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1、學校高嶺鎮(zhèn)中心小學年級六年級學科英語課題Unit4 Judysbrother has a special hobby.課時1教師劉瑩教材分析本節(jié)課是遼師大版快樂英語六年級(三年級起點)上冊第四單兀第一課時的內(nèi)容,本課時的話題是理解和表達有關(guān)家人的個人愛好。功能是了解和運用表示他人的喜好、能力的問答方式。學生能夠利用本節(jié) 課的核心語言Does he/she-?”來詢冋他人的興趣愛好,并根據(jù)實際情況做出相應的回答。 本 課時的內(nèi)容比較貼近學生的生活,是學生們比較喜歡的話題之一,所以有利于學生間開展交 流,體會英語學習的樂趣。積極參與課堂活動,樂于與人合作;通過交流增進了解,找到共 同的愛好,建立友

2、誼。學情分析現(xiàn)在的學生從小學三年級就開始學習英語,進入六年級的學生已經(jīng)對英語熟悉三年了,但是仍有一部 分學生不是很喜歡上英語課,英語基礎(chǔ)相對薄弱,學習的興趣不是很高,個別學生甚至對英語的學習產(chǎn)生 抵觸情緒。冋時,有些學生還是為學習而學習,談不上興趣的問題;另一方面,兩極分化很大又占了很大 的比例,但也不忍心放棄他們,只能一遍又一遍地重復練習。所以我們要充分認識學生,確定教學思路, 既應遵循語言學習的規(guī)律,又應該把握學生的心理特點,使英語學習成為一種愉快的學習體驗。只有這樣,英語教學才會取得令人滿意的效果。教學目標Aims on the knowledge: To listening, spea

3、king, reading, and writing the four-skill phrases:goescamping, goes fishing, goesboating, goeshiking, collects stamps. Canunderstand, readand write the sentences Does he go camping? Yes, he does. / No, he doesrS.”and use thesentencesin real situations; Can master the third person singular general qu

4、estions andexpression form of yes or no to answer, and can operate in real situation; Can cooperate witdeskmate complete leSplay in the activity.Aims on the abilities: To develop the abilities of listening and speaking; To train the ability olworking in groups.Aims on the emotion:Through unit dialog

5、ue to keep studennterest in learning a language, toexperience the fun of learning English, take an active part in class activities, enjoy workin withpeople; Can find common interests through mutual understanding communication andfriendship.教學 重點 To listen and say the sentences and the phrases then u

6、se in real situations.教學 難點To general interrogative sentenceof the third person singular, the expression form of thenegative answer.核心 問題Does he go camping?教學 方法“Taskase” Teaching Mleod Situational Teaching Method教學環(huán)節(jié)教學活動學生活動設(shè)計意圖StepI3Warming up:1、GreetingsT: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see youag

7、ain.T: How are you?T: Im OK. What day is today?T: Whats the weather like?2、Review.(1)、Show some phrases by CAI:like singing, play the guitar, jump high,run fast, dance well.(2)、Show the sentencepattern byCAI: Make the sentences with thepattern Does he? Yes, he does.3、Free talk: Whatsyour hobby?Greet

8、ings.SS: Hello, Miss xx. Nice tosee you, too.SS: Fine, thank you. And howare you?SS: Today is MondaySS: Itsunny/cloudyRead the phrases together.Make the sentenceswith thepattern Does he? Yes, hedoes”Answer the questions:I like singing/ dancing教師面帶微笑的問候消 除了學生們的緊張心理,拉近了師生間的距離。 為 本課的學習做好充分的 鋪墊。通過復習上節(jié)課的

9、短語 并用這些短語操練句型,激發(fā)學生已有的知識儲 備, 鞏固舊知并為新課學 習打下基礎(chǔ)。通過自由交談引出本課 的話題,自然過渡到本課 的學習。(Reserve report 預留匯報)StepH23Presentation and DrillT: I have a brother. ( CAI shows thepicture of my brother) Look ! This ismy brother, his name is Liu Gang. Doyou have a brother?1、CAI shows the picture of my brotherand his hobbie

10、s .Answerthequestionstogether:Yes, I do. / No, I dont.由于本節(jié)課的課題是朱迪的哥哥有一個特殊的 愛好,”所以采用從教師 的哥哥第二人稱的用法 入手, 化解難點,同時吸 引學生的注意力。My brother hobbiesMy brother likes doing manydifferent kinds of things (做各種各樣 的事 情) with his friends. He goeseveryeverygoescamping (去宿營)Saturday . He is very good at it.Sometimes he

11、goes boating(去戈 U 船)on Sunday. And he also has aspecial hobby (特殊的愛好).Hecollects stamps (集由E)He has many stamps now.(他現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)有很多郵票了。)T: So I think my brother is very coolDo you think so?2、Show the phrases by CAI: goescamping goes boating goes hikinggoes fishing collects stamps(在此講解 go 變單數(shù)第三人稱時要加es .)3、

12、T : I have a hobby, too. Look, thereare so many stones. Yes, I collectstones. Show the phrase of collectstones. Then show the picture o ofJudys brother.T: And he collectsstones.Teach theLook at the CAI; listen to theteachers described of herbrother s hobbies.Answer:Yes, I do. / No, I dont.Read the p

13、hrases : goescamping, goes boating, goeshiking, goes fishing, collectsstamps in different ways:Boys-girls-groups andread-one by one.Read the phrase and the在介紹教師哥哥的愛好 時,用到本課要學習的重 點短語。這樣的過渡讓學 生們能夠輕松的接受,使 學生學習本課的短語很 容易。用簡短的語言來調(diào)動學生學習本課新知的積極性。多樣式的練習讀短語,使 學生們對于短語的掌握 更加牢固,為重點句型 的操練與運用做了很好 的鋪墊。教師通過自己喜歡收集 石頭

14、將課文中的又一重 要短語呈現(xiàn)出來, 接著出 示課文中朱迪哥哥的手 拿石頭的照片, 既知道了 朱迪哥哥的愛好,又學習sentence He collectsstoneS. (在此弓丨 導學生“他收集石頭”,主語變成 He, 單數(shù)第三人稱,動詞 collect要加 s,變 成 collects.)4、 Show the pictures with thegoes boating, goes hiking, goes fishing,以這節(jié)課自然的就能將否定形式說出 來。)5、The teacher shows a picture of Listen and say” introduce to Ss

15、:They are Shelly and Judy. They are chatting on the Internet.” Now,listen to the tape and answer the question:(The problem to show 問題出示)Q1: Who are they talkingabout?collects stamps, collect stones andmake the sentenceswith the patternDoes he ? Yes, he does. /No, hedoesn. ”(由于在上一單元教授 Does he?Yes , h

16、e does.這一句型時把 No , hedoesnt.的否定形式也出示出來,所Look at the CAI; make thesentences with the patternDoes he ? Yes, he does. No, he doesn.” in differentways: teacher asks andstudents answer; studentsask and teacher answers;girls ask and boys answer;boys ask and girls answer;group1、answer;group1、2 ask and grou

17、p3 4group3、4 ask and2 answer學生們通過圖片上的笑 臉和哭臉來判斷用肯定 句還是否定句, 由于上節(jié) 課的鋪墊, 學生們會輕松 的將句子說出來。 哭臉和 笑臉的運用能夠恰到好 處的激發(fā)學生們學習英 語的興趣。sentence in different ways.了單數(shù)第三人稱的用法,也化解了課文中的難點 內(nèi)容。使學生在課文回答 問題時變得輕松容易。orofgoes camping,Listen tothetapeandansw創(chuàng)設(shè)問題,引導學生學習 本課的重點句型,從而直 接進入情境。讓學生體會 學習的樂趣,感受成功的 喜悅。(他們在討論誰?)Listen to the

18、 tape again and repeatthen answer the question:Q2:What sJudy brother sspecial2 He collectsstones .(他收集石頭。) hobby?(朱迪哥哥的特殊愛好是什么?)仃 each deeply 點撥深入)通過兩個問題的提問讓學生們在老師的指引下層層深入的進入了新知識的教授。6、 Learn the articlea. Listen and repeat.b. Read by yourself and find out thedifficult words.Listen and repeat.Read by

19、 yourself andout the difficult words.find(The independent inquiry 自主探究)c. Read the dialogue in groups.d. Read it in different roles and actit out.(Improve the communication 交流完善)Read the dialogue in groups.Read it in different roles andact it out.不同層次的對話操練讓 學生們對本課的對話練 習得到充分的理解和運 用。通過分組表演,給學 生提供表演的機會

20、。讓每 一位學生都能展示自己, 表現(xiàn)自己。在分角色的表 演中理解和運用本課的 重點句型。Practice and Consolidation 1 According to the contents of the textto choose whether it is T or F.collects stamps . g5)、()Judy and Shelleyare good friends .2、 Do a survey Look at the blankson Page 18.(Extending ascension 延展提升)Finish the blanks in the groups.1)、() Judy shas asister .T for,F for .(Basic training 基礎(chǔ)訓2)、) Judys brothgoes camping .S


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