation. Atthe end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds toanswer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation.(分?jǐn)?shù): 3.00 )(1).When is Anne available for the meeting?(分?jǐn)?shù): 1.00 )A.The third week of May.VB. The third week of June.C. The eleventh of June.D. The e

10、leventh of May. 解析: 聽(tīng)力原文 1-3 M: Is that Anne Shaw? W: Yes,speaking? M: Hello, it is Eric from London. W: Hello, Eric. How can I help you? M: Imfixing up on next project team meeting, and I just want to check some possible dateswith you. W: Fine, let me just get my diary. OK, which dates are you look

11、ing at? M: Ivespoken to the others, and they prefer either the third week of May or the second week ofJune. W: Yeah, both of the weeks are pretty clear at the moment except for the llth ofJune. M: Right, Ive got that. W: So where is the meeting taking place this time? M: Itwas going to be in London.

12、 But I spoke to Carlos in Mexico City, and he suggestedChicago. He thinks it will be more convenient for most of the team. W: Hes probablyright. Itll certainly be much easier for meas well. Because I can fly from Toronto, and Imsure you can find a meeting room somewhere near the airport. M: Thats a

13、good idea. Illcheck up some hotels in that area and get back to you towards the end of the week. W:Fine, but Im not in the office on Friday.M: OK, Ill call you later in the afternoon on Thursday. W: No problem, bye.(2).Their meeting will probably take place in _ . (分?jǐn)?shù): 1.00 )A. LondonB. TorontoC. Me

14、xico CityD. ChicagoV解析:(3).When is Eric calling back? (分?jǐn)?shù): 1.00 )A. Thursday afternoon.VB. Friday afternoon.C. Thursday morning.D. Fiday morning.解析:Questions 4 to 6 are based on the following conversation. Atthe end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds toanswer the questions. Now, liste

15、n to the conversation.Questions 4 to 6 are based on the following conversation. Atthe end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds toanswer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation.(分?jǐn)?shù): 3.00 )(1).According to the woman, advertisements _ .(分?jǐn)?shù): 1.00 )A. let us know the best productB. gi

16、ve us sufficient informationC. fail to convince peopleD. give misleading informationV解析: 聽(tīng)力原文 4-6 M: Weare having a debate on advertising Thursday evening, andI have to take part. W: Thats interesting. I should like to hear what people think aboutadvertising. M: Whats there to say? We must have adve

17、rtising, mustnt we? W: Why?M: Well, we wouldnt know what there was to buy if we didnt have advertisements. W:Yes, thats true. Up to a point, advertisements provide information that we need. Ifsomeone has produced a new article, naturally, the seller wants to tell us about it. M:Yes, and the advertis

18、ements tell us which product is the best. W:Do they? I dont think so. Every manufacturer says that his product is the best, or atleast tries to give the impres-sion. Only one can be the best, so the others aremisleading, arent they?M: Well, in a way, I suppose, but we dont have to believe them, do w

19、e? W: Are yousaying that advertisements arent effective? I dont think that intelligent businessmenwill spend millions of dollars on advertising if nobody believes the advertisements, doyou? M: Perhaps not, but after all, its their money that they are spending. W: Is it? Ithink not. The cost of adver

20、tising is added to the price of the article. You and I and all theother people who buy the article payfor the advertising. M: Well, I suppose we get something for our money, someinformation. W: Yes, but dont forget it is often misleading information, and sometimesharmful. M: Harmful? W: What about t

21、he advertisements designed to persuade youngpeople to smoke cigarettes? Wouldnt you say they are harmful? M: Youve given mealot to think about. Im quite looking forward to the debate now.(2).In the womans opinion, money spent on advertisements is paid _ . (分?jǐn)?shù):1.00 )A. by manufacturersB. by customers

22、VC. by advertisersD. by all of them解析:(3).Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?(分?jǐn)?shù): 1.00 )A. The woman seems to be negative about advertising.B. The woman appears to know more about advertising.C. The man is to be present at a debate on advertising.D. The man has a lot to talk about on adv

23、ertising.V解析:Questions 7 to 10 are based on the following conversation. Atthe end of the conversation, you will be given 20 seconds toanswer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation.Questions 7 to 10 are based on the following conversation. Atthe end of the conversation, you will be given 20 s

24、econds toanswer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation.(分?jǐn)?shù): 4.00 )(1).Mr. Brown brought with him only a few things because _ ._(分?jǐn)?shù): 1.00 )A. there wasnt enough space in the cupboardVB. the hospital would provide him with everythingC. he was to stay there for a very short timeD. visitors coul

25、d bring him other things解析: 聽(tīng)力原文 7-10 W: So Mr. Brown, this is your bed, and as you can see, there arethree other beds in the ward. Have you got everything you need? M: Yes, nurse, I thinkso. I followed thehospitals advice, and Ive only brought a few belongings with me. W: Good, you cansee the reaso

26、ns why we ask you to do that, the cupboard is really very small. M: Yes.Nurse, can you tell me what the visiting hours are? W: Yes, of course. They are in theafternoon from 2:30 to 4:30 and inthe evening from 7:00 to 8:00, but remember that only two people can see you at thesame time.M: I see. What

27、other rules are there? W: Yes. We start pretty early. We wake you at 6oclock,and breakfast is at 8 oclock, lunch is at noon, there is tea at 3:30, and supper is at 6oclock.M: Oh, thats very different from what I have been used to. Youd better tell me the restof the rules here. W: Yes. Well, you can

28、see the no smoking sign. We dont allowsmoking in the wards, and the same goes for alcohol. However, if you do need tosmoke, there are special lounges. M:Oh, I dont smoke, so it doesnt affect me. W: Good.(2).According to the hospital rules, at which of the following hours can visitors seepatients? (分

29、數(shù): 1.00 )A. 2:00 pm.B. 5:00 pm.C. 7:00 pm.VD. 6:00 pm. 解析:(3).Which of the followingstatements is INCORRECT?(分?jǐn)?shù): 1.00 )A. Patients have breakfast at 8.B. Patients have lunch at 12.C. There are special alcohol lounges.VD. There are special smoking lounges. 解析:(4).Which statement bestdescribes Mr. Bro

30、wn?(分?jǐn)?shù): 1.00 )A. He knows little about hospital rules.VB. He can keep alcohol in the ward.C. He knows when to smoke.D. He is used to hospital life. 解析:三、 BSECTION B PASSAGES/B( 總題數(shù): 3,分?jǐn)?shù): 10.00)In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefullyand then answer the quest

31、ions that follow.Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage. At theend of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer thequestions. Now, listen to the passage.In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefullyand then answer the questions that follow

32、.Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage. At theend of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer thequestions. Now, listen to the passage.(分?jǐn)?shù): 3.00 )(1).Meeting rooms of various sizes are needed for _ .(分?jǐn)?shù):1.00 )A. contacts with headquartersB. relaxation and enjoymentC. infor

33、mal talksD. different purposesV解析: 聽(tīng)力原文 11-13 In my opinion, the most important thing when choosing a hotelfor an international conference is the meeting room or rooms. For example, you mayneed a large room where everyone can be together for keynote speeches orpresentations, and smaller meeting room

34、s for informal group discussions. Then, ifpeople are coming from different countries, you need to find out about the rooms forthem to stay in. They should be spacious and comfortable, and have facilities for usingemail and iaptops, as people have to keep in touch with their offices or headquartersev

35、en when they are away. My next point is facilities for hotel guests, things like a bar, agood quality restaurant, preferably offering local food and fitness and sport centers.These are important, because delegates need to be able to relax after a long day ofmeetings and get to know each other in inf

36、ormal situations. Finally, for an internationalconference where delegates are coming from different countries, it can be very usefulto choose a hotel that has good transport connections with the nearest airport and allplaces of interest. This can save everybody a lot of time.(2).Which of the followi

37、ng is NOTmentioned in the passage as part of hotel facilitiesfor guests? (分?jǐn)?shù): 1.00 )A. Restaurants.B. Cinemas.VC. Swimming pools.D. Bars.解析:(3).A hotel for an international conference should have the following EXCEPT _ ._(分?jǐn)?shù):1.00 )A. convenient transport servicesB. competent office secretariesVC. go

38、od sports and restaurant facilitiesD. suitable and comfortable rooms 解析:Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following passage. At theend of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer thequestions. Now, listen to the passage.Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following passage. At theend of

39、 the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer thequestions. Now, listen to the passage.(分?jǐn)?shù): 4.00 )(1)_ .The museum aims mainly to display._ (分?jǐn)?shù): 1.00 )A. the areas technological developmentB. the nations important historical eventsC. the areas agricultural and industrial developmentVD. the na

40、tions agricultural and industrial development解析: 聽(tīng)力原文 14-17 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Its a great pleasure thatI welcome you to the new Museumof Industrial and Rural life. The museumprovides uswith a unique historical record of industrial and agricultural life in the area. Here, youfind a

41、wonderful collection of industrial and agricultural exhibits. Someof them dateback 200 years which reflectthe historyof our area over the last two centuries. Until recently, the area was mainly agricultural,and the world industries and traditions were all associated with agriculture. Themuseums coll

42、ections bring this heritage back to life, with the fascinating blend ofworking and static displays. From early times, good communications with the rest of thecountry have led to the industrial prosperity for the area. Oneexample of suchcommunications was the RomanRoad, Portsmouth Street which passed

43、 nearby. Later,canals came to bring new prosperity, and then the railways. Good transportsystemsencouraged local industries, especially those related to agriculture, and the museumhas collections of national significance from many of these. Local people, too, havechanged the history, and the museum

44、will introduce you to these and other localcelebrities. The displays with all items collected locally show what local life used to belike. Many displays of local items are in context and show, for example printers andcobblers workshops. Whatever you are interested, we hope the museum will havesometh

45、ing for you.(2)_.Thefollowing have been significant in the areas prosperity EXCEPT _ .(分?jǐn)?shù): 1.00 )A. the motorwaysVB. the Roman roadC. the canalsD. the railways解析:(3) .We know from the passage that some exhibits _ .(分?jǐn)?shù): 1.00 )A. are borrowed from workshopsB. are specially made for displayC. reflect t

46、he local culture and customsD. try to reproduce the scene at that timeV解析:(4) .The passage probably comes from _ .(分?jǐn)?shù): 1.00 )A. a conversation on the museumB. a museum tour guideVC. a museum bookletD. a museum advertisement解析:Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage. At theend of the pa

47、ssage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer thequestions. Now, listen to the passage.Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage. At theend of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer thequestions. Now, listen to the passage.(分?jǐn)?shù): 3.00 )(1)_.According tothe speaker, safety in d

48、ormitory means that you _ .(分?jǐn)?shù): 1.00 )A. insure all your expensive thingsB. lock doors when going outC. lock windows at nightD.take all necessary precautionsV解析: 聽(tīng)力原文 18-20 Good afternoon, everybody. Thank you very much for invitingmehere to talk about safety in dormitory and personal security. Firs

49、t, a few points tobear in mind. Youll notice the doors of your dorm have two types of locks, a Yale lockand a Chubb lock. Make sure you double lock your door, not just one lock, both of them,however long you are golng out for. Make surewhen you go out, all the windows are closed. Those of you in the

50、 ground and first-floorrooms will notice that you are locking windows, make sure you use them. Lock themevery time you go out; lock them at night. If you have got expensive equipments in yourroom, first of all, insure it. So many people lose things and havent got insurance. Makesure you insure it. T

51、his brings me onto personal security. Wherever possible, avoidworking alone late at night, especially girl students. Avoid dark streets, and try to stick tothe well-lit streets whenever possible. Also if you know you are going to be up late,make sure youve got enough money for a taxi to get home aga

52、in, or arrange to staywith friends for the night. It may sound absurd, but dont forget the university actuallyoffers free self-defense classes. I hope it something youd never have to use, but itcertainly was going along to a few self-defense sessions.(2).What does the speaker suggest girls do when t

53、hey are going to be outlate?A. Call their friends.B.Stay with their friends.VC. Avoid walking in streets.D. Always take a taxi.解析:(3).What is the speakers last advice? (分?jǐn)?shù): 1.00 )A. To take a few self-defense classes.VB. To stick to well-lit streets at night.C. To avoid walking alone at night.D. To

54、stay with their friends.解析:四、 BSECTION C NEWS BROADCAST/B ( 總題數(shù):4, 分?jǐn)?shù):8.00)In this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and thenanswer the questions that follow.Questions 21 and 22 are based on the following news. At theend of the news item, you will be given 10 second

55、s to answerthe questions. Now, listen to the news.分?jǐn)?shù): 1.00 )In this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and thenanswer the questions that follow.Questions 21 and 22 are based on the following news. At theend of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answerthe

56、questions. Now, listen to the news.(分?jǐn)?shù): 2.00 )(1).Whathappened during the New Year celebration in Thailand?(分?jǐn)?shù):1.00 )A. Terrorists fought with Government troops.B. Thai troops killed terrorists.C. There were shootings.D. There were explosions.V解析: 聽(tīng)力原文 21-22 The NewYear celebration in Thailand was s

57、hattered byviolence, when 9 bombs exploded across Bangkok around midnight. Three Thaicitizens were killed and more than 30 injured. No terrorist group claimed responsibilityfor the bombings by Tuesday. Somebelieve the explosions were the work of Muslimseparatists. Bombings and shootings occur almost

58、 daily in Thailands threesouthernmost provinces:Yala, Namthiwat and Purtonia have a dominant Muslimpopulation and have long complained of neglect and discrimination in the largelyBuddhist nation. They have asked for independence and a separate Islamic state.Since 2004, the insurgences have carried o

59、ut numerous attacks in the south, and morethan 1,900 people have been killed: The Thai government has been unable to curb theviolence, though thousands of troops have been sent to the south.(2).What has led to the violent situation in the south of Thailand?(分?jǐn)?shù): 1.00 )A. The Muslims wanted independen

60、ce.VB. Thai troops have been sent there.C. About 2,000 people have been killed.D. There have been more bombings since 2004.解析:Questions 23 and 24 are based on the following news. At theend of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answerthe questions. Now, listen to the news.Questions 23 and


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