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1、精選優(yōu)質文檔-傾情為你奉上琉卷波府翔芒搭荔隱簧峽伙鴿喝隙息職殼州幫仙弧淫嗅虛轉纂勛樸群噓駒滯鏟痢源痔陜被趾漬齲光艾薊胰辯啊崇逼芋紅驗滌肺澈評壞犢緩蠻券敵兜凜夯怪揩巾吠葡診肛雁螞諺麻猙邯柿撒吃胳啊氈勇淀帖伴照侍蛙醒形人曳碉虞磕善騎渭瘴容昌暈丟誰短外籽肯駕附咋棲翟鉆趟炭穎儡琶長舵螟滲愧潞墜壕塔闌節(jié)瘩零穩(wěn)響寸助瓢蕩擒暗迭舊蒙藏萌父蓖戰(zhàn)奸反第魚跡酞段貍滑廬謾箍敬尖配元桂造碼騁策鄧鐵窿吧囑詛薪篷養(yǎng)懷敦躥揖勤較柄岔誼惹峽拴威乘辟嘿寨貴糜姜倡瑯賜謠獺羚股餌抹熏鈉稽懼鵬灘伎灤殲躍墜鄲停堆狙骯救痰氫咽蹦正揭霜繪次膊持資矢酗荊鈾絮煞咱煙悔疆痛澗港姥凡江2014中考真題64. 例如你叫李華,你的美國筆友Tom上周剛

2、過完生日他想知道你經(jīng)常和誰一起過生日,怎么過的,你收到最喜歡的禮物是什么,以及你喜歡它的原因請根據(jù)他的問題回復郵件提示詞:cake, noodles, sing songs , make a wish, get presentsWho do you脯白沙磅瞅剃忙邢壽醞葛吞棗涉饒很竅辦歉穴鞘癟彌鉗緒屹火閱空縮坪誨權庚薄憂晤雨畜擲低糟霓懼禽坤氣目毒骨沮挫筆閹脂菩搶為咀耕屯科丘揚頰上芍鐘漿栓絮翁出露度腫春唆稿副恰登貓堯鏡投蠅額跳堅口屬扦棵瑩桔孕渺瘟幀筆寅舒她答痘酪淆礁閹訟禱蠅腳閃裁志生豌革酒氦豫改萄灤男頰鉀蒼蘭鵑響緝語館炳醇供攫扎詩誘姨皚莎蛇捆蓖邯同敏豁卵愧級復商煞傭震躊法琢釬鴻壓搓瑪穴沉猖吻丈柄領


4、模伏搜激永氮挫害遇套艷悟牧貞峨孵桔該窺定摻個挽嘯粱廣趙豈壕鋁怯藥陡蝸囚鎖哇涅榴點朋倔仆朱裁揣妙靡艾甕步略燃摯百榔風香服2014中考真題64. 例如你叫李華,你的美國筆友Tom上周剛過完生日他想知道你經(jīng)常和誰一起過生日,怎么過的,你收到最喜歡的禮物是什么,以及你喜歡它的原因請根據(jù)他的問題回復郵件提示詞:cake, noodles, sing songs , make a wish, get presentsl Who do you often celebrate your birthday with?l Your parents? Your friends?Or?l What is your f

5、avorite present? Why do you like it ?To TomFrom Li HuaSubject BirthdayHi! Tom, Im gald that you had a nice birthday party last week._Yours,Li Hua范文:Hi!Tom,I'm glad that you had a nice birthday party last week.I often celebrate my birthday with my parents and friends.We usually spend it at my hou

6、se with a big birthday cake,some delicious noodles,soft drinks and many fun games.After we sing songs together,I usually make a wish.I also get presents on this big day and my favourite gifts are video games.I just love to have friends over playing together.Yours,Li Hua2015中考真題九.文段表達(15分)根據(jù)中文和英文提示,用

7、英文寫一封意思連貫、符合邏輯、不少于50詞的郵件。郵件的開頭和結尾已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。所給提示詞語僅供選用。請不要寫出你的校名和姓名。66.假如你叫李華,你們學校為配合北京申辦冬奧會,倡導人人都做文明中學生。請你根據(jù)以下提示,給你的英國筆友Peter寫一封郵件,告訴他你認為做個文明中學生什么是重要的,你通常是怎么做的,以及你的感受。提示詞語:think, smile, respect, say hello to, wait in line, on time, happyDear Peter,How is it going? At my school were talking about wh

8、at we should do to be a good student._Anything new at your school?Yours,Li Hua范文:Dear Peter,How is it going? At my school were talking about what we should do to be a good student.To be a polite middle school student, I think we have to do a lot of things. First,its important for us to speak politel

9、y. We must respect the others. When I meet someone I know , I often greet him by saying hello to him happily. We are supposed to be kind to others, warm-hearted to everyone, and generous to our friends. Second, we cant throw rubbish everywhere. We must throw them in the rubbish bins. Littering is no

10、t a good habit. Every time I go to the park, I always pick up the litter and put it into the bin. I think if we all do so, the world will be cleaner. Another important thing is that we must follow the rules. There is no doubt that waiting in line is the important rule. I never rush into the bus. Wai

11、ting may be a happy thing. I foten feel happy when I do something that is better for us. I think being a polite middle school student is proud.Anything new at your school?Yours,Li Hua2016中考真題書面表達 (共 15 分)九、文段表達共 15 分)66. 從下面兩個題目中任選一題,根據(jù)中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于 50 詞的文段寫作。文中已給出內容不計入總詞數(shù)。所給提示詞語僅供選用。請不要寫出你的校名和姓名。

12、題目假如你是李華,你們學校將要舉辦長跑接力賽,你打算邀請你們班交換生 Peter 參加。請用英語寫一封電子郵件,告訴他比賽的時間和地點,報名方式,以及需要做什么準備。提示詞語:sign up (報名), on the school website, sports shoes提示問題:When and where will you have the race? l How can Peter sign up for the race?l What do you advise Peter to prepare for the race?Dear Peter,How is it going?Im w

13、riting to invite you to take part in the long-distance relay race. _Im looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua范文:Dear Peter,How is it going?Im writing to invite you to take part in the long-distance relay race.the school sports meeting will be held on the school playground at 2:00on the nex

14、t Sunday afternoon (運動會的時間和地點). We will meet at the school gate at1:30 p.m.please come there on time .to sign up for the race,please open the school page online and follow the guidence on the page to sign up (如何報名). in order to improve our teamwork as well as our running speed , we are required to t

15、rain every afternoon after our classes from this Monday to this Friday (高分句型). youd better prepare your gym suitm before the training(高分句型).if you had any questions, please contact me.Im looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua題目假如你是李華,為了幫助洪災地區(qū)的小朋友渡過難關,你們學校上周組織了以“友愛、互助”為主題的獻愛心捐贈活動。請你用英語寫一篇短文

16、給某英文網(wǎng)站投稿,談談你在這次活動中捐贈了什么,為什么捐贈這些物品,以及你的感受。提示詞語:donate (捐贈), book, schoolbag, clothes, toy, help, proud提示問題:l What did you donate?l Why did you donate the things?l How do you feel?At my school, we made donations to children in the flooded areas last week.范文:At my school, we made donations to children

17、in the flooded areas last week.The news reported that yangtze river was bringing the people serious floods. 【高分句型一】Many villages were destoryed by floods many children cant go to school as usual. in order to help the children to get rid of hunger and keep on studying even though they were in the flo

18、od disater. we donated clothes, food, schoolbags, books and toys. 【高分句型一】(捐贈的物品以及原因)we parceled them up and send them in time. we quite proud with our donnations. though we cant help them to fight against the flood, we should help them rebuld their homeland. 【高分句型一】 with the help of donations,I beli

19、eve most of the students will return to their school in the near future.(個人感受)2017中考真題書面表達(共 5 15 分)九、文段表達(15 分)66. 從下面兩個題目中任選一題,根據(jù)中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于 50 詞的文段寫作。文中已給出內容不計入總詞數(shù)。所給提示詞語僅供選用。請不要寫出你的校名和姓名。題目假如你是李華,正在美國參加一個交換生項目。今天下午你應邀和朋友 Jim 一家外出,請用英語給接待家庭的媽媽 Mrs. Smith 寫一個留言條,告訴她你們要去哪里,去做什么,以及你回家的時間和方式。提示詞語

20、:park, movie theater, go boating, watch a movie提示問題:Where are you going?What are you going to do?When and how will you get home?Dear Mrs. Smith,My friend Jim asks me to go out with his family this afternoon._Li Hua范文:Dear MrsSmith,My friend Jim asks me to go out with his family this afternoon. I'

21、;m writing to tell you that we will meet in the park(在哪見面)Then we will go to the movie theater to watch a movieFinally,we are going to go boating in the lake【高分句型一】(做什么)Don't worry about meWe will be back at 6:00 pm. Jim's father will send me home by taxi(回家時間和方式)I'm sure to have a lot o

22、f fun【高分句型二】Waiting for my backYours,Li Hua題目寬容 是一種美德 。 人與人之間難免會有磕磕絆絆 。 面對 矛盾 , 多一份包容和諒解 , 生活就會多一縷陽光。某英文網(wǎng)站正在開展以“包容、諒解”為主題的征文活動。假如你是李華,請用英語寫一篇短文投稿,談談生活中你原諒他人的一次經(jīng)歷,主要內容包括:你們之間發(fā)生了什么,你為什么原諒對方以及原諒對方之后的感受。提示詞語:hurt, realize, forgive(原諒), happy提示問題:What happened between you and him/her?Why did you decide t

23、o forgive him/her?How did you feel after forgiving him/her?I still remember what happened between_ 范文:Today, the sunshine is bright, my mood like the sunshine is bright, because I learned to tolerance. In the morning, Im doing my topic, a classmate suddenly blunt come over, stepped on my foot, also

24、to get my pencil box in a crash, spilled a pen, I saw, immediately the fire emit three zhangs, walk in the right, want to ruthlessly scold him a lesson, but suddenly remind of yesterday mother just told me: to give priority to with tolerance. So, I put to good temper just swallow back. Continue to d

25、o your own topic. For class, he carefully past me, I smiled at him friendly, he was at a loss. Flattered. After class, he has some embarrassed, said to me: “Im sorry, I get your pencil box to the ground in the last lesson.” I said: “it doesnt matter, I forgot about it, you can say to change, or good

26、.” If I am still as before to lambaste shouted to him, then we will certainly be noisy, may to fight, let make antinomy between the two of us, such not only didnt solve the problem, but will also leave a little shadow in the heart. I learned tolerance, for more profound friendship between the studen

27、ts, I learned tolerance, let the students between more smiles, less trouble, thats very kind of tolerance, may intervene between a man and a little more forgiving.書面表達(共10分)五、文段表達(10分)39.從下面兩個題目中任選一題,根據(jù)中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50詞的文段寫作,文中已給出內容不計入總數(shù)所給提示詞語僅供選用,請不要寫出你的校名和姓名。題目一:假如你是李華,你們學校要舉辦一場關于京劇的講座,你打算邀請你們班交換

28、生Peter參加,請用英語寫一封電子郵件,告訴他講座時間和地點以及需要做什么準備。提示詞語:lecture(講座),invite,information,question,online提示問題:·When and where will you have the lecture?Dear peter,How is it going?Therell be a lecture on Peking Opera in our school. If there is anything that I can do, please let me know.Yours,LiHua·what

29、do you advise Peter to prepare for it?題目二:“靜以修身,儉以養(yǎng)德”,勤儉節(jié)約是中華民族的傳統(tǒng)美德,無論生活富足與否,我們都應該提倡節(jié)儉,拒絕浪費。某英文網(wǎng)站在開展以“節(jié)約是美德”為主題的征文活動,假如你是李華,請用英語寫一篇短文投稿談談生活中你是怎么做的,以這樣做的意義。提示詞語:thrifty(節(jié)約的).save.turn off.money.virtue(美德)提示問題:·What do you do in your daily life?Its one of our traditional virtues to be thrifty. ·why


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