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1、控機(jī)床故障診斷與維修幾例由于現(xiàn)代數(shù)控系統(tǒng)的可靠性越來越高,數(shù)控系統(tǒng)本身的故障越來越低,而大部分故障的發(fā)生則是非系統(tǒng)本身原因引起的。系統(tǒng)外部的故障主要指由于檢測(cè)開關(guān)、液壓元件、氣動(dòng)元件、電氣執(zhí)行元件、機(jī)械裝置等出現(xiàn)問題而引起的。 數(shù)控設(shè)備的外部故障可以分為軟故障和外部硬件損壞引起的硬故障。軟故障是指由于操作、調(diào)整處理不當(dāng)引起的,這類故障多發(fā)生在設(shè)備使用前期或設(shè)備使用人員調(diào)整時(shí)期。對(duì)于數(shù)控系統(tǒng)來說,另一個(gè)易出故障的地方為伺服單元。由于各軸的運(yùn)動(dòng)是靠伺服單元控制伺服電機(jī)帶動(dòng)滾珠絲杠來實(shí)現(xiàn)的。用旋轉(zhuǎn)編碼器作速度反饋,用光柵尺作位置反饋。一般易出故障的地方為旋轉(zhuǎn)編碼器與伺服單元的驅(qū)動(dòng)模塊。也有個(gè)別的是由

2、于電源原因而引起的系統(tǒng)混亂。特別是對(duì)那些帶計(jì)算機(jī)硬盤保存數(shù)據(jù)的系統(tǒng)。例如,德國(guó)西門子系統(tǒng)840C。 例1:一數(shù)控車床剛投入使用的時(shí)候,在系統(tǒng)斷電后重新啟動(dòng)時(shí),必須要返回到參考點(diǎn)。即當(dāng)用手動(dòng)方式將各軸移到非干涉區(qū)外后,再使各軸返回參考點(diǎn)。否則,可能發(fā)生撞車事故。所以,每天加工完后,最好把機(jī)床的軸移到安全位置。此時(shí)再操作或斷電后就不會(huì)出現(xiàn)問題。 外部硬件操作引起的故障是數(shù)控修理中的常見故障。一般都是由于檢測(cè)開關(guān)、液壓系統(tǒng)、氣動(dòng)系統(tǒng)、電氣執(zhí)行元件、機(jī)械裝置出現(xiàn)問題引起的。這類故障有些可以通過報(bào)警信息查找故障原因。對(duì)一般的數(shù)控系統(tǒng)來講都有故障診斷功能或信息報(bào)警。維修人員可利用這些信息手段縮小診斷范圍。

3、而有些故障雖有報(bào)警信息顯示,但并不能反映故障的真實(shí)原因。這時(shí)需根據(jù)報(bào)警信息和故障現(xiàn)象來分析解決。 例2:我廠一車削單元采用的是SINUMERIK840C系統(tǒng)。機(jī)床在工作時(shí)突然停機(jī)。顯示主軸溫度報(bào)警。經(jīng)過對(duì)比檢查,故障出現(xiàn)在溫度儀表上,調(diào)整外圍線路后報(bào)警消失。隨即更換新儀表后恢復(fù)正常。 例3:同樣是這臺(tái)車削中心,工作時(shí)CRT顯示9160報(bào)警“9160 NO PART WITH GRIPPER 1 CLOSED VERIFY V14-5”。這是指未抓起工件報(bào)警。但實(shí)際上抓工件的機(jī)械手已將工件抓起,卻顯示機(jī)械手未抓起工件報(bào)警。查閱PLC圖,此故障是測(cè)量感應(yīng)開關(guān)發(fā)出的。經(jīng)查機(jī)械手部位,機(jī)械手工作行程不

4、到位,未完全壓下感應(yīng)開關(guān)引起的。隨后調(diào)整機(jī)械手的夾緊力,此故障排除。 例4:一臺(tái)立式加工中心采用FANUC-OM控制系統(tǒng)。機(jī)床在自動(dòng)方式下執(zhí)行到X軸快速移動(dòng)時(shí)就出現(xiàn)414和410報(bào)警。此報(bào)警是速度控制OFF和X軸伺服驅(qū)動(dòng)異常。由于此故障出現(xiàn)后能通過重新啟動(dòng)消除,但每執(zhí)行到X軸快速移動(dòng)時(shí)就報(bào)警。經(jīng)查該伺服電機(jī)電源線插頭因電弧爬行而引起相間短路,經(jīng)修整后此故障排除。 例5:操作者操作不當(dāng)也是引起故障的重要原因。如我廠另一臺(tái)采用840C系統(tǒng)的數(shù)控車床,第一天工作時(shí)完全正常,而第二天上班時(shí)卻無論如何也開不了機(jī),工作方式一轉(zhuǎn)到自動(dòng)方式下就報(bào)警“EMPTYING SELECTED MOOE SELECTO

5、R”。加工完工件后,主軸不停,機(jī)械手就去抓取工件,后來仔細(xì)檢查各部位都無毛病,而是自動(dòng)工作條件下的一個(gè)模式開關(guān)位置錯(cuò)了。所以,當(dāng)有些故障原因不明的報(bào)警出現(xiàn)的話,一定要檢查各工作方式下的開關(guān)位置。 還有些故障不產(chǎn)生故障報(bào)警信息,只是動(dòng)作不能完成,這時(shí)就要根據(jù)維修經(jīng)驗(yàn)、機(jī)床的工作原理和PLC運(yùn)行狀況來分析判斷了。 對(duì)于數(shù)控機(jī)床的修理,重要的是發(fā)現(xiàn)問題。特別是數(shù)控機(jī)床的外部故障。有時(shí)診斷過程比較復(fù)雜,但一旦發(fā)現(xiàn)問題所在,解決起來比較簡(jiǎn)單。對(duì)外部故障診斷應(yīng)遵從以下兩條原則。首先要熟練掌握機(jī)床的工作原理和動(dòng)作順序。其次,要會(huì)利用PLC梯形圖。NC系統(tǒng)的狀態(tài)顯示功能或機(jī)外編程器監(jiān)測(cè)PLC的運(yùn)行狀態(tài),一般只

6、要遵從以上原則,小心謹(jǐn)慎,一般的數(shù)控故障都會(huì)及時(shí)排除。 森精機(jī)使用<Control+F>然后鍵入報(bào)警你正在尋找。 Remember to use the same number format that is displayed on your machine (for example, EX0001, or EX001, or EX01)記住要使用相同的數(shù)字格式顯示在您的機(jī)器(例如,EX0001或EX001,或EX01) EX0013, SPINDLE OR ROTARY TOOL SPINDLE ON, A4.5, An auto door open command has be

7、en given during spindle or rotary tool spindle rotation. EX0013,主軸或旋轉(zhuǎn)刀具主軸ON時(shí),A4.5,自動(dòng)門打開命令我已經(jīng)在主軸或旋轉(zhuǎn)刀具主軸旋轉(zhuǎn)。 EX0016, TAILSTOCK IS NOT CLAMPED , A11.0, A cycle start has been activated with the tailstock not clamped. EX0016,尾座的IS不鉗位 ,A11.0,一個(gè)周期已開始啟動(dòng)尾座夾緊不符合。 EX0018, ALL-AXES NEED ZERO RETURN, A0.0 EX0018

8、,所有軸必要性非零返回,A0.0 A cycle start has been activated without the all-axes zer0-returns after a machine lock cancel.一個(gè)周期已開始啟動(dòng),但無所有軸zer0,機(jī)械鎖返回后取消。 EX0019, WORK COUNTER AT FULL COUNT, A0.1, A cycle start has been activated with the PC or external work counter at full count. EX0019,工作柜臺(tái)完整的數(shù),A0.1,一個(gè)周期已開始啟動(dòng)計(jì)

9、數(shù)與PC柜臺(tái)全部或?qū)ν夤ぷ鳌?EX0020, EDITING KEY SWITCH IS ON , A0.2,  A cycle start has been activated with Editing Key Switch on. EX0020,編輯鍵開關(guān)ON時(shí) ,A0.2,一個(gè)周期開始一直激活編輯按鍵開關(guān)。 EX0023, START INTERLOCK SIGNAL ON , A0.3, A cycle start has been activated while while an external start interlock signal has been input.

10、 EX0023,裁武聯(lián)鎖信號(hào) ,A0.3,一個(gè)周期開始時(shí)已被激活,而外部啟動(dòng)聯(lián)鎖信號(hào)現(xiàn)已投入。 EX0024, CHUCK IS NOT CLAMPED , A0.4, A cycle start has been activated with the chuck is not clamped. EX0024,查克是不是鉗位 ,A0.4,一個(gè)周期已開始啟動(dòng)夾頭與不夾緊。 EX0026, PLEASE CLOSED THE DOOR , A5.7, A cycle start has been activated without the door closed. EX0026,請(qǐng)關(guān)上門 ,A5.

11、7,一個(gè)周期開始了門激活沒有關(guān)閉。 Close the door.關(guān)閉的大門。 EX0029, TAILSTOCK QUILL IS NOT OUT , A11.1, A cycle start has been activated during tailstock inching or with the tailstock spindle not OUT. EX0029,尾座主軸是并不過分 ,A11.1,一個(gè)周期已開始啟動(dòng)尾座尾座在主軸緩慢或沒有出來。 EX0035, CUT OFF INCOMPLETE , A4.1, Cut off has not been completed. EX0

12、035,切斷不完整 ,A4.1,切斷尚未完成。 EX0068, INTERLOCK RELEASE TIME OVER , A13.0, Door interlock cancel state has been invalid. EX0068,聯(lián)鎖釋放時(shí)間結(jié)束 ,A13.0,門聯(lián)鎖取消國(guó)家已無效。 EX0069, DOOR LOCK TIME OVER , A14.0, Door lock complete signal has not been turned ON after elapsing the time set on timer. EX0069,門鎖時(shí)間比 ,A14.0,門鎖完整的信

13、號(hào)并沒有被打開后,定時(shí)器設(shè)定的時(shí)間流逝。 EX0079, SPINDLE ORT. EX0079,主軸口服補(bǔ)液療法。 CIRCUIT ABNORMAL , A19.4, Spindle circle orientation detection circuit is abnormal. 電路異常 ,A19.4,主軸循環(huán)方向檢測(cè)電路是不正常的。 Though orientation has been held detection signal is not on.盡管方向已經(jīng)舉行了探測(cè)信號(hào)不在。 Though orientation has not been held, detection sig

14、nal is not off.雖然方向尚未舉行,檢測(cè)信號(hào),離不開。 EX0089, SPEED DETECTION CIRCUIT IS ABNORMAL , A7.5, Speed dectection signal of monitor circuit is abnormal. EX0089,速度檢測(cè)電路異常 ,A7.5,速度監(jiān)測(cè)電路檢測(cè)試劑的信號(hào)是不正常的。 Though spindle or rotary tool spindle has not been rotated, speed detection signal is on.雖然主軸或旋轉(zhuǎn)刀具主軸并沒有旋轉(zhuǎn),速度檢測(cè)信號(hào)上。 T

15、hough spindle or rotary tool spindle has been rotating over fixed speed, speed dectection signal is off.雖然主軸或旋轉(zhuǎn)刀具主軸速度已經(jīng)超過固定旋轉(zhuǎn),速度檢測(cè)試劑信號(hào)是關(guān)閉的。 EX0097, PANEL I/O ALARM , A2.7, An I/O alarm has been occured in the flat type operation panel. EX0097,面板I / O報(bào)警 ,A2.7,一個(gè)I / O報(bào)警已發(fā)生的平板式操作面板。 EX0099, PANEL ALARM

16、 , A5.6, An alarm has been occurred in the flat type operation panel. EX0099,面板報(bào)警 ,A5.6,報(bào)警已發(fā)生的平板式操作面板。 EX0302, IMPROPER T-CODE COMMAND ERROR , A6.0, A T-command out of turret station number has been given. EX0302,不當(dāng)?shù)腡代碼命令錯(cuò)誤 ,A6.0,一個(gè)T型指揮人數(shù)從炮塔站已發(fā)出。 EX0303, TURRET SHORT-PATH INDEX MODE , A0.7, During t

17、urret short-path index mode, turret forward reverse is commanded. EX0303,轉(zhuǎn)塔短路徑指數(shù)模式 ,A0.7,在炮塔最短路徑指數(shù)模式,炮塔向前向后是指揮。 EX0320, POLYGON MODE , A15.0, A T-command has been given during polygon mode. EX0320,多邊形模式 ,A15.0,一個(gè)T型命令我已經(jīng)在多邊形模式。 EX0357, TURRET INDEX TIME OVER , A6.2, Turret indexing has not been compl

18、eted within the specified time. EX0357,轉(zhuǎn)塔指數(shù)時(shí)間結(jié)束 ,原子團(tuán),轉(zhuǎn)塔分度尚未完成在指定時(shí)間內(nèi)。 EX0322, TAILSTOCK IS NOT CLAMPED , A11.2, A spindle forward/reverse, rotary tool spindle forward/reverse, rigid tap mode command has been given while the tailstock is not clamped. EX0322,尾座的IS不鉗位 ,A11.2,主軸前進(jìn)/后退,旋轉(zhuǎn)刀具主軸前進(jìn)/后退,剛性自來水模式命

19、令已被給予,而不是尾座夾緊。 EX0324, TAILSTOCK IS NOT CLAMPED , A11.3, A T-command has been given while the tailstock is not clamped. EX0324,尾座的IS不鉗位 ,A11.3,一個(gè)T型命令已被給予,而不是尾座夾緊。 EX0333, TAILSTOCK QUILL IS OUT , A10.1, A tailstock clamp/ unclamp command, tailstock forward/ backward command has been given with the t

20、ailstock spindle out or inching state. EX0333,尾座鵝毛筆都出了 ,A10.1,阿尾架夾緊/松開命令,尾座前進(jìn)/后退命令已被國(guó)家給予與尾座主軸出或緩慢。 EX0374, TOOL LIFE ENDING , A7.1, Tool life ending. EX0374,刀具壽命結(jié)束 ,A7.1,刀具壽命結(jié)束。 EX0380, TAILSTOCK CLAMP/ UNCLAMP TIME OVER , A19.5, The tailstock clamp/unclamp operation has not been completed  wit

21、hin the specified time. EX0380,尾座夾緊/松開時(shí)間比 ,A19.5的尾座夾緊/松開操作沒有被指定的時(shí)間內(nèi)完成。 EX0381, TAILSTOCK CLAMP SIGNAL OFF , A6.3, The clamp check signal has been deactivated with the tailstock was clamped. EX0381,尾座鉗信號(hào)關(guān)閉 ,A6.3,夾具檢查信號(hào)已被停用與尾座的鉗制。 EX0386, TURRET NEED ZERO RETURN , A0.6, The turret clamp check limit sw

22、itch has been deactivated during cycle start. EX0386,轉(zhuǎn)塔必要性非零返回 ,A0.6,炮塔鉗檢查限位開關(guān)已被停用期間周期的開始。 EX0395, TURRET INPOSITION CHECK ERROR , A8.3, Turret inposition check is turned off for 5 seconds. EX0395,轉(zhuǎn)塔INPOSITION檢查錯(cuò)誤 ,A8.3,炮塔inposition檢查關(guān)閉5秒。 EX0401, SPINDLE OR ROTARY TOOL SPINDLE ON, A1.1, Spindle/ ro

23、tary tool spindle reverse command has been given during their forward rotation or spindle/ rotary tool spindle forward command has been given during their reverse rotation. EX0401,主軸或旋轉(zhuǎn)刀具主軸ON時(shí),A1.1,主軸/刀具主軸旋轉(zhuǎn)反向命令我已經(jīng)在向前旋轉(zhuǎn)或主軸/旋轉(zhuǎn)刀具主軸旋轉(zhuǎn)著命令已被期間給予他們的逆轉(zhuǎn)。 EX0404, S-CODE IS NOT COMMANDED , A1.2, A spindle for

24、ward/ reverse, rotary tool spindle forward/ reverse command has been given either without given an S-code command after turning on the power or after giving an SO command. EX0404,第S -代碼是沒有吩咐 ,A1.2,主軸前進(jìn)/后退,旋轉(zhuǎn)刀具主軸前進(jìn)/后退命令已被命令后沒有或給予任何如此發(fā)出的權(quán)力給予一個(gè)一個(gè)S -代碼命令后打開的。 EX0406, SPINDLE INTERLOCK SIGNAL ON , A1.3,

25、A spindle forward/reverse, spindle orientation, synchronous operation on, rotary tool spindle forward/ reverse, rotary tool spindle orientation, rigid tap mode on command has been given while the external spindle interlock signal activated. EX0406,主軸聯(lián)鎖信號(hào) ,A1.3,主軸前進(jìn)/后退,主軸定位,同步操作上,旋轉(zhuǎn)刀具主軸前進(jìn)/后退,旋轉(zhuǎn)刀具主軸的方

26、向,模式命令剛性自來水已獲而外部主軸聯(lián)鎖信號(hào)激活。 EX0407, SP. EX0407,警司。 /R T. SP. /住宅噸警司。 DIRECTION INCORRECT , A1.4, The direction of spindle or rotary tool spindle rotation has been changed or while shifting the operation mode from automatic to manual, or from manual, to automatic. 方向正確 ,A1.4,旋轉(zhuǎn)方向的主軸或旋轉(zhuǎn)刀具主軸已被更改或在轉(zhuǎn)移從自動(dòng)操作

27、模式為手動(dòng),或從手動(dòng),自動(dòng)。 EX0410, SPINDLE OR ROTARY TOOL SPINDLE ON , A1.5, A chuck open/close command has been given during spindle or or rotary tool spindle rotation. EX0410,主軸或旋轉(zhuǎn)刀具主軸ON時(shí) ,的1.5,一個(gè)夾頭打開/關(guān)閉命令已在或或給予主軸旋轉(zhuǎn)刀具主軸旋轉(zhuǎn)。 EX0411, SPINDLE JOG ON , A1.6, A spindle forward/reverse, spindle orientation, synchron

28、ous operation on command has been given during spindle jogging. EX0411,主軸JOG旋鈕ON時(shí) ,A1.6,主軸正向/反向,主軸方向,就命令同步操作已被慢跑期間給予主軸。 EX0412, CHUCK IS NOT CLAMPED , A1.7, A spindle forward/ reverse, rotary tool spindle forward/ reverse, rigid tap mode command has been given with the chuck is not clamped. EX0412,查

29、克是不是鉗位 ,A1.7,主軸正向/反向,旋轉(zhuǎn)刀具主軸正向/反向,剛性自來水模式命令已查與不給夾住。 EX0421, TAILSTOCK IS IN INCHING MODE , A10.4, A spindle forward/reverse, rotary tool spindle forward/reverse, rigid tap mode command has been given during tailstock spindle inching. EX0421,尾座的IS模式命令我已經(jīng)在尾座主軸小幅的微調(diào)模式 ,A10.4,主軸前進(jìn)/后退,旋轉(zhuǎn)刀具主軸前進(jìn),/扭轉(zhuǎn)剛性自來水。 E

30、X0428, RT SP. EX0428,逆轉(zhuǎn)錄警司。 INTERLOCK SIGNAL ON , A2.0, A rotary tool spindle forward/ reverse, rigid tap mode command has been given while the external rotary tool spindle interlock signal activated. 聯(lián)鎖信號(hào) ,A2.0,一個(gè)旋轉(zhuǎn)刀具主軸正向/反向,剛性挖掘模式的命令已發(fā)出,而外圍旋轉(zhuǎn)刀具主軸聯(lián)鎖信號(hào)激活。 EX0429, ROTARY TOOL SPINDLE JOG ON , A2.1, A

31、 rotary tool spindle forward/reverse,  rigid tap mode, rotary tool spindle orientation command has been given during rotary tool spindle jogging. EX0429扶輪對(duì)機(jī)床主軸JOG旋鈕 ,A2.1,一個(gè)旋轉(zhuǎn)刀具主軸正向/反向,剛性自來水模式,旋轉(zhuǎn)刀具主軸方向命令已慢跑期間給予旋轉(zhuǎn)刀具主軸。 EX0451, SPINDLE DRIVE UNIT ALARM , A7.3, The spindle drive unit alarm has bee

32、n activated. EX0451,主軸驅(qū)動(dòng)裝置的報(bào)警器 ,利用A7.3,主軸驅(qū)動(dòng)裝置報(bào)警已被激活。 EX0457, SPINDLE DRIVE UNIT ALARM #2 , A9.3, The headstock 2 spindle drive unit alarm has been activated. EX0457,主軸驅(qū)動(dòng)裝置的報(bào)警器2,A9.3,在車頭2主軸驅(qū)動(dòng)裝置報(bào)警已被激活。 EX0461, TAILSTOCK OUT SWITCH IS ABNORMAL , A7.4, The tailstock out check signal has been deactivated

33、 with the tailstock spindle out. EX0461,尾座出門開關(guān)不正常 ,A7.4,信號(hào)尾座尾座出的支票已被停用的主軸了。 EX0490, SPINDLE  SPEED ABNORMAL , A19.6, Spindle speed abnormality has been detected, Please check the following. EX0490,主軸轉(zhuǎn)速異常 ,A19.6,主軸轉(zhuǎn)速已檢測(cè)到異常,請(qǐng)檢查以下。 Parameter setting is not correct.參數(shù)設(shè)置不正確的。 Spindle unit is abnorma

34、l.主軸單元是不正常的。 EX0551, ELECTRICAL CABINET OVER HEAT , A3.1, Excess heat in electrical control unit. EX0551,電氣柜過熱 ,A3.1,過剩熱量單位在電氣控制。 Check unit and filter.檢查單位和過濾器。 EX0560, AIR PRESSURE LOW , A16.2, Air pressure has dropped. EX0560,氣壓低時(shí) ,A16.2,氣壓下降。 EX0561, HYDRAULIC PRESSURE LOW , A3.3, Hydraulic pres

35、sure has dropped. EX0561,液壓壓力低 ,A3.3,油壓下降。 EX0562, LUBRICANT PRESSURE LOW , A4.4, Lubrication oil pressure has not increased. EX0562,潤(rùn)滑壓力低 ,A4.4,潤(rùn)滑油的壓力并沒有增加。 Possible cause is broken piping or motor failure.可能的原因是管道破裂或馬達(dá)故障。 EX0563, LUBRICANT PRESSURE HIGH , A3.5, Lubrication oil has not decreased wi

36、thin the specified time after turning the cycle pump OFF. EX0563,潤(rùn)滑壓力高 ,A3.5二零零六年,潤(rùn)滑油并沒有減少在指定時(shí)間內(nèi)循環(huán)泵轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)后關(guān)閉。 Possible cause is failure in the pressure switch or the magnet.可能的原因是在壓力開關(guān)或磁鐵失敗。 EX0567, LUBRICANT WATCH DOG ALARM , A3.6, Lubrication pump pressure detection switch has not been activated withi

37、n the specified time. EX0567,潤(rùn)滑劑看門狗報(bào)警 ,A3.6,潤(rùn)滑泵的壓力檢測(cè)開關(guān)未能在指定時(shí)間內(nèi)啟動(dòng)。 EX0570, LUBRICANT OIL LEVEL LOW , A3.7, Insufficient lubricant oil. EX0570,潤(rùn)滑油水平低 ,A3.7,沒有足夠的潤(rùn)滑油。 Add oil as necessary.新增的石油需要。 (Message) (消息) EX0599, LUBRICANT OIL EMPTY , A10.6, Shortage of lubrication oil. EX0599,潤(rùn)滑油空 ,A10.6,石油短缺的潤(rùn)

38、滑。 Add oil as necessary.新增的石油需要。 (Error) (錯(cuò)誤) EX0910, PLEASE CLOSED THE DOOR , A2.2, A parts catcher OUT command has been given while the door is not closed. EX0910,請(qǐng)關(guān)上門 ,A2.2,一個(gè)輸出命令已得到部分捕手,而不是封閉的大門。 EX0913, SPINDLE OR ROTARY TOOL SPINDLE ON , A15.2, A auto presetter arm down command has been given

39、during spindle or rotary tool spindle rotation. EX0913,主軸或旋轉(zhuǎn)刀具主軸ON時(shí) ,A15.2,手臂向下一個(gè)命令自動(dòng)預(yù)調(diào)我已經(jīng)在主軸或旋轉(zhuǎn)刀具主軸旋轉(zhuǎn)。 EX0914, TOOL PRESETTER ARM DOWN , A10.3, The parts catcher OUT command has been given while the headstock 2 presetter arm dose not rise. EX0914,刀具預(yù)調(diào)儀的扶手上 ,A10.3,捕手的部分命令輸出已發(fā)出,而啟閉2預(yù)調(diào)臂劑量不會(huì)上升。 EX0915,

40、 X,  Z-AXIS NEED ZERO RETURN , A15.3, An auto presetter arm down command has been given while X, Z-axis is not at the zero point. EX0915中,x,Z軸必要性零返 ,A15.3,手臂向下一個(gè)自動(dòng)預(yù)調(diào)命令已發(fā)出,而十,Z軸是不是在零點(diǎn)。 EX0916, PARTS CATCHER NOT HOME POSITION , A11.6, Auto presetter arm down, auto door open/close, tailstock uncla

41、mp command has been given while the parts catcher is not in the home position. EX0916,工件捕捉器不在家的地位 ,A11.6,自動(dòng)預(yù)調(diào)臂下,自動(dòng)門打開/關(guān)閉,松開尾座已發(fā)出命令,而部分捕手是不是在家里的地位。 EX0922, CHUCK IS CLAMPED , A5.0, Bar feeder command has been given during chuck clamped. EX0922,夾頭夾緊 ,A5.0,酒吧接駁命令已查期間給予鉗制。 EX0923, TOOL PRESETTER SENSOR

42、ON , A15.4, An auto presetter arm rise command has been given while the sensor is ON. EX0923,刀具預(yù)調(diào)儀傳感器 ,A15.4,自動(dòng)預(yù)調(diào)臂上升命令已被給予,而傳感器是ON。 EX0930, OPTION ALARM 1 , A23.0, Alarm in special design. EX0930,期權(quán)報(bào)警1,A23.0,在特殊設(shè)計(jì)報(bào)警。 Refer to the accompanying documents for the special design.是指為特殊設(shè)計(jì)的附帶文件。 EX0931, OP

43、TION ALARM 2 , A23.1, Alarm in special design. EX0931,期權(quán)報(bào)警2,A23.1,設(shè)計(jì)報(bào)警特殊。 Refer to the accompanying documents for the special design.是指為特殊設(shè)計(jì)的附帶文件。 EX0932, OPTION ALARM3 , A23.2, Alarm in special design. EX0932,期權(quán)ALARM3,A23.2,設(shè)計(jì)報(bào)警特殊。 Refer to the accompanying documents for the special design.是指為特殊設(shè)計(jì)的

44、附帶文件。 EX0933, OPTION ALARM 4 , A23.3, Alarm in special design. EX0933,期權(quán)報(bào)警4,A23.3,在特殊設(shè)計(jì)報(bào)警。 Refer to the accompanying documents for the special design.是指為特殊設(shè)計(jì)的附帶文件。 EX0934, OPTION ALARM 5 , A23.4, Alarm in special design. EX0934,期權(quán)報(bào)警五 ,A23.4,鬧鐘在特殊設(shè)計(jì)。 Refer to the accompanying documents for the specia

45、l design.是指為特殊設(shè)計(jì)的附帶文件。 EX0935, OPTION ALARM 6 , A23.5, Alarm in special design. EX0935,期權(quán)報(bào)警6,A23.5,鬧鐘在特殊設(shè)計(jì)。 Refer to the accompanying documents for the special design.是指為特殊設(shè)計(jì)的附帶文件。 EX0936, OPTION ALARM 7 , A23.6, Alarm in special design. EX0936,期權(quán)報(bào)警7,A23.6,在特殊設(shè)計(jì)報(bào)警。 Refer to the accompanying document

46、s for the special design.是指為特殊設(shè)計(jì)的附帶文件。 EX0937, OPTION ALARM 8 , A23.7, Alarm in special design. EX0937,期權(quán)報(bào)警8,A23.7,在特殊設(shè)計(jì)報(bào)警。 Refer to the accompanying documents for the special design.是指為特殊設(shè)計(jì)的附帶文件。 EX0945, ROBOT/LOADER COMMAND ERROR , A12.7, ROBOT/LOADER command has been given while the machine is no

47、t in home position. EX0945,機(jī)器人/裝載機(jī)命令錯(cuò)誤 ,A12.7,機(jī)器人/裝載機(jī)已發(fā)出命令,而機(jī)器不在家中的地位。 EX0946, ROBOT/LOADER ARM IN , A11.4, T-code, coolant on, auto presetter arm down, spindle forward/reverse, rotary tool spindle forward/reverse, rotary tool connection check command has been given while robot/loader arm is moving

48、in. EX0946,機(jī)器人/裝載機(jī)動(dòng)臂中 ,A11.4,T型碼,冷卻液對(duì),自動(dòng)預(yù)調(diào)臂下,主軸前進(jìn)/后退,旋轉(zhuǎn)刀具主軸前進(jìn)/后退,旋轉(zhuǎn)刀具的連接查詢命令而被賦予機(jī)器人/裝載機(jī)臂入伙 EX0951, TOOL PRESETTER SENSOR ON , A12.0, The sensor has been activated without setting the presetter mode. EX0951,刀具預(yù)調(diào)儀傳感器 ,A12.0,該傳感器已啟動(dòng)不設(shè)置預(yù)調(diào)模式。 EX0953, TOOL PRESETTER SENSOR ON , A12.1, The sensor has been

49、activated with the presetter arm rising. EX0953,刀具預(yù)調(diào)儀傳感器 ,A12.1,該傳感器已被激活的預(yù)調(diào)上升手臂。 EX0953, TOOL PRS. EX0953,工具減貧戰(zhàn)略。 ARM DOWN IN AUTO MODE , A12.2, The presetter arm rise dectection signal has been deactivated during automatic mode. ARM的信號(hào)向下在自動(dòng)模式下 ,A12.2,增加檢測(cè)試劑的預(yù)調(diào)手臂已停用在自動(dòng)模式。 EX0956, TWO OR MORE SENSORS

50、 ON SAME TIME , A12.3, Two sensors or more have been activated during presetter mode. EX0956,兩個(gè)或以上的其他傳感器在同一時(shí)間 ,A12.3,兩個(gè)傳感器被激活時(shí)預(yù)調(diào)模式。 EX0959, BAR FEEDER EMG. EX0959,英美饋線肌電圖。 STOP SIGNAL ON , A5.1, Bar feeder is in emergency stop state. 停止信號(hào) ,A5.1,酒吧接駁在緊急停止?fàn)顟B(tài)。 EX0962, ROBOT/LOADER CYCLE TIME OVER , A13

51、.3, ROBOT/LOADER cycle has not been completed in the specified time. EX0962,機(jī)器人/裝載機(jī)生產(chǎn)周期結(jié)束 ,A13.3,機(jī)器人/裝載機(jī)周期尚未完成,在指定的時(shí)間。 EX0964, MATERIAL IN ROBOT/LOADER EMPTY , A12.6, On models equipped with a robot/loader, workpieces have run out. EX0964,材料中的機(jī)器人/裝載機(jī)空 ,A12.6,在車型配備了一個(gè)機(jī)器人/裝載機(jī)運(yùn)行,工件有。 EX0966, ROBOT/LOAD

52、ER ALARM SIGNAL ON , A11.5, The robot/loader alarm has been output. EX0966,機(jī)器人/裝載機(jī)報(bào)警信號(hào) ,A11.5,機(jī)器人/裝載機(jī)警報(bào)已輸出。 EX0968, BAR IN STOCK EMPTY , A5.2, On the mode equipped with one piece bar feeder, bar stock has run out. EX0968,英美在股市空 ,A5.2在酒吧一條支線的模式配備1,酒吧庫(kù)存已經(jīng)耗盡。 EX0979, WORK SEATING SIGNAL TIME OVER , A12

53、.5, The chuck clamp  operation has not been completed within the specified time when workpiece holding detection specification. EX0979,工作時(shí)間超過座位信號(hào) ,A12.5,夾頭夾不規(guī)范操作已完成,在規(guī)定時(shí)間內(nèi)舉行時(shí)工件的檢測(cè)。 EX0980, OPTION ALARM 21 , A24.o, Alarm in special design. EX0980,期權(quán)報(bào)警21 A24.o,在特殊設(shè)計(jì)報(bào)警。 Refer to the accompanying d

54、ocuments for the special design.是指為特殊設(shè)計(jì)的附帶文件。 EX0981, OPTION ALARM 22 , A24.1, Alarm in special design. EX0981,期權(quán)報(bào)警22,A24.1,在特殊設(shè)計(jì)報(bào)警。 Refer to the accompanying documents for the special design.是指為特殊設(shè)計(jì)的附帶文件。 EX0982, OPTION ALARM 23 , A24.2, Alarm in special design. EX0982,期權(quán)報(bào)警23,A24.2,在特殊設(shè)計(jì)報(bào)警。 Refer t

55、o the accompanying documents for the special design.是指為特殊設(shè)計(jì)的附帶文件。 EX0983, OPTION ALARM 24 , A24.3, Alarm in special design. EX0983,股權(quán)報(bào)警24,A24.3,設(shè)計(jì)報(bào)警特殊。 Refer to the accompanying documents for the special design.是指為特殊設(shè)計(jì)的附帶文件。 EX0984, OPTION ALARM 25 , A24.4, Alarm in special design. EX0984,期權(quán)報(bào)警25,A24

56、.4,在特殊設(shè)計(jì)報(bào)警。 Refer to the accompanying documents for the special design.是指為特殊設(shè)計(jì)的附帶文件。 EX0985, OPTION ALARM 26 , A24.5, Alarm in special design. EX0985,期權(quán)報(bào)警26,A24.5,在特殊設(shè)計(jì)報(bào)警。 Refer to the accompanying documents for the special design.是指為特殊設(shè)計(jì)的附帶文件。 EX0986, OPTION ALARM 27 , A24.6, Alarm in special desig

57、n. EX0986,期權(quán)報(bào)警27 A24.6,在特殊設(shè)計(jì)報(bào)警。 Refer to the accompanying documents for the special design.是指為特殊設(shè)計(jì)的附帶文件。 EX0987, OPTION ALARM 28, A24.7 , Alarm in special design. EX0987,期權(quán)報(bào)警28 A24.7,在特殊設(shè)計(jì)報(bào)警。 Refer to the accompanying documents for the special design.是指為特殊設(shè)計(jì)的附帶文件。 EX0999, SEQUENCE PROGRAM ABNORMAL ,

58、 A4.2, Abnormality in sequence program. EX0999,順控程序異常 ,約合35,程序異常的序列。 Contact Mori Seiki.聯(lián)系森精機(jī)制作所。 EX1005, PLEASE SUPPLY THE NEW MATERIAL , A5.3, A cycle start has been activated when the bar stock runs out. EX1005,請(qǐng)?zhí)峁┬虏牧?,A5.3,一個(gè)周期開始時(shí)已被激活時(shí),棒料用完。 Put the new stock.把新的股票。 (one piece bar feeder) (1件送料器

59、) EX1024, PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR ONCE , A14.1, The door has never been opened after executing M02 or M3o command. EX1024,請(qǐng)打開門后 ,A14.1,門被打開后,一直沒有執(zhí)行M02或M3o命令。 Open and close the door before starting new cycle.打開和關(guān)閉門,才開始新的周期。 EX1034, POWER MUST BE OFF , A15.1, After turning off the power once, turn it on again. EX1034,電源必須關(guān)閉 ,A15.1,關(guān)掉電源后一次,再次打開它。 EX1035, LOAD MONITOR PARAMETER E


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