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1、16種英語時態(tài)總結歸納時態(tài)(Tense)是表示行為、動作與狀態(tài)在各種時間條件下的動詞形式。因此,當我們說時態(tài)結構的時候,指的是相應時態(tài)下的動詞形式。英語時態(tài)分為16種:一般現(xiàn)在、一般過去、一般將來、過去將來時,以及這四者的進行時、完成時與完成進行時。1. 一般現(xiàn)在時用法:A) 表示現(xiàn)在發(fā)生的動作、情況、狀態(tài)與特征。B) 習慣用語。 C) 經常性、習慣性動作。例:He always helps others. D) 客觀事實與普遍真理。尤其要注意,如果前后文不是一般現(xiàn)在時,則無法保持 主句、從句時態(tài)一致。E) 表示一個按規(guī)定、計劃或安排要發(fā)生的動作,(僅限于某些表示“來、去、動 、停、開始、結束

2、、繼續(xù)”等的動詞 )可以與表示未來時間的狀語搭配使用 。常見的用法是:飛機、火車、輪船、汽車等定期定點運行的交通方式。例:The next train leaves at 3 oclock this afternoon. How often does this shuttle bus run? F) 在時間與條件狀語從句里經常用一般現(xiàn)在(有時也用現(xiàn)在完成時)表示將來事 情。例:When you have finished the report, I will have waited for about 3 hours.2. 現(xiàn)在進行時(be doing)用法:現(xiàn)在正在進行的動作。3. 現(xiàn)在完成

3、時(have done)用法:A) 表示動作到現(xiàn)在為止已經完成或剛剛完成。例:I bought a new house, but I _ my old one yet, so at the moment I have two houses.A) didnt sell B) sold C) havent sold D) would sellB) 表示從過去某時刻開始,持續(xù)到現(xiàn)在的動作或情況,并且有可能會繼續(xù)延續(xù)下去。此時經常用延續(xù)性動詞。時間狀語常用since加一個過去的時間點,或for 加一段時間,或by加一個現(xiàn)在時間。例:Great as Newton was, many of his id

4、eas _ today and are being modified by the work of scientists of our time.A) are to challenge C) have been challengedB) may be challenged D) are challengingC) 表示發(fā)生在過去,但對現(xiàn)在仍有影響的動作或情況。通常用點動詞,如:arrive, begin, find, give, lose等。例:John has broken his left leg.(約翰摔斷了左腿。)注意事項A) 現(xiàn)在完成時是聯(lián)系過去與現(xiàn)在的紐帶?,F(xiàn)在完成時與過去時的區(qū)別

5、在于:現(xiàn)在完成時強調動作的動態(tài),或受動態(tài)的影響,是動態(tài)的結果,對現(xiàn)在有影響;過去時只表示過去的某個具體時間里發(fā)生的動作,與現(xiàn)在沒有聯(lián)系。例:He worked in that hospital for 8 years. He has worked in that hospital for 8 years.B) 因為含有for加一段時間或since加一個時間點這樣的時間狀語的完成時,有動態(tài)與延續(xù)性的特點,所以不能使用終端動詞或瞬間動詞。例:My sister has been married for 5 years. My sister has married. Dont disturb her

6、.(終端動詞)C) 在this is the first/ second/ third time that句型里要求用完成時。例:This is the second time that the products of our company have been shown in the International Exhibition.D) 句型It is/ has beensince所使用的兩種時態(tài)都正確。例:It is/ has been 10 years since I last saw him.E) 在no sooner than、hardly/ scarcely when、befo

7、re、prior to等句型中,主句要求完成時。例:I havent met that professor prior to today.4. 現(xiàn)在完成進行時(have been doing)用法:表示某一動作開始于過去某一時間,延續(xù)或重復地出現(xiàn)至今,或將繼續(xù)延續(xù)至將來。例:We have been working on this project for over a month now.注意事項:與現(xiàn)在完成時相比,現(xiàn)在完成進行時更強調:在從過去到現(xiàn)在的時間里,動作或狀態(tài)一直持續(xù)或一直反復出現(xiàn)。例:1997年6月四級第45 題It seems oil _ from this pipe for

8、some time. Well have to take the machine apart to put it right.A) had leaked B) is leakingC) leaked D) has been leaking5. 一般過去時用法:A) 表示過去某個時間發(fā)生的動作或情況。B) 表示過去習慣性動作。特別是由would/ used to do表達的句型,本身表示的 就是過去時。例:The old man would sit on a bench in the quiet park and look at others for hours without doing an

9、ything or talking to anybody.He used to visit his mother once a week. C) 有時可代替一般現(xiàn)在時,表達一種婉轉、客氣、禮貌、商量的語氣。例:I wanted to ask you if I could borrow your car?Would you mind my sitting here?注意事項:A) 注意時間狀語的搭配。一般過去時的時間狀語應該是表示過去某個時間的詞或詞組,如:yesterday, last month, in 1999, two days ago等,絕對不可與recently, in the pa

10、st 10 years, this month等連用,因為這樣的時間狀語都與現(xiàn)在有關系,應該用現(xiàn)在完成時或一般現(xiàn)在時。B) used to do的否定形式與疑問形式很特別:你怎么寫都正確。以否定形式為例:used not to do, didnt used to do, didnt use to do都對。Used to do經常與 be used to doing sth/ sth結構進行對比。前者表示過去常?;蜻^去曾經,要求加動詞原形;后者表示習慣于,要求加名詞或動名詞。6. 過去完成時(had done)用法:表示在過去的某個時間或動作以前已經發(fā)生的動作或已經存在的狀態(tài)。就是我們常說的:

11、表示過去的過去的動作或狀態(tài)。Until then, his family _ from him for six months.A) didnt hear C) hasnt heard B) hasnt been hearing D) hadnt heard例:There had been some one in our room just now, because I noticed a burning cigarette end on the floor when we opened the front door.分析:雖然時間狀語是just now,似乎應該使用一般過去時,但是“在房間里”

12、這個狀態(tài)是在開門與注意這兩個過去的動作之前就存在的,所以應該用過去完成時。7. 過去將來時(would/ should do)用法:表示從過去的某個時間看將要發(fā)生的事。例:I said on Thursday I should see my friend the next day.注意事項:由于過去將來時是由過去時與將來時組合而成的,所以其注意事項可以參考過去時與將來時的相關注意事項。8. 過去進行時(was/ were doing)用法:A) 表示在過去一個比較具體的時間正在發(fā)生的動作。例:Mary was listening to light music 10 minutes ago.B)

13、 如果when, while這樣的時間狀語引導詞所引導的主從句之一是一般過去時,則另一個句子常用過去進行時。例:I was washing my hair when you knocked at the front door.注意事項:其它與將來時有關的事項請參見下面所講的一般將來時。過去進行時用法五大注意事項一、注意過去進行的基本用法過去進行時主要表示過去某一時間正在進行的動作。如:He fell asleep when he was reading. We were expecting you yesterday. He was playing while I was studying.

14、二、注意過去進行時表示現(xiàn)在的用法用過去進行時表示現(xiàn)在,主要是為了使語氣委婉、客氣。如:I was wondering if you could give me a lift. We were hoping you would stay with us.How much did you want to spend, sir? 注:一般過去時也有類似用法,但比較而言,用過去進行時顯得更客氣,更不肯定。三、注意過去進行時表示感情的色彩與現(xiàn)在進行時相似,過去進行時也可表示滿意、稱贊、驚訝、厭惡等感情的色彩,也通常與 always, forever, continually等副詞連用。如:They we

15、re always quarrelling. The boy was continually asking questions. 四、注意動詞be的過去進行時動詞be的進行時也可表示過去一時的表現(xiàn)或暫時的狀態(tài)。比較:He was friendly. He was being friendly. 五、注意過去進行時與一般過去時的區(qū)別兩者的基本差別是過去進行時通常表示一個過去正在進行且尚未完成的動作,而一般過去時則通常表示一個過去已經完成的動作。如:I was reading a book last night. I read a book last night. They were buildi

16、ng a bridge there. They built a bridge there. 注:有些動詞(如rain, snow, cough, wear, feel, work等)本身并不表示動作完成,這時用兩種時態(tài)都可以,且含義區(qū)別不大: It rained was raining all day yesterday. She didnt feel wasnt feeling well that day. 9. 一般將來時用法:A) 基本結構是will / shall do。例:We shall send her a glass hand-made craft as her birthda

17、y gift.B) 有些動詞,如:arrive, be close, come, do, done, go, have, leave, open, play, return, sleep, start, stay等,用于一般進行時,并且通常與一個表示將來時間的時間狀語連用,可以表示將來時。例:My mother is coming to visit me next week and is staying here until May.C) 表示“打算去,要”時,可用be going to do。例:This is just what I am going to say.D) 表示“即將、正要”

18、時,可用be about to do。強調近期內或馬上要做的事。例:Dont worry, I am about to make a close examination on you.E) be to do的5種用法:a) 表示“按計劃、安排即將發(fā)生某事或打算做某事”。例:She is to be seen in the lab on Monday.(星期一你準會在實驗室見到她。)b) 該做或不該做的事情(語氣上接近于should, must, ought to, have to),表示一種命令、規(guī)勸性語氣。例:You are to go to bed and keep quiet, kids

19、. Our guests are arriving in less than 5 minutes.c) 能或不能發(fā)生的事情(接近can, may)例:How am I to pay such a debt?d) 不可避免將要發(fā)生的事情,后來將要發(fā)生的事情。例:I assure you that the matter _ as quickly as possible. Have a little patience.A. will be attended B. will be attended toC. is attended D. is attended toe) 用于條件從句“如果想,設想”(

20、接近if want to,或if should)例:Greater efforts to increase agricultural production must be made if food shortage _ avoided.A) is to be B) can be C) will be D) has beenF) 同樣可以表示“正要、將要”的意思的句型是be on the point of doing。例:The coach is on the point of giving up the game because our team has been scored 7 point

21、s.例:1999年6月四級第65題I was _ the point of telephoning him when his letter arrived.A) in B) to C) at D) on注意事項:在以if, when, as long as, as soon as, after, before, in case, until, unless等連詞以及具有連詞作用的副詞(immediately, the moment, directly)等引導的狀語從句,一般用現(xiàn)在時代替將來時。強調延續(xù)性或動態(tài)時,可用完成時。例:I hope his health will have impro

22、ved by the time you come back next year.(我希望到明年你回來的時候,他的身體已經好多了。)10. 將來進行時(will be doing)用法:強調在將來的某個具體時間正在發(fā)生的動作或事情。例:Dont worry, you wont miss her. She will be wearing a red T-shirt and a white skirt at that time.(別擔心,你不會認不出她的。她到時會穿一件紅色的T恤衫與一條白色的短裙。)注意事項:由于本時態(tài)是由將來時與進行時融合在一起的,所以關于本時態(tài)的注意事項,可參考一般將來時與現(xiàn)在

23、進行時的有關注意事項。11. 將來完成時(will have done)用法:表示從將來的某一時間開始、延續(xù)到另一個將來時間的動作或狀態(tài),或是發(fā)生在某個將來時間,但對其后的另一個將來時間有影響的動作或狀態(tài)。就好象把現(xiàn)在完成時平移到時間軸的將來時時段一樣。其用法從與過去及現(xiàn)在有關,變成了與將來及將來的將來有關。例:1997年1月四級第22題The conference _ a full week by the time it ends.A) must have lasted B) will have lasted C) would last D) has lasted注意事項:由于本時態(tài)是由將來

24、時與完成時融合在一起的,所以關于本時態(tài)的注意事項,可以參考“一般將來時”與“現(xiàn)在完成時”的有關注意事項。12)將來完成進行時:shall have been doing ,will have been doing例:By the end of next month, the project will have been being worked for 3 years. 13)過去完成進行時:had been doing例:The old clock had been being taken apart of and fixed up again for several times by my

25、 10-year old son before I came back home. 14) 過去將來進行時:should be doing , would be doing例:The government promised that a new highway would be being built next July.15) 過去將來完成時:should have done , would have done例:I believed by the end of that year an advanced version of that software would have been de

26、veloped, but I was wrong.16) 過去將來完成進行時:should have been doing , would have been doing例:They said that by the end of the following month, the project would have been being worked for 3 years. 時態(tài)是初中英語語法難點,也是中考的重要考點,其考點主要集中在以下幾個方面:【考點1】一般現(xiàn)在時的用法考查一般現(xiàn)在時主要有如下幾點用法:1、經常性或習慣性的動作。例如:It seldom snows in Suqian

27、now. 2、現(xiàn)在的特征或狀態(tài)。例如:He loves sports. 3、普遍真理,一般規(guī)律。例如:Light travels faster than sound./ Fish soon goes bad in hot weather. 4、可以用來表示一個按規(guī)定,計劃,安排或時刻表要發(fā)生的情況,一般都有一個表示未來時間的狀語。通常用來表示學期什么時候要開學、結束;飛機、火車、汽車、船只等交通工具什么時候要到達,什么時候要離開等時刻表上已有安排的活動。動詞一般限于少數(shù)幾個,如:begin, start, stop, arrive, come, go, leave, return, open,

28、 close, be等。例如:My plane leaves at 11 a.m. tomorrow./ School begins the day after tomorrow. 5、在if, when, as soon as, until, after, before等連接詞引導的時間或條件狀語從句中,從句中謂語動詞要用一般現(xiàn)在時,主句要用將來時。例如:Turn off the light before you leave./ We will start as soon as you are ready.關于一般現(xiàn)在時應注意以下幾點:a. 在間接引語中,如果轉述的是客觀真理,一般規(guī)律,諺語

29、俗語,一般現(xiàn)在時時態(tài)保持不變。例如:He said the earth is round. b. if引導的條件狀語從句中用一般現(xiàn)在時表示將來的情況;但if作為是否意思時,其引導的賓語從句如果表示將來的情況則用一般將來時。When作為當、時候,引導狀語從句時,從句用一般現(xiàn)在時表示將來的情況,如:When he comes, I will let you know;如果引導的是賓語從句,表示什么時候,則將來的情況仍然用一般將來時,如:I dont know when he will visit me. c. 一些時間副詞如seldom, usually, sometimes, often, ne

30、ver, every day等既可以用于過去時,也可以用于一般現(xiàn)在時。要注意區(qū)分。例如:He often goes swimming. / He often went swimming in 1999.【中考鏈接】1.Mum, _ shall we have lunch?We will have it when your dad_.(2007年連云港)A. when; returns B. where; returns C. where; will return D. when; will return2.Tomorrow will be Fathers Day. What will you

31、do for your father?I will say I love you, Daddy as soon as he _ up. (2007年南通)A. will wake B. is waking C. wakes D. woke3. Our teacher said light_ faster than sound. (2007年宿遷)A. travelled B. has travelled C. is travelling D. travels4.Lets go fishing if it _ this weekend. But nobody knows if it_.(2006

32、年揚州)A. is fine, will rain B. will be fine, rains C. is fine, rains D. will be fine, will rain5.Is your father a doctor? Yes, he is. He_ in Town Hospital. (2006年武漢)A. has worked B. had worked C. works D. worked【考點2】現(xiàn)在進行時的用法考查現(xiàn)在進行時主要有以下用法:1、表示現(xiàn)在或現(xiàn)在這一階段正在進行的動作。常見的時間狀語:right now, at present, at the mome

33、nt, now.常見的標志性動詞如:look, listen等。例如:Someone is asking for you on the phone. 2、表示一個在最近按計劃或安排要進行的動作。多有一個表示未來時間的狀語。這種情況僅限于少量動詞,如:go, come, leave, start, arrive, work, have, stay, play, return等。例如:-Tom, supper is ready. Come quickly. -OK. Im coming.注意:表示狀態(tài)與感覺的動詞如果指現(xiàn)在情況的話,一般不用于進行時,而要用一般現(xiàn)在時。這樣的動詞有:love, li

34、ke, hate, want, hope, need, wish, know, understand, remember, belong, hear, see, seem, have(有), sound(聽起來), taste(嘗起來)等。【中考鏈接】1.Wheres your mother, Helen?She_ the flowers in the garden. (2007年鎮(zhèn)江)A. waters B. watered C. is watering D. has watered2.Hurry up! Its time to leave. -OK, _.(2006年孝感)A. Im co

35、ming B. Ill come C. Ive come D. I come3.Shall we invite Tom to play football now?Oh, no. He his clothes.(2006年瀘州)A. is washing B. washes C. has washed D. washed【考點3】一般過去時的用法考查一般過去時主要有以下用法:1、表示過去某時發(fā)生的動作或情況(包括習慣性動作)。常見的時間狀語有:yesterday, last night/week, a month ago/ ten years ago與具體的過去時間in 1990, in 200

36、6等。例如:She often came to help me when I was in trouble. 2、發(fā)生的時間不是很清楚,但實際上是過去發(fā)生的。例如:How nice to see you here! I thought you were out.要注意區(qū)分一般過去時與過去進行時。一般過去時表示過去發(fā)生的事情,側重結果;而過去進行時只表示過去某段時間正在進行的動作,而不涉及結果。例如:He was writing a letter last night.(不知道是否寫完了) / He wrote a letter last night. (結果寫完了)【中考鏈接】1. Simon

37、_ his fingers when he was cooking the dinner. (2007年鹽城)A. burnt B. was burning C. has burnt D. had burnt2.Im sorry you have missed the bus. It_ five minutes ago.What a pity! (2006年徐州)A. was leaving B. has left C. left D. leaves3.Mr. Johnson, we have found your watch.My watch!Thank you. Where_ it?(20

38、06年紹興)A. do you find B. have you found C. did you find D. were you finding【考點4】過去進行時的用法考查過去進行時主要有以下用法: 1、談論過去的某個時刻或某段時間正在進行的事。例如:I was reading the newspaper at 6.30 this morning. 2、當過去某一件事情發(fā)生時,另外一個動作正在進行。此時,延續(xù)性動詞用過去進行時,瞬間動詞用一般過去時。例如:The earthquake started while I was doing some shopping. 3、可以表示從過去某個

39、時候看來將要發(fā)生的事。例如:When his son arrived, the old man was dying.【中考鏈接】1.I came to your home yesterday afternoon, but nobody was in.Oh, we_ some shopping in the supermarket.(2007年南通)A. have done B. did C. were doing D. are doing2.What do you think of the colour of my new dress?Sorry, but what did you say?

40、I_ about something else. (2007年揚州)A. think B. thought C. am thinking D. was thinking3. I _my homework while my parents TV last night.(2006年南京)A. did; have watched B. was doing; were watchingC. had done; were watching D. would do; were watching【考點5】現(xiàn)在完成時的用法考查現(xiàn)在完成時主要有以下用法:1、談論開始于過去某個時候而且持續(xù)到現(xiàn)在的一個動作。例如:

41、Eddie has lived with Millie since he was born. 2、談論過去發(fā)生的動作,并且與現(xiàn)在存在聯(lián)系。即過去的某個動作對現(xiàn)在產生影響。Eddie has eaten my food. (Eddie ate the food and now Hobo has nothing to eat.) 但是如果單純談一個過去的動作,不涉及它對現(xiàn)在的影響時,通常用一般過去時。現(xiàn)在完成時常見的時間狀語有:for+一段時間;since+過去的某個時間;so far, yet, recently, over/in the last/past +一段時間;(once, twice

42、, )threetimes, never, ever, up to now, these days例如:I havent seen him these days./ Have you ever seen each other before?【中考鏈接】1Hello,this is Lily speakingCould I speak to Mr. Black?SorryHe_ the Xuanwu Lake Park(2007年南京)A. has been to B. went to C. has gone to D. will go to2.Would you like to see the

43、 film with me?Im sorry I _it twice. (2007年北京)A. see B. will see C. have seen D. am seeing3. In the past few years there great changes in my hometown.(2007年天津)A. have been B. were C. had been D. are4.Kitty, will you go to see the film -Cold Mountain this evening?No, I wont. I it already. (2006年南京)A.

44、saw B. have seen C. see D. will see【考點6】過去完成時的用法考查過去完成時表示過去某個行為或某件事發(fā)生之前就已經發(fā)生的動作或情況。例如:Hepburn had been a model before she became a Hollywood superstar.【中考鏈接】1.Did you see Mr. Chen yesterday afternoon?No. When I got to school, he_ already. (2006年揚州)A. left B. has left C. was leaving D. had left【考點7】將

45、來時的用法考查表示將來時態(tài)的結構很多。主要有以下幾類:1、be going to do表示計劃, 打算做某事,例如:Im going to visit my grandparents next Friday evening.也可以表示根據(jù)目前情況很可能要發(fā)生的事。例如:Its cloudy. Its going to rain. 2、一般現(xiàn)在時,可以用來表示一個按規(guī)定,計劃,安排或時刻表要發(fā)生的情況,一般都有一個表示未來時間的狀語。例如:My cousin finishes school next year. 3、現(xiàn)在進行時可以表示一個在最近按計劃或安排要進行的動作。例如:Are you go

46、ing to the wetlands photo show next week? 4、一般將來時,will/ shall do.,在第一人稱I/ We的句子中,可以用shall引導;各種人稱都可以用will表示一般將來時。注意:1、時間,條件狀語從句中,從句一般用一般現(xiàn)在時表示將來,而主句要用一般將來時。例如:I will go shopping when I am free. 2、臨時決定要做某事通常用一般將來時。例如:-Tom is ill in hospital. -Oh, Im sorry to hear that. I will go and see him. 3、將來時態(tài)常見的時

47、間狀語有:常見的時間狀語:next Tuesday, next week, the coming Sunday, this afternoon, tomorrow, tonight等?!局锌兼溄印?.Ann is in hospital.Yes, I know. I_ her tomorrow. (2007年鹽城)A. visit B. used to visit C. will visit D. am going to visit2. Mr. Smith_ a talk on country music next Monday. (2007年北京)A. give B. gave C. has

48、 given D. will give3.Youve left the light onOh, sorry_and turn it off(2006年泰州)A. Ive gone B. I11 go C. I went D. Im going4.Joan, you are late! -Sorry, I _ next time. (2006年浙江)A. dont B. wont C. am not D. havent中考英語如何判斷動詞時態(tài)的技巧一、根據(jù)時間狀語與時態(tài)的對應關系 動詞特定的時態(tài)常常與特定的時間狀語聯(lián)系在一起,如由this time yesterday可知用過去進行時;由so f

49、ar, in the past three years, till now可知要用完成時,等等。At this time tomorrow _ over the Atlantic.A. were going to fly B. well be flying C. well fly D. were to fly二、固定句型與動詞時態(tài)間的對應關系在英語中,不少句型與一些動詞在時態(tài)的運用方面都存在著特定的對應關系,如(1) 在“祈使句+and/or+陳述句”句型中,陳述句中用will表示的一般將來時;(2) 在This/That/It is the second time that句型中用現(xiàn)在完成時

50、,若is改為was,就用過去完成時;(3) 在no soonerthan與hardlywhen句型中,前面常用過去完成時,when/than后的句子用一般過去時;(4) was/were about to dowhen或was/were doingwhen或was/were on the point of doingwhen句型中,when分句的謂語動詞用一般過時;(5) 在一個含有時間狀語從句的主從復合句中,如果主從句的謂語動詞都是過去發(fā)生的動作,一般來說,表示短暫性動作的動詞用一般過去時,表示持續(xù)性動作的動詞用過去進行時;等等。Lets keep to the point or we _

51、any decisions.A. will never reach B. have never reached C. never reach D. never reached解析:這是“祈使句+or +陳述句”句型,陳述句的謂語要用“will+動詞原形”,故選A三、根據(jù)某些動詞與時態(tài)的對應關系在英語里有些動詞與時態(tài)有著特定的對應關系,如see(看見),hear(聽見),find(找到) 等都不可用于進行時態(tài);work表示機器不能正常運行、運轉時,常用一般現(xiàn)在時的否定式;open, close, lock等詞表示門、窗等不能正常關、開、鎖的意思時,常用wont open /close /lock

52、等,這時它們是以主動形式表示被動意義。Can I help you, sir?Yes. I bought this radio here yesterday, but it _.A. didnt workB. wont work C. cant work D. doesnt work四、根據(jù)上下語境來確定時態(tài)在絕大多數(shù)情況下,動詞的時態(tài)是由上下文來決定的,這就要求我們一方面要熟記各種時態(tài)的適用范圍,另一方面要求我們注意上下文的提示。 Is this raincoat yours? No, mine _ there behind the door.A. is hanging B. has hun

53、g C. hangs D. hung名師指點:一般現(xiàn)在時表將來的規(guī)律一、“主將從現(xiàn)”原則當主句為將來時態(tài)或表示將來意義時,時間與條件的狀語從句必須用一般現(xiàn)在時表將來:Ill write to her when I have time. Turn off the lights before you leave. If we hurry, we may catch the bus. Tell me in case you get into difficulty. 【注】 除表示時間與條件的狀語從句外,表示讓步、相似、比例的從句也必須用一般現(xiàn)在時表將來:Ill follow him wherever

54、 he goes. Whatever you say, I wont pay. Whether we help him or not, he will fail. Ill have a good time whether I win or lose. The more you eat, the fatter you will become. 另外,當主句為用將來時態(tài)時,定語從句也通常用一般現(xiàn)在時表將來:Ill give you anything you ask for. You can have anything I find.Everyone who comes first will get

55、 a present. 二、簡化原則按照英語習慣,一個句子中若主要動詞已經表明了所談論動作的時間,那么與之相關的其他動詞就不必再次指明同一時間,而往往使用一個比較簡單的時態(tài),如用一般現(xiàn)在時表示一般將來時等。比較:This discovery means that we will spend less on food.This discovery will mean that we spend less on food. 三、幾種值得注意的情況在make sure(弄清楚),make certain(弄清楚),take care(注意,當心),be careful(注意,當心),mind(注意),


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