1、大家好 我是賽琳娜Hey, guys! It's Selena. There.認識我的人都知道我喜歡烹飪People who know me know that I love to cook,只是我不知道該做什么或怎么做except I have no idea what to do or how to do it.說實話 我不夠自信Honestly, I'm not confident enough.所以當我這幾個月So while I've been stuck at home被困在家里的時候 我想these past few months, I thought為什
2、么不利用這個時間來提高我的廚藝呢what better time to improve my skills in the kitchen?所以我請了一些超棒的廚師So I've asked some of the best chefs來教我to school me.這就是我今天要做的東西This is what I'm burning today.他們在他們家 我在我家They're at home, I'm at home.等一下Hang on.讓我們拭目以待And we're gonna see看看我們能否一起做一頓飯if we can make a
3、 meal together.線上合作的那種Apart.好尷尬So awkward.賽琳娜和南希 第一遍錄制Selena and Nancy, take one.我們試試這個吧So let's try this.開工Here we go.好了Good.我在嘗試 嘗試* I'm tryin', I'm tryin', I'm try哦 嘗試 我不斷嘗試* Oh, tryin', I'm tryin'我在嘗試 我迫不及待* I'm tryin', my feelings on fire拭目以待Let's
4、 see.嗨 南希Hi, Nancy.嗨Hi!很高興請你到我的廚房♥里來Nice to have you in my kitchen.謝謝你愿意教我Well, thanks so much for having me.今天 會由南希·錫爾弗頓Today, I am getting a home cooking lesson教我學習烹飪by none other than Nancy Silverton.她是個傳奇式的廚師 烘焙師 作家 同時也是幾家飯店的老板She's a legendary chef, baker, author, and restau
5、rant owner.我計劃了非常有挑戰(zhàn)的一天I have planned a very ambitious day所以我希望你已經準備好了for the two of us, so I hope you're ready.我準備好了 我還有幾個朋友I am ready, and I have a few of my best friends在這和我一起隔離that have been quarantining with me.她們會幫忙嗎 還是不會Are they gonna come help, or no?她們會幫手的Yeah, they're gonna come he
6、lp.- 那太好了了 - 伙計們Oh, good. Guys?把他們都叫出來吧Yeah, bring 'em out.- 這是麗茲還有拉奎爾 - 麗茲你好This is Liz and Raquelle. Hi, Liz.- 南希你好 - 嗨Hi, Nancy! Hi!- 你們準備好開工了 - 我們準備好了You're ready to work. We're ready to work.是的 讓我們開工吧Oh, yeah. Put us to work.很好 對于晚餐會來說Oh, good. That is really the key這可太重要了to a great
7、 dinner party.幫手越多越好Bring as many hands as possible,這樣我們才能盡早完工and then the work gets done.- 是啊 - 沒錯Yeah. Exactly.等需要的時候我就喊你們I'll call you guys in when we're up to.- 好的 - 非常好All right. Perfect, thank you.烈性酒 拿個可樂Hard stuff. Just grabbing a Coke.- 麗茲 可樂在哪 - 就在這邊Where's the Coke, Liz? It
8、9;s over here.- 抱歉 抱歉 抱歉 - 拉奎爾Sorry, sorry, sorry. Raquelle.抱歉Sorry.幾個女孩們住一起就會這樣This is what happens when you live with.我知道 太難了I know, it's hard. Girls.一起住2個月了For two months.好了All right.我現(xiàn)在已經全神貫注了 南希You got my full attention, Nancy.我希望你喜歡吃蔬菜I hope you love vegetables,因為今天我們要做很多蔬菜'cause we
9、9;re cooking lots of vegetables today.- 喜歡 我超愛蔬菜的 - 很好Love, love vegetables. Good.用烤箱With the magic oven,我要教你做I'm gonna teach you how to make晚餐會上的自助蔬菜a dinner party buffet vegetables.我在意大利經常做It's what I do in Italy,在我家里招待客人時entertaining in my home there.如果我在的話 這就會是一個做這些菜式的This was a great ex
10、cuse to make some of the things最好的一個借口that I would be making, had I been there.- 真不錯 - 兩種菜Amazing. And the two things需要立刻動手 因為要做熟需要一段時間that are gonna go in right away and take a while to cook就是青蒜和番茄are the leeks and the tomatoes.- 說到番茄 - 好的As far as the tomatoes. Okay.它們可以只放在一個小烤盤里放進烤箱就行They can go
11、in your oven with a pretty small sheet pan.然后我會用一個大烤盤來做青蒜And then I'm gonna be doing my leeks in a larger pan.好了 我把烤箱Okay, so I put one oven to.設置為350度 放入青蒜350 degrees, that the leeks will go in.番茄的溫度設為450度And the tomatoes are gonna go in at 450.要對流嗎And that-is that convection?是的 把對流打開Yeah, turn
12、 on your convection, sure.我現(xiàn)在知道這詞是什么意思了I know that word now.首先 我們要把青蒜First of all, we'll be braising leeks和雞湯還有特級初榨橄欖油in chicken stock and extra virgin olive oil再加上檸檬和百里香一起燜烤and lemon and thyme.你去拿青蒜吧So go ahead and grab your leeks.青蒜長什么樣What are leeks?青蒜其實也是洋蔥家族的成員Leeks are part of the onion fa
13、mily.所以它們看上去很像蔥So they look like green onions或者青蔥or scallions on steroids.天哪 真的Oh, my gosh, totally.天哪Oh, my gosh!這個看上去不對This looks so wrong, you guys.對對 就是這個Yeah, yeah, there you go.你需要檸檬You need lemons.還有百里香 新鮮的百里香And you need thyme. Fresh thyme.- 現(xiàn)在就要嗎 - 對Right now. Yep.找到了There it is.你旁邊有垃圾桶嗎Do
14、you have a trash can near you?- 有 - 我一般會放在手邊I do. So I always have, like,一個碗 然后摘下來不要的就扔里面a little bowl to throw my trimmings in.- 我喜歡 - 我把自己想象I like that. I like to think of myself成一個蔬菜屠夫as a vegetable butcher.我先把上面的頭切掉And so I'm trimming off the hairy end,留下完整的根莖leaving the root intact3到4根青蒜就夠了
15、bably three to four leeks.我以前從沒見過這種洋蔥I have never in my life seen an onion quite like this.接下來我們要把青蒜Ooh! Okay, now we're gonna split破成兩半 從中間切the leek in half, right down the middle.- 從頭切到尾嗎 - 從頭切到尾All the way through. All the way through.好Ah, okay.好吧 我沒切好All right, I'm messing this up.
16、你是用手指抓住了So are you grabbing the leeks青蒜的邊緣了嗎on the edges with your fingers?- 是的 - 沒錯Yeah. Yeah.- 看上去不錯啊 - 我可不能搞砸了Looks great. I'm not gonna mess up.很好Good job.好 把青蒜切開的部分朝上Okay, lay your leeks in cut-side up.好?Okey-dokey.- 很好 - 好Beautiful. Alrighty.好Alrighty.我們要加入雞湯We are going to fill enough橄欖油c
17、hicken stock and olive oil to come up大約三分之一處a third of the way in.雞湯是橄欖油的2倍And we want twice as much chicken stock as olive oil.然后我們給青蒜調一下味All right, now, let's season those leeks.我用粗鹽來調味I use kosher salt for seasoning然后用薄鹽灑在上面and flaky salt for finishing.專業(yè)人士都是這樣調味的Really, that's how the pr
18、ofessionals season.用手指來加調料They season with their fingers like that.我喜歡調味Oh, I love seasoning.你看上去也很專業(yè)You look like a professional over here.很好Great!現(xiàn)在 在上面加一點百里香And now, let's lay on some thyme.新鮮的百里香Some fresh thyme sprigs.好了好了 拿一個檸檬來Okay. Okay, grab a lemon.然后把檸檬切成小圓片And slice the lemon into th
19、in rounds.好的 我就把檸檬片放在上面嗎Okay, and I just place them on top?對 就像我一樣放在上面就行Yep, just place them on top like I do.- 你能看見我的盤子嗎 - 能Can you see mine? Yes.然后用錫紙把盤子包上And then grab your tinfoil,放到350度的烤箱里面and that's gonna go in that 350 degree oven.很好Nice.好了 讓我們繼續(xù)All right, let's go on- 做番茄 - 好to the
20、tomatoes. Yes.這是羅馬番茄The variety is a Roma tomato.它們的皮比較厚They have a thicker skin,它們特別適合烤and they're great for roasting.- 放多少個番茄 - 我就放滿一盤子How many tomatoes? I'm gonna fill a sheet pan.盤子上面放一些橄欖油Put some olive oil on it.撒點百里香葉子到盤子上Sprinkle the thyme leaves on the pan.真好聞Oh, it smells so good.非
21、常好 我們要切番茄了Perfect, and then we're gonna cut our tomatoes,但是不要全切斷but don't cut all the way through.沿著中心切成兩半Cut them in half through the core.但我們需要這兩半是連著的We wanna keep it attached.- 你能看見吧 - 能Can you see that? Yes.這樣我們拿的時候才更容易It's just easier when we pick them up.我們一次能拿起兩個連在一起的部分而不是兩個分開的We&
22、#39;re picking up one double as opposed to two singles.好吧Whew, okay.好有壓力Stressed about.- 這個不好切 - 不doing these. No!我教的這是This is stress-free cooking- 無壓力烹飪 - 我喜歡她we're doing. I love her already.我們今天做的菜The menu that we're doing today做完當時吃tastes as good hot as it is eaten和在冰箱里放一天拿出來再吃味道一樣好out of
23、 the refrigerator the next day, standing up,我經常這么做which I often do.這樣你就可以舉辦一個晚餐會It gives you a chance to throw a party但你又可以和客人們在一起but be there with your guests.我母親總是和她朋友開派對My mother and her friends would have parties,大家都在and everyone was there.唯一一個不在的就是我母親The only person that wasn't was my mom,-
24、 因為她總是要在廚房♥里做菜 - 沒錯'cause she was in the kitchen. Right.我奶奶就這樣That's my Nana.我奶奶喜歡烹飪My Nana loves to cook,我記憶中她一直都給我們做飯and she's cooked my whole life, and.然后即使她做完了even after she's cooked,她也總讓我們she wants us to.先吃 她后吃to grab a plate before her.我一直 我總是不理解I'm alway-I'm
25、 just so confused.烤箱的燈滅了嗎Did the light go off on the oven?還沒It did not.天哪Good grief.里面應該很熱吧 450度呢That should feel pretty hot 'cause it's at 450.兩個燈都亮著Okay, so both of my lights are still on.但是都不熱None of these are hot.我把番茄放進去可以嗎Would you mind if I throw my tomatoes in?可以 你繼續(xù)吧Yeah, no, please,
26、 go ahead.- 抱歉 - 沒事I'm sorry. It's okay.對流應該讓它更熱才對Convention's supposed to make it hotter.太奇怪了This is so weird.你覺得我直接把它們放進去行嗎So do you think I should just put them in?即使這個烤箱Even though it's.我們不是做番茄醬We're not making tomato sauce.我們不想讓它們被煮熟We don't want them to boil. Okay.- 太煩了
27、 - 等會再看吧That's super frustrating. We'll get it.好Okay.我準備做胡蘿卜了So I'm gonna go ahead and grab my carrots.我要用最喜歡的胡蘿卜品種I'm gonna use my favorite carrot,是南斯胡蘿卜which is a Nantes carrot.你那的應該是彩虹胡蘿卜What you have right there, rainbow carrots.你要切一下You are gonna trim yours,但不要把兩頭but don't c
28、ut off the end切掉or the hairy end.為什么Eww, why?維持胡蘿卜的本來形狀You know, it's so much more elegant看上去會更優(yōu)雅to leave the shape of the vegetable.太好玩了That's interesting.就堆在上面就行And then, just pile on按照你烤盤的大小what's gonna fit on your sheet pan.你要在上面灑滿橄欖油You're gonna drizzle olive oil all over them.用
29、粗鹽You want to season them進行調味with kosher salt.我們要用烤箱來烤And we're gonna be roasting these.你的烤箱怎么樣了How's that oven of yours doing?我覺得那里面應該有一個Well, I think there's supposed to be溫度計的a thermometer in it.我們還在找We're still looking for that, currently.我覺得有可能在Oh. I think it might be抽屜里in one o
30、f the drawers.這個房♥子里的東西憑空消失This house just, like, eats things.什么都找不見We can't find anything here.就是掛在烤架上的那個Yeah, 'cause it's that little hanging one, remember?我來幫你們I'll help you guys.我知道I know.扔到水池里了We threw it in the sink.會在洗碗機里嗎Could it be in the dishwasher?有可能Maybe.沒有Nop
31、e.好極了Awesome.在烤箱后面It's in the back of the oven. Nice.讀數(shù)是150It's at 150.這下砸場了Okay, this is an epic fail.也許我們可以用木頭生火Maybe we can use a log fire.為什么這種事情總是 發(fā)生 小賽 每一次Why does this always happen, Sel? Every.我們本來進行的很順利We were doing so good.抱歉 南希 這是I'm so sorry, Nancy. This is.- 別擔心 - 之前沒發(fā)生過Don&
32、#39;t worry about it. Not happened before.有幾樣準備工作There's a couple other things that we're gonna do可以不用烤箱without an oven.臨場發(fā)揮Let's just wing it.先把胡蘿卜放進去Put the carrots in there for now.- 好了嗎 - 好了Okay? Okay.換個節(jié)奏Let's switch gears,我來教你們怎么做香蒜沙司and I'm gonna show you how to make pesto
33、.- 好極了 - 一線生機Amazing! Silver lining.總算有些進展了 好極了It's looking up. Sounds great.麗茲和我不會挨餓了Liz and I aren't gonna go hungry.謝天謝地Thank God.你們想要幫忙嗎Do you guys wanna help for this part?樂意效勞 圍裙都穿好了Love to help. Already got my apron on.你先試著煸炒松子You wanna try sauteing your pine nuts?好的Oh, sure.好Kay.這個灶臺
34、沒一樣東西管用Nothing's working on the stove.不 我覺得長明火No. Oh. Yeah, so I think這東西整個壞了the pilot light. So the whole thing broke.看著Yeah, watch.不是吧No!把煤氣罐掉Turn off the gas.打火器呢Uh.where's a lighter?- 我們有一個 - 我不干All right, we have one. I'm not gonna do that.- 我站在后面 - 我來 我來I will stand back. I'll
35、do it. I'll do it.我來做 巾幗英雄I'll do it. Our danger girl.這是一個特輯 南希This is a special episode, Nancy.別這樣No, please.我都沒用上我自己的廚房♥I never get to cook in my kitchen.遮住臉 遮住臉Cover your face. Cover your face!我們需要滅火器We need the extinguisher again!壞掉了All right, it's broken. Ah!太糟糕了 難以置信This
36、 sucks. I can't believe it.我們該怎么辦 大家伙兒What are we gonna do, guys?爺爺Papa.我爺爺和我一起住My Papa lives with me, and, um.我們去修一下 什么來著we'll work on the-what is it?煤氣管線 那樣就好了The gas line. That'll be good.新節(jié)目的名稱叫 隨機應變The name of the new show is "Winging It."我們就隨機應變All right. We're wingin
37、g it.你有研缽和研杵Okay, so you have a mortar and pestle.- 對吧 - 我有什么Correct? I have a who?研缽和研杵A mortar and pestle.對 對 有Oh, yes, yes. Oh, yeah.把松子倒進去So put your pine nuts in there.幾勺的量A few tablespoons.你有細刨板嗎Do you have a Microplane?- 什么 - 細刨板The who? The Microplane.好的 我們先Yeah. Okay, so let's start磨三瓣蒜
38、with three cloves of garlic.磨到指尖為止Grating it just until I'm gonna grate my fingers.然后停下來And then I stop.這就是做美甲時候用的東西That's what they use when you get a pedicure.天吶Oh, God.麗茲 我就說我看這個Liz! I knew I recognized眼熟that little tool.拿一個帶皮的檸檬Go ahead and grab a lemon with the skin.只把帶顏色的果皮磨掉And grate
39、the colored part only.好玩This is cool.做得很好 他喜歡磨檸檬皮Doing good, girl. She loves shaving a lemon.我聽到烤箱的聲音了I hear the oven going.試試看Let's see.是熱的 天吶It's hot! Oh, my God!好極了 總算有轉機了That's so great. Things are looking up.我好開心Oh, that makes me so happy.爺爺修好了我的烤箱 現(xiàn)在可以用了My Papa fixed my oven, and n
40、ow it's working.他是出去修了嗎 沒錯Did he have to go outside? Yeah, he did it.謝謝你 爺爺Papa! Thank you, Papa.我覺得他是故意弄壞東西I feel like he purposefully breaks things好大顯身手just to fix 'em.這一集波瀾不斷This has been an interesting episode.好極了 我喜歡So good now. I love it. All right.與此同時 我們來做香蒜沙司In the meantime, we'
41、re making pesto.拿出羅勒 去掉莖Get your basil. Take it off the stem.我們只要葉子Okay, we want the leaves only.而且需要很多And we need a lot.羅勒聞起來很香The basil smells amazing.在你摘落了的時候While you are picking your basil,我看看我的番茄let me just check my tomatoes.好極了Yeah, looks great.我先擺盤I'm just gonna plate them.小心取下來So I'
42、m just taking them off very carefully.真漂亮Wow. That's really beautiful.我們現(xiàn)在該把番茄放進去了嗎Should we put the tomatoes in, now,你怎么說or what's your vibe?溫度到450°了嗎Is it at around 450?放進烤箱里Yeah. All right, into the oven烤45分鐘for about 45 minutes.我先把這些放到一邊And I'm just gonna set that off to the sid
43、e.然后把摘好的羅勒And then, our basil.卷起來 切碎Roll it up, chop it kind of coarsely.上下多切一會兒Just move it up and down to chop it more.你看到我是怎么做的了嗎Can you see what I'm doing?看到了Yes.切得好Good chop!那邊怎么樣了 觀眾們How's she doing over there, audience?她做得很好 出乎意料She's doing great. I'm very impressed.堪比法國大廚里的茱莉
44、亞·柴爾德Julia Child 2. Yeah.把羅勒放進研缽So put the basil in the mortar.搗碎羅勒We're gonna pound that basil.- 直接上嗎 - 直接來Just go for it? Yeah.一邊磨一邊攪Now, we are just going to pound and stir,要用上你全身的力氣but this, you gotta use your whole body strength.拿上你的橄欖油So get your olive oil.你需要加不少You're gonna add q
45、uite a bit of olive oil,但是一開始要少放but you're gonna add it slowly in the beginning,如果一股腦加進去because if you add it all at once,葉子會漂上來the leaves will just float.在搗成膏狀之后And it's not really complete才算完成until we have a paste.看起來不錯 漂亮極了That looks good. Yeah, beautiful.加入奶酪We're gonna grate some ch
46、eese in.羊奶干酪和帕馬森奶酪Pecorino and Parmigiano.遵命 長官Yes, ma'am.這是羊奶做的This one's a sheep's milk.磨25下Do about 25 gratings of that.好了嗎 21 22 23That good? 21, 22, 23.24 2524, 25.然后再磨25下帕馬森干酪Then do, like, 25 gratings of the parmesan.這是牛奶奶酪This one's a cow's milk.混合到一起Mix that in together.
47、應該是這種質地It should be like that.好的Okay.看起來不錯 味道怎么樣It looks good. I mean, how's it taste?很好吃Wow, it tastes so good.看來你研缽用得很開心Seems like you're having a lot of fun with the pesto.沒錯Oh, yeah, she is.我覺得我做好了I think I did it.我想給你看看我的青蒜I wanna show you what my leeks look like.吹噓一下Just so I can brag
48、a little.我的烤箱能用 看起來很棒That my oven works. They look so good.我們要開始做甜椒了We're gonna start cooking the peppers.一聽就知道是我喜歡的That sounds like something I would love.取出一片錫箔紙All right, get a sheet of the tin foil.蒙住灶臺We're gonna protect our burner避免弄臟from getting too dirty.- 這就好了 - 好There you go. Yes!好
49、極了 把爐灶開大火Excellent. Okay, now, turn your burners直接把on full heat, and just put that pepper on it- 甜椒放上去 - 就放這嗎and forget about it. Is it, like, here?直接放上去 我們要把它燒焦Just throw it on, yeah. We're just burning it.別擔心Do not be afraid.就是要燒焦 好了嗎You are blackening 'em, okay?烤甜椒就是這么做的And this is how yo
50、u make a roasted pepper.把青蒜拿出來So let's take your leeks out.溫度調到450°And then turn up the oven to 450.看起來不錯They look good.放回去要烤多久For how long will those go back in?35分鐘About 35 minutes.不 要命了 要命了No! Oh, my God, oh, my God!沒關系 沒關系It's okay, it's okay, it's okay!你還好嗎You okay?沒關系That&
51、#39;s okay. Yeah.沒事It's okay. All right.我得回避一陣 現(xiàn)在情緒太激動I'm gonna stay away, 'cause I'm emotional.凱 把?蔥放好Kay, just straighten out those leeks again, you know.重新擺盤Just rearrange 'em.包括掉出來的那一個Including the one that fell.這不算失誤 沒事的Girl, it's not even messed up, it's good.來吧Oh,
52、come on.你猜怎么著 下次你們就不會再犯了You know what? You'll never do that again.這是好的一面That's the best part.我覺得有可能再犯I feel like we might.整理一下情緒Let's regroup, okay?南希 幫幫我Nancy, help! Help me, Nancy!我要崩潰了I'm falling apart!我今天什么都做不好I'm here. We're struggling today!我們得再開一瓶酒We're gonna need
53、to open another bottle of wine.慢慢來Let's go easy.拿兩小把蘆筍Grab two bunches of asparagus準備一張烤紙and parchment paper.這些是鉛筆蘆筍These are pencil asparagus.體形細長優(yōu)美They're really beautiful and very thin.拿上幾個So just take a couple,借著力掰開and just see where they want to break.火警911! 911.我去拿滅火器I'll get the f
54、ire extinguisher.天吶 把門打開Oh, my God. Open the door!不在那 我沒看到It's not there! I don't see it!打開烤箱門 得把Open the door. We should open- 什么 - 站在這兒給它扇一下What? Stand on here and fan it.你們是最好的搭檔You guys are the best to cook with.是啊 我都不知道Yeah, I don't know about that.你怎么這么快就把警報器關掉了How did you get the
55、alarm off so quickly?我只是覺得我的房♥子在捉弄我I just think my house is playing tricks on me.你的甜椒怎么樣 我的快好了How are your peppers? Mine are almost there.直到它看起來完全黑了才行It's not done until it looks like完全黑了也燒焦了it's completely black and charred.把它們扔進碗里Throw 'em in a bowl.我們在上面蓋上塑料 這樣它們就能蒸了We'
56、re covering with plastic so they can steam.兩個好了 還有一個在烤Two down, one to go.我也是 但我想我的已經好了了Oh, me, too, but I think I am already ready to go.我覺得這肯定好了I feel like this might be done.- 你們那是什么 - 西紅柿What do you have? Tomatoes.真好看Oh, they're beautiful!很好I'm impressed.暫時擱置一邊Put aside for now.接下來是蘆筍Let's move
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