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1、三年級下冊英語閱讀理解知識點鞏固練習班級:_ 姓名:_1. 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,判斷對(T)錯(F)。My name is Xiaoyong. I''m nine. I''m a pupil. I get up at seven o''clock. I go to school at eight o''clock. I go home at four o''clock. I watch TV at six o''clock. I go to bed at nine o''clock.( )

2、  (1)I get up at seven o''clock.( )  (2) I go home at five o''clock.( )  (3)I go to bed at half past nine.( )  (4)I watch TV at half past six.2. 閱讀短文,判斷下列句子是否正確。There are four seasons in a year. Which (哪一個) season do you like? I like summe

3、r. Summer is very hot, but I can eat a lot of fruits. I like eating watermelons very much. In summer, I can swim in the sea. My parents(父母), my sister and I often go to the beach. We are very happy.(1)In a year, there are five seasons.( ) (2)I don''t like summer. It''s too hot.(

4、 ) (3)I like eating fruits.( ) (4)I can ride a bike in summer.( ) (5)My father, my mother, my sister and I often go to the beach in summer.( ) 3. 閱讀短文,判斷下列句子是否與短文內(nèi)容一致。I am a rabbit. I''m soft and warm. I have white hair and two red eyes. I have a short tail. I have four l

5、egs. Look at the grass. I like to eat the grass. It''s green and soft. I don''t like to eat pineapples. It''s hard and rough. But it''s sweet.( ) (1)The rabbit is hard.( ) (2)The rabbit has black hair and red eyes.( ) (3)The rabbit has a long tail.( )&#

6、160;(4)The rabbit has six legs.( ) (5)The rabbit likes to eat green and soft grass.( ) (6)The rabbit doesn''t like(不喜歡) to eat pineapples.4. 閱讀短文,判斷正誤。China''s Lin Dan tells the world he is now the true No.1 badminton player! He wins the gold medal (金牌) in the men''

7、s singles (男單比賽) at the Guangzhou Asian Games. He wins the gold medal (金牌) in the men''s singles (男單比賽) at the Guangzhou Asian Games. He beat (打敗) Lee Chong Wei (李宗偉) of Malaysia (馬來西亞). Lee was the world''s No.1 player. 'Lee is one of the world''s best badminton players.

8、 We play hard. We have an exciting game. He is arespectable (值得尊敬的) player for me,' Lin says. Now he has a new goal. 'I''ll try to get to the London 2012 Olympic Games. I''ll work hard,' he says.(1)Lin Dan tells the world he is the world true No.1 player now.( ) (2)H

9、e wins the gold medal in the women''s singles at the Guangzhou Asian Games.( ) (3)Lee Chong Wei beat Lin Dan at the Guangzhou Asian Games.( ) (4)Lee Chong Wei is the world''s best football players.( ) (5)Now, Lin Dan has a new goal. He will try to get to the New York 2

10、012 Olympics Games.( ) 5. 根據(jù)文章判斷下列句子,正確的用T表示,錯誤的用F表示I am Billy. I am ten years old. I have a sister. Her name is Susan. She is eight years old. We go to school by bus. I like to play with my dog. Susan likes to play her doll. We live in Beijing. We live with our grandfather and grandmother. My

11、father and my mother live in Shanghai.1Billy is ten years old and Susan is nine years old. (_)2Billy is Susan''s brother. (_)3Susan likes to play with her dog. (_)4They go to school by car. (_)5Their father and mother are in Shanghai. (_)6. 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容填空。The cat and the b

12、irdThis is a beautiful garden. There is a cat and a bird in the garden. They are very small. The bird is sitting in the tree.It is singing. The cat is under the tree. It is looking up at the bird. The cat is very happy with the bird''s sings. The cat and the bird are very happy to meet each

13、other. They become good friends.each other 相互 become 成為 under 在下方(1)There is a bird and a cat     the garden.(2)The cat is looking     the bird.(3)The cat is very happy     the bird''s songs.7. 閱讀短文,判斷對錯。My name is Jo

14、hn. I''m a boy. I''m a student. I''m from Beijing. I have a small nose and two big eyes. Mr Li is our teacher. He is tall and strong. He is from Shenzhen. We often play games with him. He is friendly. We love him very much.( ) (1)John is from Shenzhen.( ) (2)Mr Li i

15、s our teacher. He is tall and strong.( ) (3)John is a teacher.( ) (4)We love him very much.( ) (5)We often play games with him.8. 閱讀文章,在橫線上填入正確的選項。Hi, my name is Sarah. I''m six years old. Look! This is my family

16、. The man is my father. He likes pears. The woman is my mother. She likes watermelons. The boy is my brother. His name is John. He likes oranges, milk 

17、;and watermelons. The girl is me. I like apples,grapes and bananas.(1)My name is .( ) A、Amy B、Jack C、Sarah(2)Father likes .( ) A、pears B、bananas C、orange(3)My brother likes .( ) A、stawberries B、w

18、ater C、oranges(4)Sarah is years old.( ) A、five B、six C、ten9. 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容判斷對錯。Hi, I am Amy. I am a student in Grade 3. I have a happy family.there are five people in my family. My grandpa and my grandma are very old,They like watching TV very much .My father is a doctor ,My mother

19、 is a nurse. They work hard , I love my family!(   )(1)There are three people in Amys family.(   )(2)Amys father is a teacher.(   )(3)Amys mother is a doctor.(   )(4)Amys grandpa likes watching TV(   )(5)Amy is a student in Grade three.10. 閱讀短文,回答問題。This is my

20、 family. My grandpa 、my grandma 、my father 、my mother and I . My grandpa is a doctor. He is 62.  My grandma is 60. She is a teacher. My mother

21、60;is 38. She is a nurse . My father is 40.  He is a policeman. My name is Daming. Im eleven. Im a pupil. I love my family.(1)How old is his 

22、;grandpa?( )   A、 38    B、 62  C、40(2)How old is his mother?( )   A、 38    B、 60  C、40(3)Is his father a doctor?( )   A、 Yes, he is. &#

23、160;  B、No, he isnt.    C、He is a teacher.(4)How many people(人) are there in the family?( )   A、Six    B、Seven  C、Five(5)What am I ?( )   A、pupil  B、p

24、oliceman  C、farmer11. 閱讀短文,判斷下列句子正誤。Jane: Nice to meet you, Chen Jie.Chen Jie: Nice to meet you, too. Where are you from?Jane: I''m from the USA. Look! This is a photo of my family. My grandpa, my grandma, my dad, my mum, my brother and me.Chen Jie: Wow! Is it Disney land Park(迪土尼公

25、園)?Jane: Yes, it is. Disneyland is a theme park(主題公園).Look! Snow White(白雪公主) and the seven dwarfs(七個小矮人).Chen Jie: Wow! Snow White is so beautiful.Jane: Yeah! Look, I love this game. How many cars do you see?Chen Jie: 1, 2, 3 I can see twelve.Jane: You''re right! I love teddy

26、bear very much.Chen Jie: Me too. How many teddy bears do you have?Chen Jie: Fifteen?Jane: No. Let''s count together.Chen Jie: 1, 2, 3 Oh! You have twenty.Jane: Haha! Yes!Chen Jie: I love Disneyland.(1)Jane is from the UK.( ) (2)Chen Jie can see twelve cars in Disneyland Park.( ) (3

27、)Jane''s family has six people (人).( ) (4)Chen Jie has (有)fifteen teddy bears.( ) (5)Chen Jie loves Disneyland.( ) 12. 閱讀短文,判斷正誤。Jane White is an American girl. She is a student. She is fifteen. Her father is Mr. White. Her mother is Mrs. White. Bob is her brother. He is a stu

28、dent, too. He is in a black jacket. Jane is in a red jacket. She is a nice girl.(1)Jane White is English.( ) (2)Mr. White is her mother.( ) (3)Jane is fourteen.( ) (4)Bob is Jane''s brother.( ) (5)Jane is in red and Bob is in black.( ) 13. 看表格,判斷正誤。   

29、  Jenny1個2個5個1個Danny3個3個6個2個Li Ming4個4個7個3個(1)Two hamburgers are six yuan.( ) (2)Five donuts are twelve yuan.( ) (3)Danny will take six donut.( ) (4)Li Ming will take three apples. They are eighty yuan.( ) (5)Jenny will take two ice cream.( ) 14. 看圖讀句子,并選出與圖片意思相符的答

30、案。1 Merry Christmas.(  )_.A. Merry Christmas   B. Thank you2What are they doing? (  )theyre_.A. swimming   B. talking and dancing3Can you see a Christmas tree? (  )_.A. Yes, I can   B. No, I cant4What can you see in the Chris

31、tmas tree? (  )I can see_.A. Christmas gifts   B. cars5Do you like Christmas Day? (  )_.A. Yes, I do   B. No, I dont15. 閱讀短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容填空。This is my new friend. She is a girl. She is 10 years old. She is from China. Her name is Li Yan. She is a good stud

32、ent.1. I have a new _.A. teacher B. friend2. Li Yan is from _.A. China B. Canada3. She is _ years old.A. ten B. nine4. Li Yan is a good _.A. student B. teacher5. She is a _.A. boy B. girl16. 閱讀短文,判斷正誤。Look at the boy. He''s Ken. He''s tall. He''s thin. His hair is yellow. His

33、 eyes are big. His nose is big and long. He can smell the fish and the flowers. He can put the pencils and pens in the red bag. There are four green pencils and five red pens. They are new. They are long.( ) (1)Ken is a thin boy.( ) (2)He can''t smell the flowers.( ) (3)The pe

34、ncils are on the bag.( ) (4)The bag is red.( ) (5)There are four red pens.17. 閱讀短文,判斷正誤。Tom is in the park with his mother. They are rowing a boat on the lake. Suddenly(突然地), they see some ducks on the lake, and the ducks are coming now. The ducks are very naughty! They are feeding ducks s

35、ome bread. And they are very happy.(1)Tom is in the park.( ) (2)His mother is in the room.( ) (3)They are rowing a boat on the lake.( ) (4)They see some dragon boats on the lake.( ) (5)They are feeding ducks some bread.( ) 18. 閱讀短文,判斷正誤。This is Daming''s family. Dami

36、ng''s mum was on the first floor. She was looking for (尋找) Daming. She could not find Daming. Daming was on the second floor. He was waiting for his mum. Because they were going to the supermarket. At this time, Daming''s mum shouted (喊) and saw Daming, they were very happy.(1)Daming

37、''s mum was very worried (焦急的).( ) (2)Daming was on the second floor.( ) (3)Daming was waiting for his mum.( ) (4)They wanted to go to the shop.( ) 19. 閱讀,完成任務。Hello! I''m Amy. I''m a happy girl. I''m from(來自.) Ningbo. Look at me. I have long hair.

38、 I have a big mouth and two big eyes. I like to drink Coke and eat ice cream. My pencil box is red. I have five pencils, a ruler and an eraser. I have a cat. Its(它的) name is Lily. It likes fish and milk. It is small and lovely.(1)根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容填空。Amy''s pencil box is    . She has

39、     pencils.(2)Amy鉛筆盒里的東西還少什么,請寫出來。    (3)下面哪一個是Amy?( ) A. B. C.(4)下面哪一個是Lily?( ) A. B. C.(5)Amy最喜歡的食物組合是: ( ) A. milk and ice cream B. milk and fish C. Coke and ice cream20. 對話閱讀。Alice:Hi,Peter, is this your pencil?Peter:NoI don''t have a pencilAlice:Mary,is this your pencil


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