



1、Unit 9 Life goes electronic .連線匹配。1。air conditioningA。上傳2 . PhotocopierB??照{(diào)3 .saveC。復(fù)印機(jī)4 .uploadD。點(diǎn)擊5 .clickEo 存儲(chǔ)二.英譯漢。1.go online 2.send short messages3.microblog 4.make vodeos5.check email 5.take photos三.根據(jù)中文意思,補(bǔ)全英文單詞。1. friends 與朋友坳1夭 2. a file 下 載文件 3.internet 接入 互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 4.make 打電話 5. the key words輸

2、入關(guān)鍵字 6.website 網(wǎng)址四.選擇正確答案1.it will take me hour and half to finish work。A.an, a, the B.a, a, the C.an, a2 .This is the same girl came to borrow an English book two days ago。A.whoB.whichC.what3 .we aer talking about the pianist will visit our school next week.A.whichB.who C.what4 .This is useful book

3、 .Ive read it for hour.A.an,/ B.an,an C.a,an5 .The girl an English song in the next room is Toms sister .A.who is singing B.is singing C.was singing五.根據(jù)提示修改句子Example: With a book ,Ipassed the .it is borrowed from my sister.With the book that is borrowed from my sister ,I passed the exam .1.I have a

4、picture . It is drawn by my grandfather.2.This is Rebecca ,She is the cheerleader in the school.3.I will meet you in the park tomorrow morning the park is new in near my school.六.選擇恰當(dāng)?shù)脑~語填空1 .The man (who/what)you saw yesterday is a doctor from Beijing.2 .Here is a book (who/that)will give you a lot

5、of useful information.3 .Everythign (that/which)I told you just now is true. 4.the girl (who/which )sang well at the party last night is my friend.5 .the mobile phone (that/who)is made in china is mine.七.讀短文,選擇正確答案。My country is one of the poorest countries in the world. Very few people here have co

6、mputers or use the internet. In 1995 a university was the first place to have the full Internet. My school is one of only a few high schools that also have computers. In Information Technology classes, I learn all about how to use computers and different programmes . I want my parents to get email a

7、t home but it costs$20 a month, which is expensive for us. To have the full internet costs$10_thats another reason why so few people in our country use the Internet, in fact less than 0.1%! Most users live in or near the capital, like me. We have many cyber caf3s here. Theyre quite expensive, about$

8、3 an hour, buttheyre very popular.1. how much does it cost to have the full internet.A.$20B.$010C.$32. which place first had the full internet.A.A university B.A cyber caf .位.A high school3.in information technology classes , the speaker learnA.maths B.skills C.programmes4 .most of the cyber cafe us

9、ers live in or near the.A.capital B.countryside C.coast5 .how many people in the speakers country use the internet A.%1B.%0.1 C.less than %0.1八.讀短文,填空。Instant-Dict is an e-dictionary developed by a company in Hong Kong. It has a large vocabulary of one million words and phrases, so you canlook up an

10、y word you come across. Instant-Dict is controlled by advanced computer technology, which is also thelatest technical achievement from the companys 20 years of research. The-body of the Instant-Dict is made of light metal. Therefore, it is small in size and convenient to carry. Besides, it is easy t

11、o operate. The price is reasonable. InStant-Dict is a WiSe choice for Engljsh learn.Instant-Dict is an(1)that has a vocabulary of one (2)words and phrases. It is controlled by (3)computer technology. It has a(4) size because it is made of (5) metal and it is sold ata(6)price.九讀短文,判斷正誤。Computer games

12、 are the favourite gifts for boys. The more they play, the more they want to play. If you dont want to give the gift away by asking what games they already have, just buy a gift card for a computer game store where he can buy his favourite games using your gift card. This is a great idea for any boy

13、 who1oves playing computer games.1. Boys wi1l be very happy to get computer games as gifts. ()2. They wi1l lose interest in computer games ifthey play too much?3. If you dont know what game a boy wants, buy him one youlike?4. A gift card wi11 make it easier for a boy to get his favourite games?十學(xué)習(xí)策略在英語學(xué)習(xí)中我們會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn),有些單詞是由兩個(gè)單詞組成的 I這樣的詞我們


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