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1、Unit OneTask 1Dialogue 1Hi, Michael, hows it going?Pretty good. How are you doing, Sam?Not bad, thanks.Dialogue 2Hello, Im Sally. Glad to meet you.Hello, Sally. My names Amy.Where are you from?Im from Singapore. And this is my cousin Irene. Shes in the same department with us.Hi, Amy.Pleased to meet

2、 you, Irene.Dialogue 3Professor Smith, Id like to introduce Allen to you. This is my roommate, Allen. And Allen, this is my English teacher, Professor Smith.How do you do, Professor Smith? Henry always tells me that he enjoys your classes very much. Its my great pleasure to meet you.Nice to meet you

3、, Allen. So are you an English major, too?No, I major in computer science. But I like English a lot.Task 21. My names Raymond. I live in Long Island. I am here to study journalism.2. Hello, Im Sarah. I come from California. And this is my cousin Emily. Shes from Michigan. We are both in the English

4、Department.3. Hey, everyone. My names John. I come from HongKong. I am glad to study chemistry here.Part B Listening PracticeTask 11. George, Id like you to meet Simon.2. Nice weather, isnt it?3. Good afternoon4. Lets get to know each other. Why dont we say a little bit ofourselves?Task 2Good mornin

5、g. how can I help you?Good morning. Im here to apply for a student ID. My names Jessica Ross.Have you registered, Jessica?No, I havent.Heres what youll do. You need to get registered before having a student ID. Go to the next room and they will help you fill in the form there. Come back here after r

6、egistration.OK, the next room, is that right?Thats right.Thank you, madam. See you later.Youre welcome. See you.1. She wants to apply for a student ID.2. No, she can t. Because she needs to get registered first.3. To the next room.Task 3My name is Donald Trump, and I mhe largest real estate develope

7、r in New York. I own buildings all over the place, model agencies, jet liners, golf courses, casinos, and private resorts. But it wasn t so easy. About thirteen years ago, I was seriosly in trouble. I was billions of dollars in debt. But I fought back and I won. I used my brain, I used my negotiatio

8、n skills, and I worked it all out. Now my company s bigger than it ever was, it s stronger than it ever wand I m having more fun tha ever had.I venastered the art of the deal, and I veurned the name Trump into a brand of the highest quality. And as the master, I want to pass along my knowledge to so

9、mebody else. I m looking for theapprentice.Right now all over the country, sixteen of America best and young entrepreneurs are arriving in New York for the chance to work as my apprentice and get a first-hand look into the world of big business. They come from all walks of life. This is the chance t

10、o work for me for a huge salary and more importantly learn enough so that maybe they too can become a billionaire some day. This is going to be the dream job of a lifetime.1. largestNew York2. billions of dollars in debt3. Sixteen.Task 4When you go to job interviews, you reoften expected to introduc

11、e yourself at first. Your self-introduction plays an important role in making a good first impression on the interviewers. There is no fixed answer to what a good self-introduction is because of the differences in the companies, the interviewers and the job applicants. You might like to repeat the m

12、ain points from your resume, or you might want to focus on the information that is not shown there. Whatever way you do it, my advice is that your information must be relevant to the job you apply for, or the quality they are looking for in you. At the same time, speak in a clear voice and in a frie

13、ndly tone. Don t forget your body language. A smile and eye contact will help, too.Practical Listening:Welcome to the listening course. Im Dr. Evans. First Id like to give you a brief introduction to this course. Listening is central to our personal, educational, social, family and professional succ

14、ess. This course aims at helping you develop effective listening skills, attitudes, and behaviours. There will be a study of the listening process as well as the barriers to effective listening, and there will be training activities for self-improvement in different types of listening.The required t

15、extbook for our course is Listening written by William Brown. Its available both at the bookstore and the library. You will be evaluated on your performance in class, your homework an your test grades. There will be a final examination. No mid-term, but we will have a small test during the term. All

16、 right, any questions?ListeningW川iam Brown bookstore performance in class test a small testUnit TwoListening SkillsTask 11. It is always good talking to you.2. I m afraid it s time we left.3. If we don t leave now, I m afraidhwetrain.ll miss t4. I,d better get going.5. Before leaving, I want to than

17、k you for speaking with me.Task 2Dialogue 1W: I really had a good time tonight, but I guess I ve got to go now, or I ll miss thM: What time is it now?W: My watch says ten minutes to ten.Questions: What time is it according to the woman?Dialogue 2A: This is Helen. I m calling to say goodbye.B: Hi, He

18、len. When do you leave?A: My flight leaves at 11:30 tomorrow morning.B: I ll see you off at the airport.Question: When will Helen leave?Dialogue 3W: If you don t mind, I ll have to be leaving now. I have a class at a quarter to three.M: Oh, you d better hurry. See you later.W: See you!Question: When

19、 does the woman s class begin?Dialogue 4M: Thanks for inviting us, Cindy.W: I really had a wonderful time with you.M: Hey, how about coming to my place this Friday? I can pick you up at 5:20 if you have time.W: That would be great! 5:20 is fine with me.Question: When will the man pick the woman up?B

20、 Listening PracticeForrest: And one day, out of the blue clear sky, I got a letter from Jenny wondering if I could come down to Savannah and see her, and that s what I m doing here. She saw meTVrunning. I m supposed to go on the number 9 bus to Richmond Street and get ndl go one block left to 1947 H

21、enry Street, Apartment 4.Old Laday: Why, you don t need to take a bus. Henry Street is just five or six blocks down that way.Forrest: Down that way?Old Laday: Down that way.Forrest: It was nice talking to you.Old Laday: I hope everything works out for you!Core ListeningTask 1Dialogue 1M: Excuse me.

22、Have you been waiting here for a long time?W: I ve been here for about 15 minutes, I think.M: Does the bus here often take that long? It s so hot here.W: Well, it depends. Usually 5 minutes will do.M: The weather changes a lot these days. When I left the hotel, the weather forecast said itwould be r

23、aining, yet now how the sun is shining!W: Weather forecasts are not always reliable, you know. Oh, here comes the bus! Got to go now. Bye!M: Goodbye!Dialogue 2Tim: Jerry, I heard that you re moving to Shanghai.Jerry: Yes, Tim. My parents are opening a new shop there.Tim: I ll certainly miss you very

24、 much here.Jerry: I ll miss you, too.Tim: Let s keep in touch.Jerry: I ll call you as soon as I get there.Dialogue 3A:Thank you for all you ve done for me. I really had a wonderful time staying with you.B: It s my pleasure. Don t forget to drop us a line or two when you have time.A: I certainly will

25、. Let s stay in toucB: Take care and have a safe trip home.Dialogue 4A: I just dropped in to say goodbye. I m leaving for Hongkong. I ve just found a goodthere.B: Congratulations! When are you leaving?A: I ll try to catch the 11:10 train tomorrow morning.B: I wish I could see you off at the station,

26、 but I have to be on duty tomorrow. A: That s all right. We will write to each other, won t we?B: Sure! Have a good trip!Task 2Kate: Hey, David!Have you met my friend?David: I m afraid I have t.s visiting me from her university.Kate: Well, this is my oldest and best friend, Nancy. She David: Hi, I m

27、 David.Nancy: Hi, David. It s nice to meet you.David: So you will be staying in our school for the weekend?Nancy: Yes, Ill stay with Kate here. We are doing somengaup together. I have a lot totell her about my new school.David: Which university are you studying at? Are you an English major like Kate

28、?Nancy: I m doing my undergraduate study and City University. I m in medicine.Kate: David, Nancy s very goodriting, too. She started a poetry club when we were athigh school. (To Nancy) David loves poetry very much.Nancy: Oh, really!David: You two must have had a lot of fun together then. I always a

29、ppreciate those whowrite good poems. Kate, I ll talk to you next Mondy. I d better be going now. Nancy, ni meeting you, and enjoy your weekend here!Kate: See you later!Nancy: Thank you. Goodbye!Task 3Nowadays relatives and friends live much more spread out than before. How do people overcome long di

30、stances to stay in touch in meaningful ways? and that means more than “Hi! ”“How are you Everybody OK?”“Good. See ya! ”Cell phones, text messages,email, and computer-generatedphones are all part of a battery of weapons that help friends and loved ones stay in touch.One-on-one communication through s

31、uch means helps keep relationships alive, but the vigor that flourishes in a group of folks, especially of mixed generations is hard to achieve by mail and phone. Group communication by phone is not impossible, though. For example, family members living all over the map can arrange a conference call

32、 to talk together. But the bill for doing this is often huge and therefore it is not recommended.The internet, however, provides options we never had before. Cyber communications make it a lot easier to saty in touch. And just in time, too. Families or friends can register as an e-group at - Groups

33、or other online linking services. And then when you post an email to your formed e-group, you re posting toeveryone on the list. In effect, you have a chat room situation. Using digital photos to enhave the topic or keep the linkers updated on children s growth and other progress can be great fun, t

34、oo! Task 4In daily life people are getting more and more informal. So don get surprised at English native-speakers not saying “ How do you do? ” and shaking hands with you when you first meet. A causal “Hi” or “How are you doing? ” or “Hello often takes the place means the same thing. It is neither

35、surprising to see that the Chinese do not often greet each other any more. They just nod or smile instead. Similarly, at the end of a day, it is more often the case that you wave a cheery“goodbye or say something informal to the whole groupsuch as“so long everybody chlartingr about a group in the of

36、fice giving each one apersonal farewell. Key D Practical listeningMr. Zhang was a professor working at a university in Guangzhou. He spent four months at University of Sydney on a joint research project. He lived with a local family during his stay in Sydney, and made a lot of friends there. Before

37、he returned home, his colleagues and friends in Sydney held a farewell party for him. And Mr. Zhou made a speech at the party:“ I d like to take this opportunity to say a few words. The four months I ve ;have been one of the most unforgettable experiences I have ever had in my life. Everybody I vmet

38、 in Sydney has been so kind that I veeally felt quite at home all the time. ” Everyone here is so considerate in every way and so friendly in giving me every help I need in my work and life, that I really don t know how I can thank you enough. I hope my hostand my friends here will soon pay a return

39、 visit to Guangzhou. Now let me take this opportunity to thank you all for your hospitality and say goodbye to you all. Thank you!”Part C Fun Listening Task 1 Upside-downPhilip was the manager of a small electronics shop, where parts of electronic products were also available upon request. Once he o

40、rdered parts No. 699 from a factory. With a glance at the little box when he received it, he thought that someone had sent him parts No.669 instead. He was so angry at the factory s incompetence that he immediately sent th(box back without opening it, along with a letter giving them a piece of his m

41、ind. A few days later, Philip received the same box back, with a letter that contained just four words: THE BOX OVER . It was not until he opened the box that he realized he was the one who had made a mistake.KeyPhilip was careless. The parts he received were right, but he held the box upside-down a

42、nd mistook 699 to 669.Task 2It won t be easy, you ll think itist福而容易,你們也會詫異When I try to explain how I feel我努力說出我的感受That I still need your love after all that I因為即使今edoneB 然需要你們的愛You won t believe m蛛們不會相信All you will see is a girl you once knew 今天你們看到的,不過是曾經(jīng)認識的小女孩Although she s dressed up the nines穿

43、著大人的衣At sixes and sevens with you舉止思想依然幼稚I have to let it happen, I had to changed別無選擇,我只能抗爭Couldn t stay all mlye down at heel 無法忍受草根生活Looking out of the window, staying out of the sun 呆望窗外, 不見天 日So I chose freedom所以我選擇了自由Running around, trying everything new 四處游歷, 不斷嘗新But nothing impressed me at a

44、ll 但我并未遇至 U 驚喜I never expected it to我本來也沒有奢望Don t cry for me Argntina阿根廷,別為我哭泣The truth is I never left you 我對你不離不棄All through my wild days, my mad existence 無論潦倒, 無論瘋狂I kept my promise, don t keep your d戚ance守諾言,請不要舍我而去And as for fortune, and as for fame至于榮華, 至于名禾I never invited them in 我從未苛求Though

45、 it seemed to the world 雖然世人眼中They were all I desired這是我唯一的目標They are illusions它們不過是浮光幻影They re not the solutions they promise to be 非靈丹妙藥The answer was here all the time8 的答案一向者B 是:I love you and hope you love me愛人,并希望人亦愛我Have I said too much?我是否說得太多?There s nothing more I can think of to say to yo

46、u 他的,暫時也想不起來But all you have to do is look at me to know 你們看著我,就會明白That every word is true發(fā)自肺腑,字字真言Unit 3 Congratulations and Good WishesPart A Listening SkillsTask 11. Let me congratulate_you on your success.2. I wish_you the besi_of health.3. I hope you enjoy the film.4. Take care_of yourself.5. H

47、ave a good time. Thank_you.Task 2Dialogue 1W: I hear you re going to travel to Tibet next week.M: Yes, I have been hoping for such a trip for a long time.W: I envy you. Tibet is such a beautiful place. Have a great trip.M: Thank you.Question: What is the man going to do?Key He is going to travel/hav

48、e a trip to Tibet.Dialogue 2M: How did you do in your final exam?W: I got an A! I really can t believe it.M: You deserve it. I know how hard you ve worked for it. And I m so happy for you.W: Thank you.Question: How did the woman do in the final exam?Key She got an A/ did a good job/ did very well in

49、 her final exam.Part B Listening PracticePre-listeningWe Wish You a Merry ChristmasEnyaWe wish you a merry Christmas;We wish you a merry Christmas;We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.Good tidings we bring to you and your kin;We Wish You A Merry Christmas and a happy new year;We all wa

50、nt some figgy pudding;We all want some figgy pudding;We all want some figgy pudding, so bring some right here.We won t go until we get some;We won t go until we get some;We won t go until we get some, so bring someght here.We wish you a merry Christmas;We wish you a merry Christmas;We wish you a mer

51、ry Christmas and a happy new year.Core ListeningTask 1Dialogue 1M: Do you know it s Ally s birthday tomorrow?W: Hey, you re right. Hmm, it s too late to send a card. Well, let s do somethingM: How about a surprise party?W: That s a great idea. Let s get started.Question: What are they going to do?Ke

52、y CDialogue 2W: It s said that you re moving to a new apartment soon.M: Yes. I was selected as director of the new branch of our firm in another city, so we will move there pretty soon. And you know, Kate has been longing for a bigger apartment for a long time.W: Yeah, she must be very happy now. Co

53、ngratulations on your promotion.Question: What do we know about the man?Key BDialogue 3W: Hi! Jack, I just came back yesterday. Anything new while I was away?M: Congratulations, Susan. It said you llbe promoted to manager and become my immediate boss.Question: What is the most probable relationship

54、between the two speakers at the moment?Key DDialogue 4M: Our football team has just won the league final match!W: Wow, we have become the league champion for the fourth time! M: Cheers!Question: How many times before has the school football team won the league championship?Key B Task 2A recent surve

55、y from America Online s Tegic Communications shows that a “surpi number of people in America and Europe are sending Christmas and New Year greetings by text messaging rather than through conventional paper cards via the mail. The survey is based on data from the U.S. and five countries in Europe. Wh

56、en mobile users were asked whether they have or would send a “Merry Christmas text message, the following percentages in an array of countries said yes, including:The U.S., 39 percentThe U.K., 56 percentFrance, 66 percentGermany, 79 percentSpain, 88 percentItaly, 91 percentIn addition, the figures a

57、bout sending a“ Happy New Year text message were roug!equivalent. Other similar surveys show the increasing popularity of the text messaging as well. A report from the wireless provider Alltel indicates that text messaging increased by 154 percent during the last year.The wireless company said that in the month of June this year, 7.2 billion text messages were sent, a huge increase from the 2.8 billion sent a year earlier. Task 3Have you ever heard others saying“cross your fingers or “I


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