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1、名詞一、不可數(shù)名詞食物類:bread面包 meat 肉 pork 豬肉 beef牛肉 mutton 羊肉 chicken 雞肉 rice米飯飲料:milk牛奶 water水juice 果汁 coffee 咖啡二、可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)形式的變化規(guī)則1. 一般情況下,直接加-s,如:book-books書, bag-bags書包, cat-cats貓, boy-boys男孩2. 以s. x. sh. ch結(jié)尾,加-es,如:bus-buses公共汽車, box-boxes盒子, watch-watches手表3. 以“輔音字母+y”結(jié)尾,變y為i, 再加-es,如:family-families家庭, s

2、trawberry-strawberries草莓4. 以“f或fe”結(jié)尾,變f或fe為v, 再加-es,如:knife-knives小刀 leaf-leaves葉子三、不規(guī)則名詞復(fù)數(shù):1改變中間元音字母 man-men男人woman-women女人foot-feet腳 mouse-mice老鼠policeman-policeme男警察policewoman-policewomen女警察 tooth-teeth牙齒2. 詞尾加er child-children孩子3.單復(fù)數(shù)形式相同 people-people人們 Chinese-Chinese中國人 deer-deer 梅花鹿 sheep-sh

3、eep綿羊fish-fish魚【名詞復(fù)數(shù)順口溜】名詞復(fù)數(shù)有規(guī)律,一般詞尾加s;輔音字母+y型,變y為i,es; ch,sh真有趣,s,x,es; f,fe真小氣,字母v來把它替,es在后別忘記; 字母o來真神奇,有生命來es,沒有生命+s.練習可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)特殊變化規(guī)律2:練練習一、 寫出下列單詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式1. foot 2.knife3.map 4.sheep 5.glass 6.woman 7.watch 8.photo 9.bed 10.leaf 11.baby 12.tomato 二、 選擇( )1、Amy has and on Mondays. A. fish; riceB. fish

4、es; rice C.a fish; rices( )2、My are white. A.sockB.sockesC.socks( )3、Are these your notebooks? No, theyre A.JohnB.JohnsC.Johns( )4、I like and . A. hamburgers; CokesB. hamburger; CokesC. hamburger; Coke( )5、We have and at noon. A.tomatoes; potatoesB. tomatoes; potatosC. tomatos; potatos三、用名詞的正確形式填空1.

5、 These ( tree ) are near my house.2. Do they have any ( toy) ? 3. It is (Lily) pen.4. June 1st is ( child ) Day.5. How many ( sheep ) are there on the farm?6. Please give me some ( juice ) , please.四、將下列名詞歸類school, apple, shirt, skirt, pencil, pear, sharpener, pear,jacket, tiger, library, peach, app

6、le, hat, ruler, cat, panda,pen,watermelon,pants, lion, deer, classroom1. pencil-case 2. banana 3. coat 4. fox 5. computer room 數(shù)詞 一、基數(shù)詞1 one 2 two3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight9 nine 10ten 11eleven 12twelve 13thirteen 14fourteen15fifteen 16sixteen 17seventeen 18eighteen19nineteen 20twen

7、ty 21twenty-one 22twenty-two23twenty-three 30thirty 32thirty-two 40forty 50fifty60sixty 70seventy 80eighty 90ninety 100one hundred二、序數(shù)詞 序數(shù)詞順口溜一二 三特殊記, th從四起.  怎么加?真好記!八加h,九減eve要用f替,ty變?yōu)閠ie若是碰到幾十幾,前用基來后用序。 解析口訣:one(一)first(第一), two(二)second(第二), three(三)third(第三)這三個詞變化特殊,要單獨記;eighteigh

8、th, nineninth, 八加h,九去e后再加-th; fivefifth, twelvetwelfth,五、十二把ve換成f再加-th;twentytwentieth, thirtythirtieth. 整十先把詞尾y改為ie再加-th。兩位數(shù)時則十位數(shù)用基數(shù)詞,個位數(shù)用序數(shù)詞,如:twenty-first。三、時刻表達法1、整點的表示法表示幾點鐘用基數(shù)詞加可以省略的o'clock5:00 讀作 five o'clock 或 five2、半點的表示法表示半點時,用“鐘點數(shù)+thirty”或“half+past+鐘點數(shù)”表示2:30 two thirty或half past

9、 two 8:30 eight thirty 或half past eight3、“幾點幾分”的表示法(1)用“鐘點數(shù)+分鐘數(shù)”表示7:10 seven ten 9:40 nine forty (2) 分鐘數(shù)在30分鐘以內(nèi),用“分鐘數(shù)+past+鐘點數(shù)”表示,意為“幾點過幾分”。7:20 twenty past seven 10:15 fifteen past ten或a quarter to ten(3) 分鐘數(shù)超過30分鐘,用“(60減分鐘數(shù))+to+下一個鐘點數(shù)”表示,意為“差幾點分”。11:50(離12點還差十分)ten to twelve 2:45(離三點還差15分) fifteen

10、 to three或a quarter to three練習1翻譯下列短語1、六支鉛筆 2、six to six 3、十五個蘋果 4、twenty past nine 5、七輛公共汽車 6、ten to eleven 7、第三層樓 8、12點鐘 9、fifteen to seven 10、第二個房間 11、ten red oranges 12、 3:55 填空1、seven+ =eleven 2、 +two= five 3、 -nine=thirteen4、twelve+ eight= 5、three×three= 6、ten÷ =two 7、eighty- fifteen

11、= 8、thirty÷ =five 介詞短語in the morning在早上,在上午 in the afternoon 在下午 in the evening 在晚上in English 用英語 in a red dress 穿著一件紅色的裙子 in the room在房間里in China 在中國 in May在五月 in spring在春天 in summer 在夏天 in fall 在秋天in winter 在冬天 in the river 在河里in front of 在的前面 in the middle 在中間 stay in bed 臥床休息 at home 在家里 at

12、 school在學校at three 在三點 at work 在工作 at night 在夜晚 at noon 在中午 look at 看到on Monday 在星期一 on the desk 在桌子上 on Saturday morning 在星期六上午get on上車 put on 穿上 on holiday 在假期 on duty 值日 on the left 在左邊 on the right 在右邊 on foot 步行 on the lake 在湖里go to school 上學 go to work 上班 go to bed 睡覺 listen to 聽(講話) speak to對

13、講話 get to 到達 next to 與相鄰 by bike 乘自行車 by plane 乘飛機 by car 乘小車 by taxi 乘出租車 by ship 乘輪船 by train 乘火車 by subway 乘地鐵stay with 與呆在一起 work with與工作 play with 與玩耍練習一、選擇( )1、Where did you go your holiday?A.toB.forC.on( )2、Look the boy. Hes playing with his pet cat.A.inB.onC.at( )3、Thank you helping me.A.toB

14、.forC.with( )4、There is window the wall.A.inB.onC.of( )5、Usually I go to school foot.A.byB.forC.on( )6、Im sorry hear that. A.toB.atC.with( )7、I visited my grandparents my parents last weekend.A.andB.toC.with( )8、What do you do the weekend?A. by B.inC.on( )9、I can play the snow.A.withB.onC.to( )10、Wh

15、ose birthday is June? A.byB.inC.on二、選詞填空on, at, to, with, by, in, for, 1.My birthday is June 15th.2.He goes to school 8 oclock.3.Its time supper.4.Its time have dinner.5.There is a door the wall.6.Look! The bird is flying the sky.7.I went to Shanghai train.8.This is a picture my family.9.Wha do you

16、have lunch today?10.I can play snow the winter.三、翻譯1. 上學 2. 在左邊 3. 與相鄰 4. 在家里 5. 乘火車 6. on holiday 7.listen to music 8. in the river 9. work with 10. on Sunday morning 11. in Canada Be動詞及人稱代詞的用法我用am,你用are,is連著他,她,它; 單數(shù)名詞用is,復(fù)數(shù)名詞全用are. 變疑問,往前提,句末問號莫丟棄 變否定,更容易,be后not莫忘記 疑問否定任你變,句首大寫莫遲疑 陳述句一般疑問句人稱代詞(主格

17、)Be 動詞 其它一般疑問句肯定回答否定回答Iam a student.Are you a student?Yes, I am. No, Im not. You are a teacher.Am I a student?Yes, you are.No, you arent. He is an engineer.Is he an engineer?Yes, he is.No, he isnt. She is aTV reporter.Is she a TV reporter?Yes, she is.No, she isnt. It is on the desk.Is it on the desk

18、?Yes, it is.No, it isnt. We are sisters.Are you workers?Yes, we are.No, we arent. They are monkeys.Are they monkeys?Yes, they are.No, they arent.陳述句】的否定形式: 表示某一否定意思。句中一定有not。 有三種可能:be動詞(am、is、are、was、were)+not、情態(tài)動詞(can、must、should)+ not、助動詞(do、does、did) + not如何將一個肯定的陳述句改為否定句: 1、直接在be動詞后+ not。 2、直接在情

19、態(tài)動詞后+ not。 3、如上述二者都沒有,就應(yīng)用助動詞+ not。分三個步驟: (1)確定助動詞用do、does還是did,根據(jù)句中動詞,動詞是原形的助動詞就用do,動詞是第三人稱單數(shù)的助動詞就用does,動詞用過去式的助動詞就有did。 (2)在助動詞后加not。 (3)原句中動詞假如發(fā)生變化就要恢復(fù)成原形。 強調(diào)一點,有some的要考慮是否要用any。is not=isnt are not=arent can not=cant should not=shouldnt do not=dont does not=doesnt did not=didnt will not=wont were

20、not= werent was not= wasnt 【一般疑問句】表示疑問,一般回答只有兩種可能Yes,或No,句中沒有疑問詞。 1、be動詞(is, am,are, was, were)開頭。 2、看句中有無情態(tài)動詞,如有,把情態(tài)動詞提到句首即可。 3、如上述二者都沒有,就應(yīng)把助動提到句首。分四個步驟: (1)(2)確定助動詞用do、does還是did,根據(jù)句中動詞,動詞是原形的助動詞就用do,動詞是第三人稱單數(shù)的助動詞就用does,動詞用過去式的助動詞就有did。 (3)把助動詞提到句首。 (4)原句中動詞假如發(fā)生變化就要恢復(fù)成原形。there be 句型的用法there is + 不可

21、數(shù)名詞如:There is some bread in the bag.there is +a/an+可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)如:There is a bird in the tree.there are +some/ many +可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)如:There are many pandas in the mountains.there be句型有特點、主語放在be后面。主語單三用is,復(fù)數(shù)主語要用are。多個主語并列時、be隨最近主語變。變疑問很簡單、把be提到there前。變否定也不難、be的后面not添??隙ň渲杏胹ome、疑問否定any換一、選擇( )1. These my books.A.isB.

22、 amC. are( )2. Mary be back tomorrow.A.willB. willntC. dont( )3.She go to work on foot.A.dontB. isntC. doesnt( )4.There a table, a closet and a bed in the room.A.DoB. areC.is( )5.A:Is this your bedroom? B: A.Yes, it doesntB. Yes, it isntC. Yes , it is.( )6. A:Are you a teacher?. B: A. Yes, Im not.B.

23、 Yes, she is. C. Yes, I am.( )7. How he go to school? He to school by bus.A.does,goB. do, goesC. does, goes( )8.Miss Li and Mr Liu English teachers.A.areB. isC. Am( )9. you like some bread, please? A. CanB. MayC. Would( )10. A:Where they from? B:They come from America. A. do, comeB. does, comeC. do,

24、comes二根據(jù)要求填空1. 用am, is, 或are填空(1)I Mary. This my sister, Kate. She is twelve years old.(2)How you?(3)John a student, his father is a worker.(4)Lily and Lucy sisters. They in the same class.(5)My hobby collecting stamps, my brothers hobbies singing and dancing.2.用do, does, did填空。(1) your mother teach

25、 English?(2)How you do that?(3) you go shopping with your mother yesterday?(4) My parents go to work by bus? (5)How you go there? I went there by train.3用there is, there are, is there, are there填空(1) not any pandas in the forest.(2) some chicken in the plate.(3) Excuse me, a bathroom near here?(4) T

26、om , any apple trees in the garden?(5) a big closet, a new mirror and blue curtains in the room.(6) some trees and a lake in the park.三連詞成句1. teach, she, math, you, does(?) 2.eating, you, lunch, are (?) 3.going, visit, this, my, I, to, grandparents, am, weekend (.) 4.sweep, I, the, can , floor ( . )

27、 5. you, a, have, do, library ( ?) 6.birthday, in, Uncle Bills, June, is ( . ) 7. help, room, did, their, you, clean, them ( ? ) 8.fun, I, with, had, my, every, cousins, day ( . ) 【特殊疑問句】定義:表示疑問,有疑問詞(在開頭),回答有很多種可能。常用疑問詞: What什么、What colour 什么顏色When什么時候、Which哪一個、Who誰、Whose誰的、Why為什么、How多么,怎么樣、How old

28、幾歲、How many 多少、how much 多少錢,How about 怎么樣、How tall多高、 How heavy 多重、How long多長、How big多大、How large多大(練習一)在橫線上填上恰當?shù)囊蓡栐~1. do you go to school? -On foot.2. colour is the car? The car is red.3. cat is it? Its Lucys.4. is that old man? He is my grandpa.5. is the fish? Ten yuan.6. are you late? Because my

29、clock is broken.7. did they have a picnic? In the park.8. are your legs? 76cm.9. kites can you see? I can see 12.10. was your last trip? In June.(練習二)選擇恰當?shù)拇鹫Z( )1. What do you do on Sundays? A.Yes, I am.( )2. How much is your dress? B.They are in the park.( )3. Do you like cartoons? C.Yes, I do.( )4.

30、 Whose skirt is this? D.I usually read books.( )5. How is your mother? E.Its eighty yuan.( )6. Are you going to read? F. Its Lilys.( )7. Where are Mike and Ben? G. Shes fine.( )8. Can you speak Chinese? H.Yes, I did.( )9. Did you have a good time? I.Yes, it is.( )10. Is your coat brown? J. Yes, I ca

31、n.代詞的用法【指示代詞】This is這是 That is那是These are這些是Those are那些是疑問形式Is this your book? 這是你的書嗎? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.Is that your pencil?那是你的鉛筆嗎? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.Are these your toys?這些是你的玩具嗎?Yes, they are./ No, they arent.Are those your crayons?那些是你的蠟筆嗎? Yes, they are./ No, they arent.【人稱代詞及物主

32、代詞】人稱代詞形容詞性物主代詞名詞性物主代詞主格形式賓格形式第一人稱Imemymine單數(shù)第二人稱youyouyouryours第三人稱sheherherhershehimhishisitititsits第一人稱weusourours復(fù)數(shù)第二人稱youyouyouryours第三人稱theythemtheirtheirs一、按要求寫單詞1.he(名詞性物主代詞) 2. they(賓格) 3.her(主格) 4.we(單數(shù)) 5.I(形容詞性物主代詞) 6.theirs(主格) 7.this(復(fù)數(shù)) 8.those(單數(shù)) 二、選擇( )1.This is a boy. name is Tom.

33、 A.HisB.HerC.My( )2. is Linda. pencil is long. A.He,HisB.She,HerC.It,Its( )3.We are students. bags are new. A.YourB.TheirC.Our( )4. is fine today. A.ItB.ThisC.That( )5.Mr Green teaches English. A.ourB.weC.us( )6.Whats favourite season? A.youB.yourC.yours( )7.Tell were leaving. A.himB.heC.his三用代詞的相應(yīng)形

34、式填空。(1) (He, Him)and I often play ping-pong together.(2)They are doing (them, their)homework.(3)Whose knife is it? Its (her, hers)(4)Is it (your, yours)eraser? No, its not (I, mine), its (he, his)(5)Did you help clean room?( their, them) 三、 動詞的過去式 規(guī)則的動詞過去式1、 一般情況直接加ed look- looked 看 wash- washed 洗 w

35、atch- watched 觀看 help- helped 幫忙 want- wanted 想要play- played玩 laugh- laughed 笑 learn-learned 學習 clean- cleaned打掃 climb- climbed爬 row- rowed劃(船)visit- visited看望,參觀 cook- cooked 做飯 listen- listened 聽 collect- collected 收集work- worked 工作2、 以不發(fā)音的字母e 結(jié)尾的詞加d live- lived 居住 like- liked 喜歡 dance- danced 跳舞

36、3、 以輔音字母加y 結(jié)尾的詞,變y 為i ,再加ed. study-studied 學習 4、 末尾只有一個輔音字母的重讀閉音節(jié),雙寫最后一個字母,再加ed stop- stopped 停止 drop- dropped 落下【四種時態(tài)的用法】時態(tài)定義標志詞謂語形式疑問形式否定式提問一般現(xiàn)在時1、  目前存在的狀態(tài)2、  經(jīng)常性、習慣性的動作always總是, usually通常, often常常,Sometimes有時,every day每天every week每星期1 be動詞( am, is,are)2動詞原形(主語為第三人稱單數(shù)時動詞加s或 es)1、 

37、be 放主語前2、  主語前加do 或does (動詞還原)1、  be + not 2、動詞前加dont 或doesnt (動詞還原)What do you do on the weekend? I often go shopping.What does she do every day? She reads books every day.現(xiàn)在進行時表示目前正在發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài)1、  提示語:look!看 Listen! 聽2、At +時間點Be動詞 (am, is, are ) + 動詞ing  be 放主語前  

38、;be + notWhat are you doing?Were listening now.一般將來時1、  表示打算做某事2、  將要發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài)1、 tomorrow明天 the next day第二天this afternoon今天下午this evening 今天晚上2.next week下星期next month下個月next year明年1、  be going to + 動詞 原形2、  will +動詞原形3、  go, come, leave 等用現(xiàn)在進行時表示將來  be 或will 放主語前

39、be 或 will 后加 not will not = wont 1. Where are you going tommorrow?Were going to the park.2. What will he do next week?He will play basketball next week.一般過去時表示過去時間內(nèi)發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài)1.yesterday昨天2. last week上星期last year去年last month 上個月2、two years ago兩年前1、 be動詞的過去時(was,were)2、行為動詞的過去式1、  was

40、/ were 放主語前2、  主語前加did (動詞還原)1、  was/ were + not 2、  動詞前加didnt (動詞還原)What did Tom do last night?He did his homework last night.Where did you go on your holiday?I went to Harbin.【動詞的幾種形式】一動詞的第三人稱單數(shù)形式(規(guī)則)1. 一般情況下,直接加-s,如:get-gets 到達 leave-leaves 離開 help-helps 幫助 play- plays 玩,打,踢 listen

41、-listens 聽2. 以s, x,o, sh,ch結(jié)尾,加-es,如:teach-teaches教 wash-washes 洗 go-goes 去 watch- watches 觀看 do- does做,干3. 以“輔音字母+y”結(jié)尾,變y為i, 再加-es fly-flies飛 study- studies 學習 不規(guī)則動詞 have-has有, 吃 四、 動詞的ing形式1. 一般情況直接加inggo-going 去 play- playing 玩 study-studying 學習 read-reading 閱讀 sing- singing 唱歌clean- cleaning 打掃

42、eat- eating 吃 climb- climbing 爬 visit- visiting 拜訪,參觀 listen- listening 聽do- doing 做 wash- washing 洗 teach- teaching 教 work- working 工作 buy- buying 買2. 以不發(fā)音的字母e 結(jié)尾的詞,去e 加ing write-writing 寫 make- making 制作 take- taking 拿走,帶走 live- living 居住 ride- riding 騎have- having 有, 吃 dive- diving 跳水3. 末尾只有一個輔音字

43、母的重讀閉音節(jié),雙寫最后一個字母,再加ingswim- swimming 游泳 sit- sitting 坐 run- running 跑 get- getting 得到不規(guī)則的動詞過去式am/is was是 arewere是 have/hashad 有 do/doesdid 做,干 cancould能 swimswam游泳singsang唱歌 sitsat坐 comecame來 givegave 給 runran跑 eat-ate 吃drinkdrank喝 becomebecame 成為 beginbegan 開始buybought 買teachtaught教 gowent 去 learnl

44、earned 學習 leaveleft 離開 taketook 拿走,帶走writewrote寫riderode 騎 winwon 贏 drivedrove駕駛 speakspoke 說 getgot 得到 forgetforgot 忘記 flyflew飛 drawdrew畫seesaw看見 saysaid說 meetmet遇見 makemade 制作fallfell跌落 findfound 找到 putput放 readread讀 hurthurt 受傷 練習一、選擇( )1. Mary her homework in the morning. A.doingB.doC.does( )2.M

45、y father is a book now. A.readB.readingC.reads( )3.Do you like ? Yes, I do. A.swimmingB.swimsC.swim( )4.How he go to school? He to school by bus. A.does, wentB.do, goesC.does, goes( )5.My mother in a hospital. A.workB.worksC.working( )6.Where you last night? I went to visit my grandparents. A.do, go

46、B.did, wentC.did, go( )7.Lets TV together. A.watchB.watchesC.watched( )8.What are you going to do next Saturday? Im going to mountains. A.climbedB.climbC.climbing( )9.I have lunch at school , but my brother lunch at school. A.isnt haveB.hasnt haveC.doesnt have( )10.When did you go to Beijing? A.goesB.wentC.go二、按要求填空1寫出下列單詞的過去式1. go 2.fly 3. swim 4. leave 5. read 6. wash 7


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