



1、初級劍橋商務(wù)英語閱讀理解試題為了讓大家更好的準備商務(wù)英語BEC 考試,給大家整理了初級商務(wù)英語閱讀理解試題,下面就和大家分享,來欣賞一下吧。初級商務(wù)英語閱讀理解試題(1)The Scie ntific Approach to Recruitme ntWhe n it (0) to select ing can didates through in terview, moreoften than not thedecision is made within the first five minutesof a meeting.Yet employers like to (21)themselve

2、s that they arebe ing excepti on ally thorough in their selecti on processes.In today s competitive market place, the (22) of staff in manyorgani zati ons is fundame ntal to the compa ny s success and,asa result , recruiters use all means at their disposal to (23) the best in the field.One method in

3、 particular that has (24) in popularity is testing , eitherpsychometric testi ng,which attempts to defi ne psychological characteristics , orability aptitude testing (25) anorganization with an extra way of establishi ng a candidate s suitability for a role.It (26) companiesto add value by identifyi

4、ng key elements of a positi on and the n testing can didates to ascerta in theirability aga inst those identified elements.The employme nt of psychometric or ability test ing as one (27) of therecruitment processmay have some merit, but in reality there is no real (28), scientific or otherwise, of t

5、he pote ntialfuture performa nee of any in dividual. The an swerto this problem is experie nee in in terviewtech niq ues and stro ng defi niti on of theeleme nts of each positi on to be (29) as the wholerecruitme nt process is based onfew real certa in ties, the in sti nctive decisi ons that many em

6、ployersmake, based ona CT and the first five minutes of a meeti ng, are probably no less valid tha n anyother tool employed in the (30) of recruitme nt.21. A suggestB convinceC adviseD believe22. A worthB creditC qualityD disti nctio n23. A secureB reliesC atta inD achieve24. A liftedB enl argedC ex

7、pa ndedD rise n25. A providesB offersC con tributesD gives26.A lets B en ablesC agreesD admits27. A porti on B memberC share D comp onent28. A exte ntB sizeC amountD measure29. A occupiedB met C filledD appo in ted30 A bus in essB topicC poi ntD affair參考答案及解析The scientific approach to recruitment ,招

8、人的科學(xué)方法。 這篇完型比較簡單。完型填空也有兩種題型,兩種解題思路。一 種是從意思上理解然后做出選擇,一種是根據(jù)單詞的用法。 前者比較容易,后者很考驗語言功底。21 題,理解上下文的意思。前面說招人時的決定一般是在 五分鐘以內(nèi)做出的。但是雇主們試圖使自己詳細相信他們在挑選 過程中是經(jīng)過了深思熟慮的。Convinceon eself,使確信。其他的 詞沒有這個用法。22 題,員工的質(zhì)量對公司的成功是至關(guān)重要的。選quality。23 題,招人者試圖利用一切方法來抓住這個領(lǐng)域最好的(人才),secure the best,抓住最好的。realise 是實現(xiàn),attain 是獲得, 后面不能接人,

9、achieve 是實現(xiàn)一個目標。24 題,rise in popularity,固定搭配,popularity 是知名度的 意思,這個詞組應(yīng)該可以翻譯成聲名鵲起。25 題,provides with,提供。給組織提供另外一種方法。offer的用法是 offer sb sth , contribute 在這里意思不對。26 題,是公司能夠增加價值,en able27 題,這題的意思很明顯,測試(testi ng)作為招聘過程的一 個組成部分,要區(qū)分選項的幾個單詞,尤其是 portion 和 component,看英英解釋。Component: one of several parts that together make up a whole mach ine,system etcPortion: a part of something larger, especially a part that is differe nt from theother parts這里強調(diào) testing 是一個組成部分,沒有說明特殊的地方,選 component。28 題,對每個人未來的可能表現(xiàn)沒有一個真正的衡量。選 measure。29 題,fill a position,填補空位,fill 在這里的意思是 to perform


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