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1、.功能介紹HOW T O USEMAT HXMathX,讓數(shù)學公式的輸入如你所想!在鍵盤無法直接輸入數(shù)學符號的情況下,你只需要輸入符號名稱(如alpha 、interal 、 limit 、sqrt ),然后從菜單中選取對應(yīng)符號,即可完成數(shù)學公式的輸入。MathX allows you to type math like you think it. Type numbers, characters, andsymbols like + or = from your keyboard. For symbols not supported by keyboard, type the common

2、name (e.g., alpha, integral, limit, sqrt) and select resultingcharacter from the menu.? 輸入規(guī)則 :? 0001 使用 SHIFT+6 輸入上標? 0010 使用 SHIFT+- 輸入下標? 0011 使用 /輸入分數(shù)? 0100 使用 TAB 鍵向前移動光標? 0101 使用方向鍵定位公式中光標所在位置。?0110輸入符號,如 或 ,只需輸入符號的英文名稱(pi, integral)。? Basic Rules:?0001To get superscript type(SHIFT+6)?0010To ge

3、t subscript type_(SHIFT+-)?0011To get fraction type/?0100Type TAB move the cursor forward?0101Use the arrow keys? ? to navigate through the expression?0110To get symbols like or type their name (pi,integral).記得使用 Tab 鍵定位公式中光標所在位置。Don't forget to useTABto navigate through input arguments.準備就緒,開始輸

4、入吧!You're all set. Enjoy!SYMBOLREF ERENCEl e ftar ro wl e ftrigh tarr owr i gh t a rrow.mapi n cl u si on m a pl e ftup h ar p o o nl eftdo wn h a rp oo nr i gh t u pha r po onr i gh t d ownh ar po o nl e ftrigh th ar po onsr i gh t lef th ar po onsl e ftlo ng a r ro wl e ftrigh tl on ga rr o wr

5、 i gh t lon garr owl o ngmapno rth westa r ro wno rth ea sta r ro ws o ut h ea sta r ro ws o ut h westa r ro w.u p ar ro wd o wnar ro wleftdo ub lear rowl e ftrigh tdou ble ar ro wr i gh tdou ble arro wup d o ub lea r rowd owndo ub lear ro wlo ng leftdo ub learr owl ongleftr igh tdou blear ro wl o n

6、grigh tdou ble ar ro wn o rth westdo ub learr own o rth ea stdo ub learr ow.s o ut h ea std o ub lear r ows o ut h westd o ub lear r owdo tope ra to rt i mesc omposi tionc i rc l ed tim e sc i rc l ed a st eriskc i rc l ed d iv i si onsl ashc i rc l ed rin gp l usmi nu smi nu s p lu sd o tp lu s.c i

7、 rc l ed p lu sc i rc l ed m in u sl e ftce ilin gl e ftfloo rr i gh t c ei lin gr i gh t flo orp r od u ctc o pr odu ct.t ens o rpr od u ctwe dg e p ro du c ti n te r io rpr odu ctc uppro du ctc appro du cts umd i re c tsu mi n te g ra l.do ub l ein te g ra lt r ip l ein te g ra lqu ad r up lein te

8、 gr a lc o nt o ur int egr als u rfa ce int egr al.v o lu mein te g ra lc l oc k wi se c ont ou r in te g ra la n tic lo ck wi s eco nto u ri nt eg ra ll i mi tsq rtr o ota n gl e.meas u re dan g ler i gh t a ng lewi thar cs p he r ic ala n gl ea n gl e d iv id e sdo esno tdi v id ep ara l le ltono

9、tp ar al le ltop e rp e nd ic ul a rdo wnpe rp en d ic ul a rl e ftpe rp en d ic ul a r.r i gh t p er pe n di cu l art r ia n gl ea r ca l ph abe tag a mmad e ltae p si l onze tae t at h et ai o tak a pp a.l ambdamun ux io mic r onp ir hos i gmat auu p si l onp hic hi.p s io meg aAl ph aBe taGa mmaD

10、e ltaEp si l onZe taEt aTh et aI o taKa pp a.L ambdaMuNuXiOmic r onPiRhoSi gmaTauUp si l onPhi.ChiPs iOmeg aa ndna ndc u rly a ndo rn orx orc u rly o rn ott h er e e xi st sf o ra ll.t her e d oe snote x is tk arpre du ct i ons u cc e ed sb e ca u set h er efo repa rti ald er i va tiv en a bl ad i a

11、mo nd o pe r at orr i ngLa pl aci anv ect orr ayl i neb ar.h att i ld es e gme ntd ot dd ot do tsmi dl i ne h or i zo nt ale lli ps isd ownrigh td ia go nalel l ip si sv erti ca lel l ip si sd egr eeen dofpr oo fs i mi l ara s ymp to tica s ympto tica l lye q ua la p pr o xi mate l yeq ualc o ng r u

12、e nte q ui v al en t.q u es t io ne dequ alno tequ aln o ta lm os tequ aln o t a sy mpto t icall y e qu a ln o tide ntica ln ote qu ivale ntp r op o rtionl e ssthan or e qu a lg r ea t ertha n o re qu a li n te r se ct io n.i n te r se ct io nd o ub l ein te r se ct i onu n io nu n io ndo ub l eun i

13、o np r op e rsu bs e ts ubs etd o ub l esu bs e tn otpro pe rs ub se tn o ts ub se tpr op e rsu pe r se t.s u bs e tno tequ als u pe r se tdo ub l esu pe r se tn o tp ro pe rs up er s etno ts up er se te l eme ntsu pe r se tno t e qu a ln otele mentc o nt a in sno tc on ta in smu lti se tna tu r aln umb er s.i n te g er sr a tio na lnu mbe rsr e alnu mber sc o mpl ex n umb er sp r im e n umbe r swh ol e n umbe r si r ra


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