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1、 姓名:5A Unit1 Goldilocks and three bears知識點一、熟讀本課單詞、會聽寫、默寫。1.bear熊 2.forest森林 3.there(與be連用)有 4.house房子 5.soup湯 6.just right正合適 7.room房間 8.hard硬的 9.soft柔軟的 10.afraid害怕的 11.in front of在前面 12.her她(賓格) 13.help救命 14.beside在旁邊 15.between在中間 16.really真正地 17.then然后 18.find找到,發(fā)現 19.their他們的二、熟記本課詞組、會聽寫部分重要詞組

2、in the forest在森林里 a beautiful house一座漂亮的房子 hungry and thirsty又餓又渴 some soup一些湯 too cold/hot太冷/熱 just right正合適 in the room在房間里 too hard/soft太硬/軟 three bears 三只熊 have some cakes吃些蛋糕 in the kitchen在廚房 in the fridge在冰箱里 find their cousin發(fā)現他們的表弟三、句型:要求會默寫。1. There is a house in the forest.在森林里有一個房子。2. Th

3、ere is some soup on the table.在桌子上有一些湯。3. There are three bears in front of her.在她前面有三只熊。4. This soup is too cold.這湯太冷了。5. Goldilocks is in the forest.金發(fā)女孩在森林里。6. What a beautiful house! 多么漂亮的房子!7. She is hungry and thirsty.她是又餓又渴。8. There arent any cakes here.這兒沒有一些蛋糕。9. You can have some cakes.你能吃

4、一些蛋糕。10.Bobby cannot(cant) see any cakes in the fridge.波比看不到冰箱里有蛋糕。四語言點:要求理解并會運用1.There be句型表示“某處有某物”,be動詞用is還是用are遵循下面的原則:be動詞后面 如果跟的是單數名詞或不可數名詞,就用is; There is a pencil case in the school bag. There is some soup/milk /tea/coffee/juice/water/chocolate.be動詞后面如果跟的是可數名詞的復數,就用are. There are some desks i

5、n the classroom.be動詞后面如果跟的是不止一種物品,就根據離它最近的物品選用is或are.(就近原則)There are some pictures and a telephone.There is a telephone and some pictures.2.There be 句型的否定形式:在be動詞的后面加not(is not可以縮寫為isnt,are not可以縮寫為 arent)把some 改成any。例:There is a pencil in the pencil-box.(改為否定句)There isnt a pencil in the pencil-box.

6、There are some crayons on the desk.(改為否定句)There arent any crayons on the desk.3.“some”和“any”都有“一些”的意思.“some”一般用于肯定句,“any”用于否定句和一般疑問句。但在一些表示委婉請求,想得到對方肯定回答的疑問句中,也用“some”.例:1.There are some watermelons in the basket.(肯定句)2.There arent any birds in the tree.(否定句)3.Are there any toy trains on the table?(

7、疑問句)4.Would you like some tea?(表委婉請求)4.can在否定句中的用法:表示某人不能做某事時,通常在can后面加否定詞not,注意not一般與can連寫,也可縮寫成cant.后面加動詞原形。 Bobby cannot(cant) see any cakes in the fridge.5. 感嘆句的結構:感嘆句常用how或what來引導 (1)what引導的感嘆句 a.What+a/an+形容詞+可數名詞單數!What a beautiful house!b.What+形容詞+可數名詞復數! What nice dresses!c. What+形容詞+不可數名詞!

8、 What delicious milk!(2)how引導的感嘆句 How+形容詞/副詞! How nice!5A Unit1 Goldilocks and three bears基礎知識【詞組】在森林里 in the forest 三只熊 three bears又餓又渴 hungry and thirsty 一些湯 some soup在桌子上 on the table 太燙了 too hot太硬了 too hard 太軟了 too soft正好 just right 疲勞;累了 be tired害怕 be afraid 在她前面 in front of her【句型】1.What a bea

9、utiful house!2.This is hot/cold/hard/soft.3.She is hungry/thirsty/tired/happy/afraid.4.Theres a/some+介詞短語.5.There are some+介詞短語.6.Who are you?語法知識【方位介詞】1.between 在之間(在兩者之間 )2.beside 在旁邊 3.in front of 在前面 4.under 在下面 5.behind 在后面 【there be結構】1.there be結構表示“某時、某地存在著什么事物或人”,包括there is、there are(there w

10、as、there were)2.和have/has的區(qū)別:There be 句型表示:在某地有某物(或人) ;而have、has、had表示:某人擁有某物。3.在there be 句型中,主語是單數或不可數,be 動詞用is;主語是復數,be 動詞用are;如有幾件物品,be動詞根據最靠近be 動詞的那個名詞決定“就近原則”。 如:There is a desk and some chairs in the room.4.there be 句型的否定句在be 動詞后加not , 一般疑問句把be 動詞調到句首。 如:There is a bear in the forest. 否定句:Ther

11、e is not a bear in the forest. 疑問句:Is there a bear in the forest?5.some和any在there be 句型中的運用: some 用于肯定句, any 用于否定句或疑問句。 6.and 和or 在there be句型中的運用:and 用于肯定句, or 用于否定句或疑問句。7.針對數量提問的特殊疑問句的基本結構是: How many + 名詞復數 + are there + 介詞短語?How much + 不可數名詞 + is there + 介詞短語? 8.針對主語提問的特殊疑問句的基本結構是: Whats + 介詞短語? 如

12、:There is a house in the forest.(對畫線部分提問)Whats in the forest?There are three beds in the room.(對畫線部分提問)Whats in the room?【Some與any的用法】1)Some一般用于肯定句,意思是幾個、一些、某個2)Some用于疑問句時,表示建議、請求或希望得到肯定回答,如:-Would you like some tea?(建議) -OK. Thank you.-Im hungry. -How about some noodles?(建議)-Can I have some water?

13、我可以喝點水嗎?(請求) -Here you are.3)Any一般用于疑問句或否定句,意思是任何一些、任何一個如:We dont have any lessons on Saturday.Are there any students in the classroom?4)Any用于肯定句時,意思是任何的,如:Come here with any friends.5A Unit1 Goldilocks and three bears練一練一、選擇題。1.( )There _ a book on the table. A. is B. are2.( ) _ there an apple on y

14、our desk? A. are B. is3. ( )There _ some students in the classroom. A. are B. is4 .( )There _ a pencil , a book and two pens on the table. A. is B. are5 .( )There _ two apples, one orange and one banana on the table. A. is B. are6 .( )Are there _ pictures on the wall ? No , there arent _ . A .any an

15、y B some any C. some some7. ( )Are there _ houses near the river? Yes, there are_. A. some, some B. any, some C. any, any D. some, any8.( )There is _ book in his hand. A. no B not二、用“have,has”或者 “there is , there are”填空。1. I_a good father and a good mother.2. _many children on the hill.3. He_a mirro

16、r.4. _a basketball in the playground.5. She_some dresses.6. They_a nice garden.7. What do you_?8. _a reading-room in the building?9. What does Mike_?10. _a map of the world on the wall.11. My father_a story-book.12. _a story-book on the table.13. My parents_some nice pictures.14. _some maps on the w

17、all.三、用恰當的be動詞填空。1、There _a lot of(許多) sweets in the box.2、There _some milk in the glass.3、There _some people under the the big tree.4、There_ a picture and a map on the wall.5、There _four cups of coffee on the table.四、按要求寫句子。1.There is an end table in my room.(改為一般疑問句、否定句)2.There are two students in

18、 the classroom.(改為一般疑問句、否定句)3.There are some books on the desk.( (改為一般疑問句、否定句)五、選用some或any填空。1) There isnt _milk in the fridge. 2) I can see_cars, but I cant see_buses.3) He has _ friends in Beijing. 4) Here are _presents(禮物) for you. 5)Does Tom want to make _ cakes? 6) 6) Is there_rice in the kitch

19、en? 7) There are_new teachers in our school. 9)-Would you like_ cakes? -No, Id not like _cakes, but Id like _coffee.10)-Are there_pictures on the wall? -No, there arent _pictures.5A Unit1 Goldilocks and three bears練習測題一、判斷下列各組單詞畫線部分發(fā)音是否相同,用“T”或“F”表示。( )1. cake coat ( )2. car bag ( )3. cap come( )4.d

20、octor class ( )5. China coffee二、找出下列單詞中不同類的一項。( )1. A. hand B. cold C. fever( )2. A. where B. what C. there( )3. A. in B. between C. forest( )4. A. house B. kitchen C. living room( )5. A. dog B. bear C. table三、根據句意及首字母或中文提示寫出單詞。1、There are some (書) in my schoolbag. I like reading.2、I can see two (熊)

21、 in the zoo.3、My schoolbag is (在之間)the two books.4、The monkeys live in the big (森林).5、There is a (房子)beside the cinema.6、Im hungry.You can h a piece of bread.7、Today is my birthday. Im very h .8、It is t hot now.9、There is s milk in the glass.10、The big tree is in f of our school.四、單項選擇。( )1、There an

22、y juice in the fridge.A. are B. is C. isnt( )2、Three bears a new house.A. have B. is C. has( )3、Mike and I in the forest.A. am B. is C. are( )4、Im . Heres a cake for you.A. thirsty B. hungry C. cold( )5、Whats the matter with .Shes thirsty.A. she B. he C. her( )6、 a lovely doll!A. How B. What C. why(

23、 )7、There are some big trees my house.A. of B. between C. behind( )8、There some bread on the table.A. is B. are C. have( )9、This soup is just . I can have it.A. hot B. cold C. right( )10、Liu Tao sits Mike and Yang Ling.A. on B. in C. between五、從欄中找出與欄想對應的句子,將其序號填在題前括號里。 ( )1、Who are you? A. We have three.( )2、Who is she? B. There are three apples.( )3、How many apples do you have? C. Thank you.( )4、Whats on the table? D. It is her house.( )5、Whats the matter? E. Theyre twenty y


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