【英語(yǔ)】Lesson 10 E-mail_第1頁(yè)
【英語(yǔ)】Lesson 10 E-mail_第2頁(yè)
【英語(yǔ)】Lesson 10 E-mail_第3頁(yè)
【英語(yǔ)】Lesson 10 E-mail_第4頁(yè)
【英語(yǔ)】Lesson 10 E-mail_第5頁(yè)
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1、整理課件Fill in the blanks :1.My brother _ good _ English .A.Is , on B. are ,in C. is ,at2 . Danny is always late _ class .A.in B. on C. for3. He will be back to school _ two days .A.in B. for C. about4. I have been a teacher _ 11 years .A.in B. for C. on D. at5.Please show your picture _ us .A. at B. f

2、or C. to C C A B C 整理課件Lesson 10整理課件New words : a lot of ( lots of ) study physical education be short for except funny smile soon mathematics way project examination tonight quiz is short for physical education .Math is short for mathematics .Exam is short for examination .許多學(xué)習(xí)身體的,肉體的教育簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng),除了之外有趣的,可

3、笑的微笑很快數(shù)學(xué)方式,方法課題,計(jì)劃考試今晚比賽,測(cè)試整理課件聽(tīng)錄音回答問(wèn)題 :Is Dannys head always tired ?Yes ,it is .1.2. Why did everyone laugh in P.E ?Because Danny put Brians shorts on his head and his runners on his hands. 整理課件重點(diǎn)句型:1.All our teachers make us study very,very hard .所有的老師都要求我們非常非常努力地學(xué)習(xí). make sb do sth The teacher mad

4、e the noisy boy stand up.He said that it wasnt funny, but I saw him smile . but 為連詞連接前后兩句. see sb do I saw the boy cry .整理課件聽(tīng)錄音回答問(wèn)題 :What do you think is the best way to learnEnglish ?The best way to learn English is to use it .整理課件重點(diǎn)句型 :You have helped me to learn English.你已經(jīng)幫我學(xué)英語(yǔ)了 .She has helped

5、me with my math homework.她幫我學(xué)數(shù)學(xué). Help sb with sth 在方面幫助某人. I usually help my mother with housework .我經(jīng)常幫媽媽做家務(wù) .整理課件劉藝是一個(gè)獲得“ 南丁格爾” 獎(jiǎng)的護(hù)士,下面是她的作息時(shí)間表,請(qǐng)根據(jù)例子造句:6:00 get up 6:40 have breakfast7:10 go to work 12:00 have lunch13:00 begin work 18:30 stop work19:00 have supper 19:30 watch TV21:45 go to sleep1.

6、Its 6:00 . Its time to get up . She has got up .2.Its 6:40 . Its time to have breakfast .She has had breakfast .整理課件3.Its 7:10 . Its time to go to work . She has gone to work .4. Its 12:00 . Its time to have lunch . She has had lunch .5. Its 13:00 . Its time to begin work .She has begun work .6. Its

7、 18:30 . Its time to stop work .She has stopped work .7. Its 19:00 . Its time to have supper .She has had supper .8. Its 19:30. Its time to watch TV. She has watchedTV.9.Its.Its. She has gone to sleep .整理課件練一練:1.All our teachers make us _ (學(xué)習(xí)) hard . 2.Everyone went to the zoo _ (除了 之外) Danny yesterday .3. We often hear her _ (讀) English in the classroom . 4. TV is _ ( 簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)) for t


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