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1、BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATEBUSINESS PLANMy Company123 Main StreetAnytown, USA 10000123-4567Your NameDATE157TABLE OF CONTENTSExecutive Summary ManagementCompany HistoryProduct/Service DescriptionObjectivesCompetitors10Competitive Advantages11Innovation13Pricing14Specific Markets15Growth Strategy16Market S

2、ize and Share17Targeting New Markets18Location19Manufacturing Plan20Research & Development21Historical Financial Data22Proforma Financial Data23Proforma Balance Sheet26Cost Control27Effects of Loan or Investment28Attachments29Executive SummaryMy Company was formed as a prop rietorsh ip, partn er

3、sh ip, corpo rati on in Mon th, Year in City, State, by Joh n Doe in response to the follow ing market con diti ons: Startu p, growth oppo rtu nities exist in Pr oduct/Service.The n eed for use of efficie nt distributi on and finan cial methods in these overlooked markets.I/We have several customers

4、 who are willi ng to pl ace large orders,co ntracts within the n ext three mon ths.Several other prosp ective customers/clie nts have exp ressed serious in terest in doing bus in ess with in six mon ths.I/We pr eviously owned a company that was active in the widget markets. Over the p ast few years

5、I spent much time study ing ways to imp rove overall p erforma nee and in crease p rofits. This plan is a result of that study.The basic components of this plan are:<Pr oduct>1.Comp etitive p ric ing2.Expand the markets3.In creased advertis ing4.Lower our un it costs,5.Thereby achiev ing highe

6、r pr ofits.<Service>1.Sign con tracts2.In creased advertis ing3.In crease office staffTo this end, I/we n eed in vestme nt from p rivate in dividuals an d/or compani es. A total of $XXX is being raised which will be used to finance work ing cap ital, plant and equ ipment. The company will be i

7、ncorpo rated and com mon stock issued to in vestors. The company will be run as a prop rietorsh ip, partn ershi p, corpo rati on.Finan cial GoalsYear 1Year 2Year 3Sales$1,000,000$1,400,000$1,600,000Net In come$25,000$250,000$375,000Earnings per share.01.12.14Man ageme ntNameTitleEx perie nceSales gr

8、owth from zero to $1,000,000 in five years.Led market in market share -30%.Formulated advertis ing budgets & camp aig ns.Pion eered new distributi on cha nn els.Established n ati onal sales force.Established n ati onal rep air & service cen ters.Brought new and inno vative pr oducts to the m

9、arket.Desig ned poin t-of- purchase materials.Educati onUn iversity of Bost onBosto n, MABA - Comp uter Scie ncesShort Biogra phiesP reside ntJoh n Q. Doe, Chief Executive Officer, and Director since February 1988 and P reside nt since Jan uary 1990. Mr. Doe was the foun der and Chief Executive Offi

10、cer of the orig inal op erati ng company known as Ran dom Excess, Inc. He has had exp erie nee in the widget field with his own firm, Joh n Doe Co.,of Oshkosh (Wisconsin), from 1980 to 1987. This firm was sold to FatCat Widgets, Inc. in 1987. Mr. Doe has held a sales position with U S West Inc. sinc

11、e then. Mr. Doe graduated from the University of Colorado in 1981 with a bachelor'rseedeing philosophy. Mr. Doe is employed by the Companyon a full-time basis.Chief Financial OfficerRichard Roe, CPA, Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer and Director. Mr. Roe joined Random Excess, Inc. in December

12、1988 as a corporate controller and was named Chief Financial Officer in July 1989.Mr. Roe was appointed Treasurer and a Director in July 1990. He served as corporate controller ofXYZ Lumber Company from August 1981 to December 1988. Mr. Roe graduated from MetropolitanState College in Denver, Colorad

13、o in 1976 with a bachelor' s degree in accounting. Since 1979 he hasbeen licensed as a Certified Public Accountant in the State of Colorado and is a member of theAmerican Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Mr. Roe is employed by the Company on a fulltime basis.Vice PresidentJoe Dokes, Se

14、cretary, Executive Vice President and Director. Mr. Dokes supervises the company sales and implementations to its largest corporate customers, including US West, Great West Life Insurance, etc. Mr. Dokes has served as Secretary and a Director since February 1988, Vice President of Operations from Fe

15、bruary 1988 to December 1988, President of the Company from December 1988 to January 1990 and Vice President of Contract Sales since January 1990. He has been involved since 1986 with the private company originally formed as Random Excess, Inc., where his duties included managing the purchasing and

16、sales department. From November 1984 to May 1986 he managed the sales department at Integrated Management Systems, Inc. From June 1983 to October 1984 he was a buyer for Adams County, Colorado, School District 50. Mr. Dokes attended Oklahoma State University in 1980 and 1981 and Trinidad State Colle

17、ge in Trinidad, Colorado in 1981 and 1982. He did not receive a degree from either university. Mr. Dokes is employed by the Company on a full-time basis.Vice PresidentSally Seaugh Vice President of Marketing. Ms. Seaugh has been the Company' s Vice President ofMarketing since November 1988. From

18、 September 1986 to October 1988 she was involved in business development and marketing for United Bank of Aurora (Colorado). From February 1980 toAugust 1986 she was self-employed as an independent oil and gas landman. Ms. Seaugh graduatedfrom the Universi ty of Denver in 1974 with a bachelor' s

19、 degree in Education. She is employed by theCompany on a full-time basis.ResponsibilitiesJohn Q. Doe, Chief Executive Officer - Responsible for entire operation. Oversees management function and all other executives.Salary - $60,000.Richard Roe, CPA, Chief Financial Officer - Responsible for financi

20、al operations, accounts payable, accounts receivable, interaction with auditors, investor relations. Salary - $40,000Joe Dokes, Executive Vice President - Responsible primarily for sales and sales support.Salary - $35,000Sally Seaugh Vice President of Marketing. Responsible for marketing, human reso

21、urces and training.Salary - $30,000.Total Executive Compensation $165,000.This Page is for an Organization Chart, if applicable.Company HistoryIn Mon th, Year I/we formed a P roduct/Service company that man ufactured start-of-the-art complex widgetry. This company was located in City, State. I/we fo

22、rmed this company as a prop rietorshi p, p art nershi p, corpo rati on. Others in volved in this bus in ess were: n ames.The mai n goal of this company was to ex plai n.Financing was arran ged through home equity loa ns, sav in gs, ven ture cap ital, frie nds and family, etc. Ex pla in terms, rates

23、and ability to rep ay.This ven ture was very successful in gen erati ng and in creas ing sales, but was not effective in achiev ing pr ofitability. The main reas on for this was the amou nt of actual overhead exp erie need. This overhead was not in itially an tic ip ated by me at the beg inning of t

24、hat ven ture. Items in cludi ng credit check ing, warra nty p rogram man ageme nt, exte nsive travel, maintaining warehouse stock and the man ageme nt and expense of a n ati onal sales force were expen ses not origi nally forecast or exp ected. With this level of overhead, it was mathematically impo

25、 ssible to achieve p rofitability.or:This ven ture was very successful in gen erat ing and in creas ing sales, as well as effective in achiev ing p rofitability. This was due to the followi ng reas ons: Reason 1 Reason 2 Reason 3OR:My Company was recently conceived and is still in the beginning stag

26、es. To this point the following has been accomplished:A team consisting of list names and primary responsibility. (i.e John Doe - Marketing) has been formed.A prospective customer/client list has been drawn up.Strategy meetings are being held every Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings.This business

27、 plan has been drawn up.Now link the past to the future - why a former company will lead into this one or how your present company and history will lead into any future plans. A short paragraph should suffice.We are now able to adequately address the markets we have targeted. We have adjusted our st

28、aff, redirected our advertising and sales force, and have added the products necessary to meet the needs and expectations of our customers.P roduct/Service Descri pti onMy Company intends to offer pr oduct/service. This pr oduct/service offers our customers the best po ssible soluti on as it: <Pr

29、 oduct>Offers the lowest p rice on the marketIs the most tech ni cally adva needOffers more useful featuresSaves them time and moneyOffers our users better value per dollar spentProvides an alter native way to achieve a similar task.<Service>P rovides a service which is not p rese ntly avai

30、lable in this area.Is stre ngthe ned by a team with comb ined exp erie nee of XX years.Saves them time and moneyP rovides an alter native, cost effective way for them to realize a similar goal.We have a cop yright, service mark, trademark or exclusive age ncy, market ing rights for this p roduct/ser

31、vice. This age ncy will last un til XXX at which time it may be exte nded for XX years or termin ated. This age ncy agreeme nt is can celable upon XX days writte n no tice.<Pr oduct>The p roduct/service has a useful life of XX years. To distribute this pr oduct so that it rema ins usable for o

32、ur customers, we must use the follow ing methods of storage and transpo rtati on:1.Overni ght delivery2.Cold storage3.Incorpo rate pr eservatives4.Shipment with in two weeks to distributors.5.Sp ecially p added boxcars.Eve n though the tech no logy used to create this p roduct is n ew, we expect tha

33、t others will be able to substa ntially rep roduce our p ate nted results withi n XX years. To rema in on the lead ing edge of this p roduct, we will n eed to devote app roximately XX% of reve nues toward research and devel opment. Also due to the fast cha nging n ature of this in dustry, we will n

34、eed to retrofit these machi nes withi n XX years at customer expen se. Our man ufacturi ng plan has con sidered this.<Service>If general service to be offered is not obvious, such as carpet cleaning, sales rep, lawn care, consulting, etc. explain what service is. Then give a detailed descripti

35、on of your particular service and its uniqueness.Short Examples:1.Our carpet cleaning machinery is state-of-the-art.2.Our consulting practice will address these specialized areas: list3.We will only rep these specific product lines. listEven though at this time our expertise is unique in the marketp

36、lace, we expect advances to be made and competitors to arise and offer similar services. We will meet this challenge by:1.Hiring staff specialized in these new areas.2.Increase our continuing education and training expense.3.Adding complementary lines.4.Make regular investments in new equipment.8.Ob

37、jectivesLong TermMy Company believes very str on gly in tech ni cal, finan cial, bus in ess and moral excelle nee. To secure a stable future for all those conn ected with My Company we have set the followi ng long term goals:Pr ese nt market is estimated at $XXX. Our goal for market share is XX%.We

38、want to be con sidered by our p eers to be the market leader in sales as evide need by:Trade in dustry awardsHigh end of scale in finan cial ratiosMajor market shareTech ni cal excelle nee (awards, hono rs, etc.)Commu nity in volveme nt (Rotary, Un ited Way, etc.)Short TermMarket share goals -1.Firs

39、t Year XX%2.Seco nd Year XX%3.Third Year XX%4.Fourth Year XX%Decrease, Maintain costs through acquisiti on of new plant and equ ipmen t. In crease p roductivity by in vesti ng in emplo yee tra ining and educati on.1.Budget for compl ete comp uter tra ining for approp riate app licati ons.2.Set up, M

40、aintain emplo yee ben efit pr ogram for con ti nuing college educati on.3.Budget for n ecessary sem in ars an d/or con ti nuing job-s pecific educati on.4.Mai ntain state-of-the-art accou nting system for careful track ing.5.Mon thly rep orts on finan cial status vis-a-vis the in dustry.6.Aggressive

41、 recruitme nt of the best tech ni cal staff in the in dustry.7.Support company in volveme nt in various local and n ati onal charity eve nts.Comp etitorsNameAddressCity, StateStren gths:? Locati on - n ext door to supp lier factory, on major artery, close to ter min al, etc.Pricing - Low cost p rodu

42、cer, known for aggressive pricing p olicy.Delivery - ships over ni ght to any where in the world.Man ageme nt - Every one has an MBA from Harvard.Weak nesses? Service - takes more tha n 3 mon ths to receive spare p arts.Dedication - If it ' s sunny, they ' re on the golf course or ski slope.

43、Machi nery - Slowly app roachi ng obsolesce nee unl ess rep laced with in six mon ths.Overhead - Spend lavishly on corpo rate dining room, limous ines and cha mpagne.Comp etitive Adva ntages<Pr oduct>The disti nctive comp etitive adva ntages which My Company bri ngs to this market are:Exp erie

44、 nee in this market. l/we have XXX years of han ds-on exp erie nee in this in dustry.Sop histicati on in finance and distributi on. This results in my being the low cost supp lier in these p rice sen sitive markets.The p hilos ophy of My Company is to p rice not just accord ing to our costs, but als

45、o accord ing to what the market will p ay.Our targeted mi ni mum gross p rofit margin for a category must be XX%.By pricing to the market, l/we will achieve higher sales and therefore in crease my buy ing po wer. As the amou nts of my p urchases in crease, my per un it costs of shipping decrease and

46、 l/we will achieve higher discou nt levels from my supp liers. Through these econo mies of scale, many items curre ntly on the market can be sold with lower p rices, yet a higher net p rofit.Pr oduct pricing will in clude a range of qua ntity discou nts as well as an early p ayme nt discou nt.Rather

47、 tha n being strictly regi on al, l/we will expand into the n ati onal market.To con trol foreig n excha nge risks, l/we will mon itor the markets and hedge accord in gly. l/we will also use overseas bank accou nts.With those companies with which l/we have established a relati on shi p or are known

48、to be finan cially secure, l/we will work on a pre-pay basis. This allows me greater discou nts.A level and p olicy of Cap italizati on that will allow me to fully address the res pective markets with comp rehe nsive marketi ng and customer service plans.By kee ping my overhead low, l/we will be abl

49、e to funnel my p rofits back into op erati ons thus avoidi ng high debt ratios or lost sales oppo rtu nities.A quarterly direct mail camp aig n directed at both curre nt customers and prosp ective new customers con sisti ng of an in formative n ewsletter.A toll-free n ati onal 800 n umber will be us

50、ed for customer orders and in quiries.l/we will p ri nt comp lete four-color catalogs on a yearly basis. P rice lists will be up dated as n eeded. l/we intend to be aggressive in trade magaz ine advertis ing.Con siderati on will also be give n to atte nding trade shows arou nd the cou ntry.With this

51、 level of cap italizati on, should an unexp ected dow ntur n occur, l/we will be able to con ti nue op erati ons on a po sitive scale.Inno vati on. l/we have a history of inno vative ideas.List your most meanin gful ideas and any new ideas you have for the future. <Service>The disti nctive com

52、p etitive adva ntages which My Company bri ngs to this market are:Exp erie nee in this market. l/we have XX years of hands on exp erie nee in this in dustry.Sop histicati on in man ageme nt and finan ce. We are able to run an efficie nt and lea n structure, yet still p rovide quality service to our

53、clie nts and customers.Because of the n ature of this in dustry, we will be able to rent office sp ace in more moderately p riced build in gs.As a uni que service company, we will be able to kee p our margi ns high, allow ing us to pr ovide internal financing for growth po ssibilities.A level and p

54、olicy of Cap italizati on that will allow me/us to fully address the resp ective markets with comp rehe nsive marketi ng and customer service plans.By keeping my overhead low, I/we will be able to funnel my profits back into operations thus avoiding high debt ratios or lost sales opportunities.Our i

55、nitial marketing campaign will allow us to book a sufficient amount of business so that we can implement our telephone customer service support program.Inno vatio nl/we have a history of inno vative ideas.SummaryList your most mea nin gful ideas and any new ideas you have for the future.Through my,o

56、ur leadersh ip, l,we will be able to reduce overhead as a p erce ntage of sales thereby in creas ing the amou nt of p rofit to be reta ined in the bus in ess. Because of our pricing p olicy, more people will p urchase our mercha ndise thus in creas ing the size of the market and we will be in creas

57、ing our market share. What My Company prop oses to use are just good solid bus in ess sen se, econo mies of scale, and the use of efficie nt finan cial tech ni ques. This will allow us the follow ing op tio ns:in crease service in crease advertis ing reduce p rices in crease p rofits in crease selecti on<Service>Through my,our leadersh ip, l,we will be able to reduce overhead as a p erce ntage of sales thereby n creas ing the amou n


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