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1、Unit 3 How do you get to school?Learning Objectives一、Topics(話題): Transportation二、Functions (功能)Talk about how to get to places三、Structures (結(jié)構(gòu))1. How questions 2. How long questions3. How far questions四、Target Language (目標語言)How do you get to school?I ride my bike.How long does it take to get to sch

2、ool?It takes about 20 minutes.How far is it from your home to school?Its about two kilometers.五、Vocabulary (詞匯)train, bus, subway, bike, car, boat, river, year, minute, kilometer, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred, ride, drive, live, leave, cross take the train/bus, go by bike/subway, ride a b

3、ike, drive a car, think of, between and , leave home/school, come true六、Skills (技能)Listening for key informationScanning in reading 七、Recycling (復(fù)習鞏固)Numbers 130I usually It is easy to Thanks for 八、教材分析本單元以How do you get to school?為中心話題,主要運用How long/How far 詢問“去某地的交通方式、時間、距離”,簡單描述路線。本課時為本單元的第二課時,是一節(jié)

4、聽說練習與寫作相結(jié)合的課型,我將采用大量操練使學生掌握How far 和how long 的句型以及學會運用簡單的語言對自己上學的路線、方式進行描述。根據(jù)英語課程標準關(guān)于總目標的具體描述及新目標英語教材的語言教育理念,我將教材內(nèi)容進行整合,如為了讓學生更好的理解3a課文我將書上的三個預(yù)設(shè)問題分解為聽文章回答簡單問題,理解問題,以及細節(jié)問題三個層次,層層遞進。九、教學目標(一)知識技能1)能夠掌握how,how far, how long 句型,并用其詢問他人上學方式及時間、路程。2) 能運用簡單的語言對自己上學的路線、方式進行描述;3) 閱讀3a上的文章,能理解大意,回答相應(yīng)問題,并復(fù)述大意。

5、能運用語言簡單描述他人出行的路線。(二)過程與方法運用功能交際法,游戲法,利用多媒體創(chuàng)設(shè)情境情,等多種教學方法。同時通過在英語朗讀,完成任務(wù)的過程中讓學生進行有效的自我調(diào)控,提升語言交際能力。(三)情感態(tài)度對比班級學生上學方式與山村孩子的艱辛上學路,讓學生珍惜現(xiàn)在,努力學習。十、教學重難點:how,how far,how long 句型的綜合運用以及單三的使用。解決措施: 運用功能交際法,情境教學法,以及對比提問法進行大量操練。十一、課時安排第一課時:完成Section A 1a2d 第二課時:完成Section A 2e3c 第三課時:完成Section B 1a1e第四課時:完成Secti

6、on B 2aSelf Check The First Period (Section A, 1a2c)Teaching aims (教學目標)1. 學習表示交通工具的單詞。2. 學會使用動詞短語表示交通方式。3. 能夠熟練掌握How do you get to school?的句型。4. 學習使用how far詢問距離,how long 詢問時間。Language points (語言點)1. 詞匯:1)名詞n. train, bus, subway, ride, minute, kilometer2) 動詞v. ride 3) 數(shù)詞num. sixty, seventy, eighty,

7、ninety, hundred 4) 形容詞和副詞adj. & adv. far 5) 詞組 take the subway, ride a bike 2. 句型:How do you get to school? I How long does it take ? It takes How far is it from to ? Its about Difficulties (教學難點)1. 交通工具的表達法。2. How,how far, how long 句型的使用及區(qū)別。Teaching steps (教學步驟)1. Warm-up and revision(課堂熱身和復(fù)習)(

8、1)Greet the class. (Talk about the weather. Use the present and past tense. ) T: Hows the weather today? S: It is T:How was the weather yesterday? S: It was (2) Play a guessing game. T: Look at the sentences and pictures and guess the kinds of transportation.【教學設(shè)計說明】通過多媒體屏幕向?qū)W生展示所學單詞,圖文并茂,非常直觀地向?qū)W生展示了

9、新單詞.簡單的單詞游戲既調(diào)動了學生的學習積極性又強化了單詞記憶。2. Presentation (呈現(xiàn)新知識)(1) Present the new words: take a train, take the bus, take the subway, ride a bike, walkShow some pictures of the new words on the screen. Ask Ss to try to read these words. T: Lets play a word game. (Ask Ss to look through the new words quickl

10、y, and check how many they can remember. Give Ss some pictures of the new words and some word cards. Then show the new words or the pictures of the new words on the screen. For example, when you show the word “train” on the screen, the student who has the picture of a train should stand up quickly a

11、nd say “Im here!”)【教學設(shè)計說明】圖片教學法是呈現(xiàn)新知識最簡單有效的方法之一,學生通過圖片,能更價值觀的理解新單詞的含義。此環(huán)節(jié)重點在新單詞及詞組的意思和發(fā)音上,所以要盡量讓更多的學生張口說,必要的機械操練是必不可少的。3. Drill (練習) Show the pictures as quickly as possible. Let Ss say the new words. Then use the new words to make conversations. T: Lets play a game. Please say the new words as quic

12、kly as you can. Then make a conversation like this: A: How do you get to school? B: I take a bus to school.【教學設(shè)計說明】此環(huán)節(jié)為機械操練,使不同層次學生初步掌握目標語言。機械操練是英語初始階段教學必不可缺的部分,學生要先從模仿到初步掌握,最后才能熟練應(yīng)用。機械操練時應(yīng)注意著重提問成績較差的學生,由于機械操練比較簡單,因此是激發(fā)后進生興趣,培養(yǎng)后進生自信的一個很好的途徑。4. Work on 1a (完成1a)(1) Match the words with the pictures.

13、(2) Talk about the picture with Ss using the target language. T: How does “a” get to school?【教學設(shè)計說明】通過1a的練習,使學生進一步學會運用新單詞。和學生一起談?wù)搱D片,目的在于引導(dǎo)學生學會使用交通工具的表達法。5. Work on 1b (完成1b)(1)Listen and write the numbers next to the correct Ss in the picture.(2) Look at the picture in 1a. How do the Ss get to schoo

14、l? Make conversations with your partner. A: How does Mary get to school?B: She takes the subway.【教學設(shè)計說明】此環(huán)節(jié)著重是聽力訓(xùn)練。讓學生在聽對話的過程中抓住關(guān)鍵詞匯,由于前面已做了一些訓(xùn)練,因此學生聽起來比較容易,讓他們都有一次成功的喜悅和感受,這樣可以增強他們的學習自信心。6. Work on 2a2c (完成2a, 2b和2c)(1)T: Please turn to page 14. Look at the numbers in 2a. Read them aloud.(2)T: Now

15、lets listen carefully and complete the chart. (3)T: Can you get the answers? Listen again and check your answers. (4)T: How does Tom get to school? How long? How far?【教學設(shè)計說明】此環(huán)節(jié)進一步鞏固了本堂課所學的詞匯和句型。通過反復(fù)聽讀,可以讓學生盡快熟悉生詞。學生補全句子,是檢查學生能否聽懂并拼寫所學單詞。7 Work on 2d (完成2d)(1)Student A is Jane and Student B is Tom.

16、Use the information in 2b to make conversations.A: How do you get to school? B: I A: How long does it take ? B: It takes A: How far is it from to ? B: Its about (2)How long does it take? How long does it take you to get from your home to school?How far is it?How far is it from your home to school?【教

17、學設(shè)計說明】此環(huán)節(jié)既能充分練習學生的目標語言,使學生學以致用,同時也能極大的調(diào)動學生們的課堂參與率,并且能為有繪畫特長的孩子提供一個展示的空間。8. Homework (課后作業(yè))Oral: 朗讀并熟記第13頁的單詞和句子。Written: 寫小段文章介紹自己如何上學,多遠,多長時間。The Second Period (Section A, 2e3c)Teaching aims (教學目標)1. 能使用目標語言談?wù)撟约喝绾紊蠈W。2. 能用所學內(nèi)容解決實際問題。3. 熟練掌握how,how far和how long引導(dǎo)的特殊疑問句,并會正確回答。 Language points (語言點)1.

18、 詞匯:1) 名詞n. car2) 動詞v. drive,live 3) 形容詞 adj. every 4) 短語 every day, by bike2. 句型:How do you get to school? I ride my bike. How long does it take to get to school? It takes about 15 minutes. How far is it from home to school? Its only about two kilometers.Difficulties (教學難點)1. 鞏固how,how far和how long

19、的用法。2. 真實環(huán)境下的交際功能。Teaching steps (教學步驟)1. Warm-up and revision (課堂熱身和復(fù)習) T: Get into pairs and review the target language we learned in the first period.A: How do you get to school? B: I A: How long does it take?B: It takes A: How far is it? B: Its about C: How does get to school?D: He/She C: How lo

20、ng does it take?D: It takes C: How far is it?D: Its about 【教學設(shè)計說明】本環(huán)節(jié)主要為復(fù)習內(nèi)容,更好的鞏固目標語言。因此此環(huán)節(jié)設(shè)計了第一人稱與第三人稱的對話,由于是復(fù)習因此應(yīng)多提問中等或中下等學生。2.Work on 2e (完成2e)(1) Talk about the picture. Help Ss guess the main idea of the conversation.T: Where are they?What are they talking about?(2)Read the conversation and an

21、swer the following questions.Q1. Who has a new bike? Jane.Q2. How does Lisa get to school? She usually takes the bus.Q3. How far is it from Lisas home to school?About 10 kilometers.Q4. How long does it take Jane to go to school?About 15 minutes by bike. (3) Role-play the conversation in 2e.【教學設(shè)計說明】學

22、生通過回答問題能理解對話的內(nèi)容,通過角色扮演能在情境中學會運用,通過自編對話能更好的讓學生學以致用。3. Grammar Focus(1) Read through the sentences.(2) Ask Ss to focus on the usage of how, how far and how long.【教學設(shè)計說明】本部分為本單元的內(nèi)容核心,不僅概括了本單元的重點,還將基本句型一 一呈現(xiàn)。通過句子的羅列,使學生關(guān)注人稱的變化。因此不應(yīng)小視,但由于是總結(jié)性內(nèi)容,故要求學生朗讀??稍谡n后將本部分列入聽寫內(nèi)容。4. Work on 3a (完成3a)(1) Match the que

23、stions with the answers. (2) Check the answers. Then practice them.(3) Summarize the difference between how, how far and how long. 【教學設(shè)計說明】本環(huán)節(jié)旨在向?qū)W生強調(diào)how, how far and how long引導(dǎo)的特殊疑問句的答語。 5. Work on 3b (完成3b)(1) T: Use these words to make questions. Get into pairs and ask and answer the questions. (2

24、) Have Ss check their answers in groups and then present their answers to the class.【教學設(shè)計說明】本環(huán)節(jié)旨在幫助學生掌握句子的結(jié)構(gòu),了解句法。6. Work on 3c (完成3c)(1) T: Get into groups and ask your classmates questions and write their names in the chart. The first student to fill in all the blanks wins.(2) T: Make a report abo

25、ut your findings and present them to the class.【教學設(shè)計說明】 小組活動中將所學知識學以致用,是對Section A內(nèi)容的總結(jié)及復(fù)習。7. Homework (課后作業(yè))(1)Copy the sentences in Grammar Focus.(2)Recite the conversation in 2e. The Third Period (Section B, 1a1e)Teaching aims (教學目標)1. 學習stop 和station。2. 學會表達同時使用多種交通工具去某個地方。3. 能熟練使用how,how far 和h

26、ow long 進行操練。 4. 理解聽力材料。Language points (語言點)1. 詞匯:1) 名詞n. stop2) 短語. think of2. 句型:I ride my bike to the subway station. Then I take the subway. Mary wants to know how far he lives from his grandparents home.Difficulties (教學難點)1. 乘坐多種交通工具到達某個地點的表達方法。 Teaching steps (教學步驟)1. Warm-up and revision(課堂熱

27、身和復(fù)習)(1) Make conversations with your partner. How /How long /How far (2) Read the sentences in Grammar Focus aloud. How do you get to school?I ride my bike.How does she get to school?She usually takes the bus.How long does it take to get to school?It takes about 15 minutes.How far is it from your h

28、ome to school?Its only about two kilometers.Does Jane walk to school?No, she doesnt. She goes by bike.Do they take the bus to school?No, they dont. They walk.【教學設(shè)計說明】通過對話的形式進行熱身,可以很好的復(fù)習Section A所學重點句型; 通過聽寫句子了解學生掌握句子的情況。2. Presentation (呈現(xiàn)新知識)(1)Show two pictures and talk about them. T: Whats this?

29、S1: Bus stopT: Whats this?S2: Bus stationT: A stop refers to the place where a bus, train, etc. stops so that people can get on and off. A station is a building from which buses or trains etc. begin and end their journeys.(2) Work on 1a. Draw lines to match the words with the pictures.【教學設(shè)計說明】通過對每幅圖

30、片的描述,幫助學生區(qū)分stop和station。3. Work on 1b (完成1b)(1)Tell your partner how you get to school. Imagine you use two types of transportation.(2)Show some pictures and practice the conversation.A: How do you get to school?B: Well, I ride my bike to the subway station. Then I take the subway.【教學設(shè)計說明】本環(huán)節(jié)為新內(nèi)容,是本

31、課時的重點,因此在本環(huán)節(jié)的操練程度應(yīng)加大。讓盡量多的學生參與到課堂活動中來。4. Work on 1cListen and check the things that Mary wants to know.Mary wants to know _ where Bob lives._ how far he lives from his grandparents home._ how he gets to his grandparents home._ how long it takes to get to his grandparents home._ what he thinks of the

32、 trip.【教學設(shè)計說明】 通過聽力幫助學生培養(yǎng)聽細節(jié)的能力。5. Listening (聽力練習)(1)Work on 1d. Listen again. How does Bob get to his grandparents home? (2) Check the answers. (3) Work on 1e. Talk about how Bob gets to his grandparents home.【教學設(shè)計說明】本環(huán)節(jié)將聽說很好的融合在一起,既鍛煉了聽力又積累了詞匯和句型。7. HomeworkDo a survey.How do your classmates get

33、to school?The Fourth Period (Section B, 2aSelf Check)Teaching aims (教學目標)1. 能用所學知識閱讀文章。2. 能理解文章內(nèi)容,回答問題。3. 能夠理解文章細節(jié)內(nèi)容。 4. 能夠運用所學內(nèi)容介紹自己的上學路線。 Language points (語言點)1. 詞匯:1) 名詞n. river, village, bridge, boat, ropeway, year, villager, dream 2) 形容詞 adj. afraid, true, many 3) 動詞 v. cross,leave 4)短語 between

34、 and , come true2. 句型:Its not easy to cross the river on a ropeway. There is no bridge. You want to know how Difficulties (教學難點)1. 理解文章內(nèi)容,正確回答問題。2. 用所學知識寫出完整的文章。 Teaching steps (教學步驟)1. Warm-up and revision(課堂熱身和復(fù)習)(1)Check Ss homework. T: How do your classmates get to school? S: I asked Xiao Hua. S

35、he usually walks to the bus station, and then she takes the bus to school. Xiao Hua: I asked Jim. He always gets to school in his fathers car. Jim: I asked Lucy. She sometimes takes the subway to school. But she never takes the taxi. (2) T: For many Ss, its easy to go to school. But it can be very d

36、ifficult for Ss in a small village in China. 【教學設(shè)計說明】建議本環(huán)節(jié)讓盡可能多的學生進行操練。本環(huán)節(jié)操練的方式是鎖鏈式操練,小華采訪了Jim, Jim 采訪了Lucy。本環(huán)節(jié)一方面幫助學生復(fù)習目標語言,一方面為下個環(huán)節(jié)的閱讀文章做了鋪墊,自然導(dǎo)入。2. Work on 2aLook at the picture, talk about it and guess what the passage is about.Where are they?What are they doing?Where are they going?【教學設(shè)計說明】培養(yǎng)學生

37、的閱讀策略,即根據(jù)文章和標題猜測文章大意。2. Presentation (呈現(xiàn)新知識)(1) Work on 2b. Read the passage and answer the questions. 1. How do the students in the village go to school?2. Why do they go to school like this?3. Does the boy like his school? Why?4. What is the villagers dream? Do you think their dream can come true? Why or why not?(2) Work on 2c. Read the p


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