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1、姓名班級學(xué)號分?jǐn)?shù)題目要求:請在單詞后標(biāo)明漢語意思(每空一分),然后做選詞填空題,并將答案寫到劃線處(每空一分)。 (總分25分)A. attitudesD. confidentG. subtleJ. links distant;B. boundaries;E. differences;H.sober;K. dramatically;N. sensitive;C. collective ;F. relatively;I. simply;L. similarly ; M.;O. prospects ;選詞填空題答案:156-10People who have directly experience

2、d flooding are more likely to be worried about climate change and willing to adopt energy-saving behavior, according to a new study based on a recent survey of 1,822 individuals across the United Kingdom.The new study found that those who report experience of flooding express more concern over clima

3、te change, see it as less uncertain, and feel more that their actions will have an effect on climate change. Importantly, these perceptual (認(rèn)知的) also translateinto a greater willingness to save energy to mitigate climate change.Previous psychological research suggests that many people are 姓學(xué)號班級relat

4、ively unconcerned about climate change because they perceive it as a issue that will not directly affect them. But the authors ofthe new study say their results suggest that drawingbetweelocal weather events and climate change is likely to be a useful strategy for increasing concern and action.An ea

5、rlier study conducted after major . floods in 1998 and 2000 found similar levels of concern in those directly affectedby flooding and those who did not have that experience. But given that severe flooding events struck England since 2003, theBritish research team decided to revisit the issue.Elke We

6、ber a professor of business and psychology at Columbia University called the findings surprising and important. Following the failed climate change negotiations in Copenhagen, the forsufficient public concern about climate change and political will to reduce carbon emissions have seemed dim. However

7、, recent events in Tunisia (突尼斯), Egypt and other countries have shown that increases inthe perceived effectiveness of individual and action can change and behaviors quickly and . The new study 'fisdings, Weber added, provide a glimmer of hope that similar ' tippingDoint dynamics might exist

8、 in the domain of climate change.姓名班級學(xué)號分?jǐn)?shù)題目要求:請在單詞后標(biāo)明漢語意思(每空一分),然后做選詞填空題,并將答案寫到劃線處(每空一分)。 (總分25分)A. apparently;B. excelD.genius;E.insightful;F.intimate;H. ultimate;I.investigate;L.unknown;O. positively;選詞填空題答案:1-5:6-10Albert Einstein, the father of modern physics, is the most influentialphysicist of

9、 the 20th century. Most people consider Einstein to be a , and yet he made a/an personal observation.He said, “ Ihave no special talents. I am only passionately curious. ” There s both humility andhope in that statement. People tend to assume he has special talents that lead to brilliance. ,talent c

10、an help achieve brilliance, but it is not enough. It starts with curiosity. As a distinctive value, curiosity means inquisitiveness (好追根 究底 ) or eager to and learn more. For some, curiositycomes naturally, and all they need to do is toit up. For othefear holds them back from being inquisitive.姓名班級學(xué)號

11、That sort of statement only feeds the fear thatprevents real learning and growing. But when you encourage a curious , like Einstein yosu, feed the hunger to explore the and test new theories. That wshat leads to mastering asubject and becoming known as an expert. So what about you Are you passionate

12、ly curious Have you found a way to create a powerful effect with your curiosity, taking one insight and building it into another one If so, you have the potential to to greatness, and change theworld like what Einstein did. And if you think about a forsuccess, consider Einsteins famous equation of E

13、=mc2. You can come upwith a new way of using the equation, which is Excellence = Mastery xCuriosity2. There is power in curiosity for curiosity has its own reason for existing.姓名 班級 學(xué)號分?jǐn)?shù)題目要求:請在單詞后標(biāo)明漢語意思(每空一分),然后做選詞填空題,并將答案寫到劃線處(每空一分)。 (總分 25 分)A. accessible;B. constant ;E.investigation;F. Limits; G.

14、programs;N.M. rewardingtechnology;O. ;typical6-10選詞填空題答案:1-5:In 2015 Doreetha Daniels received her associate degree in social sciences from College of the Canyons California. But Daniels wasn' a . student: She was 99 years old. Talking about her graduation, Daniels indicated that she wanted to g

15、et her degree simply to better herself; her six years of school during thata testament to her will, determination, and commitment to learning.Few of us will pursue college degrees at Daniels age, or even as mid-career professionals (though recent indicate that increasing numbers of people are pursui

16、ng college degrees at advanced ages) Almost all of us haveon our time and financesdue to kids, social organizations, work, and more that make additional 姓名班級學(xué)號formal education impractical or impossible.For some of us, learning isn't simply atgoueerens. Books,online courses, MOOCs, professional d

17、evelopment programs, and other,making itresources have never been more abundant oreasier than ever to make a habit of lifelong learning. Every day, each of us is offered the opportunity to pursue intellectual development in ways that are to our learning style.The Economist recently detailed the ways

18、 in which our rapidly shifting professional situation the disruptive (顛覆性的 ) power of automation, the increasing number of jobs expertise necessitates that workers focus continually on mastering new technologies and skills. A CBRE report estimated that 50% of jobs would be redundant by 2025 due to t

19、echnological . Trendsincluding AI, robotics, and offshoring (外包 ) mean shifts inthe nature of work. And surviving these shifts requires continual learning and personal growth.The reasons to continue learning are many, and the weight of theecon omtsicimply anevidence would indicate that lifelong lear

20、ning isn imperative but a social, emotional, and physical one as well. We live in anage of abundant opportunity for learning and development. Capturing that opportunity can be one of life msost pursuits.姓名班級學(xué)號分?jǐn)?shù)題目要求:請在單詞后標(biāo)明漢語意思(每空一分),然后做選詞填空 題,并將答案寫到劃線處(每空一分)。 (總分25分)A. across;B. active; C.experienc

21、e;;選詞填空題答案:1-5:6-10Looking for relaxation and rejuvenation (恢復(fù)活力)or high-energy adventure Look no than Hawaii 一a top place to unwind and be inspired by Hawaii ' bseathtaking scenery and natural .The islands of Aloha have some great options for every day of your vacation. Oahu, Kauai, Maui, Molok

22、ai, and Hawaii (alsoThe Big Island), have their own character and different landscapes. It s easy to fly or cruise between the islands so you can more than one during your stay.The Hawaiian Islands are home to a diverse range of experiences,姓名班級學(xué)號from whale watching, snorkeling and surfing, to witnessing an volcano, hiking the Grand Canyon of the Pacific, anddriving the spectacular Hana Highway Hawaii is a tropical , complete with a laid-back Polynesian lifestyle.Famed golf architects have designed sensational courses scenic settings by the ocean with lava fixtures, andhelping to make Hawaii


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