



1、題型:part I, True or False,30%(提醒學(xué)生在答題時(shí)要正確的畫(huà) A,錯(cuò)的畫(huà)B) 15x2(除第八章)part II. Multiple Choices 20%,20x1.(2,4,5 細(xì)節(jié))Part III. Cultural Puzzles 10% ( 與課后習(xí)題中的 cultrual puzzles 類(lèi)似,不過(guò)是 四個(gè)選項(xiàng),范圍為課后習(xí)題中的 cultural puzzles和我們?cè)诿總€(gè)單元?jiǎng)澇龅闹攸c(diǎn) 案例)5X2.Part IV . Term Matching 15%(名詞解釋,從備選的terms中選擇與其對(duì)應(yīng)的definitions, 要考到的terms都已經(jīng)發(fā)給

2、大家)15x1.Part V. Short-Answer Questions 15% (簡(jiǎn)答題,范圍在我們劃過(guò)的重點(diǎn)內(nèi)) 5X3.Part VI. Case Study 10% (課外案例分析,閱讀一個(gè)案例,回答三個(gè)小問(wèn)題,題目不會(huì)超出課內(nèi)講解的內(nèi)容)10 x1.要補(bǔ)充的重點(diǎn)為 p114,( E. Discover the meaning of some com mon gestures inEn glish), p129, (B. What are the characteristics of femi nine talk and masculi ne talk respectively)另

3、外讓學(xué)生深入研究 unit 5 和 Unit 2, Unit 4(culturally-loaded words),以及每 單元的重點(diǎn)案例,以及單元后面的練習(xí)A, B(劃過(guò)的問(wèn)答題),C (EuphemismUnderstanding), 以及 E (cultural puzzles)TermsUnit 11. Economic globalization經(jīng)濟(jì)全球化 the integration of national economies into the international economy through trade, foreign direct investment, capi

4、tal flows, migrati on, and the spread of tech no logy.2. Global village:地球村 All the different parts of the world form one community lin ked together by electr onic com muni cati ons, especially the Intern et.3. Melting pot:大熔爐 a socio-cultural assimilation of people of different backgro unds and n a

5、ti on alities.4. Cultural Diversity:文化多樣性 the mix of people from various backgrounds in the labor force with a full mix of cultures and sub-cultures to which members bel ong.5. Intercultural communication跨 文化交際 com muni cati on betwee n people whose cultural percepti ons and symbol systems are disti

6、 net eno ugh to alter the com muni cati on eve nt.6. Culture:文化 a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs, values, and no rms, which affect the behavior of a relatively large group of people.7. Enculturation:文化適應(yīng) all the activities of learning one' culture are called en culturati on.

7、& Acculturation:文化傳入 the process which adopts the changes brought about by ano ther culture and develops an in creased similarity betwee n the two cultures.9. Ethnocentrism:民族優(yōu)越感 the belief that your own cultural background is superior.10. Communication:交際 to share with or to make com mon, as in

8、 givi ng to ano ther a part or share of your thoughts, hopes, and knowledge.(以下為 components of com muni cati on)PS: what is the differe nee betwee n en cod ing & decod ingEn cod ing is the process of putt ing an idea into a symbol.Decod ing is the process of assig ning meaning to the symbols rec

9、eived.11. Source發(fā)送信息的人 The source is the person with an idea he or she desires to com muni cate.12. Encoding編碼 Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately), humans are not able to share thoughts directly. Your com muni cati on is in the form of a symbol represe nting the idea you desire to com muni cate.

10、En cod ing is the process of putt ing an idea into a symbol.13. Message信息、The term message identifies the encoded thought. Encoding is the process, the verb; the message is the result ing object.14. Channel 渠道 The term channel is used technically to refer to the means by which the encoded messageis

11、transmitted. The channel or medium, then, may be print, electr onic, or the light and sound waves of the face-to-face com muni cati on.15. Noise噪音 The term noise technically refers to anything that distorts the message the source en codes.16. Receiver接的人 The receiver is the person who attends to the

12、 message.17. Decoding解碼 Decoding is the opposite process of encoding and just as much an active process. The receiver is actively invo Ived in the com muni catio n process by assig ning meaning to the symbols received.18. Receiver response反饋 The receiver is the person who attends to the message. Rec

13、eiver resp onse refers to anything the receiver does after hav ing atte nded to and decoded the message.19. Feedback反饋 Feedback refers to that portion of the receiver response of which the source has kno wledge and to which the source atte nds and assig ns meaning.20. Context 語(yǔ)境 The final comp onent

14、 of com muni cati on is con text. Gen erally, con text can be defi ned as the en vir onment in which the com muni cati on takes place and which helps defi ne the com muni catio n.精講案例Case 1 (p.1) case 2 (p.2)思考題1、what are the four trends that lead to the development of the global village? P8-9+ 簡(jiǎn)要說(shuō)明

15、convenient tran sportati on systemsinno vative com muni cati on systemsecono mic globalizati onwidespread migrati ons2. What are the three ingredients of culture?Artifacts(the material and spiritual products people produce)Behavior(what they do)Con cept(what they thi nk)3. How to understand cultural

16、 iceberg? P7The aspects of culture that are explicit,visible,taught.The aspects of culture that are intan gible and not taught directly.4. What are the characteristic of culture?Shared ,learned,dynamic,ethnocentric文化中心主義),5. What are the characteristic of com muni cati on?Dyn amic,irreversible,symbo

17、lic,systematic,tra nsactio nal,co ntextualUnit 2-411. Pragmatics:語(yǔ)用學(xué) the study of the effect that Ianguage has on human percepti ons and behavior.12. Semantics語(yǔ)意 the study of the meaning of words.13. Denotation:字面意思 the literal meaning or definition of a word - the explicit, particular, defi ned mea

18、 ning.14. Connotation:弦外之音 the suggestive meaning of a word - all the values, judgme nts, and beliefs implied by a word, the historical and associative accreti on of the un spoke n sig nifica nee beh ind the literal mea ning.15. Taboo:禁忌語(yǔ) some objects, words or actions that are avoided by a particul

19、ar group of people, or in certa in culture for religious or social reas ons.16. Euphemism 委婉語(yǔ) the act of substituti ng a mild, in direct, or vague term for one con sidered harsh, blunt, or offen sive.精講案例 Case 1, case2(p.仃)case 4 (p. 19) Case 2 (p 43) case 3 (p.45) Case 1 (p.67) case 3 (p.69)思考題6. H

20、ow is Chin ese address ing differe nt from America n address ing? (p.33)The America ns tend to address only with give n n ames while the Chin ese may use the full n ame. Eve n whe n the full n ames are used in some formal occasi ons by the America ns,the give n n ames would be placed before the sur

21、name while the Chin ese would do the opposite.Chinese often extend kinship terms to people not related by blood or marriage while the America ns seldom do so.The Chinese tend to address the people with titles but in English only a few occupati on or titles could be used.7. What are the social functi

22、ons of compliments? (p.60)答案 p50 第一段)Complime nts have a series of social fun cti ons: creat ing or rein forci ng solidarity, greet ing people, express ing tha nks or con gratulati ons, en courag ing people, softe ning criticism, starti ng a conv ersati on, or eve n overco ming embarrassme nt.Unit 5

23、17. Chronemics時(shí)間學(xué) The study of how people perceive and use time.18. Monochronic time: 一元時(shí)間概念 pay ing atte ntio n to and doing only one thi ng at a time.19. Polychronic time 多元時(shí)間概念 being invo Ived with many things at on ce.20. Proxemics空間學(xué) the perception and use of space.21. Kinetics身勢(shì)學(xué) the study of

24、body Ianguage22. Paralanguage輔助語(yǔ)言 involving sounds but not words and lying between verbal and nonv erbal com muni cati on.精講案例 case 1 (p. 85) case 3 (p.87) case 5, 6 (p.90) case 7 (p.91) 思考題8. What are the differe nt features of M-time and P-time? (p97)M-time means pay ing atte nti on to and doing o

25、nly one thing at a time.M-time is no ted for its emphasis on schedules, segme ntati on and prompt ness.lt features one eve nt at a time. Time is perceived as a lin ear structure and somethi ng con crete tan gible.P-time means being invo Ived with many things at on ce.P-time is less rigid and clock-b

26、o un d. It features several activities at the same time. It is more flexible and huma n-cen tered.9. what is the meaning of common gestures in English? P114(案 P233-234)Unit 6精講案例 case 1 (p.115) case 2 (p.116) p.124-126 中的小案例 思考題9. How is gender different from sex? ( p.129)(答案 P.119/120)10. What has

27、in flue need the gen der socializati on?There are two primary in flue nces on gen der socializatio n: family com muni cati on, particularly between mothers and children and recreational interaction among childre n.11. What are the six prin ciples for effective cross-ge nder com muni cati on? (p. 129

28、) (答案 127-128)Suspe nd judgeme nt, recog nize the validity of differe nt com muni cati on styles, provide tran slatio n cues, enl arge your own com muni cati on style, suspe nd judgeme nt.12. what are the characteristics of femi nine talk and masculi ne talk respectively? P123Unit 7精講案例 case 1 (p.13

29、7) case 3 (p.139)13. Discuss the con cepts of high con text culture and low con text culture (p153)結(jié)合 最后一個(gè)單元中 ppt 的講解,了解 high-c on text culture 和 low-co ntext culture 兩個(gè) 概念)A high-c on text com muni cati on or message is one in which most of the information is already in the person, while very littl

30、e is in the coded, explicitly tran smitted part of the message. In high-c on text cultures, verbal messages have little meaning without the surro unding con text, which in cludes the overall relatio nship betwee n all the people en gaged in com muni cati on.沉默是金; 一切盡在不言中; 心有靈犀一點(diǎn)通)A low con text com

31、muni cati on is the just the opposite; i.e. the mass of the in formatio n is vested in the explicit code.High-c on text culturelow-c on text cultureJapanese Chinese Korean American . German German-SwissUnit 923. A planetary culture:行星文化 a culture that integrates eastern mysticism with western scie n

32、ee and rati on alism.24. Intercultural person:跨文化的人 represe nts some one whose cog nitive, affective, and behavioral characteristics are not limited but open to growth beyond the psychological parameters of his or her own culture.思考題13. What are the American/Chinese cultural values like in terms of Cultural Orientation put forward by Kluckhohn and Strodt


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