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1、寫作技巧一、了解高分作文的特點 要想作文獲得高分,必須了解高分作文具有的特點,才有助于我們朝之而努力。高分作文一般具有以下特點:1、書寫工整,書面整潔,很少有涂改痕跡。2、分段合理。全文分段一般不止一個自然段,讓閱卷老師很容易就能找到作文所要求寫的要點和重要句子。3、要點齊全,不缺要點。4、首尾呼應(yīng),自然成一體。5、使用了大量的高級詞匯和句型。閱卷老師一看就知道這個同學(xué)的功底非不一般,自然就給打高分了。6、開頭言簡意賅,不啰嗦,不偏題,迅速引入主題。7、段與段之間,自然過渡。有合適的連接詞。8、句與句之間,有恰當(dāng)?shù)倪B接詞,使之自然成一體。9、全文中同一個意思,基本沒有重復(fù)使用某一個詞、短語或者

2、句型等,說明這個同學(xué)的詞匯量不同尋常。老師自 然就對該作文有好感了。10、能夠恰當(dāng)使用諺語、格言等給文章添彩。二、勤積累,巧準(zhǔn)備 要想作文得高分,除了了解以上的特點外,還要在平時的學(xué)習(xí)中注意一下方面:1、牢記課標(biāo)詞匯是基礎(chǔ) 一篇作文多數(shù)是由積極詞匯寫出來的,這些詞匯主要來源于課標(biāo)。因此,牢記課標(biāo)詞匯是寫好作文的基礎(chǔ)。2、掌握課標(biāo)詞匯和短語的用法 要想作文不扣分或者少扣分,有個要求是作文的語病少。怎么能夠減少語病呢?這就要求我們在平時的學(xué)習(xí)過程 中反復(fù)通過練習(xí),掌握課標(biāo)詞匯和短語等的用法。例如,對于 as soon as 、stop some body from doing something

3、、 other 、 another 等的用法很多學(xué)生就經(jīng)常出錯。3、高度重視同一個意思的多種表達方式 高分作文有個特點是:讓老師發(fā)現(xiàn)你擁有豐富的詞匯量,你的水平高人一籌。這由何而來?靠我們在平時學(xué)習(xí)過 程中,逐步積累起來的。比如:今年的中考作文,談的就是幫助他人的問題。同一個意思“幫助”,假如你就用一個 動詞“ help ”, 豈不顯得你詞匯貧乏?假如你在作文中不斷地變換方式,用 help 、give somebody a hand、 give a handto somebody 、 be in need of等以表達“幫助”同一個意思,豈不更好呢?像這樣的例子很多,比如:大家都覺得很簡單又很

4、基礎(chǔ)的“表示姓名的方式”就有:Mynamei s Jim. Im Jim.I ' m called/named Jim. I 'm a boy called/named /with the name of Jim.等等。. She表達年齡的方式有: She is 12. She is 12 years old. She is aged 12. She is a girl of 12(years old) is a girl aged 12. 等等。很顯然,使用高級一點的更好。4、加強練習(xí),積累經(jīng)驗 學(xué)習(xí)語言最好的方法是運用,作文也不例外。我們要想作文得高分,必須經(jīng)常練習(xí),才能提

5、高水平。5、充分利用作文范文 很多資料書上都有作文范文。誠然,他們有很多值得借鑒的地方。 我們怎么利用它們呢?首先,我們先不要看文章,自己先思考一下:假如你來寫,你會怎么去寫,會用到哪些詞 或者句子等。然后去比較,勾出其中的好詞佳句,并且把它摘錄在專門的作文冊子上。供寫作時選用。另外,背一些范文也是很有必要的。6、背誦一些諺語和警句 作文中如果出現(xiàn)恰當(dāng)?shù)闹V語和警句,會有錦上添花的效果。三、精心審題,沉著寫初稿 很多同學(xué)看到作文后,下筆就寫。這是不對的。一則很容易寫偏題、寫出病句,涂改后書面又不整潔,影響得分。 其實,會寫作文的同學(xué)都知道,審題非常的重要,可以防止很多毛病,提高得分。那么我們審題

6、要做些什么呢? 審題主要要做一下事情:1、審人稱、時態(tài)、體裁等 審題時,要求我們要弄清楚這篇文章主要使用的人稱是第幾人稱,什么時態(tài)、什么體裁。這些問題解決后至少不 會犯很嚴(yán)重的錯誤:全文皆錯。例如,如果一篇文章,本來應(yīng)該一般過去時,你的每句話卻用了一般現(xiàn)在時態(tài)。你想 想,那還能得高分嗎?2、明確必須表達的要點 高分作文有個特點是要點齊全。如果漏掉一個要點,則要扣分。因此我們必須認真細讀其要求,把必須表達的要 點勾出來。保證不漏掉任何一個要點。3、羅列出可能會用到的短語、句型,確定好使用哪個?4、確定好如何分段就是要確定好,將哪些要點放在一個自然段里面,首段、尾段打算寫哪些?四、耐心修改,提煉句

7、子 很多同學(xué)寫完作文后就感覺大事已畢,高興地放下筆就了事了。其實,這時候,不妨從以下方面去修改,相信會 讓你受益匪淺的。1、巧妙選擇使用高級詞匯、短語、句型等 當(dāng)我們掌握了一定量的同意表達法之后,在寫作時有時不會讓你都運用到的。這時為了展示你與眾不同的能力, 你務(wù)必要選擇高級的。例如,就以今年中考的英語作文為例,它就要求寫“幫助老人的感受”。至于“老人”的表達 法, 有 old people 和 the old 。使用后者的同學(xué)自然能力比前者強。同樣的道理, 作文中的“病人”的表達法有 sick people , patients ,the sick ,你認為使用哪個更能顯示你的高水平呢?當(dāng)然

8、是the sick 了。2、巧妙使用低級表達法代替自己的難點 我們寫作時難免會遇到一些難以用英語表達的東西。怎么辦呢?換為最簡單的表達法吧。例如:我市今年中考作文 題,就要求學(xué)生表達一個意思:幫助同學(xué),可以增進友誼。很多學(xué)生翻譯不來“增進”,面對這樣的問題怎么辦呢? 怎么不換個說法呢?你看, If we help our classmates with their study and other things , we can make our friendship longer .不就達到目的了嗎?3、大膽改變句型,使之生輝 例如,我們將一些句子改為感嘆句,復(fù)合句、強調(diào)句、反意疑問句、將句子

9、改得更能顯示你的高水平和能力。何 樂而不為呢?4 高度關(guān)注句與句 、段與段之間的銜接問題。務(wù)必做到過渡自然,銜接緊湊。5、適當(dāng)引用個別諺語或警句,來提高作文檔次。五、一絲不茍抄謄作文 一篇好的作文,經(jīng)過審題、修改之后,務(wù)必要一絲不茍地抄謄在答題卷上,再認真地仔細檢查一遍,那才是大公告成 了。一、Great changes in my hometownMore than twenty years ago, my hometown was just a small, old and poor town. Most of people were farmers.There were few fact

10、ories. Thepeople didn ' t have enough food to eat and wore old clothes. They had a hardlife.Great changes have taken place in the past twenty years. The people have found a lot of ways of making money. Now there are many tall buildings. They are very beautiful. Roads are wide and clean. People c

11、an take buses or drive their own cars to go to work. Many people have cell phones and personal computers. People's living conditions have improved a lot. Thanks to the government's efforts. My hometown is becoming more and more beautiful.二、Save the earthHow to protect the environment has bec

12、ome one of the biggest problems in the world.It 's our duty to protect our environment. No matter where welive, we should do something to keep ourneighborhood clean and tidy. We can collect waste paper or other waste things for recycling. Wes hould plant more trees and we should prevent those fa

13、ctories from pouring waste water into rivers, lakes and fields.We shouldn't leave rubbish everywhere and spit in public places. We mustn't pickthe flowers or step onthe grass in public. If everyone tries his best to protect the environment, the world will become much more beautiful and our l

14、ife will be better and better.三、Improve our environmentGood environment can make people feel happy. To improve the environment means to qualify our life. What should we do to improve our environment?We should plant more trees. And we should prevent those factories from pouring waste water into river

15、s, lakes and fields . Whenever we see litter on the ground, we should pick it up and throw it into a dustbin.Don't spit in public places. Don't draw on public walls. It 's our duty to keep our earth clean and tidy.四、Pollution around usIn recent years our life is becoming better and bette

16、r. But our environment is becoming worse and worse. It 's very bad for our life. Now many people have air -conditioners and cars, they produce (give off) waste gas. More and more trees are being cut down. There are so much sand on the earth (leaving only sand). We often see factori es pour waste

17、 into rivers or lakes. Water in the river is quite dirty. We haven't enoughclean water to drink in cities. Now we are in danger. It 's very necessary and important to protect the environment well. I think if everyone tries his best to protect the environment, the world will become much more

18、beautiful, and our life will be better and better .五、Make our world more beautiful !Protecting the environment is becoming more and more important to humans. It's our duty to take careof the nature around us. Animals and plants are our best friends, and we should share the world with them.Wes ho

19、uldn 't kill wild animals, and we must protect forests because they are animals ' home. Wem ust plant more trees and grass, they can make the world greener. The more beautiful the world is, the happier lives we will have. Let 's do our best to make the world beautiful.六、Keep our school c

20、leanWe are studying in this school. It is our duty to keep it clean and tidy. It is not good to spit in public places, such as in the library, in the class. We shouldn't leave rubbish here and there. Don 'tdraw pictures on the wall, they influence the look of our school. We should keep the c

21、lassroom clean and tidy. And we should do some cleaning often. If everyone tries his best to do something useful for our school, I'm sure our school will be more beautiful.七、My country lifeI like to live in the countryside. I live in a small village. There is a river near it. Lots of treesare ar

22、ound my house. I can see a lot of farms and birds. There is less noise. The air here is cleaner and fresher. There are fewer cars. I read aloud early in the morning. When it is getting dark, the moon is bright in the sky. It ' s very quiet. What a nice place I live in!八、How to learn English well

23、As we know, English has become an international language. It ismore popular t han any other languag ein China. English iswidely spoken in the world and it isthe most useful language around the world.Buthow to learn it well?The best way i s to use it all the time. If we can talk in English, think in

24、English we can learn it well. At school, we should learn to hear, speak, read and write carefully. We should spend enough time in practicing English. If we keep on working hard at English, we will be able to be good at it one day.九、How I learn EnglishHello, everyone. It is my honor to talk with all

25、of you about how to learn English well. I like English very much. I always preview and master the main idea of the lesson before class. In class, I listen carefully, speak loudly and write carefully and take notes if necessary. After class, I do my homework carefully. I watch English movies and list

26、en to English songs. I have booked an English newspaper. It' s Times EnglishPost, I can learn a lot from it . I am not afraid of remembering the new words because I master many good methods. I hope you work hard at English and make progress every day. That' s all.十、 How I improved my English

27、When I began to learn English, I was poor at it. I was quite worried at that time. Later I 1istened to the teacher attentively in class, and made notes carefully. If I had any question, I asked my English teacher or my classmates for help. Every morning I read the English texts aloud and listened to

28、 the English tapes. In the evening, after finishing my homework, I always read some English and magazines.Now I am one of the best students at English in my class.十一、 The importance of EnglishEnglish is the most widely spoken in the world.It ' s spoken by most people in the USA, Great Britain,Ca

29、nada, Australia, and New Zealand. It's also very widely used as a foreign language in many other countries of the world. It's widely used for business between different countries. More than three quarters of the information on the Internet is in English, too. It is really a bridge to so much

30、 knowledge. English is used by travellers and business people around the world. It's one of the world's most important languages as it is so widely used. That's why more and more people in China are interested in learning English.English is so useful that we must learn it well. Now let &

31、#39; s work hard at it and see who learns it faster and better in our class.十二、 I want to be an inventorhave greatly changed our life. Many people have their ideas and wishes. They want to invent some new things for the world. I am one of them. I want to be an inventor in the future, Inventions can

32、bring fun and happiness to our life and make our daily life more convenient. Our life will become better and better. Now I am a high school student. I will try my best to work hard at my lessons to make my dream come true.十三、 I want to be a tour guideI want to be a tour guide because Beijing will ho

33、st the 2008 Olympic Games. There will be many peopleto come to China from all over the world. Most of them don't know Chinese. They want to visit many interesting places in China. I can be one of the guides. I can make much money, too. How happy I will be! So from now on, I must study hard. I am

34、 going to learn English every day. I will try my best to make it come true.十四、 I like the InternetThe Internet is playing an important part in our daily life. It ' s very useful. I often search the Interne t for some information. I can read the latest news, do some shopping, and get all kinds of

35、 information from it. I can also download the information that I need and I can send e-mails and make telephone calls to my friends on the internet. The most important thing is that I am able to study all my lessons on the Internet.The Internet makes my life more interesting and colorful and it has

36、a wide effect on my study and daily life. I like the internet very much. How about you / Will you have a try?十五、 The InternetThe Internet isbecoming more and more important to us. Without it, we can' t do work better. We cango shopping without going out of our houses. And we can listen to music

37、or watch movies on the Internet.It can also help a lot with our study. We can learn much knowledge on different subjects, and get information as soon as possible. But now, some of us work, study or play on the Internet for long time, especially for young people to play computer games. It 's bad

38、for our eyes and health . If we make good use of the Internet, it will be our best friends and help us a lot.十六、 ComputerComputer is a wonderful machine. It's a great invention in many years. It develops very quickly. Thesmallest computer is as big as a note-book. We call it pocket computer. Com

39、puter becomes more and more important in many ways. It has touched the lives of everyone, even people in faraway villages. It helps us to do with all kinds of information and we get knowledge from it. It can give us a lot fun.十七、 The importance of waterOf all the things we eat and drink, water is th

40、e most important. Wec an live without food for many days, but two or three days without water, usually makes people die.However, not all of people understand this. They keep throwing rubbish into the rivers or lakes. Somefactories even pour waste water into the river. As a result, many rivers and la

41、kes have become so dirtythat the water is no longer safe for people to drink.Let ' s do our best to keep the water clean to save ourselves.十八、 WaterWater is very important for our life. Every day we use water to drink, too cook and to wash. Water is necessary for all plants. They need water to g

42、row. People can' t live without water. Plants will die without water. It is important to all living things. However, many people pollute lakes and rivers with waste water, so we must stop some people or some factories from wasting water or polluting water and help keep the water clean. At the sa

43、me time we should save as much water as possible.十九、 I like sportsI feel that taking exercise is good for our health. I often felt tired when I was studying before. From this term I keep on running when I get up in the morning. After class I often go to play basketball with my friends. Now I feel mu

44、ch better than before and I never feel tired when I am studying. And I improve a lot in my lessons. So please take exercise as often as possible.二十、 Introduce yourselfMy name is Li Lei. I was born in Fuzhou on December 15, 2000. I' m studying at Yucai Middle School.I learn Chinese, math, English

45、, physics, chemistry, politics, and so on. I like English best. My favorite sport is football. My hobbies are drawing and computer. I' m very happy to live in a happy family. Thereare 3 people in my family. My father is a doctor. My mother is a teacher. We love each other very much.二十一、 My best

46、friendMy best friend is - He is 15 years old. We are both in the same class. He works very hard. He is never late for school and he does well in all his lessons. He is always ready to help others. My math is very poor, so he oftenhelps me with my math after class. His parents are both teachers. They

47、 are very busy,so he often helps do the housework at home. He is a little shorter than me but he is very strong. He likes playing football very much at school.We often play football together and he plays itpretty well.He getson well withus. Everyone in our class likes him.假定你是李華, 最近你們班就“低碳”生活方式進行了討論

48、, 你的美國朋友 Jack 來信向你詢問討論情況, 請你用英語 寫封回信,簡單參照作文地帶介紹的以下討論結(jié)果: 1.節(jié)水節(jié)電; 2. 垃圾分類; 3.少用紙巾,重拾手帕; 4. 步行,騎 自行車或乘坐公交車。Dear Jack,Thank you for your letter asking about our discussion on low carbon lifestyle. Here is something about it.We can do a lot in our daily life toachieve the goal ofliving low carbon life. F

49、irst, we' d betterturn off lights if possible and spend less time watching TV orsurfing the Internet.Saving water is alsovery important. Besides, we shouldsort out the rubbish, and we might recycle some of them. What' s more,we suggest using handkerchiefs instead of paper so that we can prev

50、ent more trees from being cut down. More importantly, when we go out, walking, riding bikes or taking buses should be our first choice, which contributes to a cleaner world.隨著互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的發(fā)展和普及,網(wǎng)絡(luò)購物在中國也變得越來越普遍了,甚至已經(jīng)成了我們?nèi)粘I畹囊徊糠至?;相?同學(xué)們身邊一定有不少同學(xué)已經(jīng)通過網(wǎng)絡(luò)進行購物了, 比如 * 網(wǎng),京東商城等; 但是網(wǎng)絡(luò)購物究竟有何利弊呢 ? 請 寫一篇短文,談?wù)劸W(wǎng)上購物的好處與壞處。W

51、e talked about the advantages and disadvantages of internet shopping these days. Some students think it's very convenient for us to go shopping on the internet. The shops on Internet , for example , are open for almost 24 hours a day, so we can buy something we want at any time if we like. What&

52、#39;s more, we needn't to wait in a queue.However, some students disagreed with them. We can't see the things while we are shopping. So we are not sure whether they are good or not. Besides, we can't enjoy the happiness of shopping with our friends.許多學(xué)習(xí)生活中的煩惱都會使人產(chǎn)生壓力, 為了更好地發(fā)現(xiàn)及解決同學(xué)們中存在的心理

53、壓力問題, 你們班特意開展了一次以 "Less Pressure, Better Life" 為主題的英語演講比賽 , 請你準(zhǔn)備發(fā)言稿 , 談?wù)勀愕囊恍┚徑鈮毫Φ暮棉k法 , 與同學(xué)分享 , 內(nèi)容包括 : 同學(xué)們中普遍存在的壓力是什么;我的壓力是什么;我是如何成功緩解我的壓力的。Less Pressure, Better LifeHello, boys and girls!Pressure is a serious problem in today' s world. Students in our class are under too much pressure.

54、Some students can ' t get on well with their classmates, while others may worry about their exams.I ' m always under pressure, too. My parents want me to be the top student in class. So they send meto all kinds of training classes at weekends.Last Monday evening, I had a talk with my mother.

55、 I told her I was not lazy. I really felt tired. I needed time to relax. My mother agreed with me at last. So I think a conversation with parents is necessary to solve the problem.That 's all. Thank you!四2011 年初,我國南方大部分地區(qū)遭受凍雨 (freezing rain) ,特別是貴州、湖南和四川,災(zāi)情失分嚴(yán)重。公路、 鐵路、機場都被迫關(guān)閉,電網(wǎng)癱瘓。凍災(zāi)致使貴州 40 萬人飲水

56、難,四川兩電廠停運。部分山區(qū)人民生活異常困難,在 各級政府的帶領(lǐng)下,人民群眾、解放軍戰(zhàn)士英勇抗擊冰災(zāi),涌現(xiàn)出大批可歌可泣的英雄事跡。作為一名中學(xué)生,你有 何感想 ?有何打算 ?能不能改變這種狀態(tài) ?As we know, our country suffered heavy ice early 2011. Everything was covered with freezing rain. Guizhou, Hunan and Sichuan suffered the most. It caused the buses, trains and planes stop service. The

57、disaster destroyed power facilities, cutting power supplies in many areas. As a result, huge economic loss was caused. Many people could not work and live normally. There was no food, water or light in some places. Our government called on people to fight against heavy snow. As a student, I think we

58、 should learn from those heroes. We must study hard at school. We should learn all kinds of knowledge to make our motherland stronger, better and richer.據(jù)報道, 從 2011 年開始韓國除了向所有小學(xué)和初高中學(xué)生發(fā)放紙質(zhì)的語文、英語、數(shù)學(xué)教科書之外, 同時還將發(fā)放光盤形式的電子教科書。 這表明,在韓國, 電子圖書即將走進尋常百姓家。 某英文論壇發(fā)起了一次主題為“E -Books, Good or Bad? ”的討論,請你寫一篇 80 詞左右的

59、短文,表達你對這件事情的看法。 :E-Books Are GoodIt ' s reported that school students in Korea will use e-books from 2011. What good news this is! E-books have many advantages.Most importantly, they are good for the environment, since they can save lots of paper and trees. Besides, they are very convenient. To get a paper book, one has to spend a lot of time searching for it in a bookshop. But we can find e-books very quickly on the computer.In short, e-books can help us e


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