已閱讀5頁,還剩7頁未讀 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、實用文案總分復查人座位號2009年全國外貿(mào)業(yè)務員考試外貿(mào)業(yè)務基礎理論試卷(B 卷)(考試時間:2009 年 5 月 17 日 上午 9:00 11:00 )題號一二三四五總分閱卷組長得分一、單項選擇題(請將答案填涂在答題卡上,得分評卷人復查人1 分,共 40 分)答在試卷上無效。每小題1商品名稱及編碼協(xié)調(diào)制度規(guī)定,商品編碼的第五、六位碼表示(D )。A類B章C目D子目2以下屬于中國強制認證標志的是(B)。A FCCB CCCC FTCD UL3( C )是屬于委托代售的貿(mào)易方式。A寄售B經(jīng)銷C代理D回購4當預測本幣匯率上升,計價外幣匯率下降,進口商應爭取(C)。A提前付款B提前收款C推遲付款D

2、推遲收款5根據(jù)國際慣例,嘜頭一般不包括以下哪項內(nèi)容?(D)A收、發(fā)貨人名稱的英文縮寫B(tài)參考號C件號D包裝尺寸6我國流通型外貿(mào)企業(yè)在辦理出口退稅時,以下哪種單據(jù)可以不用向國稅局提交?( D)A出口貨物報關單(出口退稅聯(lián))B出口收匯核銷單(出口退稅專用聯(lián))C商業(yè)發(fā)票D增值稅專用發(fā)票(抵扣聯(lián))7Bidding Documents (投標文件)是由(B)編制的。A招標人B投標人C開標人D評審專家標準文檔實用文案8計算航空貨物的體積重量時,其計算公式為:貨物體積重量=貨物體積(D)。33A 6m/kgB 0.6m /kgC 0.06m3/kgD 0.006m3/kg9在我國進出口貿(mào)易中,知識產(chǎn)權權利人在

3、口岸發(fā)現(xiàn)侵權嫌疑貨物后,可以直接向 ( C)申請采取責令停止侵權行為或者財產(chǎn)保全的措施。A工商局B人民法院C口岸海關D商務部10假遠期信用證中貼現(xiàn)費用由(A)支付。A開證申請人B受益人C開證行D通知行11根據(jù) INCOTERMS 2000的規(guī)定,就買方承擔的貨物風險而言,( D)。A C 組和 D 組術語最小, F 組其次, E 組最大B E 組術語最小, F 組和 C組其次, D 組最大C F 組和 C 組術語最大, E 組其次, D 組最小D D 組術語最小, F 組和 C組其次, E 組最大12我國一般原產(chǎn)地證書的官方發(fā)證機構(gòu)是(B)。A貿(mào)促會B出入境檢驗檢疫局C制造商D出口商13自 2

4、009 年 1 月 1 日起,我國一般納稅人在進口設備作為固定資產(chǎn)時所發(fā)生的(),可從銷項稅額中抵扣。A進口關稅B進口環(huán)節(jié)增值稅C進口環(huán)節(jié)消費稅D進口環(huán)節(jié)增值稅和進口環(huán)節(jié)消費稅14在我國進出口貿(mào)易中,若按FAS術語成交,下面說法錯誤的是()。A賣方要在約定時間內(nèi)將合同規(guī)定貨物交到指定裝運港買方所指派船只的船邊B若買方所派船只不能靠岸,賣方要負責用駁船把貨物運至船邊,仍在船邊交貨C裝船的責任和費用由買方承擔D在船上完成交貨義務15山東鄒可進出口有限公司出口一批大蒜到日本,該批貨物于2009 年 4 月 7 日裝運,要求船公司以2009 年 4 月 6 日作為提單日期簽發(fā)提單,則該提單稱為()。A

5、順簽提單B倒簽提單C過期提單D預借提單16根據(jù)我國票據(jù)法規(guī)定,當匯票大小寫金額不一致時,()。A以大寫金額為準B以小寫金額為準C票據(jù)無效D由付款行決定17我國加工貿(mào)易合同審批的主管部門是()。A國務院B國家發(fā)改委C海關D商務廳(委)標準文檔實用文案18我國出口商品檢驗時,對產(chǎn)地和報關地相一致的出境貨物,經(jīng)檢驗檢疫合格的,出入境檢驗檢疫局出具()。A出境貨物通關單B出境貨物換證憑單C出境貨物換證憑條D出境貨物不合格通知單19經(jīng)中華人民共和國國務院批準,我國于2009 年 4 月 1 日已將紡織品、服裝出口退稅率提高到()。A 14%B 15%C 16%D 17%20我國的進口許可證最多只能延期(

6、)次,延期最長不超過()個月。A 1、2B 1、3C 2、6D 2、921 Foreign trade can be conducted on the following terms of payment except for() .A open accountB documentary collectionC documentary creditsD public bonds22 The risk of breakage is considered to be() .A Free from Particular AverageB General Additional RisksC With

7、AverageD Special Additional Risks23 Ifa sellerfindsany discrepanciesin the letterof creditagainstthe salescontract, whom should he write to asking for an amendment?()A the issuing bankB the advising bankC the applicantD the negotiating bank24 A clean transportdocuments isone which bears no clause or

8、 notationdeclaringa defective condition of the() .A vesselB B/L itselfC goods or their packagingD voyage25 Which of the following payment modes may bring the lowest risk to a seller?()A T/T in advanceB L/CC D/PD D/A26 What is the term when the consignment is delivered with all the charges up toarriv

9、al at the port of destination paid by the seller?()A FOBB FCAC DDUD CIF27 Where goods are to be dispatched by road, rail or air instead of by sea, thedocumentarycreditwillcallfora road transportdocument or a railtransportdocument or an airway bill instead of() .標準文檔實用文案A a bill of exchangeB a certif

10、icate of originC a bill of ladingD a certificate of insurance28 The drawee of a cheque is() .A the person who is to receive paymentB the bank that has to make paymentC the last person to endorse the chequeD the person whose bank account will be debited29 A bank that opens an L/C at the request of an

11、 importer is a (an)().A issuing bankB paying bankC accepting bankD informing bank30 Tariffs can() .A decrease the domestic price of a productB increase government earnings from taxesC increase the quantity of importsD decrease domestic productionQuestions from 31 to 35 are based on the following pas

12、sage:Against this background, the WTO faces several daunting challenges. The firstis to continuebringingdown tariffson tradedgoods.Averagepenaltieshave fallensteadilysincetheGATTs formationbuteven the most open economiesretainloftybarriers:forinstance,Americastillchargesa tariffof14.6% on importof c

13、lothing,five times higher than its average levy.Resistancetotariffcutsisstrongestinagriculture.According toTim Josling,a trade expert at Stanford University, tariffs and other barriers on farm goodsaveragea crippling40%worldwideand createdistortionsthat“ destroyhuge amountsof value ” . A new set ofg

14、lobalfarmtalksisplannedtostartin 1999. At theleast,you might think, these could lock in impressive reforms in Latin America andencourage furtherwatering-downoftheEuropean Union s CommonAgriculturalPolicy.But they will prove difficult: squabbles over agriculture almost sank the Uruguayround.31 What d

15、oes the WTO face? ()A fair trade rulesB free tradeC export tax reductionD several challenges標準文檔實用文案32 Where do impressive reforms lock in according to the passage?()A AmericaB AsiaC Latin AmericaD Africa33 According to the passage, which statement is NOT true?()A The WTO faces several daunting chal

16、lenges, one of which is to continuebringing down tariffs on traded goods.B America still charges a tariff of 14.6% on import of clothing, four timeshigher than its average levy.C The strongest resistance to tariff cuts is in agriculture field.D A trade expert said that tariffs and other barriers on

17、farm goods averageda crippling 40% worldwide.34 When is a new set of global farm talks planned to start?()A 1980B 1990C 2001D at the end of 20thcentury35 The best title for the passage is() .A NEW TRADE RULESB UNFAIR TRADE RULESC TRADE BARRIERS FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIESD TARIFF CHALLENGES TO WTOQuest

18、ions from 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:Negotiations work wonders. This is particularly so in international business since it is mostly through negotiations that exporters and importers bridge their differences and reach a fair and mutually satisfactory deal.By presenting a more compre

19、hensive negotiating package in a well planned andorganized manner, exporters should be able to improve the effectiveness of theirbusinessdiscussionsand inthelongtermtheprofitabilityoftheirexportoperations.To avoid being confrontedby costlydemands, an exportershouldtryto determinethe buyer s realinte

20、restin the productsfrom the outset.Thiscan be ascertainedthroughappropriatequestionsbutmustalsobebasedonresearchandotherpreparations before the negotiations. Only then can a suitable counter-proposalbe presented.To achieve a favorable outcome from the negotiations, an exporter should draw標準文檔實用文案up

21、a plan of action beforehand, which addresses a few key issues. Experiencednegotiatorsconsiderthatasmuch as80% oftheiroveralltimedevotedtonegotiations should go to such preparations. The preliminary work should be aimedat obtainingrelevantinformationon the targetmarket and the buyers of the products.

22、It should also include developing counter-proposals if objections are raised onany of the exporter s opening negotiating points. The preparations should thusinvolve formulating the negotiating strategy and tactics.Ininternationalmarketingnegotiations,itisadvisableforsmallandmedium-sized exporters no

23、t just to limit their discussions to pricing issues,althoughpricingis a key factorin any businesstransaction,exportersshouldgivemore attention to the full range of marketing factors. They should stress thestrengths of their firms and products and match them with the perceived needs ofthe buyers. Onc

24、e these issues have been covered, they can consider the questionof price and are able to develop a profitable business.36 Negotiations work wonders because() .A importers and exporters can build a bridge togetherB they do help solve problems and get more understanding for each otherC they bring sati

25、sfactory deal every timeDthe gap between importersand exporterscan be fairlyfilledin every instance37 A successful negotiator should be() .A aggressiveB mildC well-preparedD hesitative38 In international marketing negotiations,()always come first.A pricesB full range of marketing factorsC manufactur

26、ing costsD customers needs39 80% of the overall time should go to preparations which involve().A obtaining relevant informationB developing counter-proposalsC formulating the negotiating strategy and tacticsD all of the above40 The author advises the small and medium-sized exporters to do business w

27、ith() .A careB a prospective insightC more stress on profitD pricing issues標準文檔實用文案得分評卷人復查人二、多項選擇題(請將答案填涂在答題卡上,答在試卷上無效。每小題 1.5 分,共 15 分,多選或少選均不得分)1下列關于班輪運輸說法正確的有()。A具有定線、定港、定期和相對穩(wěn)定運費費率的特點B由船方負責貨物裝卸,運費中包括裝卸費C以運送大宗貨物為主D不規(guī)定滯期、速遣條款2在外貿(mào)業(yè)務中,常用于中間商轉(zhuǎn)售貨物交易的信用證有()。A背對背信用證B對開信用證C保兌信用證D可轉(zhuǎn)讓信用證3下列哪些貨物經(jīng)我國海關批準可以存入保

28、稅倉庫?()A加工貿(mào)易進口貨物B未辦結(jié)海關手續(xù)的一般貿(mào)易貨物C外商暫存貨物D轉(zhuǎn)口貨物4專利權的特點包括()。A贏利性B專有性C地域性D時間性5使用地理標志的產(chǎn)品包括()。A在生產(chǎn)國獲得的完全原產(chǎn)品B用特定地區(qū)命名的產(chǎn)品,其原材料全部、部分或主要來自該地區(qū),或來自其他特定地區(qū),其產(chǎn)品的特殊品質(zhì)、特色和聲譽取決于當?shù)氐淖匀画h(huán)境和人文因素,并在該地采用傳統(tǒng)工藝生產(chǎn)C國外生產(chǎn)商申請原產(chǎn)地標記保護的產(chǎn)品D以非特定地區(qū)命名的產(chǎn)品,其主要原材料來自該地區(qū)或其他特定地區(qū),但該產(chǎn)品的品質(zhì)、風味、特征取決于該地的自然環(huán)境和人文因素以及采用傳統(tǒng)工藝生產(chǎn)、加工、制造或形成的產(chǎn)品6根據(jù) INCOTERMS 2000的規(guī)

29、定,以下有關DDU和 DDP表述正確的有()。ADDU適合任何運輸方式,而DDP只適合海運方式BDDU和 DDP都是在進口國國內(nèi)交貨C與 DDU相比, DDP術語下,賣方要多辦理貨物進口手續(xù)和支付進口關稅D與 DDP相比, DDU術語下,賣方要多辦理貨物進口手續(xù)和支付進口關稅7在我國海運貨物的保險業(yè)務里,適用“倉至倉”條款的險別有()。AALL RISKSB W.A or W.P.ACF.P.AD WAR RISKS標準文檔實用文案8在國際貿(mào)易術語中, ()風險劃分以貨交第一承運人為界,并適用于各種運輸方式。AFCAB FOBCCIFD CIP9在投保海運一切險后, 在海上運輸途中以下哪些風險

30、屬于保險公司的承保范圍?()A雷電B火災C偷竊D拒收10到目前為止,以下哪些商品屬于我國公布的禁止進口貨物目錄里的商品?()A所有舊衣服B虎骨C所有舊機電D礦渣得 分評卷人復查人三、判斷題(請將答案填涂在答題卡上,答在試卷上無效。每小題 1 分,共 15 分,對的打,錯的打)1某外貿(mào)公司對其進出口貨物向保險公司投保一切險后,在運輸途中由于任何外來原因所造成的一切貨損,均可向保險公司索賠。()2一張空運單只能用于填寫一個托運人在同一時間、同一地點托運的,由承運人承運的運往同一目的站、同一收貨人的一件或多件貨物。()3對于出口商來講,采用匯款結(jié)算方式比信用證結(jié)算方式的收款安全性更低。()4信用證結(jié)

31、算時,出口押匯申請人一般是跟單信用證的受益人。()5采用延期付款信用證的結(jié)算方式時,受益人必須開具遠期匯票及隨附單據(jù)向開證行或指定付款行索款。()6根據(jù) UCP 600的規(guī)定,指定銀行對單據(jù)在郵寄途中遺失產(chǎn)生的后果概不負責。()7在 CIC 條款中,水漬險的責任范圍是除了平安險的全部責任外,還包括由于雷電、海嘯等自然災害引起的部分損失。()8如果出口合同規(guī)定裝運時間為2009 年 4/5 月份,則賣方在交貨時應在2009年 4月、5月每月各交一批。()9根據(jù) UCP 600的規(guī)定,開證行發(fā)出信用證修改之時起,即不可撤銷地受其約束。保兌行必須將其保兌擴展至修改,并自通知該修改之時起,即不可撤銷地

32、受其約束。()10“出口國檢驗,進口國復檢”是外貿(mào)實踐中最常見的檢驗權規(guī)定方法。()11在代理進口成套設備過程中,由代理方負責辦理有關的進口批文。()12在 CIP 術語條件下,賣方負責辦理進口批文。()標準文檔實用文案13若信用證中要求提交保險單,則受益人既可提交保險單也可提交保險憑證。()14 The more or less clauseis the clausethatstipulatesthatthe quantitydeliveredcanbemoreorlesswithincertainextent(range).()15 As per UCP600, the words“ to ” ,“ till” ,“ from ” ,“ between ” when usedto determinea periodof shipment includethe date


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