



1、2022年滬教版五年級春季學(xué)期英語填空題復(fù)習(xí)專項題班級:_ 姓名:_1. 按要求寫出適當形式。1can(否定式)_ 2have(單三)_3uncle(對應(yīng)詞)_ 4knife(復(fù)數(shù))_5come from(同義詞)_ 6use(形容詞)_7have(-ing形式)_ 8visit (名詞)_9China(形容詞)_ 10have (現(xiàn)在分詞)_2. 選擇適當詞語補充句子。(可以重復(fù)使用).in   on   at   from   with1I sometimes go shopping_ my friends.2I oft

2、en play sports_ Sundays.3John is good _playing football.4Mike is _a play.5Yifan gets a letter_his friend.6Robinson lives _ an island.7I usually get up _ 7:00.3. 寫出所給詞的正確形式。1February is the _ month in a year. (two)2There are _ people in her famil

3、y. (three)3I see _ cows on the farm. (six)4My birthday is on July _. (four)5Its (five) _oclock now.4. 將下列單詞或短語分類。(填序號)boys afraid   girls   Tiananmen Square womentired wait Summer Palace   happy stop1sad _ _ _2say _ _3men _ _ 

4、;_4Beihai Park _ _5. 根據(jù)答語填寫正確的疑問詞。1_ black bike is that?  Its Wu Yifans.2_ are the girls doing?  They are eating oranges in the kitchen.3_ is your brothers birthday?  Its on May 3rd.4_ dog is yours?  The white one is mine.5_ is your pet cat?

5、0; Its in the bedroom.6. 用所給詞的適當形式填空。1Does she_ (like) dogs?2Where_ (do) your teacher live?3Mike and his father _ (read) books every Saturday.4What does it_ (have)?5_ (be) there any soup on the table?7. 用所給詞的適當形式填空。1Bobby find some _(mushroom) under the tree.2He

6、60;_(have) to go home now.3Where are my _(sock)?They are on the sofa.4She _(visit) her grandparents every week.5I like _(draw) pictures in the park in spring.6Lily _(pick) a big apple and two oranges.7Smoking is _(good) for our health.8Mike is happy because today is _(h

7、e) birthday.8. 根據(jù)提示填空。1My _ (father) birthday is on this Monday.2My grandpa is _ (60) years old.3Kittys _ (12) birthday will be on this Friday.4My birthday is _(介詞)May Day.5Whens _ (she) birthday?9. 選詞填空。1_ (What / When) do you get up every day?2_

8、60;(When / Which) season do you like best?3I usually go to school _ (at / in) 7:30.4_ (Teachers / Teachers) Day is in September.5The party is _ (in / on) March 23rd.10. 用所給動詞的正確形式填空。1My father _ (watch)TV now.2Look. The boy _ (run).3What _ your

9、mother _ (do)now?4My brother _ ( swim )now.5What _ you _ ( listen ) to?6Look, Mr. Chen _ ( play ) football.7Tom and his sister _ ( wait ) for you over there.8The children _ ( sing )in the room.9What _ Jenny and Danny

10、0;_ (do)now?10Lucy _ ( draw )a picture with her sister now.11. 根據(jù)圖片提示補全句子。 1What did they drink yesterday?   _2Im going to _ _ _ _ tonight. 3Dad_some _yesterday.   (buy, apple)4Sam _ _ _yesterday. 

11、60;  (eat, hamburger)12. 用所給詞的適當形式填空。1When is _ (you) birthday?2Fathers Day is on the _ (three) Sunday of June.3August is the _ (eight) month in a year.4My family will _ (eat) mooncakes.5There are some special _ (day) in June.13. 用適當形式填空。1Who

12、60;_ (be) swimming?2May I _ (have) some soup?3Mum? Mum? Oh, there you _ (be).14. 看圖補全句子。1I like _ best, because I can _ _ _ _.2I like _ best, because I can _ _. 3I like _ best, because I can _ _. 

13、;4I like _ best, because I can _ _. 15. 用所給詞的適當形式填空。1Sam comes _(help) Bobby.2How many _(spot) does this ladybird have?3My father is a _. He likes _. He is _ nice food now. (cook)4Lily and _(she) grandma are picking oranges on the farm.16. 選詞填空。many   much1. How _ tea did you buy?2. How _ cakes did we buy?3. How _ cheese did you need?4. How _ noodles did she say?17. 填空題。1Why do you like autumn best?Because I can _


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