



1、Unit 12 TravelClass time: 2 periodsTeaching class:Teaching content: text 1; text 2Teaching aims:By the end of this unit you will be able to:1. know something about travel.2. find the solution to the problem of what to take and how to take it before travelingabroad.3. get to know some famous tourist

2、spots in the U.S.4. familiarize yourself with some common means you choose to travel around USA.Teaching focus and important points:1. Word Pretest2. Reading comprehension about the texAt“Travealround USA”3. Vocabulary Building4. Cloze5. Section C“Fast Reading”Difficult points:1. It is always a nu i

3、sa neeyou n eed in America.Paraphrase:It is always a burden to take too many things with you when you are travelingoutside. And if necessary, you can buy what you need in American.2. Once again, the clear message is shop around.Paraphrase:Again, the clear messageis obtained by asking and comparing d

4、ifferentprices offered by different companies.Teaching procedures and methodology:Warm-up exercises:Lead-in Questions of the Unit:Have you ever travel outside LanZhou city? To where?How did you prepare for you travelling? What is your luggage?Section A: Travel around the USAI. Background information

5、:Traveling in the United States can be both a fascinating and rewarding experience, butliving and traveling in the USA can be expensive. However, with the right knowledge and acertain bit of travel savvy you can make your way across the USA on a tight budget.Avoid Tourist traps!Many of the popular t

6、ourist attract ions in the USA have accumulated arrays of tourist busin esses around them. Some of those bus in esses sell in ferior mercha ndise at in flatedprices. We call them tourist traps. At any popular attract ion, you will find gift shops, streetven dors and restaura nts surro unding it. Oft

7、en, it is best to avoid suchestablishmentsincluding the restaurants and shops in most airports. When you visit atourist sight, it is usually wiser to buy your food and souvenirs a bit further away from theattractio n.Getting around with cheap air travelFlyi ng is the most com mon mea ns of traveli n

8、g long dista nces in the USA. Nearly everyUS airline offers tickets at reduced prices on most flights, but you must know how to findthe bargains. The lowest fares are normally offered on advance-purchase, roun d-triptickets that in clude a Saturday ni ght stay. Always try to purchase your ticket at

9、least threeweeks in adva nee and always in clude a Saturday ni ght in your round trip itinerary. Evenif you only need a one-way ticket, it can often be cheaper to purchase a round trip ticketthat in cludes a weeke nd stay. You can always throw away the unu sed porti on of theticket.I suggest you che

10、ck more than one source for any airline ticket. If you have some flexibilityin your itinerary, test a few different options for dates of travel to find the lowest rate.Bus travel is an inexpensive alternativeBus travel is the cheapest means of transportation across the USA and bus stations aremore c

11、om mon tha n airports. However, the bus may not be the most econo mical alternative whe n you con sider that cross-co untry bus travel takes several days and that youmust provide your own meals and lodg ing. Greyho und Bus Compa ny operates the onlytruly transcontinental bus service in the USA. They

12、 offer unlimited-travel passes in seve nto sixty-day in creme nts. Special reduced fares are available for stude nts and intern ational travelers. You should carefully con sider the trade-off betwee n bus and air travel.Airplanes are much faster, but the bus lets you see the country as you travel.Tr

13、ain travel is very limited in the USAAs a rule, rail travel in America is expe nsive, un reliable and inconvenient. You should notconsider it as a primary travel option. However, if you plan a lot of travel between majorcities, trains can be an economical means of transportation. Amtrak, the only ma

14、jorAmerican passenger rail line, offers a thirty day pass for unlimited rail travel in any part ofthe Un ited States. Depe nding on the seas on, USA Rail passes costs betwee n threehundred and five hundred fifty dollars. This may seem expensive, but if you plan on a lot oftravel in a short time, it

15、can be much cheaper than multiple airplane or bustickets. Remember that trains tend to travel mostly between larger cities!Do not hitchhike!Hitchhiking can be dangerous, and it is illegal in most states. You should avoid hitchhikingin the USA as you could end up in trouble with the local police.Inex

16、pensive lodging can be a challengeFinding an inexpensive place to stay can be a challenge, however here are someeconomical alternatives to a cheap motel or to overstuffing a hotel room.If you are travelling through the more rural parts of America, almost all of the larger stateand national parks hav

17、e campsites which can be rented for extremely low rates,sometimes as low as five dollars a night. Usually this includes a grill for cooking, space fortents, a communal toilet and a shower area. Private campgrounds cost a little more butusually include some added amenities like hot water, swimming po

18、ol, Laundromat andgrocery store.II. Pretest of new wordsHow to guess the meaning of the word?Context + stem information + readers own general knowledgekeys to exercises:1. A. nuisance2. A. slung3. C. check4. B. budget5. B. factor6. B. solely7. A. skip8. A. depositIII . studentsreading tasks:skimming

19、: main idea and ways of organization scanning:read comprehensionquestions exercises: reading skill and comprehension exercisesIV. Detailed study of text A1. To travel abroad, we often meet the problem of what to take and how to take it. Take aslittle as possible, choose clothes for their use in a va

20、riety of situations and when you havemade your final selection, halve it!2. The means you choose to travel around USA will depend on your budget, your time, youradventurousness and a number of other factors.a. BusTraveling long distances cross-country by bus has become a part of American mythology.b

21、. CarThe car remains the most popular form of travel and the vast system of super-highwayenables you to cover great distances at high average speeds,despite the nationwideimposition of a 55 mph speed limit.c. AirThe vast distances of USA have resulted in the popularity and relative cheapnessofdomestic air travel. Night flights are sometimes cheaper than day flights.d. Urban TravelCity buses and


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