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1、Un it 13 達(dá)標(biāo)測試卷時(shí)間:90 分鐘 總分:120 分題號In出IVVvnvrnIX總分得分I聽力(共 20 分)(I)聽對話,選擇正確的答案。每組對話讀兩遍(每小題 1 分,共 5 分)1. What does the sign say?3. What animals does the girl like?A . Dolph ins. B. Dogs. C . Tigers.4. What is the table made of?,,B),C)SWIMMINGPR0HI8ITEDNOLETTERINGPUEA&E USE ATRASH CAN%_/NO SMOKING2. How

2、does the girl go to work?102(n)聽對話,選擇正確的答案。每段對話讀兩遍(每小題 1 分,共 10 分)聽第一段對話,完成第 6 至 7 小題。6 Where will the woman go?A Beijing. B Changsha. C Xian.7 Whats the date of the ticket?A June 13th. B June 30th. C July 1st.聽第二段對話,完成第 8 至 9 小題。8 Whats Jessicas motherland?A Australia. B China.C Germany.9 How long

3、does koalas sleep every day?A About 6 hours.B About 16 hours.C About 20 hours.聽第三段對話,完成第 10 至 12 小題。1 0 What are the two speakers talking about?A How to save money.B How to save the environment.C How to spend the summer holiday.11How many ways does the boy come up with?A Two. B Three. C Four.12 Who

4、do most of the shopping in Lindas family?A Wood.Steel.Stone.5 How old is the girl?A Thirteen.Fourteen. C Fifteen.3A Lindas sisters.B.Lin das gran dpare nts.C.Lin das pare nts.聽第四段對話,完成第13 至 15 小題。13. Who is going to make a report about the environment in the town?A . Steve n.B.Betty.C.Both Betty and

5、 Steven.14. What is serious polluted in the town?A . The noise. B . The air. C . The water.15 . What will the two speakers put up?A . Some posters.B . Some pictures.C . Some no tices.(川)聽短文,完成表格。短文讀兩遍(每小題 1 分,共 5 分)Young Voices for The PlanetWhat isYoung Voices for The Planet?It is_16_made by Lynne

6、Cherry.What does it want to tell us?It tells some stories of_17_ who are making adiffere nee to the environment.Who are the main characters and what dothey do ? Felix helps to pla nt2.5 billi on treesin Germa ny and 12 billio n trees_18_. _ Olivia rises over 200, 000 dollars toprotect _19_. Ted trie

7、s his best to ask people to stop 20 .104 Alec teaches other kids about theclimate cha nge.He makes more tha n 17speeches.n單項(xiàng)填空(每小題 1 分,共 15 分)21.(2017 重慶A中考)Stop smoking , Joe! You_yourself if you keep ondoing it like that!A.will killB . have killedC. killD . killed22.(2017 安徽中考)一 Cathy, can you ans

8、wer the door? I_ the room.Im coming , mum.A. cleanB . cleanedC. have cleanedD . am cleaning23.(2017 安徽中考)Do you have any plans for this Sunday?rm n ot sure .I_go to the coun tryside to see my gran dmother.A. canB. mustC . mayD . need24._(2017 威海中考)Listen! Someone_ the violin in the music room.A. pla

9、ys B . played C . is playing25 . rm against_ an imals.A . kill B . to kill C . killi ng D . killed26 . Maybe we can save a lot of trees if we reuse the_paper.A . recycli ng B . recycled C . to recycle D . recycles27 . My father_a lot , but now he has given it up.A . used smoke B . is used to smoking

10、5C . was used to smoke D . used to smoke28 . Its getti ng dark.Please_the light.10629. Farmers have become_in our hometown in recent years.A. more and more rich B . richer and richerC . more rich and more rich D . more rich and richer30 . Miss Taylor never wastes money on anything too expensive, eve

11、n though shecan_to.She has don ated (扌捐款)much of the money she saved to charities.A . allowB. remi ndC. affordD. spe nd31. Have you ever bee n to Hong Kong?Yes, _.A . I wasB . I doC.I amD.I have32 . It took my sister three hours_ readi ng this in teresti ng story.33 . Do you know the boy_ is helpi n

12、g the old man?Oh, thats my brother.A . whom B . whose C . who D34 . How much is the ticket to Cen tral Park?A one-way ticket _ $40, and you can _another $20 for a round-trip.A . costs , payB . cost , spendC . pay, spendD . spends, pay35 . Which sig n means“ Save Water ”?A . turn onB.turn offC. turn

13、downD . turn aroundA . to fin ishB.fini shedCfin ishi ng D . finishwhere7ABCD108川完形填空(每小題 1.5 分,共 15 分)As we know, many people feel very bored because of the haze (霧霾).So protectingAs a student , we should try our best to protect our environment.Now too many buses and cars canbe see n on the road.So

14、 we should go to school by bike or on _37_.And _ we should also ask ourparents_38_bikesto work.We should reuse (重復(fù)使用)_39_,for example, when I finish_40the clothes , I use the water to clean the floor andwater flowers.We will use energy-savinglamps and spend41 time when we are takinga shower.At schoo

15、l , I think saving paper is _42_, so I often make full use ofpaper.D ont throw away the_43 textbooks and leave them to the stude nts of lower grades.At the sametime , I n ever use _44_ bags .I will tell my pare nts to take bags whe n they are shopp in g.A nd I willadvise my pare nts to pla nt some t

16、rees beh ind my house.Itsimporta ntfor us to livea low-carb on lifeto 45 theen viro nmen t.Lowercarb on,happier life.36. A.amB.isC.areD. be37. A.footB.feetC.busD.foots38. A.to rideB.ridingC.ridesD.ride39. A.foodB.waterC.bagsD.paper40. A.washB. washesC.wash ingD.washed41. A.moreB.lessC.muchD.least42.

17、 A.interestingB.importantC.necessaryD. possible43. A.useB.usedC.usesD.us ing44. A.plasticB.clothC.paperD.water45. A.wasteB.destroyC.preve ntD.protect閱讀理解(每小題 2 分,共 20 分)the environment36_ very importa nt.9PollutionHundreds of years ago, life was much harder than it is today.People didnt have modernm

18、achines.There was no modern medicine, either.Life today has brought new problems.One of the biggest is pollution.Waterpollution has made our rivers and lakes dirty.It kills our fish and pollutes our drinking water.Noise pollutionmakes us talk louder and become angry more easily.Air pollution is the

19、most serious kind of pollution.Itsbad to all living things in the world.Cars ,planes and factories all pollute our air every day.Sometimes the polluted air is so thick thatit is like a quilt over a city.This kind of quilt is called haze ( 霧霾 ) Many countriesare making rules to fight against pollutio

20、n.Factories mustnow clean their water before it is thrown away, and they mustnt blow dirty smokeinto the air.We need to do many other things.We can put waste things in the dustbin and not throw it on theground.We can go to work by bus or with our friends in the same car.If there are fewer people dri

21、ving, there will be less pollution.Rules are not enough.Every person must help to fight against pollution.46 Hundreds of years ago,life was much harder than it is today because_ .A there were not any modern machinesB there was no modern medicineC both A and BD there were not many people47 What is th

22、e biggest problem in todays life?A Water pollution. B Air pollution.C Noise. D Pollution.48 The most serious kind of pollution is_ .A noise pollutionBair pollution101049._ Factories must clean their water .A . before they are thrown awayB. when they are thrown awayC . after it is thrown awayD. befor

23、e it is thrown away50.From the passage we know that_ .A . a few years ago , there was no haze at allB . today people dont have to talk to each other in a loud voiceC . we can drink water from the polluted rivers and lakesD . people are making rules in order to fight against pollutionBIn Guangan city

24、 , there are more and more private cars on the road ; they cause many trafficaccidents.ln order to solve the problem , the government has decided to provide 1, 000 public bikes forpeople to rent (租賃).The government encouraged people to ride bikes in order to solve the trafficproblem.More than 13, 00

25、0 people have agreed to the idea.Some of them ask for more than onecard.Although there are not eno ugh bikes , an official (官員)from the gover nment said that they wouldfind some ways to deal with such a shortage _.People can get these bikes at special docking stations (??空荆?There are about 100 dock

26、ingstati ons across the city.Lets see the cost you n eed to pay.You should pay 100 for a bike card , and youn eed nt pay for it with in (在. 內(nèi))2 hours afteryou get the bike.About 2, 000 cards have already been handed out to the people,but only 800 cards can be used now.The official from the governmen

27、t said they also needed to face a lot of problems , for example,some bikes may be lost.But they said they would try their best to solve the problem.51.In Guangan city , the government has decided to provide bikes for people torent in order to solve_.Athe traffic problemC. water pollutionDA, Band Cth

28、e family problem11C the population problemDthe health problem52 About _ cards have already been handed out to the people.A . 1 , 000B. 800C . 13, 000D. 2, 00053. In thepassage , theunderlinedword “shortage ” means _ in Chinese.A .挑戰(zhàn)B.缺點(diǎn)C.短缺D.困難54 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passa

29、ge?A The government provides a bike for each family.B People can get these bikes at special docking stations.C. If you want a card , you need to pay 50.D Few people have agreed to the idea.55. Whats the best title for the passage?A . The people in Guangan city.B. The cars in Guangan city.C. The publ

30、ic bikes in Guangan city.D. The pollution in Guangan city.V.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容完成表格(每小題 2 分,共 10 分)Almost a seventh of China has been under heavy smog.The air pollution in 20 cities has reached a“danger level ”. China is not alone ,however.Many countries have the same situation.The air pollutionis a problem from

31、 which we cant hide.United StatesSince the beginning of the 19th century , America has had trouble with environmental problems ,air pollution in particular.Almost 60 percent of Americans live in areas , where air pollution has reachedunhealthy levels.It can make people sick.The UScreated the Environ

32、mental Protection Agency in 1970 and passed the Clean Air Act.Nowthe air quality all over the country is much cleaner , especially compared to ten years ago.LondonYellow - grey smog was a frequent visitor to London in the 1950s and got the name “ Londonfog ”. The heaviest , which shocked the world ,

33、 was in 1952.Because of cold weather and windless1012conditions, polluted air covered the city.People could seesometh ing around them only in a few metres and about 4, 000 people died .In 1956,London passed the Clea n Air Act .It largely reduced air polluti on.New DelhiBecause New Delhi is developin

34、g fast , its air qualityis even worse than thatof Chinese cities.NewDelhi has done little to improve air quality in recentyears.However , the city government made a few changes more than 10 years ago.They moved industryout of the city, built a subway and improved public transport.World Battles Agai

35、nst Air Pollutio nCh inaAs for the air pollution, China isnot_56_ ; many countries have the same situatio n.Uni ted StatesAbout 60 perce nt of America ns live in areas ,where_57_has reached unhealthy levels.The En viro nmen tal Protect ion Age ncy_58_ by the US in 1970.LondonIn 1952 , the _59_ smog

36、shocked theworld.New DelhiBecause New Delhi is develop ing fast,its air quality is even 60 than that of Chin ese cities.W.根據(jù)首字母或漢語提示完成句子(每小題 1 分,共 5 分)61.I dont have much money.And I cant a_ e new house.62.The government developed some l_ to stop the traffic accident.63._ Its important for us to rpa

37、per to save the forest.64. There are many_( 漁民)in the village.65._The dictionary( 花費(fèi))me ten dollars yesterday.13四根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子(每小題 1 分,共 5 分)66. 他們從沒聽說過這件事。They have never_ this thi ng.67. 這酒是用葡萄釀造的。The wi ne is_grapes.68. 森林里過去常有很多鳥兒唱歌。There_ lots of birds singing in the forest.69. 我許多年前參加過他們的游戲。I_the

38、ir game many years ago.70. 離開前把燈關(guān)掉。_ the light before you leave.忸用方框中所給詞的適當(dāng)形式補(bǔ)全短文(每小題 1 分,共 10 分)home, become, burn , animal , change, everybody , law, important , result , luckyThe environment is everything around us, such as air , water ,71, plantsand buildi ngs.People cant live without the enviro

39、nment._72_ n eeds to breathe air , drink water and eatfood every day.We 73 coal to keep warm, use wood to make paper.As a _74_, we become part ofthe environment.The environment has bee n gett ing worse and worse for many years.The air is polluted by smokefrom factories.Mach ines make no ises that an

40、noy us.A ni mals are _75 because the forests are being cutdow n. Streets are crowded with people and vehicles.Theenvironment is _76_ painfulfor us tolive in now.So its time to solvethese problems._77_, it isnt too late to correct our mistakes.People have come to realizethe_78_of the environment and

41、have beg un to _79_ thejr behavior.Our gover nment is making _80_to deal with air , water and lightpollution.Webelieve that we will be ableto save our environment and live in a better world.IX.書面表達(dá)(共 20 分)假如上周一你班舉行了“愛護(hù)水、節(jié)約水”的主題活動,請你根據(jù)以下要點(diǎn)為你校校 報(bào)寫一篇活1014動報(bào)道?;顒觾?nèi)容邀請王老師做報(bào)告;全班討論如何節(jié)水和愛護(hù)水。活動收獲我們知道我國一些地方水源受到

42、污染;我市雖有一些河流和湖泊,但也缺水。所以(節(jié)水和愛護(hù)水的方法至少各發(fā)揮一點(diǎn))活動感受要 求 : 1 詞 數(shù) 不 少 于9 0 , 文 章 的 開 頭 已 為 你 寫 好 , 不 計(jì) 入 總 詞 數(shù) ;2.要點(diǎn)完整,層次清晰,語法正確,上下文連貫。Last Mon day our class held an activityUn it 13 達(dá)標(biāo)測試卷1.(I)1.B2.C3.A4.C5.B(n)6.A7.C8.A9.B10.B11.B12.C13.A14.C15.B(in)16.a movie 17.kids 18.around the world 19.birds20.using pla

43、sticbagsn.21.A提示:考查時(shí)態(tài)的辨析。句意:Joe,戒煙吧!如果你繼續(xù)那樣做,你會害死自己的!由 if 引導(dǎo)的條件狀語從句中用一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)表將來,可推斷出主句中應(yīng)當(dāng)用一般將來時(shí),所以選 Ao 22.D提示:考查動詞的時(shí)態(tài)。句意為“ Cathy,你能去開門嗎?” “我在 打掃房間。我馬上來開,媽媽”。clean 般現(xiàn)在時(shí)態(tài)結(jié)構(gòu);cleaned 般過去時(shí)態(tài)結(jié)構(gòu);have cleaned 現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)態(tài)結(jié)構(gòu);amcleaning 現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)態(tài)結(jié)構(gòu)。由語境可知,此時(shí)媽媽正在打 掃房間,因此無法去開門,故選D。 23.C提示:考查情態(tài)動詞表推測。句意為“你這個(gè)周日有計(jì)劃嗎? ”“我不確定。我可能

44、去鄉(xiāng)下看望我祖母”。can 能;must 定;may 或許;need 需要。 既然沒有確定這個(gè)周日的安排, 那么去看望祖母也只是“可能, 或許”的事情,故選 Co24.C提示:考查動詞的時(shí)態(tài)。句意:聽!某人在音樂教室里拉小提琴。plays一般現(xiàn)在時(shí);played 一般過去時(shí);is playing 現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)。根據(jù)關(guān)鍵句 Listen !可知用現(xiàn) 在進(jìn)行時(shí),故選Co 25.C提示:本題考查 aga in st 的用法。agai nst 是介詞,其后應(yīng)接動名詞作賓語,故選 C。 26.B 提示:動詞的過去分詞作定語表示分詞所發(fā)生的動作與被修 飾詞語之間存在被動關(guān)系。句意為“如果我們重復(fù)利用回收的廢

45、紙,也許我們可以挽救許多 樹”,故選 Bo 27.D提示:由 but 后的分句可知,前面講的是父親過去的情況,used to dosth. 過去常常做某事。 1528. A提示: 考查動詞短語的辨析。turn on 意為打開”;turn off 意為關(guān)掉”; turn down 意為調(diào)小”;turn around 意為翻轉(zhuǎn)”。由前句天快黑了”可知,后句意為“請打開燈”。29.B提示:考查形容詞比較級的用法。比較級連用表示“越來越”,構(gòu)成為比較級+ and +比較級”或“ more and more +多音節(jié)形容詞”。3O.C提示:考查動詞的辨析。句意:泰勒小姐從來不在太貴的東西上浪費(fèi)錢,即使她

46、能負(fù)擔(dān)得起。她捐了 自己節(jié)約的很多錢給慈善機(jī)構(gòu)。 afford 意為“負(fù)擔(dān)得起”,故選C。 31.D 提示:考查一般疑問句的回答。根據(jù)上句用現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)可知,答語使用Yes, I have. 。 32.A 提示: 考查非謂語動詞的用法。 It took sb.some time to do sth. 意為“花費(fèi)某人多少時(shí)間做某事”。 33.C提示:考查定語從句的用法。先行詞是the boy,指人,在定語從句中作主語,關(guān)系代詞用 who= 34.A提示:考查動詞辨析。cost 花費(fèi)”,物作主語,spend “花費(fèi)”,人作主語, pay for “付款”, 人作主語,所以選 A。 35.D 提示:考

47、查日常生活圖標(biāo)的辨別。Save Water 意為“節(jié)約用水”,與D 圖一致。in.36.B提示:protecting the environment 是動名詞短語,作主語時(shí),謂語動詞要用 單數(shù)形式。 37.A 提示:考查固定短語。 on foot 意為“步行”,是固定搭配,故選A。 38.A 提示: 考查固定短語。 ask sb.to do sth. 意為“要求某人做某事”, 故選 A。 39.B 提示:考查名詞辨析。聯(lián)系下文的“ I use the water to clean the floor”可知重復(fù)使用的是水,故只有 B 符合題意。 40.C 提示:考查詞組的運(yùn)用。 finish d

48、oing sth. 意為“做完某事”,所以選 C。 41.B 提示:考查形容詞比較級的用法。根據(jù)題意可知從節(jié)約的角度來講縮短洗澡的時(shí)間才是正確的做法,故答案是B。 42.C 提示:考查形容詞的用法。interesting “有趣的”; important “重要的”; necessary “必要的” ; possible “可能 的”。聯(lián)系上下句可知“節(jié)約用紙是很有必要的”,故C 項(xiàng)符合題意。43.B提示:考查非謂語動詞的用法。句中的 the used textbooks 意為“用過的課本”,過去分詞在此處作定 語,所以答案是B。 44.A 提示:考查詞義辨析。因?yàn)楸疚闹髦际翘岢?jié)約、環(huán)保的低碳生活,故此處是說從不用塑料袋。45.D提示:考查動詞的用法。waste “浪費(fèi)”;destroy “毀壞”; prevent “阻止”; protect “保護(hù)”。 在通曉文意的基礎(chǔ)上可知是說保護(hù) 環(huán)境。 IV.46.C提示:細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)短文第一段的內(nèi)容


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