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1、精品文檔,值得擁有1 / 8Phase TitleDo not use full sentences. Use active voice.Phase Overview and Objectives.Show Overview as block text; show objectives as adashed list.GENERATE IDEASThis stage is the process of gen erat ing, collect ing and n urturi ng new product ideas from multipleinternal and external so

2、urces for introduction into the product development process. *The objective of the Gen erate Ideas stage from the con sulta nts perspectivopport un ities and impleme nt recomme nded soluti ons for improv ing the effective ness of the clie nts Gen erate Ideas process.The objectives of the Gen erate I

3、deas stage from the clie nts perspective arEstablish a focal point for collecting new product and service ideasIde ntify and un dersta nd the in ternal and exter nal sources from which ideas developEstablish formal processes to collect and com muni cate product developme nt ideasScree n ideas for in

4、 itial fit with the compa nyproduct strategy and developme ntobjectivesImplement an environment in which idea generation is championed and rewarded.The key activities of this stage in clude:Establish a focal point Ide ntify ideasources Access ing idea sourcesDefi ne ideaScree n ideae is toideto:Phas

5、e Hints (enablers)Insert items which will help consultant carry out thisphase of engagement successfully.(* Note: We will use“product ” throughout this discussion to refer to both tangibleproducts and intan gible services.)Con sulta nt should guide the clie nt toward lear nin g/achiev ing the follow

6、 ing:Every one at the compa ny should feel his or her role is conn ected to inno vati on.Employees n eed to learn and un dersta nd the processes associated with inno vation in cludi ng any tech niq ues for gen erati ng ideas.Man agers or team leaders can help inno vators broade n or deepe n their th

7、i nking bybeingand non-intrusive.精品文檔,值得擁有2 / 8精品文檔,值得擁有3 / 8Company should encourage collaborative idea generation amongst all stakeholders, i.e., engin eeri ngand marketi ng, employees and customers.In gen erat ing product ideas, en sure the compa ny is focused on an ticipat ing and solv ing custo

8、mersemerg ing problems.The compa ny should ack no wledge quality of effort regardless of whether or not an idea proceeds beyond the in itial scree n.Phase Questi onsInclude questions which the consultant may use whileinterviewing the client.The following key questions could serve as a guide for inte

9、rviewing the client to assess the effective nessof their Idea Gen erati on stage. For additi onal questi ons, refer to the New Product Developme nt diag nostic tool.aa How does the client ensure a continuous flow of new ideas into the development pipeli ne?bb If innovation is critical to the clients

10、 product strategy, how do they ensure it?cc Who has ownership for idea generation?dd What are the roles and resp on sibilities of own ership for gen erat ing ideas?ee Where do new product ideas originate?ff Where should new product ideas originate?gg What is the process for ensuring idea sources are

11、 supported and considered?hh How is the Ion g-term pote ntial for a new idea determ in ed?ii How does the clie nt com muni cate and provided feedback regard ing the types of ideas required?jj What steps can be take n to stimulate the gen erati on of ideas on a con siste nt basis?kk Does the client h

12、ave an effective process for providing an initial answer to the following questi ons:ak What is the market potential and attractiveness for this product?bk What are customers needs, wants and preferences (both articulated andun articulated) relative to the product?ck What is the potential product ac

13、ceptanee?dk What is the competitive situation? How are competitors likely to react to this product?精品文檔,值得擁有4 / 8ek What will the approximate product requirements or specifications be?fk How would these requireme nts be achieved tech ni cally - is there a foreseeable tech ni cal solution?gk What are

14、 the odds that the solution is feasible? How, and at what cost and time?hk What are the key technical risks? And how might we handle each?ik Can the product be manu factured? How, with what equipme nt, and at what costs?jk What about pate nt and regulatory issues?kk What is the investment required a

15、nd for how long?lk What is the probable annual in come from this product?mk How many years before achieving a return on this investment?ll Is the idea definition process providing adequate support to either authorize or reject this idea?mm I s there sufficient evidenee available to allocate addition

16、al resources to investigating this idea?精品文檔,值得擁有5 / 8Phase IssuesThe obstacles which a consultant may face in this phaseof the engagement. Warn of any potential pitfalls.This stage is, by n ature, a n ebulous are na from which new product ideas germ in ate. Because of this,it is often referred to a

17、s the-end ofthfiaziyw producttdevelopme nt process. The percepti on is that the Gen erate Ideas process, as a highly creative activity,cannot be man aged or formalized into a process. Fort un ately there are specific steps outlined in thisstage that will encourage innovative discovery and improve th

18、e pote ntial for successfully gen erat inginno vative product ideas for developme nt.The client must often overcome two major issues that inhibit idea generation. First, the compa ny mustprovide the commitme nt so that inno vators have an incen tive to con tribute ideas (i.e. why bother?).Second, th

19、e compa ny must com muni cate to inno vators an un dersta nding of how to proceed (i.e. whoto tell.)Secure senior man ageme nt in volveme nt and commitme nt to the process. Employees n eed reassuranee that their con tributi ons will be liste ned to and take n seriously. All stakeholders must underst

20、andmanagements commitment to innovation and the strategic importanee ofnew product developme nt to the compa ny.When working with innovators, there is a fine line between guidance and control; too much“advisinglimits their sense of creative freedom. Avoid strict formats and control mecha ni sms that

21、hin der the submissi on of new ideas.精品文檔,值得擁有6 / 8The compa ny must in still a con structive attitude toward mistakes. Fear of failure in hibits inno vati on.Exhibit diplomacy whe n reject ing new ideas. Give sound reas ons, praise the inno vator stre ngths, anden courage him/her to submit other id

22、eas.Phase OtherThis is a catch-all for any additional information you wishto provide for a service line.(Optional Section)Typical Clie nt Gen erate Ideas ProcessEstablish Focal Poi ntThe objective of this step is to assign accountability for the generation of new ideas. Idea gen erati on isevery one

23、s job but ofte n no ones resp on sibility. Typically, there ispers on in the compa ny or bus in ess un it charged specifically with the resp on sibility of idea generation.And often when ideas do surface, theres no one to send them to for action.Own ership for the process should be assig ned to an i

24、n dividual experie need in the sources of newideas so as to better service and en courage further submissi on of new ideas. Based on the strategicimportance of idea generation, this role may differ significantly by company (e.g. in terms of progressi onopport un ities, report ing structure, performa

25、 nce measures, evaluati on criteria, etc.)The primary deliverables of this step are an in dividual with own ership of idea gen erati on and a group ofempowered idea con tributors with a sin gle point of con tact for com muni cat ing their ideas. The following tasks typically occur whe n establishi n

26、g a focal point for gen erati ng ideas:1.Assig n one pers on the resp on sibility of stimulati ng, gen erat ing and receiv ing new product ideas- a focal point for ideas.a.Ide ntify the sources of ideas both in side and outside the compa nyb.Establish flow lines or mecha ni sms to gen erate or solic

27、it ideas from these sourcesc.Receive employee phone messages, faxes and letters perta ining to product ideas2.Clearly com muni cate to employees the role and goals of new product developme nt inthe companys overall strategy. The focal point must emphasize senior management commitmentto and involveme

28、nt in new product development. This step often includes com muni cati ng theproduct and market arenas to focus new product ideas.3.En sure that con tributed ideas progress through the n ecessary cha nn els (e.g. prelim inaryassessme nt, i nitial scree ning, etc.)4.Provide timely feedback to the idea

29、 submitter in order to encourage further submissionsIde ntifv Idea Sourcesno one精品文檔,值得擁有7 / 8The objective of this step is to identify, prioritize and access the possible sources of new product ideas toen sure a continu ous reple ni shme nt for the developme nt process. To be effective, the client

30、shouldutilize a variety of sources for accessing new ideas. The following list provides a few examples of ideasources:Focus groupsUser panel to discuss n eeds, wan ts, and problems that might lead to new product ideas Customer survey Productuse observati onLead users - the inno vative customersCompetitive survey - rout in elyTrade show visitati on programClipp ing


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