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1、新高考讀后續(xù)寫微技能:明喻+暗喻+擬人+夸張(含練習(xí))一、simile明喻Part 1:by using simile marker “l(fā)ike”用like作喻詞1. The smile on her face shone like a diamond. (情感描寫)她臉上的笑容像鉆石一樣閃閃發(fā)光。2. I feel like I am floating in an ocean of sadness.(情感描寫)我感覺自己像漂浮在悲傷的海洋中。3. The scenery along the journey is just like a breath-taking landscape pain

2、ting. (景物描寫)沿路的風(fēng)景就像一幅美麗的山水畫卷。4. The icy wind started howling, cutting my face like a sharp knife.(景物描寫)寒風(fēng)開始咆哮,像鋒利的小刀一樣刺痛了我的臉。5. Clusters of stars decorated the vast sky like sparkling jewels.(景物描寫)繁星像珊珊發(fā)光的珠寶一樣裝飾了浩瀚的天空?!拘≡嚺5丁?. 這本書陪伴了我很久就像一位我的老朋友似的。2. 他茫然地看著我就像一個(gè)傻子。3. 他就像一頭瘋牛一樣沖我吼。(mad cow)4. 他非常著急就像

3、熱鍋上的螞蟻一樣。5. 他僵在那里一動(dòng)不動(dòng)就像一塊石頭?!緟⒖即鸢浮?. The book has accompanied me for quite a long time like an old friend.2. He looked at me blankly like a fool.3. He shouted at me like a mad cow.4. He is anxious like an ant on a hot pan.5. He stood still like a stone. Part 2:by using simile marker “as.as”用as.as作喻詞

4、1. The smile on her face was as vibrant as the sun on a summer day(情感描寫)她臉上的笑容和夏天的太陽一樣充滿活力。2. Father rushed to his son's school, only to discover the building was as flat as pancake煎餅.(景物描寫)父親沖到兒子的學(xué)校后,才發(fā)現(xiàn)這座建筑已經(jīng)變成一片廢墟。3. I reached out to touch her face, which was as cold as the ice. (人物描寫)我伸手去摸她的

5、臉,發(fā)現(xiàn)她的臉像冰一樣冰冷。更多搭配: as busy as a bee 忙忙碌碌 as hungry as a wolf 饑腸轆轆 as proud as a peacock 傲如孔雀 as brave as a lion 勇猛如獅 as pretty as a picture 美如畫 【小試牛刀】1. 我的心和蜂蜜一樣甜。2. 他的心和石頭一樣硬。3. 他的身體和牛一樣壯實(shí)。4. 我們面前的景色美如一幅畫。5. 這輛公交車走的像蝸牛一樣慢?!緟⒖即鸢浮?. My heart is as sweet as honey.2. His heart is as hard as a stone.3.

6、 His body is as strong as a cow.4. The scenery before us is as beautiful as a picture.5. The bus went as slowly as a snail.Part 3:by using simile marker “as if”用as if作喻詞 1.Mrs Sather looked at my eyes as if (she were) seeing my inner self locked away inside. (動(dòng)作描寫)Sather老師看著我的眼睛,仿佛看到了我靈魂深處封閉的自我。2. S

7、he swept her son into her arms with her eyes wet as if she wanted to squeeze the breath out of him.(動(dòng)作描寫)她眼睛濕潤,把兒子擁進(jìn)懷里,仿佛想把他的呼吸擠出來。3.Her hair grew greyer and greyer, as if( it were )covered with snow and frost.(肖像描寫)他的頭發(fā)越來越白了,簡直像蓋了一頭皚皚的霜雪。4. She felt as if her heart had been ripped from her body.(情感

8、描寫)她感覺自己心好像從她的身體里被撕開了。 【小試牛刀】1. 他感覺彷佛整個(gè)世界都崩塌了。2. 他在操場上自由地奔跑彷佛他是一只快樂的小鳥。3. 他無辜地看著我好像他什么都不知道似的。4. 他感覺他的心臟被刀子捅了一刀。(stab)【參考答案】1. He felt as if the whole world had fallen apart on him.2. He was running on the sports field as if he was a happy bird.3. He looked at me innocently as if he didn't know a

9、nything.4. He felt as if his heart had been stabbed by a knife. 二、metaphor暗喻 暗喻是比喻修辭的一種,用一種事物比喻另一種事物,本體喻體都出現(xiàn),中間常用喻詞“是”等連接,有時(shí)不用喻詞。暗喻的典型形式為:甲是乙,而不用like, as等喻詞。 Money sometimes is a poison. 錢有時(shí)候是一種毒藥。Part 1:by using the link word “be”通過be動(dòng)詞聯(lián)系1. Her hair was a flowing golden river streaming down her sho

10、ulders. (肖像描寫)她的頭發(fā)像是一條流淌在她肩上的金色河流。2. The beautiful park was a scented carpet of color.(景物描寫)美麗的公園就是一個(gè)芬芳的彩色地毯。3. Stop being such a baby. (人物描寫)別這么幼稚好不好。4. Life is an unexplored river. full of twists and turns.(哲理)生活就像一條未被涉足的河流,有各種曲折。Part 2:by using the verbs通過動(dòng)詞聯(lián)系1. I felt a lump in my throat, tearin

11、g welling up in my eyes.(情感描寫)我如鯁在喉,淚水濕潤了眼眶。2. He doesn't have an idea of his own. He just parrots what other people say.(人物描寫)他沒有自己的觀點(diǎn),只會(huì)鸚鵡學(xué)舌。3. A heavy silence blanketed the room.(環(huán)境描寫)整個(gè)房子沉浸在一片寂寞中。4. The boy wolfed down the food.(動(dòng)作描寫)小男孩狼吞虎咽。 找出下面句子里面的修辭1. My very thought was like the ghostl

12、y rustle of dead leaves.2.He looked as if he had just stepped out of my book of fairy tales.3. Wind and rain now whipped(鞭打) the house.參考答案:1. 明喻 2.明喻 3. 暗喻 找出下面句子里面的修辭1. My mother is like a coat in winter, offering warmth to me.2.The wind sounded like a roar of a train passing by.3. Household and m

13、edical supplies streamed in by plane, train, truck and car.參考答案:1. 明喻 2. 明喻 3. 暗喻三、personification擬人Part 1:把自然現(xiàn)象當(dāng)作人來描寫1. The wind stood up and gave a shout . (景物描寫)大風(fēng)凜冽,發(fā)出怒吼。2. The breeze gently kissed her cheeks. (景物描寫)微風(fēng)輕柔地親吻著她的臉龐。3. The feathery snowflakes danced in the night air, making a beauti

14、ful picture.(景物描寫)鵝毛般的雪花在空中飛舞,像一幅美麗的圖畫。4.The mist swallowed him up. (景物描寫)薄霧把他包圍起來。5.The icy wind started howling, stinging my face.(景物描寫)寒風(fēng)開始咆哮,刺痛了我的臉。6. Stars winked at me in a darkening sky.(景物描寫)夜空中星星向我眨眼睛。7. Immediately, an absolute darkness ruled the forest.(景物描寫)頃刻間,黑暗統(tǒng)治了森林。Part 2:把含蓄抽象的概念當(dāng)作人

15、來描寫1. Fear seized/swallowed him.(情感描寫) 恐懼把他吞噬了。2. Anger choked my words.(情感描寫) 我氣得說不出話來。3. A good idea suddenly struck me. 我突然想到一個(gè)好主意。4. Smile took hold of him.(情感描寫) 他笑容滿面。5. Anxiety torn him into pieces.(情感描寫) 她焦慮不安,十分崩潰。6. Courage/Confidence deserted him.(情感描寫)他沒信心了。7. Excitement deprived me of a

16、ll power of speech.(情感描寫) 我興奮的啥也說不出來了。 Part 3:把動(dòng)物當(dāng)作人來描寫1. In the dead of night, the crickets蟋蟀 played on the terrace of the house. 寂靜的夜,蟋蟀旁若無人地在房子的陽臺(tái)上玩。(景物描寫)2. Birds on the tree are singing a beautiful song.(景物描寫) 樹上的小鳥在樹上唱著美妙的歌曲。3. The frogs are giving a concert-mixed chorus.(景物描寫) 青蛙在舉辦音樂會(huì)-混聲大合唱。

17、4.Fireflies patrol the grass with small lanterns (景物描寫) 螢火蟲提著小燈籠在草叢中巡邏?!揪毩?xí)】1. 夏天的微風(fēng)輕輕地?fù)崦业哪槨?. 細(xì)雨輕輕地親吻著我的臉頰。3. 我能聽到到處都是鳥兒在歌唱。4. 這個(gè)教堂目睹了這個(gè)城市20年的變化。【參考答案】1. The summer breeze touched my face gently.2. The drizzle kissed me on my cheek gently.3. I could hear birds singing everywhere.4. The church has

18、witnessed the city's changes in the past 20 years.四、hyperbole 夸張Hyperbole:It is the deliberate use of overstatement or understatement to achieve emphasis. 夸張是比喻修辭的一種,是以言過其實(shí)的說法表達(dá)強(qiáng)調(diào)的目的,它可以加強(qiáng)語拾勢,增加表達(dá)效果。Part 1:使用數(shù)詞或量詞1. My heart broke in about a million pieces.(情感描寫)我的心成了碎片。2. She was half dead with

19、 fear.(情感描寫)她嚇得半死。3. Thanks a million.非常感謝你。4. Ive told you a million times.我都告訴你多少次了。5. The backpack weighs a ton.背包很重。Part 2:使用動(dòng)詞1. The young girl brought the house down with her performance.這位年輕姑娘的表演博得了滿堂喝彩。2. It made me jump out of my skin. (情感描寫)嚇得我魂不附體。3.I almost laughed my head off.(情感描寫)我都快笑

20、死了。4. My blood froze.(情感描寫)我的血液都凝固了。5. She cried her eyes out. (情感描寫)她痛哭涕流。6. It brought her heart into her mouth.(情感描寫) 讓她的心懸到了嗓子眼。7. My heart sank when he left.(情感描寫)當(dāng)他離開時(shí)我心都碎了。Part 3:使用形容詞和副詞在日常對(duì)話中,人們常用形容詞或者副詞去修飾微不足道的事情,目的就是為了渲染一種氣氛,強(qiáng)調(diào)某種意義的事情。如副詞:extremely;awfully;terribly;perfectly;horribly等等 形容詞:miserable; horrible; splendid等等例如: It's beautiful, heavenly beautiful.(景物描寫) 那兒很漂亮,就像天堂那般漂亮。 Part 4:使用介詞短語1. She went home in a flood of tears.(情感描寫)她淚如泉涌地回家去了。類似表達(dá):She shed floods of tears.2. When they told the


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