



1、一.按要求寫(xiě)出下列單詞:potato (復(fù)數(shù))Chinese (復(fù)數(shù))she (反身代詞)little (比較級(jí))wash (三人稱(chēng)單數(shù))八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)黑馬班試卷child(復(fù)數(shù))man doctor (復(fù)數(shù))two (序數(shù)詞)die (現(xiàn)在分詞)see (過(guò)去式)二.用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空:1、 Mr. Brown is wearing a pair of. (glass)2x Bill has a little cat.eyes are red and blue. (It)3、Could you givea bottle of water, please? (he)4、Jack will co

2、me back on theof next month(twenty)5X Is that yourwatch inLost and Found case? (a. an theA )6、Who is thenurse in this hospital? (busy)7. My brother is muchthan you. (young)8x Tom is a Hein a factory. His sistersin a hospital, (work)9、Listen! Joan(sing) in the next room. She often(sing) there10. Wher

3、ewea meeting tomorrow? (have)11% Whenyoutoyour homework?(do) uThe day after tomorrow.12. How longyou(study) in this school?13、Mrs Brownto see the film last Sunday* (go)14. I(read) Chinese at 7 o'clock yesterday morning.15、My mothernow. (cook)9內(nèi)部資料.請(qǐng)勿外傳三.lx3、單項(xiàng)選擇:That bus driver drank two.A glass

4、 of water B glasses of waters I found mv black cat inroom.A. Jim and Mike B. Jim and Mike's He invited some classmates to his party, butA. a littleB. littleTom's father will teach _ English.A. IB. mvThere areday s in a yeanA. three hundreds and sixty-fiveC. three hundred sixty-five December

5、ismonth of the year.A. the twelfthB. the twelvethC. cups of teaC. Jim*s and Mike's二 came. C. a fewC. meD. cup of teaD. Jim's and MikeD. fewD. mineB. three hundred and sixtv-fiveD. three hundred and sixty fiveC. twelveD. a twelfth7. Jim likes to playfootball and was onschool team.A./; theB /;

6、 /C. the; theD. a; a8x He eatsfood, so he isfat.A. much too; too muchB. much too; too manyC. too much; much tooD. too much; many tooMobile phones are very popular now and they are than beforeA. cheapB cheaperC. cheapestD. the cheapest1()、Li Leimorning exercises everv dav?A. Do, doB Does, doC. Does,

7、DoesD. Do, doesllx Sheher grandparents next weekA. went to seeB will go to seeC. sawD going to see12、vouvour ruler vet?A. Did, findB Were, findC. Do, findD. Have, found13、voufootball at 4 oclock yesterday afternoon?A. Did, playB. Were, playingC. Are, playingD. Were, play14 Li Ping?s brotherlunch at

8、the factory, didn't he?A. hasB. haveC. didn't haveD. had15、The little babv has twoalready.A. toothB toothsC.teethD. teeths四.完成下列句子R I have a volleyball and a football.(改為否定句)Ia volleyballa football2x 你打算在這住多久?are you going to live here?3、Mrs White is doiim some washing.(就畫(huà)線(xiàn)部分提問(wèn))Mrs White?4、他

9、去過(guò)香港多少次?How many timesshe HongKong?5、They have bought a new car,?(反意問(wèn)句)6、三年前他們住在這兒。Theyhere 7、昨天下午3點(diǎn)他在干什么?在修車(chē)。Whathe15: 00 yesterday? He his bike.五.閱讀理解:Look! The team from Class 1 and the team from Class 3 are playing football. A boy from Class 1 is ninning with the ball. He is Li Lei. Jim is runni

10、ng near him. He wants to get the ball., but he cunt Tlie ball is on Li Leifs foot. Tom is running over He is stopping Li Lei Li Lei canft pass Tom with the ball. He passes the ball to Li Ming. Li Ming gets the ball. Li Miiig is running with the ball. Oh! He kicks (踢)the ball. Woo! Tlie ball is in.()66. Li Ming is A. from Class 1B. from Class 3C Li Lei's brother D. a football()67. are in the same teamA. Jim and Li LeiB. Li Lei and Tom C. Tom and Li MingD. Jim and Tom()68. The team from Class 1 and the team from Class 3 are.A. 1:


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