



1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上 1. I am sure Cindy will be able to find the hotel -she has a pretty good_ of direction. A.idea B.feeling C.experience D.sense 2.Why didn't Luey go to your birthday party last night?She said that she was busy preparing for 'the exams, but that was only a( n) _. I saw her going t

2、o the movies with her friends at that time.A. matterB. excuse C. result D. reason3.During the next few days, I decide to have a good by taking a walk or seeing a movie. I_really need to relax.A.mealB. sleep C. rest D. talk4.Who is the person you admire the most?Qian Xuesen, the Father of China's

3、 Missiles. He is theof China.A.leader B. prideC. voice D.pioneer 5.I think computers are very useful. They can help us get much _ on the Internet. A. game B. information C. exchange D. message6.The Nike bag is not the right for me. You are very lucky. There is a discount on it today. A. material B.

4、size C. price D. style7. Cathy has such a good _ that she won many prizes in singing competitions last year.A. SleepB. ideaC. voice D. noise8. Food safety is a serious_ in our country. We should try our best to solve it. A. subject B. question C. problem D. opinion9.Could you take out the rubbish an

5、d do the dishes , Tony? Sure. Mom will be mad if she sees this think.A. truth B. mess C. trouble D. difficulty 10. The last bus has left. What should we do? Let's take a taxi. We have no other_ now.A. choice B. reason C. habit D. chancel l . Tommy, you can never let others know what have told yo

6、u today.Don't worry. I will keep the _.Secret B. money C. address D. grade12.I am happy to see great _ have taken place in my hometown in recent years. Many new roads have been built.A. experiences B. advantages C. dreams D .changes13.Peter didn't tell his parents that he was going home beca

7、use he wanted to give them a _.A. note B. surprise C. call D. gift14.I hear you have to get up early every morning.Right. It's one of the _ in my family.A. rules B. orders C. reasons D.experience15.Mr. White, could you give me some _?I have trouble in learning EnglishSure. First, you should be c

8、onfident and never give up.A. instructions B. suggestions C. conditionsD. directionsstranger culture way air step word purpose boy story influence show glass parent16.Mom, I will eat less junk food this year, believe me.If you make a, you must keep it.A. joke B. speech C. mistake D. promise17.Every

9、year many visitors come to see the_ of Tianjin, such as Tianjin Eye and Hai he River.A. concerts B. plays C. cartoons D. sights18. Hangzhou is to hundreds of foreign friends who are working and studying here.A. home B. house C. family D. room19.When the man went through the forest alone, he lost his

10、 _ and felt afraid.20.Do not give your passwords ls to those _and never give out your home address, real name age , school or phone number.21. I love game _. I hope one day I can take part in one of them, answer all the questions and win a big prize !22.The behaviors and words of celebrities can hav

11、e a great _ because many people follow them. So they should pay more attention to their behavior and speech.23.The _ of new inventions is to make life easier, not to make it more difficult.24.The broken _ may cut into your hand if you touch it. You should be careful.25.The_pollution is becoming more

12、 and more serious. We haven't seen blue skies for several days.26.Jack's and Paul's mothers can't go to the_ meeting because they are too busy.27.We all know that Mickey Mouse is one of the most famous cartoon characters in American_28.It's sports time. Most_students in Class I are playing football on the playground.29.While we were eating,


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