1、高等院校研究生英語系列教材綜合教程(上)綜合教程(上)INTEGRATED COURSEUnit 1 Key to Exercise Unit 1Planning your future career新學(xué)期要求新學(xué)期要求1. 確定一課代表2. 課代表下次上課前交給我:1)同學(xué)座位表, 每個同學(xué)固定座位不變, 便于老師清查和熟悉。2)按學(xué)號排列的班級名單表,包括姓名,學(xué)號,手機號,每個姓名后留出考勤的空白地方,用星號注明班里各類學(xué)生干部。3 .英語學(xué)習(xí)時間為一年, 兩學(xué)期。教材分為上下兩冊。本學(xué)期學(xué)習(xí)上冊。每冊10個單元。第3 和第6單元同學(xué)們自學(xué)。每個單元有兩篇文章, 同學(xué)自學(xué)第2篇文章. 自
2、學(xué)的內(nèi)容都納入考試范圍。(本周5上午8點30下午6點30課代表領(lǐng)3-4位同學(xué)去北院外語學(xué)院2樓會議室領(lǐng)教材,上下兩冊53元)2. 進度:兩次課學(xué)習(xí)一個單元。第一次上課之前, 學(xué)生預(yù) 習(xí)“Starting out” 和“Reading Focus”兩個部分. 第2次課前,學(xué)生預(yù)習(xí)“Text Exploration, Critical Thinking, Practical Translation ”和“Focused Writing”. 每次課前做好討論和回答問題的準(zhǔn)備。學(xué)完一個單元學(xué)生自己做課后的各種練習(xí)。3. 考試:10個單元全考。期末卷面成績占70%,平時成績占30%。平時成績包括A. 預(yù)
3、習(xí)情況,課堂參與討論及回答問題的表現(xiàn);B。出勤表現(xiàn)-遲到曠課扣分。C. 參與其他活動的表現(xiàn), 如:英語話劇表演,課堂示范講課等。4. 公共郵箱: password: fiveclass 我會把練習(xí)答案和其他相關(guān)學(xué)習(xí)資料發(fā)到郵箱里。同學(xué)們有啥問題也可以寫在郵箱里, 老師會看見回答。Traits of the Key PlayersTask 2Choose the sentence that best expresses the meaning of the sentence from the text. (P12) Key: 2 3 4 5 16 7 8 9 10Detailed Informa
4、tion B AD BDBC B B B Key 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- Task 1Choose the answer that is closest in meaning to the underlined word in the sentence. (P.15)ACCBDDCAVocabulary in Action BDDApubliccDetails of the highly sensitive information have not been made _.2. Working at home requires a good
5、 deal of _.3. He never ceased to be amazed by her physical _.4. The article made no _ to previous research on the subject.5. The great _ of our plan lies in its simplicity.6. The palace and its grounds are open to the _ during the summer months.7. Supporters _ outside the courtroom during the trial.
6、Task 2Read the words and their explanations in the box in page 16. Choose a word to complete each of the sentences below and explain its meaning. Change the form if necessary.disciplinebstrengthareferenceastrengthdpublicademonstratedbVocabulary in Action 8. I didnt enjoy studying PhilosophyI found i
7、t too much of a theoretical _.9. Ask your teacher to act as one of your _.10. He said he left the company because of a _ clash with the director.11. Different cultures have different ways of _ their children.12. The study _ the link between poverty and malnutrition.13. The disclosure of the informat
8、ion will not be a criminal offence if it can be shown that it was in the _ interest.14. The book will become a standard work of _.15. Its partly the architecture which gives the town its _.disciplinecreferencescpersonalityadiscipliningddemonstrates apublicdreferencebpersonalitycVocabulary in Action
9、Task 3Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate word from the box. Change the form if necessary. (P17)Vocabulary in Action prioritize cite pay teamwork credit demonstrate setting adjust rule discourage pursuit employmentThe independence-versus-interdependence issue has been written about regula
10、rly and is often introduced as the major issue separating the two worlds of scientific 1)_ : academic and industrial. For decades, academia has 2) _lip service to the idea of collaboration, but the incentive-and-reward system has been slow to 3)_ . employmentpaidadjustDespite the widespread interest
11、 in collaboration and its obvious value in an academic 4)_ , collaboration remains informal and is actually 5)_ by the tenure tenju任期 process, in which scholars are penalized 不公平地對待 for sharing 6)_ for their work with others.Vocabulary in Action prioritize cite pay teamwork credit demonstrate settin
12、g adjust rule discourage pursuit employmentsettingdiscouragedcreditLarge-scale academic collaboration has taken place successfully in the past; the Manhattan Project and contemporaneous radar research, and numerous experimental particle physics projects, to 7) _引證just a few examples, are not perhaps
13、 academic in the purest sense, but they 8)_demonstrate_ that academic scientists can play well with others. More recently, new systems biology studies are bringing a sense of 9)_ into academic life science labs, but there have been some growing pains. Still, in most of academic scienceincluding the
14、life sciencethe lone wolf still 10)_.Vocabulary in Action prioritize cite pay teamwork credit demonstrate setting adjust rule discourage pursuit employmentteamworkciterulesWhy Do We Work?Text ExplorationComplete the following extract with information from the text.We work for money, but also for san
15、ity. Lawyers expect to be well compensated in dollars, also in 1)_ ways. The key elements of noneconomic compensation include:1. Professional identityLaw firms pay psychic compensation by 2)_ professional prerogatives, providing lawyers with autonomy in matters of professional judgment, and affirmin
16、g the special respect 3)_ to lawyers who 4)_ to ethical standards in all of their professional dealings. Whats more, they need to take care not to impinge on lawyers exercise of 5)_ professional judgment. This is equally important to professional autonomy.2. Personal prideLawyers compensate themselv
17、es with the powerful 6)_ of a job well done. For an elite firm, its unwise to 7)_ the drive to excellence, even when its not cost effective in the short term.Reading MoreGlobal understandingnonmonetaryrecognizingdueconsideredadhereself-affirmationimpede3. IdealismSlaking lawyers 8)_ for justice is a
18、n important element of psychic compensation. An elite firm supports pubic service efforts, thereby compensating its professionals, and 9)_ itsinstitutional obligations to society at the same time.4. RecognitionBoth formal and informal recognition is called for in psychic compensation, the 10)_ of wh
19、ich requires a little extra effort on the part of management. To 11)_ the purpose, different forms of acknowledging achievement such as elaborate dinners, parties, casual events, formal award programs, 12) _ of public recognition, even a congratulatory e-mail or phone call are among the choices.Read
20、ing MoreGlobal understandingthirstdischargingrenderingserveceremonies5. Institutional prideGiving lawyers cause to be proud to be 13) _ of the firm is the final element of psychic compensation. This requires the management to 14)_ itself to building the firm as an integrated and thriving institution
21、.In sum, to attract top legal talent, law firm managers must 15)_ to both the physical and psychic needs of their lawyers.Reading MoreGlobal understandingbelongingcommitattendTask 1ObserveIt was_ that 40% of patients had high blood pressure. B. Keynes _that human beings fall into two classes.C. Too
22、many accidents are occurring at work because employers are not _ safety regulations.Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate form of the word given and explain its meaning.observedobservedVocabulary in Action v. to see and notice somethingv. to say or write what you have noticed about a situat
23、ionv. to do what you are supposed to do according to a law or agreementobserving2. label A. _ on clothes should be removed for kids with sensitive skin. B. She carefully _ each jar with its contents and the date. C. Children who are _ “slow” usually get less attention from teachers.Labelslabeledlabe
24、ledVocabulary in Action n. a piece of paper or other material that is attached to something and gives information about itv. to attach a label onto something or write information on somethingv. to use a word or phrase to describe someone or something, but often unfairly or incorrectly3. engage A. On
25、ly 10% of American adults _ in regular exercise. B. Paul _ as a junior clerk at a very low wage. C. Have you heard? Sally and Ray are getting _. D. Her _ personality has helped make her televisions favorite talk-show hostess.engageengagedwas engagedVocabulary in Action v. to be doing or to become in
26、volved in an activityv. to employ someone to do a particular jobv. (two people) having agreed to marryengagingadj. pleasant and attracting your interest4. attributeThe fall in the number of deaths from heart disease is generally _ to improvements in diet.B. What _ should a good manager possess?C. Th
27、is, and the remaining frescoes, are not _ to Giotto.attributedattributedVocabulary in Action v. to believe or say that a situation or event is caused by somethingattributesn. a quality or feature, especially one that is considered to be good or usefulv. to believe or say that someone was responsible
28、 for saying or writing something, i.e. painting a famous picture, etc.5. driveA. _ a Rolls Royce into a swimming pool was one of the most dangerous stunts Crawford had to perform.B. The government must continue this _ to find new, cleaner forms of energy.C. Greg certainly has the _ to become a good
29、lawyer.Drivingv. to make a car, truck, bus etc move along drive n. an effort to achieve something, especially an effort by an organization for a particular purposedriven. determination and energy to succeedVocabulary in Action exerciseexercise 6. exerciseTry to fit some regular_ into your daily rout
30、ine.B. The _in Chapter 3 are helpful for students learning the future tense.C. People who can _ some control over their surroundings feel less anxious.exercisesVocabulary in Action n. physical activities that you do in order to stay healthy and become strongern. a set of questions in a book that tes
31、t a students knowledge or skillv. to use a power, right, or quality that you have7. termIt was always clear that Schmidts third _ in office would prove a difficult one.B. The exams are at the end of the summer _.C. He had been _ a temporary employee, now he is a member of permanent staff.termn. a fi
32、xed period of time during which someone does something or something happenstermn. one of the periods of time that the school or university year is divided intotermedv. to give a name to or describe something with a particular expressionVocabulary in Action 8. dischargeA. Several of the recruits were
33、 _ from the Army due to medical problems.B. The president called upon the soldiers to _ their duty with honor.C. All and dispositions of radioactive waste _ from Spring fields were within relevant limits.dischargedv. to officially allow someone to leave somewhere, especially the hospital or the army
34、, navy, etc., or to tell them that they must leavedischargev. to do or pay what you have a duty to do or paydischargesn. something coming out of a substance from inside somewhereVocabulary in Action 9. minorWe have made some _ changes to the program.B. Sid _ in political science.C. This film contain
35、s material unsuitable for _.minoradj. small and not very important or serious, especially compared with other thingsminored/minorsv. to study a second main subject as part of university degreeminorsn. someone who is below the age at which they become legally responsible for their actionsVocabulary i
36、n Action 10. stageThis treaty marks an important _ in our two countries relationship.B. The orchestra was restricted to a semicircle in view of the needs of Roman drama and, in front of this was a raised _.C. It cost thousands of pounds to _ the concert, including performers fees and the hire of equ
37、ipment.stagen. a particular time or state that something reaches as it grows or develops stage stagen. the raised area in a theatre which actors or singers stand on when they performv. to organize a public eventVocabulary in Action 11. fosterThe couple wanted to adopt the black child they had been _
38、.B. Recent studies show that advertising usually _ competition and therefore lowers prices.C. Half a million American children are in _ care at any given time.fosteringv. to take someone elses child into your family for a period of time but without becoming their legal parentfostersv. to help a skil
39、l, feeling, idea, etc. develop over a period of timefosteradj. related by or concerned with fosteringVocabulary in Action 12. firm Edward got a job with a _ of accountants in London.B. Make sure the ladder feels _ before you climb up.C. You need to be _ with her or shell try to take advantage of you
40、.firmn. a business or company, especially a small onefirmadj. strongly fixed in position, and not likely to movefirmadj. (people) behaving in a way showing that they are not going to change their mind, or that they are the person taking controlVocabulary in Action Task 2The sum of $20 is _ (是你應(yīng)得的獎金)
41、.2. He had just received a doctorate _ (以表彰他為心理學(xué)作出的貢獻).3. Insurance is only valuable if it _(達到一種目的).Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in brackets into English. Try to use the expressions you have learned from the text.due to you as a bonus in recognition of his contributio
42、ns to psychologyserves a purposeVocabulary in Action 4. Dont worry, everything will be _ (在適當(dāng)?shù)臅r候得到處理).5. This problem should be discussed first, as it _ (比其他問題都重要).6. Youve been promoted? This _ (需要慶祝一下). 7. The scholars mind _ (渴望一些新書). takes precedence over all the others attended to in due course
43、 calls for a celebrationVocabulary in Action thirsted for a few new books8. I am writing to you_ (有關(guān)你們部門的工作機會).9. _ (瑪麗有廣泛的興趣愛好), she like sports, travel, photography and making radio sets.10. The banks have _ (承諾增加利潤) by slashing costs. with reference to the job opening in your departmentMary has a
44、 great diversity of interestsVocabulary in Action committed themselves to boosting profits 定語從句在句中充當(dāng)定語,修飾某一名詞或代詞。引導(dǎo)定語從句的關(guān)聯(lián)詞可以是關(guān)系代詞(如 who, which, that)和關(guān)系副詞(如 when, where, as)。定語從句可分為限制性定語從句和非限制性定語從句兩種。定語從句的翻譯定語從句的翻譯: : 在英譯漢中,定語從句的處理辦法一般用前置法、后置法、融合法和轉(zhuǎn)換法等。1. 前置法 把英語原文的定語從句翻譯成帶“的”的定語詞組, 放置于被修飾的詞之前,將英語原
45、文的復(fù)合句翻譯成漢語的簡單句。2. 后置法 有時定語從句可視上下文將其譯成獨立的句子或與主句并列的分句,放在被修飾詞的后面。定定1. A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps. 我們往往可以從一個人我們往往可以從一個人所閱讀的所閱讀的書以及書以及所交往的所交往的朋友去看他朋友去看他的為人。的為人。 2. But if you put down a book you dont like and try another till you find one that mean
46、s something to you, and then relax with it, you will almost certainly have a good time. 但是如果你把但是如果你把自己覺得沒勁的自己覺得沒勁的書放下另換別的,直到發(fā)現(xiàn)一書放下另換別的,直到發(fā)現(xiàn)一本本你認(rèn)為有意思的你認(rèn)為有意思的書,然后輕松地讀下去,那么幾乎可以肯書,然后輕松地讀下去,那么幾乎可以肯定你會感到很快活的。定你會感到很快活的。定語從句定語從句“he reads” ,“he keeps”分別被譯成帶分別被譯成帶“的的”的的短語短語“所閱讀的所閱讀的”,“所交往的所交往的”放在中心詞前面。放在中心詞前面
47、。這又是一個定語從句譯成帶這又是一個定語從句譯成帶“的的”的短語放在中心詞前面的短語放在中心詞前面的的例子。例子。3. The Westerner who developed a farm, opened a shop, or set up in business as a trader, could hope to prosper only as his own community prosperedand his community ran from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from Canada down to Mexico. 西部人經(jīng)營農(nóng)場,西部
48、人經(jīng)營農(nóng)場, 開設(shè)店鋪,開設(shè)店鋪, 從事買賣從事買賣,只有當(dāng)他自己的集體,只有當(dāng)他自己的集體興旺發(fā)達,他個人才有指望發(fā)家致富興旺發(fā)達,他個人才有指望發(fā)家致富而他的集體由大西洋而他的集體由大西洋延伸到太平洋,從加拿大直抵墨西哥。延伸到太平洋,從加拿大直抵墨西哥。4. His famous will, in which he left money to provide prizes for outstanding work in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology, Medicine, Literature and Peace, is a memorial to his
49、interests and ideals. 他那著名的遺囑是對他愛好和理想的紀(jì)念,他那著名的遺囑是對他愛好和理想的紀(jì)念, 在遺囑中他遺留下在遺囑中他遺留下了錢,了錢, 為在物理學(xué),化學(xué),為在物理學(xué),化學(xué), 生理學(xué),醫(yī)學(xué),文學(xué)與和平方面的生理學(xué),醫(yī)學(xué),文學(xué)與和平方面的杰出成就提供獎金。杰出成就提供獎金。這個句子的定語從句內(nèi)容較多,字?jǐn)?shù)較長,放在中心詞這個句子的定語從句內(nèi)容較多,字?jǐn)?shù)較長,放在中心詞“西西部人部人”后面,比放在前面更符合漢語的表達習(xí)慣。后面,比放在前面更符合漢語的表達習(xí)慣。這里,非限制性定語從句太長,翻譯時處理成獨立分句的形式這里,非限制性定語從句太長,翻譯時處理成獨立分句的形式放
50、在句末。放在句末。5. People are still talking about the historic events of several years ago, when man took his first walk in space. 人們?nèi)匀辉谡務(wù)搸啄昵暗臍v史性事件,人們?nèi)匀辉谡務(wù)搸啄昵暗臍v史性事件,那時人類首次進行了太空行走。那時人類首次進行了太空行走。6. They are looking for a city where the standard of living is high and the cost of living is low. 他們要尋找一座城市,他們要尋找
51、一座城市,在那里生活水準(zhǔn)高,但是生活成本低。在那里生活水準(zhǔn)高,但是生活成本低。7. They act mostly on suggestions from present members, of whom four are women. 他們大多聽從現(xiàn)在成員的建議行事,他們大多聽從現(xiàn)在成員的建議行事,這些成員中有這些成員中有4人是女性。人是女性。非限制性定語從句譯成短句放在被修飾詞“幾年前”后面,譯文表達清晰流暢。這里,where引導(dǎo)的定語從句較長,放在中心詞 “city”后面,符合漢語表達習(xí)慣。非限制性定語從句處理成單句放在中心詞后面,使譯文順暢。8. If you are looking
52、for fun and adventure, you might want to try the “Mystery Express”, which runs from New York to Montreal, Canada. This trip interests people who have always wanted to play a role in an Agatha Christie play or a Sherlock Holmes detective novel. 如果你想找樂子和冒險,你也許想要乘一下如果你想找樂子和冒險,你也許想要乘一下“神秘特快神秘特快” ,該車從紐約該
54、雜,譯成前置帶的短語修飾“people”,符,符合漢語表達習(xí)慣。合漢語表達習(xí)慣。這個句子的非限制性定語從句,譯成了后置的獨立短句,這個句子的非限制性定語從句,譯成了后置的獨立短句,比處理成前置帶的短語比處理成前置帶的短語“從紐約開往加拿大的蒙特利爾從紐約開往加拿大的蒙特利爾的的神秘特快神秘特快”要簡潔明了,而限制性定語從句雖然字?jǐn)?shù)要簡潔明了,而限制性定語從句雖然字?jǐn)?shù)較多,意思卻不復(fù)雜,譯成前置帶的短語修飾較多,意思卻不復(fù)雜,譯成前置帶的短語修飾“people”,符,符合漢語表達習(xí)慣。合漢語表達習(xí)慣。Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese.
55、 Pay particular attention to the adverbial clauses.Paragraph One“Business happens 24/7/365, which means that competition happens 24/7/365, as well,” says Haut. “One way that companies win is by getting there faster, which means that you not only have to mobilize all of the functions that support a b
56、usiness to move quickly, but you have to know how to decide where there is! This creates a requirement not only for people who can act quickly, but for those who can think fast with the courage to act on their convictions. This needs to run throughout an organization and is not exclusive to management.”Translation for Reference:“一年一年365 365 天,一周天,一周7 7 天,一天天,一天24 24 小時,生意始終在進行,小時,生意始終在進行,那意味著那意味著一年一年365 365 天,一周天,一周7 7 天,一天天,一天24 24 小時,競爭也同小時,競爭也同樣在進行,樣在進行,”豪特說,豪特說,“公司取勝的公司取勝的方法之一就是要更快方法之一就是要更快地到達地到達目的地目的地!這就是說這就是說,你不僅要把,你不僅要把所有能支
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