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1、高中英語講義一 名詞性從句(主從、表從、賓從,同從)1, 陳述句做名從用連詞that + SV, that表主句肯定從句完整,不做成分。主從可用it做形式主語,賓從第一個 that 可省略。You study hard.主從: That you study hard is known to us.= It is known to us that you study hard.表從: My opinion is that you study hard .賓從:I th in k (that) you study hard. -and that (不能省略).同從:My opi nion that

2、 you study hard is known to us. * 比較同從和主從!一般抽象名詞后對其進行解釋和說明的完整句子就是其同位語從句,不完整就是定語從句。I appreciate your idea that we have an exam every week. (that 后完整一同從)I appreciate your idea that you came up with last time. (that 后不完整-定從)2, 一般問句做名從用連詞whether(是否)+ SV, whether表主句不肯定從句完整,賓從中可用if (介詞后或賓從后有 or not 時只用 wh

3、ether )。 Does your friend like English ?主從: Whether your friend likes English isn clear .=It isn clear whether your friend likes English.表從: My question is whether your friend likes English.賓從:I don know whether/ if your friend likes English.同從: My question whether your friend likes English isn clea

4、r.3, 特殊問句做名從用疑問詞(連詞) + SV,疑問詞做主語時直接 +謂語。連接代詞(what/which/who/whose) 表主句不肯定從句不完整,連接副詞(whe n/where/why/how )表主句不肯定從句完整。Where did you go just now ?主從: Where you went just now isn clear.= It isn clear where you went just now.表從: My questi on is where you went just now.賓從:I won der where you went just now

5、.同從: My question where you went just now isn clear.當(dāng)主句為現(xiàn)在時態(tài)從句時態(tài)不受影響,當(dāng)主句為過去時態(tài)從句就應(yīng)該變成過去的某種時態(tài),但客觀真理總用一般現(xiàn)在時,有固定過去時間總用過去時。高頻考點1,當(dāng)主從句都缺成分時指物用what/whatever/whichever(有范圍),指人用 whoever / whomever(做賓語).The buildi ngs have built in _what_ was farmla nd. _What_ you n eed is courage.The prize will be awarded to

6、_whoever_ has won the game. You can choose _what/whatever/whomever_ you like.Of all, you can choose _whichever_ you like .2, No matter+疑問詞,只能引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句(主從句逗號分開),疑問詞+ever既可引導(dǎo)讓步狀從,又可引導(dǎo)名從(從句在主句中做成分)。_No matter who / whoever-has broke n the law , hellbe puni shed ._Whoever_ has broke n the law will be pun

7、i shed.3, 扌由象名詞(fact, news/word, hope, desire, thought, suggestion, idea, problem, possibility/chanee ,rumor, concept)后常用that引導(dǎo)同從。News /word came that you had passed the exam.There is no possibility/ chanee that he Icome.練習(xí)11. If you swim in a river or lake, be sure to investigateis below the water

8、surface. Often there are rocks orbran ches hidde n in the water.2. I truly believebeauty comes from withi n.3. we un dersta nd thi ngs has a lot to do with what we feel.4. Li Bai, a great Chinese poet, was born is known to the public, but some won accept it.5. We must find outKarl is coming, so we c

9、an book a room for him.6. A ship in harbor is safe, but that notships are built for.7. I won derMary has kept her figure after all these years.By work ing out every day.8. You have to knowyou re going if you are to plan the best way of getting there.9. Reading her biography, I was lost in admiration

10、 forDoris Lessing had achieved in literature.10. The exhibition tells uswe should do something to stop air pollution.11. Every time you eat a sweet, drink green tea. ” This ismy mother used to tell me.12. I thinkimpresses me about his painting is the colors he uses.13. It is difficult for us to imag

11、inelife was like for slaves in the ancient world.14. Is it true that Mike refused an offer from Yale Uni versity yesterday?-Yeah, but I have no ideahe did it; that one of his favorite universities.15. Pick yourself up. Courage is doingyou re afraid to do.16. Exactlythe potato was introduced into Eur

12、ope is uncertain, but it was probably around 1565.17. What a mess! You are always so lazy!Im not to blame, Mum. I amyou have made me.18. As John Lennon once said, life ishappens to you while you are busy making other plans.19. Grandma pointed to the hospital and said, ThatI was born.”20. The only wa

13、y to succeed at the highest level is to have total beliefyou are better than anyone else on thesports field.21. Experts believepeople can waste less food by shopping only when it is necessary.22. I want to tell you is the deep love and respect I have for my parents.23. struck me most in the movie wa

14、s the father deep love for his son.24. makes the book so extraordinary is the creative imagination of the writer.25. Do not let any failures discourage you, for you can never tellclose you may be to victory.26. From space, the earth looks blue. This isabout seventy-one percent of its surface is cove

15、red by water.27. one of you breaks the window will have to pay for it.28. It rema ins to be see nthe n ewly formed committee policy can be out into practice.29. you said at the meeting describes a bright future for the company.30. It is by no means clearthe preside nt can do to end the strike.練習(xí)21.

16、The Beatles were in many ways pion eers forwas to come, like holdi ng con certs in sports stadiums.2. Bli nd people have their own ways to tell the shape of an object andit is day or ni ght.3. Do you enjoy the latest movies?Yeah, I will go foris on.4. When you are read ing, make a n ote ofyou thi nk

17、 is of great importa nee.5. His writing is so confusing that it difficult to make outit is that he is trying to express.6. If you are going to kill the sn ake, you have to get close tothe head is and cut it off.7. The Peony Pavilion, a play written by Tang Xianzu, ismany people regard as the most ro

18、mantic story inChin ese literature.8. There is no doubtthe famous professor will come to give us a lecture.9. How grateful I am to my grandfather for his advicewhatever trouble I come across, being calm is a must.10. A warm thought sudde nly came to meI might buy some flowers for my frie ndmother 60

19、th birthday.11. That compa ny wants to reduce prices to in crease its market share, and this iswe differ from it.12. Doze ns of people were wait ing with a camera forseemed like hours, hop ing to catch a glimpse of the USFirst Lady, Michelle Obama.13. We have learned from the story thatis most valua

20、ble is not what we have in our lives butwe havein our lives.14. he considered a great proposal was turned down by the boss at the meeting.15. Choosing the right dictionary depends onyou want to use it for.16. With many cities in China dreadfully blanketed by thick haze, the environment problem isChi

21、nese peopleconcern most no wadays.17. What is concerning us greatly isthe workers held up in that area yesterday will be set free.18. Steve Jobssuccess in digital field provedit took to be a best CEO.19. The problem iswe can improve our reading skills in such a short time.20. It my treat today. Is t

22、here anything particular you would like to have?you choose is fine with me.21. The practical suggestion came from the representativesthe new rule be adopted.練習(xí)3It was reported _1_ there was an accide nt at a corner of the Roma n Street this morning. No one saw _2_ on earth happe ned the n. A car ran

23、 into a truck but fortun ately, n obody got injured. _3_ will be resp on sible for the accide nt is still un der in vestigati on. The police were un certa in about _4_ the driver was guilty. _5_ the police should do now is _6_ they must find out what led to the accide nt. They said it was difficult

24、for them to judge because _7_ the accident happened is not clear. Perhaps the reason was _8_ the driver was too tired to stop the car in time. The driver didn admit the fact _9_ he was over-speed driving at the turning. The police doubted _10_ what he said was true and decided to make a further inve

25、stigation.參考答案練習(xí)11. what句意:如果你在河里或湖里游泳,一定要查明水下的狀況。經(jīng)常會有巖石或樹枝隱藏在水中。賓語從句,what o作investigate的賓語,從句缺主語且表示事物,故用2. that句意:我確信美麗源自內(nèi)在。賓語從句,從句結(jié)構(gòu)完整,故用that。3. How句意:我們理解事物的方式與我們的認(rèn)知有很大關(guān)系。主語從句,從句缺少方式狀語,故用How。4. Where句意:李白,中國偉大的詩人,出生的地方人人皆知,但是有些人對此并不接受。主語從句,缺少地 點狀語,故用 where。5. when句意:我們必須弄清楚卡爾什么時候來,以便我們可以為他預(yù)訂房間。賓語

26、從句,作find out的賓語,從句缺少時間狀語,故用when。6. what句意:在港口的船是安全的,但是那并不是船被建造的目的。表語從句,從句缺少賓語且指事物,故用what o7. how句意:我想知道這么些年來瑪麗究竟是如何保持體型的。通過每天鍛煉身體。賓語從句,從句缺少方式狀語,故用how。8. where句意:如果你要計劃到那里的喜好路線,你就得知道你將要往哪兒走。賓語從句,從句缺少地點狀語, 故用where。9. what句意:讀著Doris Lessing的自傳,我沉浸在對她在文學(xué)上獲得的成就的崇拜之中。賓語從句,從句缺少 賓語且指事物,故用 what o10. why句意:這個

27、展覽告訴我們?yōu)槭裁次覀儜?yīng)該做一些事情來阻止空氣污染。賓語從句,從句缺原因狀語,故 用 why。11. what句意:“每次你吃糖果的時候,喝點綠茶?!边@就是我媽媽過去常常告訴我的。表語從句,引導(dǎo)詞在從句中作賓語且表示事物,故用what o12. what句意:我認(rèn)為他的畫使我印象深刻的是他對色彩的使用。主語從句從句缺主語且指事物,故用what。13. what句意:我們很難想象古代奴隸們的生活是什么樣子的。賓語從句缺賓語且指事物,故用what。14. why句意:一一邁克昨天拒絕了耶魯大學(xué)給他的錄取機會,這是真的嗎?一一是的,但是我不知道他為什么會這樣做,那可是他最喜歡的大學(xué)之一。同位語從句,

28、根據(jù)句意填why o15. what句意:振作起來,勇氣就是去做你不敢去做的事情。賓語從句,從句缺作賓語的連接詞,故填what。16. when句意:土豆被引入歐洲的確切時間不能確定,但很可能是在1565年左右。主語從句,缺時間狀語,故用 when。17. what句意:一一真是太亂了!你總是這么懶惰!一一媽媽,別責(zé)怪我。你使我成了現(xiàn)在這個樣子的。表語從 句缺賓補,故用what o18. what句意:正如約翰列儂曾經(jīng)所說的那樣:當(dāng)你正在為生活疲于奔波時,生活已離你遠(yuǎn)去。表語從句缺主 語,故用what o19. where句意:奶奶指著那家醫(yī)院說:“那就是我出生的地方。”表語從句,缺地點狀語,

29、故用where。20. that句意:在最高水平上取得成功的唯一方法就是要完全相信在運動場上你比其他任何人都優(yōu)秀。同位語從句,從句結(jié)構(gòu)和意義完整,故用that o21. that句意:專家認(rèn)為,人們可以通過只有在必要時才購物這一方法來減少食物的浪費。賓語從句,從句結(jié)構(gòu)和意義完整,故用that。22. What句意:我想告訴你的是我對父母深深的愛和敬重。主語從句,從句缺賓語且指事物,故用what。23. What句意:影片中最打動我的是那位父親對他兒子深厚的愛。主語從句,從句缺主語且指事物,故用what。24. What句意:讓這本書如此不同尋常的是作者創(chuàng)造性的想象力。主語從句,從句缺主語且指事

30、物,故用what。25. how句意:不要因失敗而泄氣,因為你永遠(yuǎn)也不會知道成功可能離你有多近。賓語從句,空后close為形容詞,故填how。26. because句意:從太空看,地球是藍色的。這是因為地球表面大約 71%都被水覆蓋著。根據(jù)句意應(yīng)該用because 引導(dǎo)表語從句。27. Whichever句意:你們之中不管是誰打破了窗戶,都要賠償。主語從句,弓I導(dǎo)詞限定后面的one,且表示在限定范圍(you)中的任何一個,故用 whichever。28. whether句意:新組成的委員會制定的政策是否能實施還有待觀察。題干中It是形式主語,空格處引導(dǎo)主語從句,故用whether。29. Wh

31、at句意:你在會上的講話為公司描述了一個光明的未來。主語從句,從句缺賓語,故用what。30. what句意:總統(tǒng)可能采取什么措施來結(jié)束罷工一點都不清楚。It為形式主語,空格處引導(dǎo)的從句為真正的主語。從句中do后缺少賓語,故由 what引導(dǎo)該主語從句。練習(xí)21. what句意:披頭士樂隊在很多方面都是開拓者,比如在運動場開演唱會。此處所缺的詞作介詞for的賓語,同時在句子中作主語,表示后來的事情”,故用what。2. whether句意:盲人有他們自己辨別物體的形狀以及是白天還是夜晚的方法。賓語從句,根據(jù)題干中的or night,故填 whether。3. whatever句意:你喜歡最新的電

32、影嗎?喜歡。無論什么在上映我都會去看。賓語從句,作介詞for的賓語,設(shè)空處應(yīng)用 whatever,相當(dāng)于anything that4. what句意:當(dāng)你讀書時,要把你認(rèn)為重要的東西記下來。賓語從句,從句缺主語且指事物,故用what。5. what句意:他寫得很亂以至于很難弄清他到底要表達什么意思。賓語從句,從句缺少賓語且指事物,故用what o6. where句意:如果你想殺死蛇,你得接近蛇頭并將其砍斷。賓語從句,從句缺少表示地點的表語,故用where。7. what句意:湯顯祖所寫的牡丹亭是很多中國人認(rèn)為的漢語文學(xué)中最浪漫的故事。表語從句,從句缺少賓 語且指事物,故用 what o8. t

33、hat句意:毫無疑問,那位著名的教授將會來給我們作一場演講。同為與從句,從句意思、結(jié)構(gòu)完整,故用that o9. that句意:我感激我爺爺?shù)慕ㄗh,即無論我遇到什么麻煩,保持鎮(zhèn)靜是必要的。同位語從句,從句不缺任何成分,故用that o10. that句意:我突然有了一個很溫馨的想法,那就是我可以為我朋友媽媽的六十大壽買鞋鮮花。同位語從句,從句不缺任何成分,故用that。11. where句意:那家公司想要通過降低價格來增加市場份額,這就是我們和它不同的地方。表語從句,從句缺 地點狀語,故用 where。12. what句意:很多人拿著相機等了好像有幾個小時了,希望能夠看到美國第一夫人米歇爾奧巴馬的真容。賓語從句,從句缺主語,且表示事物,故用what。13. what; who句意:從這個故事中我們知道了最有價值的不是


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