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1、大學(xué)英語(下)考試卷總分:100分單選題1、3、- Good morning, John . How are you doing?(2分)  A、I'm pleased.  B、Good night.  C、Not so bad. And you?  D、How do you do?2、Mother was busyAlthough she was not watching the basketball on TV,she _it on the radio(2分)  A、was list

2、ening to  B、was hearing  C、was listening   D、was seeing3、A lecture hall is_where students attend lectures(2分)  A、there          B、which            

3、60;      C、one              D、that4、“Good?bye,Miss LiuIm very pleased_.”(2分)  A、to meet you  B、having met you  C、be meeting you  D、to have met you5、I dont want

4、you to make any trouble,_,I urge you to solve the problem(2分)  A、thus              B、consequently          C、on the contrary  D、just as6、Last week I bought a fl

5、at_biggest room faced south(2分)  A、that               B、whose                   C、which     

6、60;       D、where7、It is hoped that the weather will_warm for three more days(2分)  A、1ast                B、go on  C、keep on  D、stay8、The patient acted on t

7、he doctors_and finally recovered(2分)  A、advices          B、advice            C、advise              D、advises9、

8、 The more he tried to help her, _ she seemed to appreciate it.(2分)  A、less   B、the less  C、the least  D、the lesser10、Parliament didnt think the Prime Minister did enough in the improvement of fair employment,_he was asked to write to Parliament for furthe

9、r explanation.(2分)  A、so              B、therefore           C、since                &#

10、160; D、as11、When a fire_at the National Exhibition,at least ten priceless paintings were completely destroyed.(2分)  A、broke off  B、broke out   C、broke down   D、broke up12、We advised him to give up smoking,_a lot of exercise.(2分)  A、to do &#

11、160;B、and to do  C、and do  D、and doing13、The work_by the time you get there(2分)  A、will have been done  B、was done  C、had been done  D、has done14、Once he starts a job,he wont stop_it is finished(2分)  A、till    

12、        B、after                    C、before            D、until15、It is assumed that students at an i

13、ntermediate level will have a good _ of the basic structures and vocabulary of English.(2分)  A、command           B、commanding        C、to command    D、commanded多選題1、一I wonder

14、if Henry will come to the party at 8:00 sharp as hes promised. 一 _.(2分)  A、The party wont start until 8.00  B、Thank you for having the party for me  C、Dont worryHe always keeps his word   D、The party must cost a lot2、一How long have you lived in London? 一 _.(2分

15、)  A、I moved here from Paris   B、My whole life  C、Ive worked here for almost 10 years  D、Ive never traveled there3、? Why are you so late? ? _.(2分)  A、Its a shame  B、I came across an old friend  C、Never mind  D、Thats all

16、right4、一Where to? Im so thirsty 一 ­­­­­­­­­­_?(2分)  A、Why dont we go now  B、Why dont we enjoy some beer at that bar  C、Why didnt you look up the map  D、Why didnt you tell me about it earlier5、一Whats the problem

17、, Harry? _.(2分)  A、No problem  B、No trouble at all  C、Thank you for asking me about it  D、I cant remember where I left my glasses6、一Theres a new cafeteria at the cornerHow about going there for supper?(2分)  A、Fine. But its my treat this time 

18、60;B、Its newly decorated  C、Lets look at the menu first  D、I have no idea about what to order7、一 Is this the motel you mentioned?    一 _.(2分)  A、It looks comfortable  B、Yes,its as quiet as we expected   C、Youre so considerate 

19、0;D、No,the prices reasonable8、一In my opinion,youd better take a couple of days off _.(2分)  A、Ill take your advice  B、Let me see  C、Never mind  D、Im afraid so9、一I dont like the sports programs on Sundays _.(2分)  A、So do I  B、Neither do I

20、0; C、So and I  D、Neither and I10、一Ive ordered pizza and saladWhat else do you want? 一 _.(2分)  A、You are kind to invite me   B、Yes,please  C、A beer is fine for meIm not hungry yet  D、I find pizza is tasty閱讀理解題1、The entertainment profession, or “s

21、how business”, attracts many young people. Unfortunately,only very few can hope to become famous and richTalent is not enough,because show business is as competitive as any other businessWithout a good manager,a performer can never hope to succeedFashion is important in this business, tooThe best ta

22、ilor in this world will never be a success if he makes old-fashioned clothes. In exactly the same way,a performer must change his act in order to follow the taste of the momentThis is true for all performers:actors,dancers and perhaps most of all,for singers.  “Pop”stands for “popular”, and a p

23、op singer has to work very hard to become popular. He must either give the public what they already want,or he must find a new way of singing that will attract their attention. Even when he has succeeded,and his CDs are sold everywhere,he cannot relaxThen he must work harder than ever to stay popula

24、r,because there are always younger singers trying to become famous and to steal some of the popularity  The life of a successful pop singer is not at all easyHe can only relax when he is alone because everythin he does is watched and reported in a special newspaper written for the fansThe fans

25、are the most important people in the world for the singerThey buy his CDs or VCDsThey go to his concerts,and watch his MTVAnd it is they who make the singer rich and famousBut they can be very annoying tooSometimes their enthusiasm gets so wild and mad that they do anything to attract attention and

26、their behavior is as uncontrolled as possibleThey shout and cry very loudly during the performanceIn order to get a “gift”:they steal everything from the singer:his handkerchiefs(手帕),his T shirts,his toothbrushThey sometimes tear off buttons from the singers clothes,and they even cut off pieces of t

27、he unfortunate singers hairMany singers have been forced to hide,and some who have not been so lucky as to escape have almost nothing on at the end of their performance wth almost everything taken away A pop singer has to spend a lot of money on clothes,because he must always look smart,or at any ra

28、te,differentHe must have a luxurious carAnd most importanthe must always keep smiling for the benefit of his publicTo keep his image young in his fans mind,he is not allowed to grow old(10分)1、1.What is not mentioned as the important thing to be a success in the entertainment profession in the passag

29、e?(單選題)  A、Being talented  B、Having a good manager  C、Getting the best tailor  D、Following the taste of the moment.2、2.A successful pop singer must work even harder because_.(單選題)  A、he cannot relax  B、he must find new ways of singing 

30、 C、younger singers are catching up  D、he must stay popular to stop young singers3、3.For a pop singer,the most important advantage of having fans is that_.(單選題)  A、they buy his CDs or VCDsThey go to his concerts,and watch his MTV  B、they watch him and report everyth

31、ing he does  C、they shout and cry very loudly during the performance  D、they make him rich and famous4、4.According to the author,the fans_.(單選題)  A、are usually mad  B、can be very annoying  C、are thieves  D、are very wild people5、5.The most i

32、mportant thing that a pop singer must do for the benefit of his public is to_.(單選題)  A、keep smiling  B、1ook smart or at least different  C、have an expensive car  D、keep his image young2、Airline companies are responsible for transporting your luggageIf you cann

33、ot recover it at the point of arrival,you must inform the airline immediatelyThey will carry out the necessary searchIf the luggage is recovered,it will be delivered to your place of residenceIf you wish to insure your luggage,you may do so at your own expense.  Some airlines restrict luggage w

34、eight to 44 pounds(20 kg);in other cases,there is no weight restriction,but you are not allowed more than two pieces of luggageInquire about luggage allowances from the airline with which you will be travelingHowever,you must pay extra for excess luggage,which is not reimbursed (補(bǔ)償) by Canadian Inte

35、rnational Development Agency(CIDA)  Each suitcase,bag or package must be clearly labeled with your name and destinationIf you do not know the exact destination address at the time of your departure, 1abel your luggage in care of(由代收)the executing agency whose name appears in the Training Agreem

36、ent,using the following model:        Surname,first name     Name of your country     Address ofthe executing agency     City,country,postal code     Telephone number of executing agency  If you do not hav

37、e this information,please label your luggage with the name and address of the institution you are to attend in CanadaIf none of these details are available,you can use CIDAs address.(10分)1、1.If you cant find your luggage at the point of arrival,airline companies will try to find it and?.(單選題) &

38、#160;A、ask you to insure your luggage  B、deliver it to where you live  C、inform you about its recovery   D、ask you to pay some money for it2、2.Before taking your air trip,you have to make sure_.(單選題)  A、of the restrictions on luggage  B、of the insura

39、nce for luggage  C、who will pay for the excess luggage  D、how much CIDA will pay for the excess luggage3、3.The charge for the excess luggage should be paid by_.(單選題)  A、CIDA   B、the passenger  C、the insurance company  D、the executing agency

40、4、4.In case you have no idea at all where to send your luggage,you can first send it to the address of_provided you have the information(單選題)  A、the institution you are to attend  B、the airline you travel with  C、the Canadian International Development Agency  

41、D、the executing agency given in the Training Agreement5、5.The passage is mainly about CIDAs advice on_.(單選題)  A、the charge of your luggage  B、the handling of your luggage  C、the insurance of your luggage  D、the transportation of your luggage3、Some people think

42、 they have an answer to the troubles of automobile crowding and dirty air in large citiesTheir answer is the bicycle,or “bike”  In a great many cities,hundreds of people ride bicycles to work every dayIn New York City,some bikers have even formed a group called Bike for a Better CityThey claim

43、that if more people rode bicycles to work there would be fewer automobiles in the downtown section of the city and therefore less dirty air from car engines.  For several years this group has been trying to get the city government to help bike ridersFor example,they want the city to draw bicycl

44、e lanes on some of the main streets, because when bike riders have to use the same lanes as cars, there are accidentsBike for a Better City feels that if there were special lanes more people would use bikes   But no bicycle lanes have been drawnNot everyone thinks it is a good idea?they say it

45、will slow trafficSome store owners on the main streets say that if there is less traffic,they will have less business. And most people live too far from downtown to travel by bike   The city government has not yet decided what to doIt wants to keep everyone happyOnly on weekends, Central Park i

46、s closed to cars,and the roads may be used by bicycles onlyBut Bike for a Better City says this is not enough and keeps fighting to get bicycle lanes downtown(10分)1、1.According to the passage,bicycles_.(單選題)  A、are more convenient than cars   B、are safer traffic tools than cars&#

47、160; C、are ridden by most people in the US  D、are the solution to some city problems2、2.The idea of special bicycle lanes is most favored by_. (單選題)  A、the city government   B、some bike riders  C、people living far from downtown   D、some store ow

48、ners3、3.“Bicycle lanes”in the third paragraph probably means_.(單選題)  A、narrow passages between buildings for bicycles   B、roads full of bicycles  C、special parts of the road for bicycle riders only   D、roads for bicycles only4、4.Which of the following is not t

49、rue according to the passage?(單選題)  A、Bike for a Better City members ride bicycles to work  B、Sometimes accidents may occur when cars and bikes are on the same lanes  C、The Central Park is closed to cars on weekends  D、In New York Citymany people use bikes as

50、they have special lanes5、5.The best title for this passage is_.(單選題)  A、Traffic Crowding in New York City   B、Air Pollution in New York City by Cars  C、Special Lanes for Passengers  D、A Solution to Traffic Problem in New York完形填空題1、Directions: There are 10 bla

51、nks in the following passageFor each blank there are four choices markedA, B, C and D.You should choose the ONE answer that best completes the passageThen mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Smoking may be a pleasure for some people. _41_, it is a

52、 serious source of _42_ for their fellowsNow medical authorities express their concern about the effect of smoking_43_ the health not only of those who smoke but also of those who do not_44_,nonsmokers who must reluctantly inhale the air polluted by tobacco smoke may _45_ more than the smokers thems

53、elves As you have _46_been informed,a considerable number of our students have joined in an effort to _47_the university to ban smoking in the classroomsI believe they are_48_ right in their aimHowever,I would hope that it is probable to achieve this by calling on the smokers to use good judgment an

54、d show concern for others_49_ than by regulation  Smoking is prohibited by city bylaws (地方規(guī)章) in theatres and in halls used for showing films as well as in laboratories where there may be a fire hazardNevertheless,it is up to your good _50_(10分)1、41(單選題)  A、Hence   B、However

55、   C、Anyway   D、Furthermore2、42(單選題)  A、joy   B、discomfort   C、convenience   D、relief3、43(單選題)  A、against   B、for   C、in   D、on4、44(單選題)  A、In consequence   B、On the other hand

56、0; C、In fact  D、After all5、45(單選題)  A、suffer   B、subject   C、submit   D、sustain6、46(單選題)  A、certain   B、surely   C、must   D、right7、47(單選題)  A、reason   B、persuade   C、argue 

57、60; D、suggest8、48(單選題)  A、entirely   B、1ikely   C、generally   D、possibly9、49(單選題)  A、rather   B、better   C、more   D、other10、50(單選題)  A、idea   B、duty   C、sense   D、responsibility2、Directions:There are 10 blanks in the followingpassageFor each blank there are four choices markedA, B, C and DYou should choose the ONE answer that best completes the passageThen mark the corresponding let


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