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1、UNIT5 Topic1單詞:1. Invite 邀請(qǐng) I want to invite you to go to the party.2. none無(wú)一人,無(wú)任何東西Here was none left.3. moving 感動(dòng)的 The movie is moving.4. proud驕傲的,自豪的 I ' m proud of Liu Xiang.5. tastev:嘗,品嘗; n:味道 The food tastes evry good.6. mad 發(fā)瘋的,生氣的 The boy went mad.7. express 表達(dá),表示 The guesture expresses

2、"Yes".8. peace 和平 we all like peace.9. thankful 感激的,感謝的 Tom is thankful with the help of Jane.語(yǔ)法: 1.invite sb to do sth2.invite sb to3. say hello to sb5. a ticket to/for邀請(qǐng)某人做某事邀請(qǐng)某人去(某處)say goodbye to sb的票,入場(chǎng)券6. ring up 打電話給8. cheer up 使振奮起來(lái)10. payfor付錢(qián)12. end with以結(jié)尾7. because of 因?yàn)?. What

3、 for=Whycome into being 產(chǎn)生,誕生13.seem to do sth看起來(lái),似乎例句:1. You ook excited.你看起來(lái)很興奮。Look+形容詞2. We can spend the evening at my house. 我們可以在我家度過(guò)晚上。 Spend sth (in)doing sth , Spend sth on sth.3. Why all the smiling faces?為什么大家總是笑容滿(mǎn)面?4. I went to buy tickets,but there was none left.我想去買(mǎi)票,但是沒(méi)有剩下的。5. What a

4、 shame/pity!多么可惜!6. He can't get a ticket to/for The Sound of Music.他得不到一張音樂(lè)之聲的票。7. I hope everything goes well.我希望一切順利。8. The sound of Music is one of the must poopular American movies.音樂(lè)之聲是美國(guó)最流行的影片之一。one of the most+ 可數(shù)9. Maria taught the children to sing lively songs and perform short,funry p

5、lays to cheer themselves up. 瑪麗亞教孩子們唱的歌曲和表演生動(dòng)總之,有趣的發(fā)揮了自己的歡呼。10. The Titanic had a accident on the way to America.泰坦尼克號(hào)在道路上發(fā)生了一場(chǎng)事故。11. The mother was so worried that she looked for him everywhere.這位母親非常著急,以至于她到處找他。12. Beijing Opera is our national opera with around 200 years history.擁有兩百多年歷史的京劇是我們的國(guó)劇

6、。13.It come into being after 1790.它形成于 1790 年。14. How nice!多好??!How+形容詞 What a/an+ 形容詞,What a/an+ 可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)15. The food tastes so delicious!食物嘗起來(lái)很可 口。16. I feel terrible.我覺(jué)得很不舒服。17. Guess what! 猜一猜看!18. Say thanks to sb.向某人表示感謝。19. He has a fever.他發(fā)燒了。20. I hope he will ring me up.我希望他能打電話給我??删庉嬁删庉婾NIT5

7、 Topic2單詞: 1. baddly adv:壞,惡劣地 She did badly in the Enlish exam.experience n: 經(jīng)歷,經(jīng)驗(yàn)They may have unhappy feelings after some badexperience.3. suggestion n:建議 Can you give your suggestions to me?4. normal adj: 正常的 It is normal to feel sad when something bad happens to us.5. stranger n:外地人 I'm a s

8、tranger here.6. accept v:接受 My classmates don't accept me.7. carefully adv:仔細(xì)地 Helen is as carefully as Maria.8. clapv:拍手 Let's clap our hands.9. elderadj:年紀(jì)較大的He has an elder brother.10. hitv:撞,擊中 There is a car hitting a cat.11. thoughconj:雖然 Though I have much money,I am not happy.短語(yǔ): 1.

9、at one's age在某人的年齡You father began to work at your age.2. at the age of 在歲時(shí) At the age of seven,he could swim.3. in one's twenties/thiries在某人二十幾歲 /三十幾歲A man in his thirties.4. happen to do sth碰巧干某事I happened to meet her on my way home.5. what's more更有甚者What's more,it seems that my ca

10、ssmates don't accept me.6. fit in被他人接受I'll learn to fit in soon.7. even tough/if 即使 I'll help you,even though/if I don't sleep for a night.8. not any longer=no longer 不再 He doesn't live in Beijing any longer.9. cheer sb up 讓 某人振作I'm sending this e-card to cheer you up.10. tak

11、e it easy另1緊張Take it easy and don't be too strict with yourself.11. get angry變的生氣He gets angry because he lost his pen.12. feel upset感到苦惱She feels upset,because her son was ill.13. talk with sb于某人交談 Why not talk with other about it.14. take pat in參加 Taking part in actinvities is good for you.15.

12、 deal with 解決 How to deal with them,do you know?16. in public當(dāng)眾 Maria speaks in public,her face always turms red.17. calm downCalm down an relax.18. fall asleep入口i He is so boring,I almost fall asleep when he's talking to me.語(yǔ)法:1. seem to do sth彳以乎He seems to know the secret.2. seem+adj 看來(lái) Jane

13、seems worried.3. be strict with sb對(duì)某人要求嚴(yán)格They were always very stict with theirchaldren.4. be strict about/in sthShe's evry strict about things like homework.5. beworried about對(duì)感至U擔(dān)心She is so worried about her exam.6. fail to do sth 失敗,未能(做到)Doctors failed to save the girl's life.7. be/get u

14、sed to (doing)sth 習(xí)慣于(做)某事 I am used to getting up early./He can't get used to the weather here.8. as+形容詞/副詞原級(jí)+ as+比較對(duì)象(表示兩者在某一方面程度相同)I am as tall as myfather. He runs as fast as Tom.9. not as/so+形容詞/副詞原級(jí)+ as+比較對(duì)象(表示某人或某物在某一方面不如另一個(gè)人或另一物)Jim doesn't study as/so hard as Helen.10. refuse to do

15、sth拒絕(做)某事How could he refuse to do the work.11. refuse sb/sth拒絕某人 / 某事He refused my offer.12. thank you for doing sth感謝做某事Thank you for helping me.13. why don't you=why not+do 為什么不 Why don't you/not talk to someone when you feel sad?14. be afraid of doing sth害怕做某事The girl is afraid of speak

16、ing in public.可編輯UNIT5 Topic3單詞:1 .affect 影響 Many things can affect our feelings.2 .put on 表演,上映3 .get along/on with 與 相處 Your mother gets along well with her workmates.4 .especially 特別,尤其Sometimes it makes me feel sad,especially when the fullmoon is hanging in the sky on Mid-autumn Festival.5 .try

17、out 試,試驗(yàn)We can try out different colors if we aren't feeling our best.6 .noise 噪聲 noisy 喧鬧的7 .decision 決定 decide 下決心詞組:1.feel nervous 感動(dòng)緊張It makes me feel nervous.2.in turn 依次,輪流They spoke in turn at the meeting.3.in a good mood 心情良好in a bad mood 心情糟糕in good health 健康狀況良好4.play with.和 玩耍,玩弄5.on

18、the/one's way(to) 在去 路上 On his way to school.6.in high spirits情緒高昂的,精力充沛的in low spirits情緒低落的7.think over 仔細(xì)考慮,慎重考慮He would like more time to think things over.語(yǔ)法:你像這樣已經(jīng)1.How long have you felt like this?=How long have you been like this?多久了?2.can't 表否定猜測(cè)He can't be at home.must 表肯定猜測(cè)3.fo

19、llow one's adviceMaria must be at home because the light is on.采納建議,此時(shí)的follow 可用 take 替換He refused to follow/take our advice.4 .take turns to do sth 輪流做某事We take turns to clean the classroom.5 .Let sb.do sth 讓 /允許某人走某事Let's make a plan.6 .get along/on 生活,進(jìn)展,進(jìn)行How are you getting along/on?7 .

20、try on 試穿,試戴Try the shoes on before you buy them.8 .get back to sth 繼續(xù)某事Let's get back to the main point of the discussion.9 .a sense of. 的感覺(jué)It will help you bring back a sence of happiness.UNIT6 Topic1詞組:10 spring field trip 春游 We're going a spring field trip.2 .go on a visit to . 去 .參觀,旅游W

21、e will go on a two-day visit to Mount Tai.3 .make the decision 做決定 Let's make the decision together.4 .find out 了解 Cao chong wanted to find out the weight of the elephant.5 .decide on 決定 I'm 18 now,i have right to decide my on future.6 .raise money 籌錢(qián) It is very common to raise money in Cana

22、dian and American schools.7 . make a reservation 預(yù)定 I want to make a room reseruation.8 .work out 計(jì)算 Jane is helping Helen work out the lost of the trip.9 .come up with 趕上 You start fitst,walk on and I'll come up with you soon.10 .look farward to 期待 We are looking forward to your visit.11 .hear form 收到 來(lái)信 I heard form Mike yesterday.12 .as soon as 一 就 Assoon as he comes, I'll tell him.13 .places of interest 名勝古跡We can visit some places of interest together.14 .the sea of clouds We saw the sunrese and the sea of on Mount Tai and visitedDai Temple in the daytime.15 .the


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