



1、動詞不定式及動名詞專項(xiàng)練習(xí)一、單項(xiàng)選擇:1 .What did you see just now? I saw two doctors out of the house.A. women,comeB. woman, cameC. woman,comingD. women, to come2 .good news it is! The pandas are alive after the earthquake It s so .A. What a, excitedB. what, excitingC. How a, excitedD. How, exciting3 .Would you like

2、 to play table tennis with me?一I don ' t feel like it. I would rather at home and watch TV.A stayB ayCtstayingD stayed4 . She was surprised me last night.A. to seeB. seeC. saw5 .What's the matter? I am having the trouble who has taken my book.A. findingB. looking forC. finding outD. looking

3、up6 .What news it was!Yes, all of the children were.A. excited, excitingB. exciting, excitedC. exciting, excitingD. excited, excited7 .Why are you late?My bike broke down. I had it.A. repairedB. repairesC. repairD. repairing8 . Colors can change our moods and make us happy or sad,energetic orsleepy.

4、A. to feelB. feelingC. feltD. feel9 . Would you mind more slowly? I can' t follow you.A. speakB. spokeC. spokenD. speaking10 .It s good habit breakfast every day.A. hadB. haveC. hasD. to have11 .Maria shy, but now she is quite outgoing. She has made lots offriends.A. was used to beB. is used to

5、beC. was used to beingD. used to be12 .With less than 10 minutes left, the students found it difficult theirwriting on time.A. finishingB. finishedC. to finish13.1 t's nice you me with my maths.A. for, to helpB. for, helpingC. of, to helpD. of, helping14. The teacher asked me for school next tim

6、e.A. not be lateB. don t be lateC. not to be lateD. not late15. 一Can you tell me send an e-mail?Just hit the send button.A. what toB. why toC. how toD. when to16. The boy enjoys the radio in the morning.A.listeningB.listening toC.listen toD.to listen17. How about to the cinema on SundayA.goB.to goC.

7、goingD.will go18. The little boy is busy his homework now.A.doB.to doC.doingD.does19. We kept the ball to each other, and they began to get angry.A.topassB.passingC.passD.past20. Where is Mr. Yu, do you know?Well, it's hard to say. But I saw him afootball gamejust now.A. was watchingB. watchingC

8、. had watchedD. watched21. She reached the top of the hill and stopped on a big rock by theside ofthe path .A.to have restedB. testingC. to restD. rest22. The next morning she found the man in bed , dead .A. lyingB. lieC. layD. laying23. The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier ,itmore

9、 difficult .A. to makeB. not to makeC. not makingD. to not make、用所給動詞的正確 形式填空:1 .He often helps the old woman(carry) water.2 .Please let the girls(go) first.3 .They had great fun(play) football this afternoon.4 .You can(go) there later.5 .Do you enjoy(watch) TV?6 .Would you like(have) a cup of tea?7

10、 .Would you mind(open) the door?8 .Please ask him(speak) more loudly.9 .Tell the children(not play) in the street.10 .Thank you for(help) me.11 .My father is good at(write).12 . I saw her(cook) when I got home.13 . He is practicing(speak) English.14 . Hello!(be) anyone here?15 .She doesn't like(

11、talk) but enjoys(read) books.16.Nobody(like) him.17. She ' s very popular. Everyone(like) her.18.1 want(learn) English well.19. I like watching the dolphins(swim).20.Three years(be) quite a long time.21.I have to(get) up at 6:00 on school days.22. What she(do) last weekend?23Mr. Wang wants(drink

12、) some water.23. Stop(read )and listen to the teacher.25. The boys are(run) over there now.26. Sheep _ white and milk white, too.(be)27. Tom and I(swim) with his father now.28. Jim ' s shoes(be) under the bed.29. Would you mind(open) the door?30. The twins(like) red.31. What would you like(buy)?

13、32. Miss Green saw a wallet(lie)on the ground.33. There (be) some people over there.34. One of them(know) me.35. I d like(go) swimming now.36. Tony(do) his homework at home now.37. Look! They(talk) about their homework .38. Listen ! Who( sing)?39. The boy(watch) TV every evening.40. It ' s Sunda

14、y today. I can go(shop).41. Xu Qian loves(tell) jokes.42. The girl is(put) on her coat now.43. Jim often(get) to school at 7:30.44. Tom with his mother(be) very tired.45. Jack and his friends(be) playing soccer now.46. The policeman told the children(not play )in the street.47. I have to(make) my be

15、d and clean my room at weekends.48. The little boy was(lose) and I found him(cry) in thecorner.49. The teacher stopped(talk) to us when we went into the office.50. Last Sunday my parents(make)me(stay)at home to dohousework.51. His family not big, but the family(be) interested in music.52. She is goo

16、d at(dance). She is a(dance)53. I work late these days. I' m very busy (make) a newmachine.54. I have fun(watch) TV and(read) funny stories.55. I helped my mother kkkkkkthe room last Sunday (clean).56. Their father and mother(go ) to see their parents every week.57. There(be ) a pen and two eras

17、ers in his box.58. Don ' t forget(turn) off the lights.59. Please let the girls(go) first.60. The students stop(talk) when their teacher comes in.61. I(buy) 2 pairs of trousers yesterday.A pair of trousers(be) blue.62. The teacher wanted us Exercise 1, but you let meExercise 2.63. What about(go) for a walk?64. The police kkkkk (be) trying to catch the thief.65. Mr Zhu spent much time(help) me with my English.66. We decided(go)


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