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1、Unit 1 Great scientists超鐘暮戢I漫洞詞匯語篇露鑄席盎書聲瑯瑯I(yè) _【熱點話題】Daily routines( 日?;顒樱┓謸?dān)家務(wù)體裁:記敘文寫作思路:引出話題一一具體事例一一感悟【美文誦讀】Im an 18 - year - old middle school student. I have always been too busy with mystudytohelpmyparentsathome.Not_until_recently_do_I_begin_to_think_about_what_I_should_do_for_my_parents .Last Sun

2、day , when my parents were not at home , , , , , ,it occurred to me that I could clean the whole house . At first , I swept andmopped the floor.Then I put the things in place such as books, newspapers and other things scattered in the room. I_was wiping the door when my parents came back. They were

3、only toosurprised to see what I was doing. I could see tears in my mothers eyes. At thatmoment, I knew it was time that I shared my load for the family.Tired though, , , , , ,I was , I never realized what use I can be of to my parents until that moment.【學(xué)海拾貝】按要求完成或翻譯下列句子。did I recognize him.1.直到他摘下墨

4、鏡,我才認出他來。Not until he took off his dark glasses2.我突然想起我還有一些作業(yè)要做。(It occurred/occurs to sb.that.)ItoccurredtomethatIhadsomehomeworktofinish3 .我正在看中國好聲音這時有人敲門。(be doingwhen)I was enjoying the Voice of China when there was a knock at the_door .4 .該是我們睡覺的時候了。(It is time that.)It was high time that we we

5、nt to bed.5 .盡管他很年輕,但是他知道很多。(倒裝)Young as he is , he knows a lot./褊虢夯實雙基 切/I國趣基I .按要求寫出下列單詞1 . 特征,特性 n. characteristic2 .建設(shè),結(jié)構(gòu),建筑物n. construction3 .過失;譴責(zé) n.& v. blame4 .積極的,肯定的,確實的 adj . positive5 .小心的,謹慎的 adj. cautious6 .圖表 n. chart7 .醫(yī)生,內(nèi)科醫(yī)生n. physician8 .挑戰(zhàn),向挑戰(zhàn) n. & v. challenge9 .受害者 n. victim10

6、.預(yù)見,預(yù)知v. foresee11 .結(jié)論,結(jié)束 n. conclusion結(jié)論,推斷出 v. conclude12 .污染 v. pollute污染 n. pollution被污染的adj . polluted13 .貢獻,捐助 v. contribute貢獻,奉獻 n. contribution14 .科學(xué)的 adj. scientific科學(xué);理科 n. science科學(xué)家 n. scientist15 .宣布,通告 v. announce宣布,通告,公告n. announcement播音員,報幕員 n. announcer溫巧等活用用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. It was co

7、ncluded that he didnt tell us the truth.I came to the.conclusionthat he was lying.(conclude)2. It is universally agreed that universe is endless.(universe)3. This work has .absorbed him for several years.He seemed totally .absorbed in his work.(absorb)4. The writer personally .contributed 5, 000 to

8、the earthquake fund.All the contributions will be gratefully received.(contribute)5. The famous scientist devoted himself to scientific research and made a great contribution to science . (scientific)n.翻譯下列短語1 .提出(建議等)putforward2 .得出結(jié)論 draw a conclusion3 . 有意義; 講得通 make sense4 . 對嚴格的 (be) strict wit

9、h5 . 除了之外 apart from6 .對好奇 be curious about7 .調(diào)查 look into8 .因某事責(zé)備某人 blame sb.for sth.9 .專心于 be absorbed in10 .對熱情 be enthusiastic about溫巧等活用Black was a policeman who (1)was strict withhis work.Several months ago , hehad a chance to read the police files and thus he found the conclusion about a murd

10、er case didnt (2) make sense. He (3) put forward a suggestion that the police should (4) look intothe case again though it had happened 10 years before.Black , togetherwith his colleagues , (5) were absorbed in the investigationand finally they(6) drew a conclusion that it was wrong to sentence Tack

11、son to death.m.重點句型1. Neither its cause nor its cure was understood.(p.2)人們不知道它的病源,也不了解它的治療方法。微.neithernor”既不也不:連接并列主語時,謂語動詞單復(fù)數(shù)應(yīng)和靠近它的主語一致,即就近原則。Neither she nor I am going to have a picnic this weekend.她和我都不打算本周末去野餐。模仿造句用上述句型完成下列句子。昨晚王老師和他的學(xué)生們都沒有看足球賽。Neither Mr.Wang nor his students watched the footb

12、all match last night.2 . So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak.(p.2)每次瘟疫爆發(fā),數(shù)以千計的人們在恐懼中死去。)取-every time.在此句中相當(dāng)于一個從屬連詞,引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句。說明:除every time 外,以下短語也可用作連詞:each time 每一次, any time 任何時候, next time 下一次,the first time 第一次, the last time最后一次。(1)It was Mr.Ma who would

13、come to help me every time I was in trouble.每次我陷入困境時,都是馬先生來幫助我。(2)The first time I went to see him, he was absorbed in reading in the classroom.我第一次去找他時,他在教室里潛心看書。模仿造句用上述句型完成下列句子。(1)每次我去找她,她都在專心看書。Every time I went to see her , she was absorbed in reading.(2)每次我看到這張老照片,我都會想起小學(xué)時的同桌。Every time I see t

14、he old photo, I will think of mydeskmate in the primary school.蚤巧等活用用上述句型翻譯下列小片段。每當(dāng)我們討論發(fā)展城市的計劃時,經(jīng)理和總裁既不提出任何建議,也不對別人的建議提任何意見,似乎對這件事沒什么興趣。Every time we discussed the plans to develop our city neither the manger nor the president put forward any suggestionsnor did they make any comment on others ideas.

15、It seemed that they were not enthusiasticaboutitatall.閱讀理解解題技巧推理判斷(5)文章的基本結(jié)構(gòu)文章的基本結(jié)構(gòu)就是指文章的文脈,即句與句、段與段之間的邏輯關(guān)系。另外,我們將主題的展開方式題也歸在這一類,常見的提問方式有:How is the passage mainly developed?The passage is developed mainly byHow is the text organized?Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?解答此

16、類題,仍采用略讀法,重點閱讀首尾段以及中間各段的首尾句,根據(jù)各段主旨及各段內(nèi)在的邏輯關(guān)系來進行判斷。另外,需掌握以下文體結(jié)構(gòu)和說明方式的基礎(chǔ)知識:1 .議論文的基本結(jié)構(gòu)有“論點(總)一論據(jù)(分:可以有兩個或多個論據(jù) )一結(jié)論(總)”或“總一分”或“分一總”三類。2 . 一個段落一般由表達核心思想的主題句(topic sentence)、圍繞主題句而展開的支撐句子(supporting sentences)和結(jié)論句 (concluding sentence) 組成。3 .說明文中常用的說明方式主要有:時間順序(order of time) 、空間順序(order ofspace)、邏輯順序(如:

17、原因與結(jié)果、現(xiàn)象與本質(zhì)等)、舉仞子(providing examples) 、 作 比較(making comparisons)、分析原因(analyzing) 、作詮釋(giving explanations) 、分 類別、列數(shù)字、打比方、下定義、列圖表、作引用、作假設(shè)、對比說明相異、類比說明相似星巧卷靖用一閱讀下列短文節(jié)選,從每題所給的A、日C和D項中,選出最佳選項。1. In the course of working my way through school, I took many jobs I would rather forget.But none of these jobs

18、was as dreadful as my job in an apple plant.The workwas hard; the pay was poor; and, most of all, the working conditions were terrible.First of all, the job made huge demands on my strength.For ten hours a night,I took boxes that rolled down a metal track and piled them onto a truck.I would not have

19、 minded the difficulty of the work so much if the pay had notbeen so poor.I was paid the lowest wage of that timetwo dollars an hour.But even more than the low pay, what made me unhappy was the working conditions. During work I was limited to two ten-minute breaks and an unpaid half hour for lunch.I

20、 stayed on the job for five months, all the while hating the difficultyof thework, the poor money, and the conditions under which I worked. By the time I left, I was determined never to go back there again.How is the text organized?A. Topic Argument ExplanationB. Opinion Discussion DescriptionC. Mai

21、n idea Comparison Supporting examplesD. IntroductionSupporting examplesConclusion解析:本文作者在第一段首先講述曾做過多種工作,但.這些工作都不像作者在蘋果工廠的工作那樣可怕,這項工作辛苦、工資低和工作條件差,由此引出在該廠的工作經(jīng)歷 (introduction) ;中.間三段分別描述在該廠工作是如何的辛苦、工作條件是何等的差 (supporting examples) ;最后一段得出“再也不愿意做”的結(jié)論 (conclusion)。答案:D2. Unfortunately, not all of Moms adv

22、ice passed the test of medical studies.For example, generations of children have been told not to go swimming within an hour after eating.But research suggests that there is no danger in doing so.Do sweets cause tooth problems? Well , yes and no.Sticky sweets madewith grains tend to cause more probl

23、ems than sweets made with simple sugars.The author develops the paragraph mainly.A. by cause and effectB. by order in spaceC. by order in timeD. by examples解析:本篇作者首先提出觀點“不幸的是,母親的忠告并不都是經(jīng)得起醫(yī)學(xué)研究的檢驗的”。接著用for example引出,舉了 “在吃飯后一個小時內(nèi)不要游泳” “糖果會引起牙病” 兩條忠告與研究結(jié)果不完全相符的事實來證明作者的觀點。本題的展開方式是舉例。答案:D3. Armstrong sho

24、wed a great talent for music when he was taught to play the cornet( 短號)at a boys home.In his late teens, Armstrong began to live the lifeof a musician.He played in parades, clubs , and on the steamboats that traveled onthe Mississippi River.At that time, NewOrleans was famous for the new music of ja

25、zz and was hometo many great musicians.Armstrong learned from the older musicians and soon became respected as their equal.This paragraph is developedA. by spaceB. by examplesC. by time D . by comparison解析:瀏覽全文,本文顯然是按Armstrong的成長歷程來寫的,即按時間順序來寫的。答案:C第一節(jié)閱讀理解閱讀下面的短文,從每題所給的A、B C和D項中選出最佳選項。Since birth, J

26、oy and Miriam were left at the gate of an orphanage (孤兒院).For the disabled sisters, who both have spinabifida ( 脊柱裂),it may have seemed thatall hopes were lost at that time.But after being adopted by a British couple, they have become two of the countrys most promising wheelchair basketball stars.In

27、 2005, the Haizes adopted them.Then , they moved to the UK when Joy was six and Miriam was seven.The girls discovered the wheelchair basketballthrough a chanceconversation , which Mr. Haize had with a friend in 2011. They hadnt known wheelchair sports before, but Joy was hooked from the beginning.Wh

28、ile Miriam loved the sport, it took her a little longer to become a serious athlete. I used to have really low selfrespect she said. Its only when Joy got into the Under 25s European Championships in 2013 that I started to take basketball seriously.It gave me a path to follow. Miriam was then chosen

29、 to play at bothregional trials and the Sainsburys School Games in 2014. Of course, she earnedherself a place at the famous GB Futures training camp. GB Futures helped mea lot.It helped me take basketball to another level and learn more about the game and itshistory. It also helped me be more indepe

30、ndentsaid Miriam. Meanwhile, Joy iscurrently the youngest player on the GB womens team- but she is making her markon the international stage, having represented Great Britain in tournaments(專帛標(biāo)賽)all over the world.The teenagers are now eager to encourage others to explore t he world of wheelchair sp

31、orts. You should have confidence in yourself. Thats the one thing to help you succeed. Having setbacks helped me grow into a person and player. No matter what people said to us, we just tried our best; said the girls.1. What happened to Joy and Miriam when they were born?A. They were adopted by a Br

32、itish couple.B. They were abandoned to an orphanage.C. They moved to the UK with their parents.D. They lived with parents in an orphanage.2. The sisters first got to know the wheelchair basketball_.A. from GB Futures training campB. from their P . E. teacher by chanceC. from a conversation in a TV p

33、rogramD. from a talk between their father and his friend3. It can be inferred from the passage thatA. the Haizes aimed to train Joy to become the world championB. Joy set a good example to Miriam in the wheelchair basketballC. it took Joy a l ong time to take the wheelchair basketball seriouslyD. Mi

34、riam is the youngest player on the womens basketball team4. What suggestion did the disabled sisters give to others?A. Put your heart into work!B. A good beginning is half done!C. All roads lead to Rome.D. Believe in yourself!語篇解讀:本文主要講述了一對輪椅籃球姐妹花的奮斗故事。1 .解析:細節(jié)理解題。由文章第一段的Since birth , Joy and Miriam

35、 were left atthe gate of an orphanage”可知,患有脊柱裂的姐妹Joy and Miriam 一出生就被遺棄在了孤兒院門口。答案:B2 .解析: 細節(jié)理解題。由文章第二段的The girls discovered the wheelchair basketball through a chance conversation , which Mr.Haize had with a friend in 2011.” 可知D項正確。答案:D3 .解析:推理判斷題。根據(jù)文章第三段前半部分內(nèi)容可知,Joy 一開始就很熱愛輪椅籃球,并取得了很好的成績(Joy got in

36、to the Under 25s European Championships in 2013), 正是Joy的好成績激勵了 Miriam。所以正確答案為選項B。答案:B4 .解析:推理判斷題。根據(jù)文章最后一段Joy和Mirian姐妹的話可知,她們鼓勵“年輕人一定要自信”。答案:D第二節(jié)完形填空閱讀下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后從 120題所名的A、B、C和D項中,選出最佳選 項。Whenour restaurant business failed , we headed north in a camping truck to Texas, hoping to have a “fresh sta

37、rt .At the 1 of Palo Duro Canyon ( 峽谷)State Park , I 2 a jobadvertisement hiring park hosts.The position offered a3, permanent campsitein the park , and 4, the hosts served as a link between the parks guests andthe rangers (護林人).It was the perfect solution: a rent-free place to reor ganize our lives

38、.We entered the park and I made an 5 for the following day.The park was 6, so it took us some time to find an availablesite.That evening , as we finished our dinner , my wife saw two large skunks ( 臭鼬) walking toward our table.We 7 climbed onto the table and, for the next fourhours , waited for them

39、 to 8 our camp.Having survived that night, we were 9 that everything else wouldbe all right. The next day we met with the people who ran the park.They explained our 10 and gave us a beautiful campsite.That evening ,11,we learned about the canyon 12.They were strongand cold, rocking our little campin

40、g truck violently, and we lay 13 in thedark until the winds died away.14 the weeks that followed , we learned to survive in our truckand 15 the little money my wife 16 by substitute teaching.Building asuccessful business and then losing it had left very little time for building a successful 17. For

41、a time after our business 18-I thought I might losemy family as well.living in the tiny 19 with no television, we sat close together readingand talking. One evening , standing under a jeweled sky , I found myself 20 forall the hardships. We had walked the trails and climbed the canyon walls. We had

42、become a family!1.A.backB . entranceC.centreD.edge2.A.sponsoredB.publishedC.noticedD.answered3.A.freeB.safeC.convenientD.beautiful4.A.in returnB.in timeC.in shortD.in turn5.A.attemptB.agreementC.appealD.appointment6.A.idealB.dangerousC.crowdedD.quiet7.A.repeatedlyB.eventuallyC.immediatelyD.calmly8.A

43、.attackB.passC.leaveD.search9.A.satisfiedB.confidentC. determinedD.aware10. A.responsibilitiesB.requirementsC. circumstancesD.conditions11. A.moreoverB.thereforeC. meanwhileD.however12. A.windsB.snowsC. woodsD.trails13. A.achingB.quarrelingC. mourningD.shaking14. A.AfterB.BetweenC. DuringD.Beyond15.

44、 A.give awayB.hand outC. live onD.put aside16. A.borrowedB.postedC. earnedD.raised17. A.businessB.familyC. careerD.image18. A.startedB.failedC. expandedD.,declined19. A.campB.,parkC. houseD.,truck20. A.desperateC. suitableBD. thankful.ready語篇解讀:本文體栽為記敘文。題材為個人經(jīng)歷。文章講述了作者生意失敗后,舉家去得克薩斯州開始新的生活。在應(yīng)聘“ park

45、host ” 一職后,一家人雖然生活比較艱難,但 家人之間的關(guān)系更加密切。1 解析:根據(jù)常識可知,我”應(yīng)該在公園的入口處看到招聘信息,at the entranceof意為“在入口”。答案:B2 解析:sponsor 贊助,倡議;publish ”出版,發(fā)行;notice 注意到;answer 回 答”;選C表示“我”注意到了這則廣告。答案: C3 解析: 根據(jù)下文“a rent-free place to reorganize our lives ”可知,這個職位提供了一個長期免費的營地。free 在此處意為“免費的”。答案: A4 解析: 根據(jù)上下文可知,對方給我們提供了免費的營地,作為回

46、報, “我”要充當(dāng)旅 客和護林人之間聯(lián)系的紐帶。答案: A5 解析: 根據(jù)下文“The next day we met with the people who ran the park. ”可知, “我”和管理公園的負責(zé)人見了面,而在見面之前應(yīng)是先預(yù)約。 make an appointment 意為“預(yù)約”。答案: D6 解析: 根據(jù)下文“it took us some time to find an available site ”可知,公園里的人很多,crowded 意為“人多的,擁擠的”。答案: C7 解析:根據(jù)上下文句意可推斷,我們?yōu)榱硕惚艹赭⒖膛赖阶雷由厦嫒ィ?C項符 合語境。i

47、mmediately “立即,馬上”。答案:C8 解析: 我們等待臭鼬離開(leave) 我們的營地。答案:C9 解析: 熬過了那個晚上,我們相信其他一切事情會比較順利的。confident “有信心的,有把握的”。答案: B10 解析: 根據(jù)上文“The next day we met with the people who ran the park ”可知,那些管理公園的人給我們解釋了我們的工作職責(zé)。答案: A11 .解析:下文描述了我們在營地生活的艱難,與上文構(gòu)成轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系,故D項符合句意。however 意為“然而,不過”。答案: D可知答案。12 解析: 由下文“ until the

48、winds died away答案: A13 解析: 根據(jù)上文“They were strong and cold , rocking our little camping truckviolently ”可知,我們顫抖地躺在車里, shake 此處意為“發(fā)抖”。答案:D14 解析: 句意:在接下來的幾個星期里,我們學(xué)會了如何在貨車里生活。答案:C15 解析:give away 贈送,泄露,出賣“;hand out 分發(fā);live on 靠生活”; put aside “整理,放在一邊”。根據(jù)上文可知,此處指在接下來的幾個星期里我們 靠妻子做代課教師掙得一點錢生活。答案:C16 解析: 此處考

49、查固定搭配。earn money 意為“掙錢”。答案:C17 解析: 根據(jù)下文“I thought I might lose my family as well ”可知 B 項符合句意。答案: B18 解析: 根據(jù)文章第一段“When our restaurant business failed. ”可知。本句指這次失敗讓“我”感覺也許會失去自己的家庭。答案:B19 解析: 根據(jù)上文“we learned to survive in our truck ”可知。答案:D20 解析: 根據(jù)全文可知,雖然“我”生意失敗后生活很辛苦, 但家人之間的關(guān)系更加密切,由此推斷“我”很感激生活中遇到的艱難困

50、苦。thankful for意為“因感激”。答案: D第三節(jié)語法填空閱讀下面材料,在空白處填入適當(dāng)?shù)膬?nèi)容(1 個單詞 ) 或括號內(nèi)單詞的正確形式。Every morning , Lao Tse went for a walk in the dawn.He never walked with others , as he knew that people could not be quiet and that they would disturb his 1.(silent)he experienced.But his neighbor put in 2.request for hisfrien

51、d.He said , “ Let him join you during your morning walk.It seems such a lovely experience to him.And he has promised to be 3.(complete)silent. ”Lao Tse agreed so the friend came along.They walked alongside each other4.saying one word.When they walked deeper into the woods, they came to alake 5.(surr

52、ound)by high trees.The sun 6.(shine)through the trees and fell in patterns on the water.It was a fantastic sight.The friends jaw dropped and wanted 7.(praise)the beautiful scenery.But he covered his mouth with his hand , 8.he remembered his promise.After they came back , Lao Tse was 9.(satisfy) with

53、 his company.And hesaid to his neighbour , “Your friend is very nice.Id like towalk with him again.”So the two often walked together.But neither of them spoke anything all theway.10.(respect) others habits can help us make friends.語篇解讀:尊敬別人的習(xí)慣才能跟別人成為朋友。1 .解析:考查名詞。根據(jù)句意,他們會打擾他的安靜。在形容詞性物主代詞之后,用 名詞形式。答案:silence2 .解析:考查冠詞。這里指提出一個請求,故用不定冠詞。答案:a3 .解析:考查副詞。形容詞前面用副詞修飾,表示完全地安靜。答案:completely4 .解析:考查介詞。根據(jù)


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