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1、必修1 = Unit 4    EarthquakeContents 目錄教學內容分析 (Analysis of the teaching materials)教學目標和要求 (Teaching aims and demands)教學重點與難點 (Teaching difficult and important points)教學課時安排 (Teaching arrangements)教學設計步驟 (Teaching procedures)評估與反饋 (Assessing)一 教學內容分析本單元話題為“地震”,主要描寫了1976年唐山大地震,各

2、項語言活動也都是圍繞地震展開。本單元共分八個部分。Warming-up 部分通過兩張圖片引出話題“一旦地震發(fā)生,將會造成怎樣的危害”,為后面的主題作了一個熱身運動。Pre-reading 部分設置了兩個開放性問題,目的是增加學生的生活常識,提高他們的應變能力。這部分為接下來的閱讀作了很好的鋪墊,學生可通過套亂,參閱有關地震的書籍并運用一些生活常識來回答這兩個問題。Reading 部分具體描寫了1976年唐山大地震的震前、震中和震后。作者詳細描述了地震來臨前的一些不正常的自然現(xiàn)象及動物的反常表現(xiàn);地震的來勢洶洶并在頃刻間將整座城市夷為平地;震后人們勇敢面對現(xiàn)實并及時實施搶救和重建工作。Compr

3、ehending 部分包括三組練習,主要目的是為了幫助學生更好地理解Reading部分的文章。Learning about Language 部分分為兩個部分:Discovering useful words and expressions 和Discovering useful structures.第一部分要求學生在把握文章的基礎上,掌握重點詞匯的詞義及時用,這更注重培養(yǎng)學生運用上下文猜測詞義的能力。其次還對一些復雜的數(shù)字讀法進行了檢測。第二部分則結合文章學習定語從句Using Language 部分分為Reading,Writing and Speaking;Listening和Writ

4、ing。Reading,Writing and Speaking 包括讀一篇邀請函,寫一份演講稿和關于一套新唐山郵票的Little talk。Listening 部分講述了一位地震幸存者的故事,并根據(jù)聽力材料進行正誤判斷和回答問題,旨在培養(yǎng)學生獲取細節(jié)的能力,并通過聽來模仿標準的語音和語調。Writing部分要求學生報紙寫一篇新聞報道,學習如何按照規(guī)范的步驟進行寫作,如選擇適當?shù)貥祟}和組織語言等。另外這一部分也培養(yǎng)學生寫作時注意標題、主旨大意和細節(jié)。Summing up部分幫助學生整理、鞏固本單元所學到的知識,包括學到的關于地震的知識,有用的動詞、名詞、表達方式和新的語法項目。Learning

5、 Tip部分就聽英語方面給出了一些建議,建議學生多聽廣播或電視里的英語節(jié)目.二教學目標和要求根據(jù)英語新課程標準關于總目標的具體描述,結合高一學生實際和教材內容,我們將教學目標分為語言知識、語言技能、學習策略、情感態(tài)度、文化意識五個方面1. 知識目標(Knowledge) 詞匯(Vocabulary):shake, rise, crack, burst, well, smelly, pond, steam, destroy, ruin, injure, survivor, brick, useless, shock, quake, rescue, electricity,disaster, or

6、ganize, bury, coal, mine, shelter, fresh, percent, honor, prepare. 短語(Phrases and expressions):right away, at an end, lie in ruins, be trapped under sth, to the north of sp, put up, give out, wake sb up, prepare sth for sth., think little of sth. 語法(Grammar):定語從句(The Attributive Clause).能用英語描述任務的特征、

7、行為等- 由who/ whom/ whose/ that引導;能用英語描述事物、事件的性質、內容等- 由which/ that/ whose引導。2能力目標(Ability) 能運用所學語言知識描述地震前兆、危害及震后援救;根據(jù)已知信息推測將要聽取的材料的內容;提高閱讀技能和用英語進行思維、推理、判斷的能力; 掌握演講稿的格式及新聞報道的寫作步驟和要點。3. 情感目標Affect學習唐山人民勇敢面對自然災害,積極進行災后重建的精神;在教學活動中培養(yǎng)學生的合作精神和互助精神。三教學重點和難點1重點詞匯:injure,survivor, shock, rescue, disaster, fresh

8、, judge, prepare2語法:The Attributive Clause3難點: 運用所學知識表達自己的想法; 較長句子成分的劃分及意義的理解; 如何能就課文內容完成一些開放性的話題討論,能把課文的內容得以延伸與拓展;指導學生通過各種渠道如報紙、雜志、圖書館和網(wǎng)絡等資源查找有關素材,培養(yǎng)信息社會收集查找資料的能力。四課時安排 本單元共分為四個部分,具體課時教師可根據(jù)自身教學實踐進行適當?shù)匕才藕驼{整。 Part1:Warming-up和listening.通過游戲、介紹和VIDEO等手段對地震知識進行適當了解的基礎上,引入對San Francisco地震的學習,從而進入聽力部分。 P

9、art2:Pre-reading, Reading, Comprehending and Learning about Language.讀前的兩個問題:第一個問題問學生在危機情況下會帶什么,有利于很好的激起學生的興趣和調動課堂氣氛,由此則可過渡到第二個問題對地震前兆的了解,從而自然地引入到對唐山大地震的學習。在對唐山大地震震前、震中和震后的學習中,可結合今年唐山大地震30周年的報道,使學生進一步了解唐山大地震和現(xiàn)今的唐山,形成對比和強烈的震撼,從而更好地了解學習唐山人民勇敢面對自然災害,積極進行災后重建的精神。其次,通過對文章的學習,了解新聞的特點,為后面的寫作做準備。重點詞匯和語法的學習可

10、結合文章進行,并配以適當?shù)木毩暋?Part3:Writing由提前讓學生完成的關于唐山的新聞寫作來引入對寫作的學習。通過對學生習作的評析,來引出新聞寫作中應注意的事項,并通過適當?shù)木毩晛磉M行鞏固,再讓學生對自身的習作進行修改。 Part4:Using Language(Reading, Writing and Speaking),主要學習SPEECH演講稿的寫作。通過對演講稿的了解、注意事項和名人演講的感受,讓學生學會如何恰當?shù)貙懷葜v稿。五教學步驟Period 1 Warming-up & ListeningTeaching goals:1. Get a general idea of

11、 earthquakes and some other natural disasters;2. Train students listening ability and try to improve their pronunciation;3. Know the damage that an earthquake and other disasters could bring about and ways to reduce the losses of an earthquake.Teaching important points:Train the students listening a

12、bility and improve pronunciation.Teaching aids:A tape recorder; the blackboard; CIA課件Teaching procedures: Step1. Lead-in-video of different natural disastersT: Our hometown is a place full of a kind of disasters. What is it? Typhoon, earthquake, hurricane tsunami, flood, tornado, droughtare all call

13、ed natural disasters.Q. what damage will they bring about? - everything in ruins/ death/ lossesStep2. Introduction of Earthquakes (Let students get the general idea of earthquake)Q: what do you know about earthquake? What causes quakes and where do they often happen? How to predict an earthquake?Q:

14、How to avoid being hurt? -through gamesQ: Have you heard of any land earthquakes?-Two pictures in warming-up: Tangshan Earthquake and San Francisco Earthquake.Q: What do you know about these two earthquakes?Step3: Listening1. Pre-listening-brief introduction of San Francisco EarthquakeQ: When did th

15、e quake happen? - 1906Q: what damage did bring about?- About 700 people died in the earthquake and the fires. And as many as 250,000 people lost homes2. While-Listening-according to the exercises in the text book3. Post-listening -How can we reduce the damage of earthquake? What can we do?Step4: Hom

16、ework- preview the reading “A Night the Earth didnt Sleep” and learn new words of this unitPeriod 2 ReadingTeaching goals:1. Target language 目標語言Learn and master the new words and expressions in this period. 2. Ability goals 能力目標Train the students reading and speaking ability. Train the students abi

17、lity to use the Internet to search for some useful information. Train the students ability to cooperate with others. Teaching important points: Train the students reading abilityskimming and scanning.Teaching difficult points: Describe the disasters.Teaching aids:CIA課件Teaching procedures: Step1. Lea

18、d-inT: We have a visit to the museum of natural disasters, and you have learned about some brief introduction of most disasters. Today, I want to show you round the earthquake department, and I hope you will like it and learn some useful knowledge. Now lets go.T: At the very beginning, I want to kno

19、w how much you know about an quake. Q1: What would you take with you if a quake happened? Q2: The best way to save yourself is to know there will be a quake before it happens. What kind of signs can tell you that there is a quake? Q3: What kind of damage can an earthquake cause?S: buildings are dest

20、royed; people are killed; families are brokenT: Lets have a look at some pictures of such terrible site. (Pictures of quakes) T: (The last picture is monument of Tangshan quake.) Do you know what this is?Step2. Pre-ReadingT: 30 years ago, on the day July, the 28th, a terrible disaster suddenly happe

21、ned, and the beautiful Tangshan was removed from the map. This is Tangshan quake. Does any body know something about Tangshan quake? T: Lets read a news report about the famous quake.Step3. While-readingI. Skimming & scaringGet the students comprehend the passage quickly and accurately, and mean

22、while help the students to form a good habit of reading.T: First please skim the passage fast to obtain/ get a general understanding of the whole passage. And underline the answers to the following questions.1. When did the quake happen? (Why did the writer use different expression of the same thing

23、?)2. How many people were killed and injured during the quake?3. How many buildings were destroyed?4. Were there any people coming to rescue them?II. While reading, divide the whole passage into 3parts and find out the main idea of each part.Para.1 before the quakePara.2-3 during the quakePara.4 aft

24、er the quakeII. Careful-readingRead the passage again and try to get more detailed information.T: Now lets read the passage again and find more information. Join the correct parts of the sentences. (Turn to page 27, ex1)T: Now you have read the passage carefully, please put the sentences in order. N

25、umber each of these things during the Tangshan quake.(Turn to page 27, ex2)T: here are some more work for you. You can work in groups.1. What strange things happened before the quake?2. What sentences can express the quake is GREAT?3. What numbers can express the quake is GREAT?4. What metaphor does

26、 the writer use to say the quake is GREAT?5. What happened when rescue work was going on?6. How did the army help to rescue survivors?Complete the passage with some of the words in bold in the report.(Turn to page 28, ex2)T: Lets watch some pictures, and comparing the old Tangshan, the Tangshan afte

27、r quake, and the new Tangshan we see today.Step 4 Post-reading (discussing)T: After read the news report, and see so many pictures, what impresses you most? Why? Or what do you learn from such a disaster? (Self-rescue, environment protection, rebuilt, love and help)I: self-rescue (a video game)T: Wh

28、en in a quake, if you know some self-rescue skills, you may probably save yourself. If you want to know some of the skills, click here. (Link to the index) Lets do little game to see how much you know about self-rescue.II. What did they suffer and feel?T: Can you understand what they suffer and what

29、 they feel after such a disaster?T: If you were one of the rescuers 30 years ago, what could you say and what can you do to comfort them? Or how could you help them?III. RebuildingT: we see that the new Tangshan has been set up. What is needed to rebuild Tangshan.IV: environment protectionT: nowaday

30、s there are more disasters than before. One of the reasons is that we pay more attention to our economy development than the earth we live.Look at these pictures. What can we students do to save the earth?T: Though the disasters destroy buildings, peoples lives, but it can not destroy the love among

31、 us.Step 5 Homework1. Find more news reports about earthquake.2. Write a piece of news about Tangshan. You can use the information in the passage.Period 3 News WritingTeaching aims:1. Get students to learn how to write news;2. Train students the ability to cooperate with each other and to search for

32、 information;3. Learn more about Tangshan earthquake and honor the people of Tangshan.Teaching difficulties:1. How to make students learn writing in a more practical and effective way;2. How to help students understand the tips for writing.Teaching procedure:Step 1: Lead-in-The 30th anniversary of T

33、angshan earthquake (news)T: We have learnt the Tangshan earthquake. When did it happen? How many people died during the earthquake?Step 2: Presentation of students news writing (homework of last class) -point out the mistakes in news writing according to three aspectsT: You have finished the news wr

34、iting of Tangshan earthquake, and now its time for you to show your project. Others have to point out the mistakes in his or her writing according to three aspects. -Three aspects: headline; content and languageT: What do you think of his or her writing? Is it a proper news writing? What have you do

35、ne before your writing?Step 3: Tips for writing1. Preparation - an outlinePreparation: Choose a topic; decide what you want to say about the topic; Organize your ideas and write clearly. Outline: A headline; a list of main ideas; A list of important details2. Headline Appreciation of headlinesNew bu

36、siness regulations; New tax on housing sales A Night the Earth didnt Sleep;Cyclists Ready to Go on the Road for Blind Kids;China Marks 30th Anniversary of Tangshan Earthquake;Does Beijing snack change its flavor?Memories of quake die hard for Tangshan survivors;Chao Chien-ming released. characterist

37、ics of headlinesQ: whats the characteristic of headlines? practice - write headlines for the following news according to the picture and information given Flood relief efforts-The death toll on the Chinese mainland from Typhoon Kaemi has risen to 32, with at least 65 still missing. Local governments

38、 are sparing no efforts to carry out relief work. PLA celebrates 79th birthday-The Chinese People's Liberation Army is 79 years old, and the Defense Ministry has held a reception to celebrate. Quake hits Indonesian island-A moderate earthquake has struck near Indonesia's Nias island off nort

39、hern Sumatra. The quake, with a magnitude of 5.6 struck just before 8.30 am, and was centered under the Indian Ocean, about 55 kilometers northwest of the main town on the island, Gunung Sitoli. Railway's impact on Tibetans-The Railway brings the remote Qinghai-Tibet plateau closer to the rest o

40、f the world. With people able to move in and out of the region more easily and the economic benefits the railway brings, the lives of Tibetans will never be the same again.3. Content - How to organize your content of news Tips-Be clear of the content you want to mention; List your ideas; Write the m

41、ost important thing in the beginning and the less ones in the following Practice-write the beginning of news according to the information and picture givenA woman;rifts on the wall;earthquake measuring 5.1degrees;Wen'an County, north China's Hebei Province;11:56 a.m. Tuesday, July 4, 2006; t

42、he quakes epicenter -about 110 kilometers from Beijing and 80 kilometers from Tianjin;casualty not knownA woman points at the rifts on the wall of a village school after an earthquake measuring 5.1 degrees on the Richter scale jolted Wen'an County, north China's Hebei Province at 11:56

43、a.m. (Beijing Time) Tuesday, July 4, 2006. The quake was a shallow-focus one, with its epicenter being around 110 kilometers from Beijing and about 80 kilometers from Tianjin. No casualty was reported at press time.Special plane landed;Beijing Wednesday morning (8.2);the body of Chinese UN observerD

44、u Zhaoyu killed last week during Israel's air raid on Lebanon;Du's coffin covered with Chinese and UN flags; Eight Chinese soldiers.Chinese UN Observer'sCoffin Sent HomeSpecial plane landed in Beijing Wednesday morning, carrying home the body of Chinese UN observer Du Zhaoyu, who was kil

45、led last week during Israel's air raid on Lebanon. Du's coffin, covered with Chinese and UN flags, was carried down the plane by eight Chinese soldiers.4. Language Tips-clear; objective; brief; accurate; written EnglishStep 4: Appreciation of news Radio-VOA news: “Aid for tsunami victims” Ne

46、ws report-“Tangshan Quake 30th Anniversary” Step 5: Improvement of students writing -Improve your news writing about Tangshan earthquake Period 4 Using Language-Reading, writing and speakingTeaching Aims:1. Enable the students to make a speech 2. Let the students enjoy some famous speechesTeaching I

47、mportant and Difficult Points:1. Review something about disasters2. How to make a speech Teaching Methods:1. Individual work2. group workTeaching Aids: Computer, blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step 1 Lead-in(Teacher shows a series of pictures of some disasters on the screen, let the students talk abo

48、ut their feelings or anything they feel about the pictures.)(The pictures are: fire, hurricane, typhoon, tsunami, earthquake)T: In this unit, we learn a lot about disasters. We know disaster is not a good thing to us. We often feel sad or sorry if a disaster happens. T: Right now, you have just seen

49、 some of the disasters. Do you feel worried about these refugees? Ss: Yes.Step 2 Discussion T: Yes, everybody will feel sorry for them. But who is the most worried people when a disaster happens? Ss: families and friends / government and president / .T: Suppose, there is an earthquake happen somewhe

50、re in China, and you have a friend happens to be there. You are very worried. What will you do when you hear that an earthquake happens there? (Let the students discuss with their partner) Ss: I will feel very worried. I will make sure my friend is Ok as soon as possible. I will make a call to see i

51、f he is Ok. T: Again, suppose you are a president of a country, and an earthquake happens in your country. What will you do? Ss: It is my duty to comfort the refugees and the society. So first I will make a live speech to the whole country, telling my people that I know it and I will try my best to

52、organize the rescue work and the rebuilding work after the earthquake.T: Yes, you are very clever. In fact, a real president will do just as you said - to make a speech. Now just lets listen to a real speech made by President Bush after a big earthquake hit India on the first day of New Year.(Play t

53、he tape record for the students)Step 3 SpeechT: Right now weve just listened to a speech made by President Bush. Do you know something about how to make a speech? Can you tell me when should we make a speech? Ss: a speech competition / election / the beginning of a new year / the opening of some activity / anniversary.T: Yes, people need to make speeches at those times. Then do you know how to make a speech? What should we contain when we make a speech? Ss: Introduction: Give a strong first impression & pre


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