



1、 物 理 學 報 Acta Phys Sin Vol 60 ,No 7 ( 2011 ) 074201 圖5 ( a ) 基于矢量網絡分析儀的測試系統(tǒng); ( b ) 測試樣品 圖6 ( a) , ( c) , ( e ) 分別是樣品 1 , ( d) , ( f ) 分別是計算得到的樣品 1 , 樣品 2 , 樣品 3 測得的 S 21 參數; ( b ) , 樣品 2 , 樣品 3 的 等效參數 074201-6 物 理 學 報 Acta Phys Sin Vol 60 ,No 7 ( 2011 ) 074201 料的方法, 通 過 模 擬, 分析了其電諧振和磁諧振的 5. 結 論 通過 將

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9、based * on dielectric resonator theory Yang Yi-Ying 1) Qu Shao-Bo 3) 1) 2) 3) Wang Jia-Fu Xia Song 2) 1) Zhao Jing-Bo 2) 1) Bai Peng Li Zhe Xu Zhuo 1 ) ( Science College ,Air Force Engineering University ,Xi'an 710051 ,China ) 710049 ,China ) 710051 ,China ) 2 ) ( Electronic Materials Research L

10、aboratory ,Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education ,Xi'an Jiaotong University ,Xi'an 3 ) ( Synthetic Electronic Information System Research Department ,Air Force Engineering University ,Xi'an ( Received 5 August 2010 ; revised manuscript received 6 September 2010 ) Abstract By analyz

11、ing dielectric cube with high permittivity based on dielectric resonator theory , a new approach to the analyzing of left-handed metamaterials simultaneously with negative permittivity and negative permeability is proposed The approach indicates that dipoles with Lorentz-type resonance electromagnet

12、ic responses can realize negative effective parameters in their negative resonant region The dipole originates from standing wave in high permittivity dielectric cube By combining electric dipole with magnetic dipole together ,the interaction between two kinds of dipoles will destroy the standing wa

13、ve and realize a left-handed passband Numerical simulations indicate that by combining dielectric cubes with same sizes but different permittivities together ,the electric resonant frequency and the magnetic resonant frequency can be coincident Finally , experiments are carried out to verify the feasibility of all-dielectric left-handed metamaterial constructed by this means Keywords : all-dielectric metamaterial ,dielectric resonator ,electric dipole ,magnetic dipole PACS : 42 70 Nq ,78 20 Ci ,76 20 + q ,7


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