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1、1X05 - COME IN STRANGEROrigi nal Airdate (ABC): 31-OCT-2004INT -School-Day(Lyn ette and the boys' teacher are talk ing after they've pain ted a girl blue)Teacher: The boys are in my class because I'm the only teacher that can han dle them.(shots of Lyn ette dragg ing one of the twins who

2、 is hold ing on to a table for dear life) Teacher: We may no lon ger be able to accommodate them.INT-You ng House-Livi ng Room-Night(Zach is sat on the floor of the liv ing room and he's spinning the barrel of a gun round. His dad watches him)ch: Mom used this to kill herself. Why would you keep

3、 it?EXT -Young House -Night(Zach an swers the door. He's got the gun beh ind his back.)Bree: Are you okay?INT-Scavo House-Kitchen -Day(The girls are sitt ing arou nd dri nking coffee.)Gabrielle: I thi nk he's hidi ng someth ing.INT-Delfino House -Night(Shots of Mike on the phone and has a gu

4、n of his own)(Shots of diagrams of Wisteria Lane on Mike's wall, listing the houses, who lives where and the ages of the childre n.There are also photos of Gabrielle, Carlos, Julie and Susan)INT-Solis House -Bedroom -Day(shot of Carlos discover ing Joh n's sock un der the bed)INT-Young House

5、 -Night(shot of the letter I know what you did .It makes me sick. I'm going to tell. The shot expa nds and we see the PI read ing the no te)PI: Exactly what is it you hired me to do?Paul:Someone sent that note to my wife and I need to know who.INT -Supermarket -Day(Susa n is at the checkout whe

6、n Mike talks to her.)Mike: You like Alfred Hitchcock?(Susa n looks up at Mike.)INT -Mayer House -Kitche n-Night(Mrs Huber has dropped by to give Susa n a pie and blackmail her. She takes out of her bag the charred measuri ng cup)Mrs Huber: I found it in the ruins of Edie's home.(Susa n does n

7、9;t know what to say)INT-Solis House-Stairs - Day(Carlos confronts Gabrielle with the discovered sock)Carlos: I found it un der our bed. It's not mine.(Gabrielle shows Carlos the cleaning cupboard with the socks)EXT -Wisteria Lan e-Day(Shots of Julie riding her bike past an old woma n)Mary Alice

8、 Voiceover: Every n eighbourhood has a woma n like Alberta Fome.(Mrs Fome goes out to collect her mail.)Mary Alice Voiceover: And every woma n like Mrs Fome has a cat.(we see the cat through the wi ndow)INT-Mrs Fome's House -Bedroom -Day(Shots of the cat walk ing over an ope n suitcase. It's

9、 packed with clothes.)Mary Alice Voiceover: When she travelled, Mrs Fome would arrange for friends to look after her beloved pet.(shots of Mrs Fome stokingthe cat at the table. She is on the phone trying toarrange for a friend to look after the cat.)Mrs Fome: (on the phone)Tha nks any way.(She hangs

10、 up the pho ne and crosses ano ther n ame off her list of people to ask. Thelast n ame on the list is Susa n Mayer)Mary Alice Voiceover: This time, she was forced to ask her n eighbour Susa n Mayer.EXT -Mayer House -Day(The doorbell rings and Susan answers it to Mrs Fome)Mary Alice Voiceover:Mrs Fom

11、e liked Susa n. But it was com monkno wledgeonWisteria Lane that wherever Susa n Mayer went, bad luck was sure to follow.(Underneaththis Mrs Fome is askingSusantolook after her cat. She's nervousasking at first. And when Susan agrees she looks positively worried for her cat's well bein g)EXT

12、-Wisteria Lan e-Outside Mayer House-Day(Shot of Susan backing the car out of the driveway. She hits her dustbin)Mary Alice Voiceover: Her misfortu nes ran ged from the com mon place-(Susa n looks out of the window at the bin on its side)EXT-Wedding Reception-DayMary Alice Voiceover: -To the un usual

13、-(Susa n is dressed in a gorgeous pink dress, she's flirt ing with a guy in a tux and goesto lea n aga inst a table. As she does, the table upe nds and she ends up on the floorwith the contents of the table (in clud ing the wedd ing cake) all over her.)EXT-Mayer House -Garden - DayMary Alice Voi

14、ceover: -To the truly bizarre.(Susan is on a stool filling her bird feeder. A bird flutters around her head and shewaves her arms to shoo it awa y.It does n't go and she ends up jump ing off the stooltrying to get away from the bird that is attacking her.)EXT :Wisteria Lane -Outside Mrs Fome'

15、;s House-Day(Mrs Fome is in a taxi, about to drive away, she seems n ervous. She's look ing backat Susan, who is holding her cat,waving its paw as its owner drives away)Mary Alice Voiceover: As she waved goodbye, she worried that Susa n's streak ofbad luck would continue. For that matter, so

16、 did her cat.(Susa n walks away with the cat, and the sce ne cha nges to a shot of Mrs Fome'shouse in the dark.)INT-Mrs Fome's House -Night(Susa n and Julie en ter Mrs Fome's house to feed the cat)Susa n: (calls for the cat) Mr Whiskars.Julie: Here kitty.Susa n:Di nner time. Here kitty,

17、kitty, kitty!(Susa n and Julie stop look ing for the cat, whe n they en ter the kitche n and see a lot of the drawers are ope n)Susa n: Cats can ope n drawers, can they?Julie: Are you sure you did n't leave them ope n this morning?Susa n: Noway.Julie: Wow.Do you thi nk somebody broke in?(Susan&#

18、39;s about to answer, when they see a large screwdriver on the kitchen table. Susa n look worried)Susa n: MR WHISKERS!(Susan and Julie both start frantically calling for the cat and search through different rooms to find him)(The shot focuses on a door to a cupboard. We see the door ope n and we pan

19、 dow n to see the shoes of an in truder.The male in truder creeps to the door, and we see the cat follow and sn eak out,with the in truder clos ing the door beh ind him)Mary Alice Voiceover: Though she did n't know it at the time Susa n's luck-(we see the in truder ope n the door aga in,and

20、put the cat back in side the house)Mary Alice Voiceover: had fin ally started to cha nge.OPENING CREDITSEXT -Wisteria Lane -Night(Shots of people all streami ng towards the Scavo house)Mary Alice Voiceover: News that an in truder had breached the security of Wisteria Lane spread like wildfire.INT-Sc

21、avo House ?Kitche n-Night(Shots of people milli ng arou nd, help ing themselves to coffee and cakes)Mary Alice Voiceover: At a neighbourhood watch meeting the next night, residents voiced their concerns over the in creas ing dan gers their commu nity faced.(we watch Mike make himself coffee, and the

22、n go to find a seat with all the others) (shot of an old woman talking to the gathered crowd)Mary Alice Voiceover: Mrs Eida Gree nberg announ ced that some one was look ing through her bathroom window whe never she took a shower.(shot of a geeky looking man talking to the gathered crowd)Mary Alice V

23、oiceover: Bob Fisk warned those prese nt that an unn amed gover nment age ncy was liste ning in to their phone con versati ons.I(shot of a large, motherly looking woman talking to the gathered crowd)Mary Alice Voiceover: Hele n veil spoke of a ruthless local tee nage gang that had egged her mini van

24、.(the shot pans dow n to see a tee nage boys quashed in betwee n his pare nts on a sofa. He squirms, afraid of being caught out about the egg in g.)(Shot of a policeman giving a presentation to the assembled people, who are allwatch ing atte ntively.)Policema n: There are three thi ngs that con trib

25、ute to.(we can't hear what he saysduring the VO)Mary Alice Voiceover: The eve ning con cluded with Officer Thomps on offeri ng safetytips and a pla n of acti on.Policema n:So you can sig n up for a situati on you have con trol over.(He hands aclipboard to Lyn ette.)Policema n:You can sig n up fo

26、r either daily orni ghtlypatrols. I know that mightseem a bit like overkill, but I assure you.(Susa n watches Lyn ette hand out the clipboard. She looks over her shoulder andsmiles and waves at Mike. His halfhearted resp onsemakesher tur nback,disappo in ted.)Policema n: That regular surveilla nce w

27、ill deter eve n the most determ ined crim in al.So are there any other questions? Alright then, let's be careful out there.(every one claps.)(Susa n gets up and talks to the policema n.)Susa n: Actually I do have a questi on. Do you have a sec ond?Policema n:Sure, how can I help?Susan:Well,I'

28、;m the one who discovered the break in and I think I found someevide nce.Policema n:Evide nce?(Susan pulls a screwdriver in a large clear plastic bag out of her purse and hands itto the policema n.)Susa n: I thi nk this is a screwdrivert left beh ind by the burglar. And I did n't touch it.Police

29、ma n: Why did n't you give this to the in vestigati ng officers?Susa n: I tried! But they sort of laughed at me, because appare ntly nothing wastake n from Mrs Fome's house.Policema n: Well, I apologise for that. It was totally un professi on al.Susan: Thank you! So do you think it should be

30、 dusted for prints?Policema n: Yes. And rll make sure it gets done.(we see Mike watch ing the two of them.He does n't look amused.)Susa n:Great.(the cop smiles at Susan. Susan gives him a little smile, then leaves.)Susa n: Bye.INT-Scavo House -Living Room -Night(It's later on and the meeti n

31、g is over.Bree is help ing to pack up the fold ing chairs,Susa n is collect ing the paper cups. The others are help ing to clear up, whilst the twins are jumping on the sofa, having a pillow fight.)Lyn ette:Boys! Stop it! Go to bed.(the boys don't stop.)Prest on: But we're not tired.Lyn ette

32、: Well,at least go upstairs.(She realises what she's holdi ng, and holds out the half full bag of crisps to the boys.The boys see what she's hold ing and stop.)Presto n: Gimme! Gimme!(Both boys reach for the crisps and Lyn ette backs away from them, towards the stairs. She throws the bag ups

33、tairs and the boys chase after them.)Lyn ette: GO!GO, GO!Prest on: C' on.Porter: I'm right behind you.(Bree lookson disapprov in gly at what she's just wit nessed.When Lyn ette tur nsarou nd and catches her look, she puts her hands up as if she's not going to sayanything. Lynette loo

34、ks pretty happy with the way she handled her kids though!)INT -Scavo House - Kitchen -Night(Gabrielle and Susan are continuing to clean.)Gabrielle:So why were n't you sitti ng with Mike toni ght? I thought you two were beco ming an item.Susa n: I thought we were too. But he's bee n giv ing a

35、 lot of mixed sig nals.Gabrielle:I'll tell you who was n't giv ing mixedsig nals,was that sexy OfficerThomps on.He was stari ng at you all ni ght.Susa n: You no ticed that?Gabrielle:Honey, trust me. When they're not staring at me, I notice.(Susa n laughs.)INT-Scavo House -Living Room -Ni

36、ghtLyn ette: I really do appreciate you guys stay ing and help ing.Bree: Oh,please! I would have hosted it myself, only the kids are going away to themountains tomorrow and there's camp ing equipme nt everywhere.Lynette:That's nice of you. And since we're talking about it, there's so

37、mething elsen ice I'd like you to do. Your kids both went to Barcliff Academy, did n't they?Bree:(very proudly)Yes.JLyn ette:We needyou to recommendPorter and Preston.We can't even get anin terview.Bree: Oh,you want me to recommend the twins?Lyn ette:Yes, you can tell them how beautifull

38、y behaved the boys are.Bree: So you want me to lie?Lyn ette:Yeah. I thought that was un derstood.Bree: It's just that I'm very well respected at Barcliff, and my word won't be good there anymore.Lyn ette:Yes, but by the time they realise their mistake we'll be in.(Bree does n't l

39、ook too pleased about what she's bee n asked to do.)Lyn ette:You're not hav ing any more kids. What do you care?Bree: Well,I had hoped someday to get my gran dchildre n into Barcliff. But I suppose that does n't matter to you, does it?Lyn ette: It really does n't.(Gabrielle and Susa

40、n are tak ing out bags of rubbish in the backgrou nd. When they open the door, they hear shouting from across the street at the You ng house. Bree and Lynette join them at the door.)Gabrielle:Paul and Zach are fighting again.Lynette:That's the second time this week. They never used to fight like

41、 that whenMary Alice was alive.Susa n: It's a shame. They used to be such a happy family.Bree: Just because you did n't hear them fight ing does n't mean they were happy.(They all look at Bree-w on deri ng if there's an yth ing else to what she's say in g.)EXT -Wisteria Lane -Day

42、(ope ning shots of wisteria lane, with people milli ng about in red hats and over a sig nsay ing n eighbourhood watch area)Mary Alice Voiceover: The next day as residents began to patrol Wisteria Lane in thehope of foiling potential burglars, Gabrielle was about to experienee a home in vasi on of he

43、r own.(we see a taxi driving down WisteriaLane. It pulls into the Solis driveway. Gabriellecomes outside. Shewas n't expect ing anyone and is con fused about who it could be. A look of horror crosses her face whe n she sees it's-)Gabrielle:Mama Solis!(her mother in law)Gabrielle:What are you

44、 doing here?Mama Solis:I came to visit my son and daughter in law. What does it look like?Gabrielle:Does Carlos know you are coming?Mama Solis: No.He likes to be surprised.(Mama Solis drops her bags at her side and holds her arms out to Gabrielle.)Mama Solis: Now come, Gabrielle.(Gabrielle awkwardly

45、 goes to hug her mother in law.)Mama Solis: Family should always hug.(she bends in to whisper in Gabrielle's ear.)regardless of how they feel about each other.(Gabrielle pats her mother in law on the shoulder. Mama Solis walks off into the house, leaving Gabrielle to think about the awful time s

46、he'a going to have in the n ext few days with her here.) INT -Barcliff Academy -Day(we see a folder with a posh crest on it. the folder is opened to reveal Preston's application form for the school.(the twins' birthday is the 27th February 1998). We see that Lyn ette and Tom are at an in

47、 terview for the school. The headmaster is looking through the file. He stops to give Lynette a distasteful look when she is tapp ing her hand on her bag. Lyn ette isn't the only n ervous one, as Tom n ervously looks arou nd the room we see a selecti on of photographs of the headmaster on his ya

48、cht.)Tom: (re the boat) Wow. She's a beauty. Is that a 30 footer? Headmaster:(without look ing up from the file)32.Tom: Sweet.I sail. I've got a Flying Scot.Headmaster:Well, we have several yachti ng en thusiasts here at Barcliff Academy.I'll be happy to in troduce them to you.(Tom and L

49、yn ette take this as a good sig n and burst into smiles.)Lyn ette: Oh,that sou nds great.Tom:Won derful.Headmaster: If we decide to en rol your childre n.(Smiles fade)Headmaster:Tobe hon est,Mr and Mrs Scavo,your childre n'seducati onalbackgrou nd is a bit more com mon tha n we would prefer, but

50、 Mrs Van Der Kamp men ti oned they were ide ntical twins?Lynette:Yes. Completely identical. You can't tell them apart. They're like bookends.Headmaster: We do strive for diversity here at Barcliff. Identical twins could makefor an in teresti ng additi on.Lyn ette: The boys are fasc in ati ng

51、. They eve n have their own twin secret lan guage,don't they,Tom?Tom: Yeah,yeah. It's pretty scary.Lyn ette: It's not really so much scary as highly developed.ITom: Yeah,they bark and growl at each other-Lyn ette:Sorry, Tom, Mr Lenz was trying to say someth ing. Mr Lenz?Tom: Sorry. Go ah

52、ead, Mr. Lenz.Headmaster:I'd love to meet these twins of yours. I tell you what, I'm going to putthem on our must-meet list.Tom: Terrific.Lyn ette:Tha nk you so much.(They are laugh and are really excited.)Lyn ette:What is a must-meet list?Headmaster:We bring them in for observati on.Lyn ett

53、e:Ooo-observati on?Headmaster:Uh-huh.To see how they play with the otherchildren,how theyresp ond to authority.That kind of thing.(Fake smiles plastered all arou nd for Tom and Lyn ette.)Tom: Great.Lyn ette:That's won derful.INT -Va n Der Kamp House -Kitche n -Day(Bree is pack ing san dwiches fo

54、r An drewa nd Dani elle's trip.)Rex: Hey.Bree: Hi.Rex: Kids ready?Bree:Almost. Thanks aga in for driv ing them to the bus.Rex: Happy to do it. I miss them.(They look at each other sadly.)Bree: Did you hear there was a break in at Mrs Fome's the other ni ght?Rex: Yeah. I heard they did n'

55、t take any thi ng.(Rex pours himself a cup of coffee.)Bree: Well,that does n't make it any less frighte nin g. I mean, he could have bee n a sexual predator.Rex: What?A nd he en ded up at Mrs Fome's? Boy, that would have bee n a lose-losesituati on.Bree: Oh,Rex! That's n ot the poi nt.(B

56、ree fixes Rex's tie and jacket lapels.)Bree: The point is I don't feel safe here, and I was wondering if you would spend the ni ght.Rex: You're in the NRA, you own like four gun s! If somebody broke in I'd expect youto protect me.Bree: (sighs) Rex, the truth is, with the kids gone ri

57、l be all by myself in this house for the first time in seventeen years.Rex: Honey,I know it's hard to hear, but the marriage counselling may not work out.You n eed to get used to being alone.Bree: You're right. That was hard to hear.(She turns away from him. Rex reaches for a san dwich, but

58、Bree takes it off him.)Rex: What are you doing?Bree: That is for the kids' trip.Rex: Oh,come on! I'm stay ing in a motel! I have n't had a dece nt meal in weeks.Bree:(with a sarcastic twist and fake smile on her face) Honey,the marriagecou nselli ng might not work out, you n eed to get u

59、sed to bad cook ing.(Rex almost smiles, knowing she got him good.)EXT -Wisteria Lane -Outside Mayer House-Day(Susa n is water ing her pla nts whe n a cop car pulls up behi nd her.)Officer Thomps on: Hey.(Susa n tur ns.)Officer Thomps on: Screwdriver girl.(Susa n laughs)Officer Thomps on: I just came by to tell you that I took your evide nee i


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