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1、Choosing a good birthday g_ is sometimes a big problem. Most g_ like beautiful things,such as flowers, rings or necklaces. Boys may like a car model, a computer g_, or abasketball. If your m_ is a teacher, maybe she likes books, DVDs of popular movies, or a goodp_ of shoes. And w_ do fathers like? M

2、aybe they w_ like cell phones or PDAs.It s easier to cgifts forb_ or little children. Food and toys can m_ themhappy .Key: 1.gift 。2.girls 。3.game。4.mother 。5.pair 。6.what 。7.would 。8.choose。9.babies 。10.make Everybody wants to be h_. You know food is very i_. There are many h_ foods.You can have mo

3、re bananas, apples, oranges, tomatoes and lettuce because fruits and v_ aregood for you. Butdon eat too m_ chocolate. It nots good for you. Healthy food canh_ you grow and make you s_ and happy. Remember there is a saying,“ An apple a dkeeps the doctor a_ . ” Sports can akeep you healthy. Get up e_

4、and do somesports e_ day. Don t be lazy! You will be healthy and happy.Keys: 1.healthy 。 2.important 。 3.healthy 。 4.vegetables。 5.much 。 6.help 。 7.strong 。 8.away 。 9.also。 10.early 。 11.every 2.AF_: JanetTo: DanielD_: 4:00, Aug.16MessageHoney:Welcome home. Mom called m _ and said that Dad fell o_

5、 his bike. Ih_ to go to s_ him. So could you pick up Sam at s_? He has aviolin lesson at 6:00. Don tlet him p_ computer games untilhe finishes hish_. R_ a story book with him before his bedtime. I ll try to get home ase_ as I can. Thanks.JanetKeys:1.From 。 2.Date。 3.me。 4.off 。5.have。6.see。7.school。

6、8.play。 9.homework 。10.read。 11.earlyAmericans usually eat three m_ a day. Breakfast usually comes b_ eight oclockin the morning. They u_ have eggs, some meat, bread, fruitjuice and coffee. Lunch isb_ twelve and one oclock.It is likea light meal and workingpeople must take lunchw_ them or get it n_

7、workplace.Children in school take sandwiches, fruit, and cookies with them or eat in school. S_, themain meal, is between six and eight in the evening. People cook it c_. They may have meat orchicken, turkey and duck. They may all have potatoes or rice, vegetables o_ salad. The drink iscoffee, tea o

8、r m_. Then comes the dessert.Keys:1.meals 。2.before。 3.usually 。4.between。5.with 。6.near 。7.supper 。8.carefully 。 9.or 。10.milkMaking Choices in the ShoppingWe go s_ almost every day. We have m_ choices of the places to buy things.1 / 6Supermarket is the right p_ for you. There are some good points

9、buying t_ at thesupermarket.1. You buy things at the supermarket at a l_ price. You pay much more in the big store to buy the s_ goods.2. You decide what to buy all by y_ at the supermarket. And you donthave troubles fromthe shop assistant at the big store.3. There a_ more choices of goods to buy at

10、 the supermarket. You can buy many things for a week s use at a t_: it s_ us much money and time.In a word, it is better to buy things at a supermarket.Keys:1.shopping 。 2.many 。3.place。4.things 。5.low。6.same。 7.yourself 。8.are。9.time 。 10.savesIm going to s_ a movie with my f_ this weekend. We love

11、 movies, but we alllike d_kinds. I like to see thrillers and science fictions, my friend Sam loves action movies andcomedies and my b_friend, Lee, loves a good romance. Because we like different kinds ofmovies, it can be d_ to choose(選擇) one to see. So we usually take turns (輪流) to choosethe movie.

12、Its my t_ to choose this weekend, so were going to see Harry Potter , ani_ movie. It s number o_ at the box office, and e_ is saying what a great movieit is. I can twait!Keys:1.see。2.friends 。 3.different 。 4.best。5.difficult 。6.usually 。 7.turn 。 8.interesting 。 9.one。10.everyoneThe Skyscrapers( 摩天

13、大廈 ) in New York CityNew York is the most exciting c_ in the United States. It is not o_ the center ofcommerce and business for the United States, but also o_ of the three“world cities ”. Togetherw_ London and Tokyo, it controls the world s finance. There are many high-rise businessb_ in this city.

14、People call them skyscrapers. The tallest skyscraper was the World TradeCenter. It had 110 floors. S_, this building was destroyed(被摧毀) by the terrorist attack onSep. 11, 2001, and yet, the glory and image of it still remain vividly(生動地) in the memory of theworld people. The Empire State Building is

15、 not as t_ as the World Trade Center, but it is thetallest building in New York City now. It has 102 f_. The skyscrapers in New York City areworld-famous f_ their grandeur and their beautiful architecture (建筑) . Every year millions ofpeople come to v_ them.Keys:1.city 。 2.only。3.one。 4.with 。5.build

16、ings 。6.Sadly。7.tall 。8.floors 。9.for 。 10.visitIn almost every big university in the USA, football is a favorite s_. American football isnot like soccer. Players sometimes kick the b_, but they also throw the ball and run with it.They try to take it to the o_ end of the field. They have four chance

17、s to move the ball ten yards.They can carry it or throw it, If they move it to the end of the filed, they receive six points. This is c_ a touch down.It is h_ to move the ball. Eleven men in the team try to s_ the man who has theball. If the man does not move the ball ten yards, his team kicks the b

18、all to the other team. 2 / 6Each university wants its team to w_. Thousands of people come to w_. They allyell for their favorite team. Young men and women called cheerleaders come on the field to help the people yell more. They d_ and jump while they yell.Each team plays ten or eleven games each se

19、ason. The season be_ in September and endsin November. If a team is very good, it may play another game after the season ends. The best teams play a_ on January 1, the first day of the New Year. Many people go to see these games andmany others watch them on TV .Keys:1.sport 。2.ball 。3.other 。3.calle

20、d。5.hard 。5.stop。7.win 。8.watch。9.dance。10.begins。 11.againSchools in the U.S.ASchools in the U.S.A are a little d_ from schools in China. U_, there is no schooluniform. In many C_ schools, students have school uniforms. Classes s_ at 8:30 eachmorning and the school day ends at 3:30 or 4 o clock in

21、the U.S.A. And in China, classes usually start at 8:00 in the morning and the school day ends at 5:30 in the a_. Students have one h_for lunch and two 20-minute breaks each day in U.S.A. One break is in the morning, and the other isin the afternoon. In China, students have two hours break during lun

22、chtime and ten minutes break fore_ class period. In U.S.A, students o_ go to the school cafeteria at lunchtime or atbreak. They b_ snacks and drinks there. The most p_ after-school activities are baseball,football and basketball.Keys: 1.different 2.Usually 3.Chinese 4.start 5.afternoon 6.hour 7.each

23、 8.often 9.buy 10.popularBuying things online is becoming a v_popular way for people to do their shopping. Itvery convenient for them because all they have to do is just turn on their personal c_ and surfthe Interneton it, searching f_ their favorite goods.There are m_ items on the Internet they can

24、 choose from, like travel tickets, music CDs,books, household goods, entertainment tickets, toys, etc.The most common advantages of shopping o_ are its convenience, l_ prices, widechoice of products, time to make decisions, and its q_ delivery.Many people are worried a_ sending their credit card det

25、ails over the Internet while theyshop online. However, in f_, there is very little of card theft from well-known sites on the net.But there is a real danger of buying m_ than you need, because all you need to do is click amouse button.Keys:1.very puter 3.for 4.many 5.online 6.low 7.quick 8.about 9.f

26、act 10.moreYou may p _ your money in a piggy bank in your home to keep safe. Or you may want toput your money in a bank. The bank not only keeps your money safe but it also l_ it. The bankwill give people money for special reasons. This is c_ a loan( 貸款 ). If a family wishes to b_ a new car, but the

27、y do not have e _ money, they will ask the bank f _ a loan. Thebank will give the family enough money to buy a car. Later they pay it back to the bank. The bank might a _ lend money to someone to buy a new house. They may loan money to a company tobuild a big new ship or even loan money to build a n

28、_ hospital. So your money might be sent towork all o _ the world. But it will always be there when you want it b_.3 / 6Keys:1.put 2.lends 3.called 4.buy 5.enough 6.for 7.also 8.new 9.over 10.backSally has been q_unhappy recently.She didn_ t do won any of her tests at school. Inaddition, she was late

29、 f _ school three times last week. Her teacher was very a_ with her.She didn t feel any better at home. Her mother was angry with her, too. She wanted her to s_hard and s _ more time on her homework, not on computer games. Sally knew her mother wasright. She should not spend so much time on the Inte

30、rnet or stay up l_ playing computer games.She knew she should listen to her mother and be a goodstudent as she was before. But it seemed very hard for Sally to c _. For example, yesterday before she got home, she told herself she should doher homework first. But after she got home and saw the deskto

31、p in her room, she changed her mindand decided to play computer games for thirty minutes. But after many“ thirty minutes” passed, shewas s_ on the Internet. She didn t eat dinner and of course she didn_. Hertdo any of hermother got so angry that she shoutedat her. Finally, they had a fight.Keys:1.qu

32、ite 2.well 3.for 4.angry 5.study 6.spend 7.late 8.change 9.still 10.homeworkMany people l _ Sherlock Holmes, one of the most famous detectives in the world. He isespecially p_ with young people. He is s_ smart that he can solve almost any kind ofmystery, even with few clues. However, maybe you will

33、feel shocked to k_ that he is not a realman. He is only a character in the novels created years ago by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, a well-knownBritish w _. What s more interesting, many readers at that time sent a lof mail to the housewhere Holmes l _. Once, Doyle felt tired of writing detective novels

34、and wanted to end Holmesl _. Many readers got angry and a_ the writer to make the hero alive again. Conan hadn_ choice but to bring Holmes back from the dead.Keys:1.like 2.popular 3.so 4.know 5.writer 6.lot 7.live 8.life 9.asked 10.noIn A_, springSunday b_ Marchholidays around Ees with East

35、er. Easter is a religious h_. It is celebrated on a22 and April25. Many Students a_ have a week of spring breakHundreds of y_ ago, the ancient peopleSaxons celebrated the return of s_ at Eastertime. The dark of winter was gone, and the sunlight of spring came back. The Easter rabbit became a symbol

36、of Easter because o_ the goddess, Eastre.Today, people u_ put colored eggs in little baskets. Children believe the Easter Bunnybrings the eggs for them because they believe that the Easter rabbitlaid the eggs there. Today Easter candy is made to look like the form of eggs, and little baby chickens a

37、nd rabbits. Eggs are i_.And it's a symbol of rebirth. With the coming of spring, people hope for a new l_.Keys:1.America 2.holiday 3.between 4.always 5.years 6.spring 7.of 8.usually 9.important 10.lifeIn 16 th-century France, people celebrated the New Year on April 1. They had parties and danced

38、until very late at n_. Then in 1562, Pope Gregorysaid e_ must use a new calendar.New Years Day on the n_ calendar was January 1. Not everyone followed the new calendar,however. Some s_ celebrated the New Year on April 1. Others played tricks on t_ andcalled them“ April Fools.”Today Americans call Ap

39、ril 1, April Fool s Day. They playonj people on April 1. For4 / 6example, school children might t_ a classmate that school has been canceled. Or a child mightp_ salt in the sugar bowl at h_. Whatever the trick, most April Fool jokes are all for funand not meant to h_ anyone.Keys:1.night 2.everyone 3

40、.new 4.still 5.them 6.jokes 7.tell 8.put 9. home 10.hurtWhen you m_ to a new country, you may have culture shock. It's the feeling of notknowing what to do or how to do things in a n_ place. You usually have such feelings after thefirst few weeks of going to a new place. The way that you lived b

41、efore is not accepted. Everything is d_. For example, not speaking the language or not knowing h_ to use the telephone.Then, howcan you deal with culture shock? F_, get a hobby. Second, be easy on yourself.Third, get in touch with your f_. Last, find ways to live with the things that are different.E

42、_ will become OK this way.Have you ever learned about the “ foodpyramid ” All? the foods we eat are in six groups: 1) grains 。 2) fruits 3) vegetables 。4) meat, fish and eggs。 5) dairy(乳 ) products, like milk and cheese。 6) sweets and greasy foods.Look at the picture above. It calleds the “ foodpyra

43、mid ” .Most of our diet should come from the first two levels. They give us the fiber we need. The third level gives us calcium and protein.We shouldn t eat a lfrom the group on the top of thefood pyramid. We c_ it “ junkfood.”Many desserts and snack foods, likecake and potatochips, belong to it. Th

44、ese foods have lots of sugar, salt orboth.Remember, what we eat is very important, and regular e_ is also more important to ourgood health.Keys:1.move 2.new 3.different 4.how 5.First 6.friends 7.everything 8.lot 9.call 10.exerciseThe birthday of the United States is on the Fourth of J_. It is also c

45、_ IndependenceDay. In 1776, leaders in America declared their independence. They were a_ with Englandbecause the King of England wanted them to p_ high taxes. So the American leaders gottogether and wrote a Declaration of Independence. In the declaration, the leaders wrote, created equal.”A_ this, the United States was born.Keys:1.July 2.called 3.angry 4.pay 5.


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