秋人教PEP版本英語六上UnitHow can I get there單元練習題_第1頁
秋人教PEP版本英語六上UnitHow can I get there單元練習題_第2頁
秋人教PEP版本英語六上UnitHow can I get there單元練習題_第3頁
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秋人教PEP版本英語六上UnitHow can I get there單元練習題_第5頁
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1、Unit 1 How can I get there?Part A直擊考點重點單詞和短語science, museum, post office, bookstore, cinema, hospital重點句型分析1. Where is the museum shop?此問句是由特殊疑問詞where 引導的一個特殊疑問句, where意為“在哪里, 到哪里”, 用來詢問地點, 放在句子的開頭。 詢問“某人或某物在哪里”的基本句型是:“ Where +is/are+ 主語?”, where is 后接名詞或代詞的單數(shù)形式, where are 后接名詞或代詞的復數(shù)形式。2. Its near t

2、he door.此句中near是表示位置的介詞, 意為“旁邊,附近” , 其同義句是:Its next to the door.它在門的旁邊?;A(chǔ)起跑線一、 看圖片,寫單詞。1. 2. 3. _ _ _ 4. 5. _ _二、 英漢互譯我最棒。1. I want to send it today. 2. I dont know. 3.Its near the door. 4. Excuse me. 5. A talking robot. 三、 把字母重組成單詞補全句子。1. Its _ the library. e, r, a, n2. What a great _!m, e, m, u, u

3、, s3. _ is the post office? w, e, e, h, r4. The shop is _ to the door. e, x, n, t5. Today is Tuesday. We have _.c, s, i, e, e, c, n培優(yōu)新樂園四、 單選我最棒。( )1. _is the library, please? A. Wheres B. Where C. What( )2. I want _ a post card. A. buy B. to buy C. buying( )3. Sorry, I _ know. A. do B. not C. dont(

4、 )4. _ a great cinema! A. How B. What C. Where( )5. Its _ the science museum. A. next B. near C. front of五、 我會句型轉(zhuǎn)換。1. I know. (改為否定句)_2. The post office is near the bookstore. (就畫線部分提問) _3. There is a hospital near the cinema. (改為一般疑問句)_4. What do you want to buy? (根據(jù)圖片回答問題) 明信片_5. Its near the muse

5、um shop. (寫出同義句)_六、 閱讀短文,完成地圖。First, you can see the science museum. Its next to the bookstore and the post office. The bookstore is behind the cinema. The hospital is in front of the cinema. The library is in front of the science museum. There is a park next to the hospital. The school is next to t

6、he park and the library. Its in front of the post office. Let s finish the map. Lets go!1._6._science museum7._4._2. _5._3. _Part B直擊考點重點單詞和短語crossing, turn, left, right, straight重點句型分析1. How can we get there?此句用來詢問“怎樣去某地”, 后面直接跟地點。 回答時, 可以用“ Turn left, turn right, go straight.”等句來回答。2. Turn left at

7、 the bookstore. Then turn right at the hospital.此句是指路的句型。 常用到的句型有:turn left, 向左轉(zhuǎn)turn right, 向右轉(zhuǎn)go straight直著走。同時表示在某處的介詞用at.基礎(chǔ)起跑線一、 看圖片,寫單詞或短語。1. 2. 3. 4. _ _ _ _二、讀一讀,判斷單詞是“Yes”否“No”同類。 A. turnB. straight1. ( ) 2. ( ) A. leftB. rightA. filmB. get3. ( ) 4. ( ) A. cinemaB. bookstore5. ( )A. goB. cros

8、sing三、 單選我最棒。( )1. _ can I get _ there? A. How, / B. What, to C. How, /( )2. What _ interesting film! A. a B. an C. the( )3. You should turn left _ the bookstore. A. on B. at C. in( )4. _ can help the kids find the restaurant. A. GPS B. Stars C. Compass( )5. The park is _ Dongfang Street. A. in B. a

9、t C.on培優(yōu)新樂園四、 連詞成句。1. near, Its , the, office, post (.) _2.Where, the, is, cinema (?)_3. we, How, can, there, get (?)_4. bookstore, the, Turn, at, left (.)_5. straight, Go (.)_五、 讀句子, 重新排序組成一個完整的對話。A. Where is the nearest restaurant.B. How can we get there?C. OK!D. Im hungry, mum. I want to eat some

10、 food. Lets go to the restaurant.E. Turn right at the cinema. Then go straight. Its on the right. F. Its near the KFC. C六、 閱讀短文, 判斷正“T”誤“F”。What do you usually do on the weekends? I often I go to the park to play football. Sometimes I go to the cinema to see a film with my good friends. The park is

11、not far. I go there on foot. I walk straight for about 15 minutes. Then turn left. The park is on the right. But the cinema is far. Its next to the bookstore. I go there by the No. 106 bus, and get off at the bookstore. Then walk east. Its in front of us. What about you? Where do you usually go on y

12、our weekends?( )1. I usually read books in the park on the weekends.( )2. I usually go the cinema by bus.( )3. The park is far. The cinema is near.( )4. I can go to the cinema by the No. 106 bus. ( )5. I often go to the cinema with my good friends on the weekends.Part C直擊考點重點單詞和短語Tasty, buy, London

13、Eye, next to, far from, go straight, turn left, stomach重點句型分析Is the Thames far from here? No.此句是個be動詞開頭的一般疑問句, 其回答要用yes或no. 句中的far from意為“離遠”。反義詞組為near to.基礎(chǔ)起跑線一、 火眼金睛。判斷下列單詞與漢語意思是()否(×)相符,并圈出相應的符號。1. museum 博物館 2. bookstore 圖書館 3. hospital 醫(yī)院4. cinema 影院 5. post office 銀行二、看圖片,選一選正確的英文。1. 2. 3

14、. ( ) ( ) ( ) 4. 5. ( ) ( ) A. bookstore B. cinema C. hospitalD. science museum E. post office三、 我是小畫家。讀一讀,畫一畫。1. go straight 2. turn right 3. turn left 4. crossing培優(yōu)新樂園四、 原書P16第三題五、 原書P16第四題第一單元能力測試(時間:60分鐘 滿分:100分)一、讀單詞,判斷單詞是“T”否“F”同類。(5分)left righthospital cinema1. 2. ( ) ( )where turnnear museum

15、3. 4. ( ) ( )science park5. 二、把圖畫、單詞和英語意思相配,連線。1. A. post office a. 醫(yī)院2. B. hospital b. 書店3. C. science museum c. 郵局4. D. cinema d. 科學博物館5. E. bookstore e. 電影院三、 英漢連連看。1. A talking robot. A. 我知道一家很棒的意大利飯館。2. What an interesting film. B. 一個說話的機器人。3. I know a great Italia restaurant. C. 我想買張明信片。4. I w

16、ant to buy a post card. D. 多么有意義的一場電影啊!5. Excuse me. E. 打擾一下。四、 單項選擇。()1. Excuse me,_there a library near here? A. areB. isC. am()2. _ is the bookstore,please? It's near the cinema. A. Where B. How C. When()3. _.You're welcome. A. Goodbye B. Hello C. Thank you()4. I want to see a film. I can

17、 go to the _. A. hospital B. post office C. cinema()5. Excuse me,where is the library?It's _ the cinema. A. next B. next to C. at五、讀句子,圈出正確的單詞。1. Turn right atonthe school. Youll see it. 2. I want to by buy a pair of shoes.3.It's near next the hospital.4. How Whatcan I get to the hospital?5.

18、 I want to sendingsend a post card.六、讀一讀,判斷圖片與句子是否一致,對的“T”,錯的“F”。 (10分)( )1. -How can I get there? -Go straight, then turn left.( )2. There is a cinema near here. ( )3. Turn left ,please. ( )4. What a great museum.( )5. -Where is the cinema? -Its next to the hospital.七、選擇正確的答句。A.AOK.B.BYes, there is.D.DGo straight, then turn right. C.It's in front of the museum.( )1.Is there a cinema near here?( )2.Where is the hospit


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