



1、Unit 1詞匯運用及句型轉(zhuǎn)換A. 根據(jù)句意或中英文提示寫出句中所缺單詞:1. I think he has many pers onal.才能)2. They play an積極的)role in our class activities.3. Huma n beings are(be ing able to make someth ing new and unu sual)an imals.4. Please be(be ing able to wait without gett ing an gry) and don 'give upeasily.5. Many of us ar

2、e fond of doingin the physics or chemistry lab.B. 用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空:easy availen ergyworry able1. My cousin is anboy. He keeps playing without feeling tired.2. I'm a littleabout the coming exams. I hope they wonbe difficult.3. The problem is not difficult. You canwork it out.4. He's lear ned the v

3、iolin for just a week. I thi nk he isto perform on thestage.5. These magaz ines arein the school library. You n ee'ibuy them.C. 用所給動詞的適當(dāng)形式填空:forgive dream show argueexpla in1. That lady is un welcome because she ofte noff her rich husba nd.2. Mr Li looks red in his face. He justwith his manager.

4、3. Shethe an swer to her stude nts on the phone whe n I saw her.4. Daniel hopes that his motherhim for his careless ness.5. The little boyabout a toy plane, but his father wouldn 'buy one forhim.D. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換:1. The young woman quickly divided the cake into six parts.(改為被動語態(tài))The cakequicklyinto six pa

5、rts by the young woma n.2. You ng people of the 2甲 cen tury are active and creative.(根據(jù)劃線內(nèi)容提問) young people of the 2s! century like ?3. You are impatient. You did'wait your turn.(合并句子)It was impatie ntyou notwait your tur n.4. They finished the task, but they didntpay attention to details.(合并句子)

6、They fini shed the taskatte nti on to details.5. Tom and Jane are smart. They know how to enjoy life.合并句子)Tom and Jane are smartenjoy life.Un it 2詞匯運用及句型轉(zhuǎn)換A. 根據(jù)句意或中英文提示寫出句中所缺單詞:1. My sister likes keeping (日記)in both Chinese and English.2. You are too weak. I think you n eed some(身體的)exercise.3. The

7、sweet music helped him feel(calm and not worried).4. Gree n( be a sig n of ) new life and growth.5. Fin ally, sheher mistake and made up her mind to correct it.B. 用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空:sleep fair happy power grow1. I'm ready to share yourwhe n you are sad.2. Weari ng red can make you look more.3. It wasfo

8、r the boss to give me less money tha n an ybody else.4. The fastof the baby pan das shows that they are liv ing a good life.5. I feelin class in the after noon if I donttake a nap at noon.C. 用所給動詞的適當(dāng)形式填空:require adviseremi ndvisit promise1. -Tomthe Nantong Museum with you?-Yes, he said he had fun an

9、d lear ned a lot.2. Iyou aga in and aga in not to eat these un healthy sn acks. Butyou don 'tliste n.3. This filmmy father of his early days in the coun tryside.4. I think the teacher to let us have two days off. Let s go outingthe n.5. Each studentto hand in a report about how to protect ouren

10、vir onment.D. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換:1. Wear white, and you will not feel stressed.保持句意基本不變)You can wear white,youstressed.2. She wants to make herself look calm by wearing blue.根據(jù)劃線內(nèi)容提問) she want to make herself look calm?3. Warm colours can give you a happy and satisfied feeling保持句意不變)Warm colours canyouhappy and s

11、atisfied.4. Mary prefers playing with her pet dog to visiting the zoo.保持句意不變)Mary would rather play with her pet dogthe zoo.5. They would rather make the decision tomorrow.根據(jù)戈U線內(nèi)容提問) they rather make the decisi on?Un it 3詞匯運用及句型轉(zhuǎn)換A. 根據(jù)句意或中英文提示寫出句中所缺單詞:1. He懷疑)what you really mean by this.2. Their fo

12、otball coach is kind but very嚴格的).3. The doctor has n ever( take someth ing willi ngly) money from his patie nts.4. I wrote to her last month, but she did'(give an an swer) to me.5. There is pof rain in spri ng here, so the crops grow well.B. 用方框中所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空:suggest choose hobby true pleased1.1 t

13、hink healthycan make our lives more colourful.2. A: How do you know that Sim on told a lie?B: Because I know what theis.3. It is a greatto watch the football match on TV4. Can you offer these stude nts some? They n eed help.5. The traffic stopped, and he had nobut to walk home.C. 用方框中所給動詞的適當(dāng)形式填空:cau

14、se not allowpla ncomplete refuse1. Now schoolsus stude nts to stay behi nd after 6 p.m.2. The engineers are in the office. Theythe streets and building in our town.3. Don 'tdri nk too much coffee. Ityou to be too excited.4. Two more bridgesin this area last year.5. The schoolalreadythe pla n bec

15、ause it is not practical.D. 把下列句子改寫成同義句:1. Liu Min han ded in the exam paper first.Liu Min was the firstin the exam paper.2. To take a part-time job is good for a college stude nt.It is good for a college stude nta part-time job.3. You should decide which school you will choose.You should decidescho

16、ol.4. Can you give me some advice on the problem?Can you advise metothe problem?5. The little baby has grown up. She is a beautiful girl now.The little baby has grow n upa beautiful girl.期中復(fù)習(xí)詞匯運用及句型轉(zhuǎn)換A. 根據(jù)句意或中英文提示寫出所缺單詞:1. We should learn how to achieve a (平衡) between work and play.2. Most teenagers

17、don't like comic books, but my mother is (癡迷 )about them.3. These two pieces of music sound (like, of the same kind ) to eachother.4. I have a bad toothache. I must go to the ( a person who fills, cleans ottakes out teeth).5. He is . He doesn't want to change his ideas at any time.B. 用所給詞的適當(dāng)

18、形式填空:decide teenage warm humour butterfly1. My dad is a person. His fun words always make others happy.2. High school students are all .3. The sun brings us .4. The girl caught three in the garden, but they soon flew away.5. An important was made to help the people as soon as the floodhappened in the area.C. 用所給動詞的適當(dāng)形式填空:join divide influence not send mark1. I asked Suzy to let me know when she would arrive, but she meany messages.2. These heroes young people greatly over the years.3. Our class into ten groups when we took a trip to Shaoxing.4. Please come to our party. Don&#


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