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1、smeacnuarigteymaentsssyesstsemmesntais inncdlmuedaedisnutrheseaestabnlniualisnhdeexd.bSyt,riactlyinmdplanumbeermoefnptrtahgemiatic,cnofmorbminaetionsedcupraitryt budg-tietmteowenorskufroericeednfuocramtiationoninforsmeactiuorint,ytohfeinvestmpernot.tection ofthedigBityalXcXa,meducaptiuosn incfoornms

2、tartuicotnioanndandsustainabelequipmentdeveClentreopXmXennt.etSwixorBkureaunaetttwaorksecuritcyheasndgrieatimpnfoorrtamatinoncetoisnefcourmritayt.ioAntecchcnoorldoignygtotheinsfeocrumriattyi,oni tnformeatciohnnotlecohngyolsoegcyusrietcyurreitqyu,ierements,intrustssuXeXdCaitydoCceunmteernftorreqduuic

3、raetsionsaclhinofoolrsm(autniiotns)ainmdpleemequnit,pdmeefintndeedditchaetiendfotormtationsechueritwy gourik.Networdkesleinceurity ls,specifieadincgwgorrokupprawascticess,etpruop,cecdhuarierse,dabyntdreheqEudiruecmaetintso.nBureauChiefC,lehaeraindusd,trfyoirnXfoXrmeationducationsecMuertirtoyin-cnide

4、teworkntasn(dacincfiormadteints) toodnetescetc,urerityemerpgoertncaynrdedsiposnpsoeslaelaprocesseds.erAschcipo.r dDienpguttyogrouspellefa-examinadtieornf,orthXeXscehool (duunciattsi)obnaalmetropolitsaincearstablisheeadnethwas onerktwaonrdk isnfeormaticuritymaonnagseemceurnittysyesmteermg;etnhceysrce

5、hsopooln(suenictso)oraccordinationd,icngomtomtanhdi.sTunitsaheteamctuaasl,sisetstleaablishdeedr anddheapsuutnyiltesapdeersonnelmr,aresponsinagembelnetf,oirnentwfoorrmkationsXyX nesttwemorrokosme mcaunriatgyeamendinfonrt,maantdioenq.u.ipmenetamma. Informationnagement,asecunridtymwedoirkamaCnoangfeemr

6、eence hnetl,daenadchsemneetswteorksecurr,itaycndonstrduecptilonomymaneantgeomfienformation nt, andssehciuritpypoefdd dimoceumennstisionmsasnuaegdemoenanrte,gandsuelravribasics.eInofuotrsomuarticoinng,managementsystem; developed hascomputerand thenetworkofnetwork security responsibilityheld sy stem,s

7、igne d ha snetw orkse curity responsi bility;we bsite of informati on management per sonnel i sresponsibl eforconfidentia lmanagement, passwordma nagement, on computerenjoysindependentright,Usernameand pa ssword ofthe computerforitspr oprietar y,andrelease ofprovisi ons ispr ohi bited,sucha sleaks,i

8、nve stigated for responsibility.According t o whois in charge ofwho' s in charge,w ho is runninga nd whois responsi blefor,w ho uses principle s ofwhois i nchargeofmanagementschools (units)definedt herole sand responsibilies ofinformation se curit y,assurance responsi bilitiest oschools. XX city

9、 schools (units)totalsite 20, 19ofwhichweren otclassifiedsecurity protecti on assessment, ofwhich 1 (XX educationand resource network) for classifie dsecurity prote ction lev els,withoutthir d-level i nformation systems.otaleducati on information systems1(XXeducati on cloud platform),containsfeature

10、s withe-Governme nt,resource li brary, test database, mailservi ces, such ase -books,allintranetservices.No for gradeprotecti ongradi ng record a nd eval uation ofschool (units), requirements theschool(units) accordingto information security gradeprotecti on a bout poli cyand standard, organizati on

11、 carried outinformationse curitygrade prote ction securitymanagementsystem construction,and technologymeasures constructiona nd gradeeval uation,impleme ntation gra deprote ctionsystem oft he re quireme nts,makesinformation system security management levelobviouslyfacility upto160 million Yua n,acco

12、r ding tot he stan dard, high quality planning XX educationalmetropolitan areanetwork realizesWanZhaokua n to schools, hundre dsof megabytes ofbroa dbandto t hetable,'wire '(ie:Web,vi deo, a udi o)tothe targe t,electronicw hiteboards,multimediaclassrooms,rem oteinteractivevi deotea chi ng sy

13、stem of moder n educati onalequipmentin t he classroom Wit h Intelcompa ny on XXEducation City domain netw orkoftopic ca sede sign, relie son Cisco compa ny thought Shu aid chuan proje ctstafffree provides has threeyear s technol ogysupport, from2009began, a ccordi ng to hig hstandards,and high ofwo

14、rkthought,a ndmanpower planning ,and poi nts st p implementati on, using schoolearthquakeHou reconstruction ofopportunities,again planni ng eleme ntaryand mi ddle schools cam pus network a nd e ducation city domainnetwork,a nd l ocalbroadcasti ng network companycooperation, using broadca stTV networ

15、k,will physi calfiberlayingt oeach school,to minimum ofcost a chieve dhasphysicalfiberschoolschool pass; Each school construction standards of campus networkand netw orkaccessto all r ooms;XXeducati on metropolita n area netw orkce ntermachi ne roomequipme nt inthe Mi nistry of educationstandardizat

16、ionmanagement platform,theCentralLibrary of audi o-vi sualeducation re sources,setup a Chinese teachereducation cloud platform, implemented li nks thetwo platforms.At present,the city'sprimaryand middleschool studentst ocomputer 3198,vitalitythan 10:1;809 equipme ntclassest hroug h the classroom

17、 (primary andsecondary);36 ofthe campus network.T heesta bl ishment ofanadva nce d,practica lGigabite ducationalmetropolitanarea network,t he city'sschools have access to e ducationalmetropolitanarea netw ork,school s have computernetworks,closed -cir cuittelevi sion netw ork, broadcast networks

18、 intot he cl assrooms,real ize the triple play.Schools share Internetba ndwi dth, canme etthe needs of teachingoftheschool officea nd ata nytime.Accordi ngto Ministry ofeducation onfull started impleme ntation tea chi ng point s digitale ducationresource sfull coverpr oje ct of notification(taughtte

19、chnicalletter(2012) 74t h,)and XX Pr ov ince Departm ent ofeducation on issue d XX provincetea chi ng points digitaleducati on re sour cesful lcov er projectiomrgplaenmizaentitoant,ioinnvaiews ccordaonfcenotificwaittiohnth(echuaunnitfaied arranuggehmtleenttteorf(t2h0e13w)h1o8lteh,p)rrequirements,oIv

20、ince,responsibleciftoyr6unaitveearchi snigtypeodinutcsaitmiondigpliteamlreenstoatuironteachingces coverinpgoints dpirgoijtealcetdmuacantaigemeonre ntsaonudrimcesfpullemlecnotavetiropnr.oAjecccto,rcodminbignteo dIprcoivtiyspnecciefsicarra ngseitmueantits,on,IdeCevenlter opehads iasrsruaendghaesmeXntX

21、sCGitoyng Burea u on tea chi ng points digitalresources fullcover project of impleme ntation programme, Esta blished XX,fullcoverage ofdigitalresource s inm oder n distanceeducati ontea chi ng pr oject leadi nggroup, XX,chaired t he Secretaryforeducati on.E stablished,digitalre sourcesi n modern dis

22、ta ncee ducation teaching ,XXfull coverage proje ct group, XX, Directorofthe Centerfor educational i nformation a ndequipme nt chaired Z hu Guiyan, responsiblefordistanceeducati on digital resources coveringprojectw ork.Projects in XXcity school digitalresour ces i n modern distancee ducation teachi

23、ngful l-coverage proje ct leadi ng group, digitalresour cesi nmodern distance e ducationteaching, andXXfull coverage proje ct group lea dershipa nd農(nóng)業(yè)政策與法規(guī)教學大綱1、 課程基本信息課程名稱:農(nóng)業(yè)政策與法規(guī)課程類別:必修課學時: 32學分:授課教師 :職稱 : 講師2、 教學目的及要求本課程的教學目的是力求使學生在掌握農(nóng)業(yè)政策法規(guī)的基礎(chǔ)知識上,認識當前我國主要的農(nóng)業(yè)政策法規(guī)如農(nóng)業(yè)用地政策法規(guī)、農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn)政策與法規(guī)、農(nóng)產(chǎn)品流通政策與法規(guī),等等。同時

24、提高學生觀察、分析和解決現(xiàn)實農(nóng)業(yè)問題的能力和綜合素質(zhì),并為學習后續(xù)課程奠定必要的基礎(chǔ)。3、 課程教學內(nèi)容:第一章農(nóng)業(yè)政策與法規(guī)概述目的與要求:1. 理解農(nóng)業(yè)政策和法規(guī)的含義以及它們的意義;2. 把握農(nóng)業(yè)政策和法規(guī)的制定;3理解加強我國農(nóng)業(yè)政策和法規(guī)建設的途徑和方法。一、 農(nóng)業(yè)政策mprove,se curitypr evention ca pacity obvi ously e nhanced,securityhidden and securityaccide nt obviouslyreduce d,effective guara ntees informati on healthdevel

25、opment.XXE ducation Centrereg ularlycarry out day -to-daynetworkse curity monitori ng informationand equipment.By t he appropr iatetechni calstaff,XX network e ngine room mainte nancestaffonsite managementand mai ntena nceon areg ularba sis,sche dule dviewi ng of netw orks,systems,databases a nd ass

26、ociatede qui pmentoperating conditi ons, andmakea record.Computerla b mainte nance manager sregularlyrun av arietyofdevice sin the schoolinformationsystem parameters,server systemsa nd vari ous data ba ckup,sot hattherewa s ahar dwarefailure i na systemcrashca nresume qui cklyand efficientl y.Comput

27、er l ab mainte nancemanager sestabli sh a networka ntivirus system, AviraV irus systemona reg ularbasi s,and anti -virussoftware se curitya ssessment,timeto upgrade. Com puterla bmaintenance managementsmeacnuarigteymaentsssyesstsemmesntais i nncdlmuedae disnutrhese eastabnlinualisnhdeexd.bSyt,riactl

28、yinmdplamanagementsystem; developed hascomputerand thenetworkofnetwork security responsibilityn educati onallmanagementoprietar y,andreleaseofprovisicurit y,assurance responssresponsibl eforconfidentiassword ofthe computerforitsprheld sy stem,signe d ha snetw orkse curity responsi bility;weXXEducati

29、on-Governme nt,resource li brary, test database, mailservi- Lorkoftopic caplatforms.At present,the city's-books,allintranetservices.sede sign, relie son Ciscocompa ny thought Shu aid-I . I l.lhstandards,and' . II -primaryand middlea ny ougschool0:1;809 equipmentclassestces, such ase- ongradi

30、 ng record a nd evalI . _I -I . .1has threeyear s technol L一 1.1Is theschool(units) accordi-I .LIL I gog sanars,ancondary);36 oftheBureau on tea chi ng points digitalresources fullcover prcurity gradeprotecti on a bout poli cyand standard, organizati on carried outinformationsendmanpower planning ,a

31、nd poi nts ste p implementati on, using schoolearthquakeHou rebl ishment ofanadva nce d,practica lGigabite ducationalmetropolitanarea network,toject of impleme ntation programme, Esta blished XX,fullcoverage ofcuritygrade prote ctionconstructionnni ng eleme ntaryand mi - ork) for classifie dsecurity

32、 protection levels,withoutthirhigh quality planning XX educationalmetropolitan areanetwork realizesWaol pass; Each school construction standards of campus networkand netw orkaccessto all r ooms;ngto Ministry ofeducation onfull started impleme ntation tea chi ng point s digitale ducationresourcent ch

33、aired Z hu Guiyan, responsiblefordistanceeducati on digital resources coveringprojectw ork.nZha okua n to scho ols,hundre dsof megabytes ofbroa dbandto t hetable,'wire '(ie:_.I. . . 一 一一. _ _Web,vi deo, a udi o)tothe targe t,electronicwI - . II. II. Ln . I- . . Lucti ona nd gradeeval uation,

34、impleme一一 L-L -ddle schools cam pus network a nd e ducation city domain,L - I . I -I -. - .一.一ryan me sc ooscam pus newora na netw ork,school s have computernetworks,network,actionsystem oftherequiremedigitalresource s inm oder n distanceeducati ontea chi ng pr oject leadi nggroup, XX,chaired the Se

35、cretaryforeducaticlosed -cir cuittelevi sion netwon.E stablished ,digital resourcesi n moderncompanycooperation, usiI. .1_ _Ihe cl assrooms,realdista ncee ducation teachingize thephysi calfiberlayingt-1.1 I- 一160 million Yuas share Internetba ndwi dth,XXfull coverage proje ct group, XX, Directorofth

36、e Centerforneeds of teachingum ofcost a chieveeducational i nformation an,accor ding tot he standard,II- IIL-III I.I.I.oftheschoolndequipmenedrastcaoonystcimoeo.Apcacsosr;diaProjects inooms;一.-XXeducati on metropolitasfull coverpr oje ct of notification(taughttechnin area netw orkce ntermachi ne roo

37、mequipmeXXcity school digitalresour ces i n moderndistancee ducation teachingfulcalletter(2012) 74tl-coveragent in e i nistryofeucation sanarization ma imedia nclaagsesrmoeonmtpsl,artefomrm,theoCteeinteractivenvitralLibrdaeroytea cofhiaundgih,)and XX Pr ov ince Department ofeducation on issue d XX p

38、rovincetea chi ng points digitaleducatidistance e ducationteaching, andXXfull coveragent inthe Miproje ct leadi ng group,digitalresour cesi nmodernsualeducation re sources,一 1.1 on re sour cesful lcov er projectproje ct group lea dershipa nd農(nóng)業(yè)法規(guī) 農(nóng)業(yè)政策與農(nóng)業(yè)法規(guī)的關(guān)系第二章農(nóng)業(yè)土地目的與要求:1 .理解農(nóng)業(yè)土地所有權(quán)的分類;2 .把握農(nóng)業(yè)土地使用權(quán)的

39、概念和農(nóng)村土地承包經(jīng)營權(quán)取得的程序和原則;3 .理解農(nóng)村土地承包經(jīng)營權(quán)繼承、流轉(zhuǎn)的政策和法規(guī)。第一節(jié)、農(nóng)業(yè)用地所有權(quán)與使用權(quán)1、 農(nóng)業(yè)用地所有權(quán)2、 農(nóng)業(yè)用使用權(quán)第二節(jié)、農(nóng)村土地承包制度1、 土地家庭承包的原則2、 土地家庭承包的程序3、 土地家庭承包經(jīng)營權(quán)的期限4、 承包期內(nèi)不得收回承包地的規(guī)定5、 承包期內(nèi)不得調(diào)整承包地的規(guī)定6、 家庭承包經(jīng)營權(quán)的繼承7、 土地家庭承包經(jīng)營權(quán)的流轉(zhuǎn)8、 其他方式的承包mprove,se curitypr evention ca pacity obvi ously e nhanced,securityhidden and securityaccide nt

40、obviouslyreduce d,effective guara ntees informati on healthdevelopment.XXE ducation Centrereg ularlycarry out day -to-daynetworkse curity monitoring informationand equipment.By t he appropriatetechni calstaff,XX network engine room mainte nancestaffonsite managementand mai ntena nceon areg ularba si

41、s,sche dule dviewi ng of netw orks,systems,databases a nd associatede qui pmentoperating conditi ons, andmakea record.Computerla b mainte nance manager sregularlyrun av arietyofdevice sin the schoolinformationsystem parameters,server systemsa nd vari ousdata backup,sot hattherewa s ahar dwarefailure

42、 i na systemcrashca nresumequi cklyand efficiently.Computer lab mainte nancemanager sestabli sh a networkantivirus system, AviraVirus systemona regularbasi s,and anti -virussoftware securitya ssessment,timeto upgrade. Com puterla bmaintenance managementsmeacnuarigteymaentsssyesstsemmesntais i nncdlm

43、uedae disnutrhese eastabnlinualisnhdeexd.bSyt,riactlyinmdplamanagementsystem; developed hascomputerand thenetworkofn educati onalsede sign, relie son Ciscogog sanars,ancondary);36 oftheplatforms At present the city'son re sour cesful lcov er projectproje ct group lea dershipa ndpasswordmanagemen

44、t,nform(XXeducati-books,allintranetservices.equipmentin t-I.orkoftopic cacompa ny thought Shu aid-I . I l.lhstandards,and' . II -primaryand middlea ny ougschool0:1;809 equipmentclassesces, such ase- ny on XXEducationongradi ng record a nd evalI . _I -I . .1-Governme nt,resource li brary, test da

45、tabase, mailservi- Lequpmen necassroomsetup a Chinese teachereducatihas threeyear s technol L一 1.1s theschool(units) accordi.LIL I on computerenjoysindependentrigcurity gradeprotectindmanpowerlnismhamnepnotweBurea u on tea chi ng points digit al resourcesfullcoverprntrustssssword oftheCo a mancomput

46、erforitsproprietar y,andreleaseofprovisicurit y,assurance responscuritygrade prote ctionconstructionnni ng eleme ntaryand mi - nformatiodsecurity proted-level iction levelsork) for classifiectionsystem oftherequiremehigh quality planning XX educationalmetropolitan areanetwork realizesWaol pass; Each

47、 school construction standards of campus networkand netw orkaccessto all r ooms;ngto Ministry ofeducation onfull started impleme ntation tea chi ng point s digitale ducationresourcent chaired Z hu Guiyan, responsiblefordistanceeducati on digital resources coveringprojectw ork.hiteboards,multimedia16

48、0 million Yuauctiona nd gradeevaluation,impleme一一 L-L -ddle schools cam pus network a nd e ducation city domain,L - I . I -I -. - .一.一ryan me sc ooscam pus newora na netw ork,school s have computernetworks,digitalresource s inm oder n distanceeducati ontea chi ng pr oject leadi nggroup, XX,chaired t

49、he Secretaryforeducatinetwork,aclosed -cir cuittelevi sion netwon.E stablished,digitalresourcesi n moderncompanycooperation, usiI. .1_ _Ihe cl assrooms,realdista ncee ducation teachingize the,XXfull coverage proje ct group, XX, Directorofthe Centerforeducational i nformation an,accor ding tot he sta

50、ndard,II- IIL-III I.I.I.chieveoftheschoolndequipmnedrastcaoonystcimoeo.Apcacsosr;dianZhaokua n to schools, hundre dsof megabytes ofbroa dbandto t hetable,'wire '(ie:一.I. -I. 一.一 . -Projects inooms;一.-XXeducati on metropolitasfull coverpr oje ct of notification(taughttechnin area netw orkce n

51、termachi ne roomequipmeWeb,vi deo, a udi o)tothe targe t,electronicwI - . II. II. Ln . I_IXXcity school digitalresour ces i n moderndistancee ducation teachingfulcalletter(2012) 74tl-coveragent inthe Ministry of educationstandardizationmaIJI . I .一 _ _h,)and XX Pr ov ince Department ofeducation on i

52、ssueproje ct leadi ng group,digitalresour cesi nmodern distance e ducationteachingd XX provinceteasualeducation re sources,一 1.1 tfhoregeo-loedsatrenli00.on steeri ng,steprincipals ofeducati on information into performance assessmentand school levelm onit oring a nd eval uation,to developa scientifi

53、c, oper ational education information ste ering a ssessment methods,trackingmanagement ofeducation information a nd appli cations. ByMar ch2016,100 oftheteachers,Iparticipated in a nationale ducationaltechnologytrainingforprimarya nd secondaryschooltea chers,the teachershave made tocut 80 primaryand

54、 middleschoolteachers'e ducationaltechnologyproficie ncytest certificate. At present ,allschoolshave a ccessto broa dbandnetw orks.Traini ngcla ssificati on trai ning ofteacher s,schooltea cher s, aca demic l eaders,information technology,teachertraining ay,wit hin theschool backt o schooltraini

55、 ngonce training i s complete.第三節(jié)、農(nóng)村土地承包合同1、 農(nóng)村土地承包合同的主體2、 農(nóng)村土地承包合同的主要條款3、 農(nóng)村土地承包合同當事人的權(quán)利義務4、 農(nóng)村土地承包合同糾紛的解決第四節(jié)、農(nóng)業(yè)用地的保護制度1、 土地利用總體規(guī)劃2、 土地用途管制制度3、 耕地保護制度4、 土地整理和復墾制度第五節(jié)、農(nóng)村宅基地政策與法規(guī)1、 宅基地使用權(quán)2、 宅基地的申請3、 宅基地及宅基地使用權(quán)的流轉(zhuǎn)4、 宅基地宅基地的繼承和收回5、 宅基地糾紛的解決6、 宅基地以外的其他集體建設用地第三章農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn)資料的生產(chǎn)與經(jīng)營第一節(jié)、種子的生產(chǎn)與經(jīng)營一、 種子的生產(chǎn)mprove,se c

56、uritypr evention ca pacity obvi ously e nhanced,securityhidden and securityaccide nt obviouslyreduce d,effective guara ntees informati on healthdevelopment.XXE ducation Centrereg ularlycarry out day -to-daynetworkse curity monitori ng informationand equipment.By t he appropr iatetechni calstaff,XX network e ngine room mainte nancestaffonsite managementand mai ntena nceon areg ularbaforall equi pmentin t he rooma reg ulardust,repla ce theold la bel.Regularly host server s, netw orkswitches, corerouting ,firewalls,har dwaremainte nance,such ase qui pment


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