牛津譯林版八年級(jí)上Unit 5Exercise A(含答案)_第1頁
牛津譯林版八年級(jí)上Unit 5Exercise A(含答案)_第2頁
牛津譯林版八年級(jí)上Unit 5Exercise A(含答案)_第3頁




1、牛津譯林版 八年級(jí)上 8A Unit 5 Exercise A(含答案)1、 單項(xiàng)選擇1. Please have pity _ these young people. They come far away and have nothing to eat.A. for B. to C. at D. on2. Please read _ the whole passage quickly and try to get a general idea of it.A. across B. through C. over D. about3. - Is the film interesting? -

2、I thought it would be. But _, it is very boring.A. in all B. in future C. in need D. in fact4. - The stuntman(特技演員) is planning to walk on the wings of a flying plane. - What? Ive never heard of _ idea before.A. a crazier B, the crazier C. a craziest D. the craziest5. Its a bad habit(習(xí)慣) to leave th

3、e office _ the lights.A. without turning off B. with turning off C. without turning on D. with turning on6. The thief kept _ and finally he opened the box _ treasure.A. trying; fill with B, to try; full with C. trying; full of D. to try; fill of7. The husband advised _ to the south, but his wife adv

4、ised him _ up the idea.A. moving; giving B. to move; to give C. moving; to give D. to move; giving8. - Could you please _ be late again? - Sorry, I wont be late again.A. to try not B. try not to C. try to not D. not to try9. You are the future of this country. Dont keep asking what this country can

5、do for _. Ask _ what you can do for this country.A. us; ourselves B. ourselves; us C. you; yourselves D. yourselves; you10. - Mum, I would like an iPhone X. - Why not buy a Huawei? Its price is _ an iPhone X, but it works well, too.A. less than B. less expensive than C. lower than D. as low as11. Ja

6、ck seems _ ready for the exam than you.A. busy getting B. much busier getting C. much busier to get D. busier get12. - _ homework do you have every day? - I have two hours of homework every day.A. How much B. How many C. How long D. How often13. - You shouldnt smoke in public. It;s bad for our healt

7、h. - Sorry, I will _ my cigarette right now.A. put out B. put down C. give up D. give away14. - Are you going to take part in the speech competition? - _. It;s too good a chance to miss.A. No problem B. My pleasure C. Never mind D. Thats for sure2、 詞匯填空1. The_(菜) taste good. Would you like to _(嘗)so

8、me?2. I don;t want your _ (同情). What I need is respect(尊重).3. There are not many giant _(熊貓) in the world, and they only live in China.4. You are _ (自由的) to come and go as you like.5. I think animals should live in the _(自然環(huán)境) instead of staying in cages.6. _(海豚) are clever animals in the sea while

9、_(松鼠) live in the forest.7. The doctors are trying their best to save the _ old man. (死)8. The 90-year-old man _(死) this morning. His family felt much _(傷心).9. In _(事實(shí)), those foreign students liked the food in Wuxi very much.10. These words are _. Do you know the _ of them? (mean)11. He is a carele

10、ss boy. _(luck), he fell off his bike and hurt his leg.12. Do more exercise, and you an become even _(health).3、 動(dòng)詞填空1. The baby tiger _(weigh) 200 grams at birth. Now it grows into a healthy young tiger.2. A tiger was lost from the zoo. The police _(hunt) for it now.3. The poor people in Iraq(伊拉克)

11、almost have no place _(live) and have no food _(eat) because of so many wars(戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)).4. Mike didnt play basketball until it _(stop) raining.5. If it _(not rain) tomorrow, we _(visit) our local museum.6. Thank you very much for _ (not tell) the secret to my parents.7. My parents are always too busy with

12、their work _(listen) to my problems.8. Look, there is a small cat _(lie) under the car. Lets help it out!4、 完成句子1. 在我們逗留美國(guó)期間,許多事情都出了問題。 Lots of things _ in America.2. 請(qǐng)你可憐可憐處境危險(xiǎn)的野生動(dòng)物好嗎?沒有你的幫助它們可能會(huì)死的。 Could you please _? They _.3. 人們把這些蛇放生是因?yàn)樗麄冋J(rèn)為蛇對(duì)人沒有危險(xiǎn)。 People set these snakes free because they dont

13、 think snakes _.4. 媽媽建議我完成作業(yè)后及時(shí)整理好我的書包。 My mother advises me _ in time.5. 野生動(dòng)物應(yīng)該是自由快樂的而不是變成盤中餐。 Wild animals should be _.6. 獅子是動(dòng)物世界的王者,但現(xiàn)在它們的數(shù)量變得越來越少了。 Lions are _, but _.7. 你最好是勇敢面對(duì)挑戰(zhàn)而不是逃避。 _ challenges bravely _ them.8. Cindy 為什么不喜歡跟野生動(dòng)物交朋友呢? _ Cindy _?參考答案1、 DBDAA CCBCC BAAD2、 Dishes; taste pity

14、pandas free wild Dolphins; squirrels dying died; sadder fact meaningful; meanings Unluckily healthier3、 Weighed hunting to live; to eat stopped doesnt rain; will visit not telling to listen lying4、 went wrong during our stay have pity on the wild animals in danger; may die without your help are dangerous to people to tidy up my school bag after finishing my homework


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