



1、6教材分析(教學(xué)要求)重點(diǎn)1 你喜歡什么樣的朋友聽(tīng)過(guò)田震的朋友這首歌嗎?略帶沙啞的獨(dú)特嗓音把朋友詮釋得淋漓盡致。朋友對(duì)于大家,尤其是獨(dú)生子女(the only child)來(lái)說(shuō),是非常重要的。朋友在我們的生活中占有舉足輕重的地位(play an important part in our daily life).你的朋友觀是怎樣的呢?你喜歡什么樣的朋友呢?請(qǐng)完成下面關(guān)于朋友這個(gè)話題的各項(xiàng)任務(wù)任務(wù)設(shè)計(jì)任務(wù)I. 請(qǐng)列出幫助完成這個(gè)話題的詞匯及短語(yǔ)Make a vocabulary lists about the topic。example: 1. outgoing _ _ _ _ _ _2. no

2、t silly _ _ _3. love sports _ _ _ _ _ _4. can keep secrets _ _任務(wù)II. 請(qǐng)根據(jù)上文的提示,仿照下文例文,介紹一下你的朋友觀。Example: Friends play an important part in my life. I prefer friends who are easygoing and generous. And I like friends who love sports because Im very good at sports. I dont prefer friends who are shy or s

3、elfish. I like friends who I can tell my worries to, because I need help sometimes. I hope that I can make more friends.重點(diǎn)2. 你喜歡什么樣的校服在上幾個(gè)單元,談?wù)撐覀冏约旱男7╯chool uniforms)時(shí),大家一個(gè)個(gè)都慷慨激昂。少數(shù)同學(xué)(a few students) 表示不介意,能夠接受,然而,大部分同學(xué)(most of the students)都說(shuō)我們不應(yīng)該被允許穿這樣的校服( We shouldnt be allowed to wear such scho

4、ol uniforms),甚至提出我們應(yīng)該被允許設(shè)計(jì)自己的服裝(We should be allowed to design our own clothes. )那么,你們喜歡什么樣的衣服呢?請(qǐng)完成下面關(guān)于服裝這個(gè)話題的各項(xiàng)任務(wù)。任務(wù)設(shè)計(jì)任務(wù)I. 請(qǐng)列出幫助完成這個(gè)話題的詞匯及短語(yǔ)Make a vocabulary lists about the topic。Example:1. original _ _ _ _ _ _2. not ugly _ _ _3. out of style _任務(wù)II. 請(qǐng)根據(jù)上文的提示,仿照下文例文,介紹一下你的服裝觀。請(qǐng)注意語(yǔ)言的豐富。建議用上下列結(jié)構(gòu):1)pr

5、efer 2) dont prefer 3) like 4) dont like5) cant standExample:I dont like our uniforms at all because they are ugly. I cant stand clothes that are ugly and out of style. I prefer clothes that are unusual. And I dont prefer clothes that are not comfortable, I dont like clothes that are too expensive,

6、either. If I can design our own uniforms, I will design clothes that are fashionable and comfortable.重點(diǎn)3. 你喜歡什么樣的音樂(lè)初三的學(xué)習(xí)生活是相當(dāng)緊張的。學(xué)習(xí)之余,有的人喜歡打打籃球,有的人喜歡看看電視,有的人喜歡洗個(gè)熱水澡。而你喜歡以什么方式來(lái)放松自我呢?你喜歡聽(tīng)音樂(lè)嗎?你喜歡什么樣的音樂(lè)呢?請(qǐng)用所學(xué)語(yǔ)言,完成下面的各項(xiàng)任務(wù)。任務(wù)設(shè)計(jì)任務(wù)I. 音樂(lè)種類(lèi)知多少(the kinds of music)_ _ _ _ _任務(wù)II. 請(qǐng)列出幫助完成這個(gè)話題的詞匯及短語(yǔ)Make a vocabula

7、ry lists about the topic。A. music1. quiet _ _ _ _ _ _2. not too loud _3. can sing along with _4. has great lyricsB. musicians_ _C. singers/band/groups_ _任務(wù)III. 請(qǐng)根據(jù)上文的提示,仿照下文例文,介紹一下你的音樂(lè)觀。請(qǐng)注意語(yǔ)言的豐富。建議用上下列結(jié)構(gòu):1I like 2. I prefer 3. I love 4. dont5. music 6. musicians 7. singers/band/groupsExample:When I

8、am stressed out, I always listen to music to relax myself. I like music that is quiet and gentle. So, my favorite music is country. This music is great because it has great lyrics. I dont like music that is too loud. I cant stand dance music. I prefer musicians who can write their original lyrics. I

9、 like singers who can sing the words clearly. My favorite singer is John Denver. You can listen to his music at night with your bedroom light on. He is moody, I think. The music reminds me of love.難點(diǎn) 定語(yǔ)從句既這個(gè)從句起的作用與形容詞完全一樣,起修飾和限定主句里名詞的作用??梢?、 以形容人,物和事件,在主句中充當(dāng)定語(yǔ)的作用。試比較:1 I like quiet music.2 I like mus

10、ic that is quiet.二、 定語(yǔ)從句中的關(guān)系代詞1 指人:who / whom2 指物:that / which三、 關(guān)系代詞在從句中的作用1 充當(dāng)從句里的賓語(yǔ)eg. He is the man who (whom/that) I met.= ( I met ) the manI love music that ( which ) I can dance to. = ( I can dance to ) music2 充當(dāng)從句里的主語(yǔ) I prefer friends who are easygoing. = friendsI cant stand music that are t

11、oo loud. = music任務(wù)設(shè)計(jì)任務(wù)I. 閱讀下列句子,再用who/that 填空。1.I have a brother _ likes soccer.2.Tom doesnt like movies _ are too long and too scary.3. We prefer groups _ play loud and energetic songs.3. He likes friends _ often help each other.任務(wù)II. 請(qǐng)將下列題中的兩個(gè)句子合并成一個(gè)句子。1I like music.The music is loud and exciting.

12、_.2. She loves movies.The movies are romantic. _.3. Tony likes music.He can dance to the music. _.任務(wù)III. 請(qǐng)完成下列句子。1. I like singers who_. I prefer singers who_. He likes singers who_. She prefers singers who_.2. I like mobile phones that_.3. I like ( )that_參考答案及分析重點(diǎn)1任務(wù)I.1. easygoing, intelligent, gen

13、erous, smart, honest, confident, healthy, athletic, nice, knowledgeable2. not selfish, not moody, not shy3. love music, cartoons, drawing, comics, stamps, playing basketball4. can sing well, can play with me任務(wù)II. (略)重點(diǎn)2任務(wù)I.1. comfortable, beautiful, unusual, special, fashionable, cool, cheap2. not e

14、xpensive, not common, not usual, 3. old-fashioned任務(wù)II. ( 略 )重點(diǎn)3. 任務(wù)I.pop, country, jazz, rock, classical, blue, dance任務(wù)II.A. 1. loud, gentle, energetic, slow, fast, exciting, crazy2. not noisy,4. can dance toB. can write their own songs, can play different kinds of musicC. can make us happy, can play original music任務(wù)III. (略)難點(diǎn) 任務(wù)I.who, that, that, who任務(wù)II.1. I like


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