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1、 個(gè)體名詞:個(gè)體名詞: boy, girl, teacher, school, boy, girl, teacher, school, book, room, pen, pencil, desk, book, room, pen, pencil, desk, appleapple 具體可見的,可以數(shù)出數(shù)量的個(gè)體。具體可見的,可以數(shù)出數(shù)量的個(gè)體。二二. . 名詞種類與名詞的數(shù)名詞種類與名詞的數(shù)1 1)所有的專有名詞都是不可數(shù)名詞。)所有的專有名詞都是不可數(shù)名詞。 2 2)個(gè)體名詞通常都是可數(shù)的。)個(gè)體名詞通常都是可數(shù)的。 3 3)集體名詞和成雙成對的名詞永遠(yuǎn)用作復(fù)數(shù)。)集體名詞和成雙成對的名詞永

2、遠(yuǎn)用作復(fù)數(shù)。 people, police, trousers, glasses people, police, trousers, glasses 4 4)物質(zhì)名詞和抽象名詞為不可數(shù)名詞。)物質(zhì)名詞和抽象名詞為不可數(shù)名詞。特殊情況:特殊情況:. .有些名詞有些名詞, ,如如: family, class, team: family, class, team等既可等既可 用作單數(shù)又可用作復(fù)數(shù)。用作單數(shù)又可用作復(fù)數(shù)。 當(dāng)強(qiáng)調(diào)整體時(shí),常用作單數(shù);當(dāng)強(qiáng)調(diào)整體時(shí),常用作單數(shù); 當(dāng)強(qiáng)調(diào)整體中的各個(gè)成員時(shí),常為復(fù)數(shù)。例:當(dāng)強(qiáng)調(diào)整體中的各個(gè)成員時(shí),常為復(fù)數(shù)。例: The family is quite bi

3、g. The family is quite big. 這是個(gè)大家庭。這是個(gè)大家庭。 The family are enjoying themselves in the The family are enjoying themselves in the park. park. 家里的每個(gè)人都玩得很高興。家里的每個(gè)人都玩得很高興。2 2)有些名詞既可作可數(shù)名詞也可作不可數(shù))有些名詞既可作可數(shù)名詞也可作不可數(shù) 詞,但詞義有所不同。詞,但詞義有所不同。sand sand 沙沙 sands sands 沙灘沙灘 wood wood 木頭木頭 woods woods 森林森林 fish fish 魚肉魚

4、肉 fish fish 魚魚 orange orange 橙汁橙汁 an orangean orange桔子桔子 chicken chicken 雞肉雞肉 a chickena chicken小雞小雞 room room 空間、余地空間、余地a rooma room房間房間三三. 可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)變化規(guī)則可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)變化規(guī)則 Sum up:以s、x 、ch 、sh結(jié)尾的名詞,在其詞尾加espotatosome potatoestomatofive tomatoesSum up: 以輔音字母加結(jié)尾的名詞,在其詞尾加es.但photo、piano(鋼琴)除外,photos, pianos.knifef

5、our knivesleafsome leavesSum up:以f或fe結(jié)尾的名詞要將f或fe變?yōu)閂再加es.babyfivebabiesboythreeboys以輔音字母加y結(jié)尾的名詞,要變y為i再加es.4. 4. 以以f f或或fefe結(jié)尾的詞,多數(shù)變結(jié)尾的詞,多數(shù)變f f為為v v,再加,再加-es-es,如:,如: knifeknivesknifeknives,leafleaves, halfhalves leafleaves, halfhalves 5.5.以輔音母加以輔音母加y y結(jié)尾的詞變結(jié)尾的詞變“y”y”為為“i”i”,再加,再加-es,-es,如:如: cityciti

6、es, factoryfactories citycities, factoryfactories 但注意:以元音字母加但注意:以元音字母加y y結(jié)尾的名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式只加結(jié)尾的名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式只加s s, 如:如:boyboys, daydays boyboys, daydays 6. 6. 不規(guī)則變化不規(guī)則變化 man-men, woman-women man-men, woman-women foot-feet, tooth-teeth foot-feet, tooth-teeth child-children, ox-oxenchild-children, ox-oxen,mouse-mi

7、ce mouse-mice fish-fish, sheep-sheep, deer-deerfish-fish, sheep-sheep, deer-deer7.7.表示國籍名詞單復(fù)數(shù)變化規(guī)律表示國籍名詞單復(fù)數(shù)變化規(guī)律 ChineseChinese ChineseJapaneseJapaneseFrenchmanFrenchmenEnglishmanEnglishmenGerman GermansAmericanAmericansEgyptianEgyptiansRussianRussians Italian Italians四四. . 不可數(shù)名詞數(shù)量的表示不可數(shù)名詞數(shù)量的表示練習(xí)練習(xí)1.

8、What do you want? 1. What do you want? I want_. I want_. A. piece of breadA. piece of breadB.two piece of bread B.two piece of bread C.a breadC.a breadD.some bread D.some bread 2 ._is standing at the corner of the street. 2 ._is standing at the corner of the street. A. A policeA. A policeB.The polic

9、e B.The police C. PoliceC. PoliceD.A policemanD.A policeman3. Can you see nine _ in the picture? 3. Can you see nine _ in the picture? A.sheep B.dog C.pig D.horse A.sheep B.dog C.pig D.horse 4. The _ has two _. 4. The _ has two _. A.boys, watchesA.boys, watches B.boy, watch B.boy, watch C.boy, watch

10、esC.boy, watchesD.boys,watch D.boys,watch 5. Both Marx and Engles were_. 5. Both Marx and Engles were_. A.German A.GermanB.Germans B.Germans C.GermanyC.Germany D.from GermanD.from German3. Can you see nine _ in the picture? 3. Can you see nine _ in the picture? A.sheepA.sheep B.dog C.pig D.horse B.d

11、og C.pig D.horse 4. The _ has two _. 4. The _ has two _. A.boys, watchesA.boys, watches B.boy, watch B.boy, watch C.boy, watchesC.boy, watchesD.boys,watch D.boys,watch 5. Both Marx and Engles were_. 5. Both Marx and Engles were_. A.German A.GermanB.GermansB.Germans C.GermanyC.Germany D.from GermanD.

12、from German6. Every morning before he leaves,6. Every morning before he leaves, his mother would put some _ in his bag. his mother would put some _ in his bag. A. orange A. orange B. oranges B. oranges 7. We all believe that our team _ the 7. We all believe that our team _ the strongest of all. stro

13、ngest of all. A. isA. isB. areB. are A. orange A. orange B. orangesB. oranges 7. We all believe that our team _ the 7. We all believe that our team _ the strongest of all. strongest of all. A. isA. isB. areB. are6. Every morning before he leaves,6. Every morning before he leaves, his mother would pu

14、t some _ in his bag. his mother would put some _ in his bag. 名詞所有格名詞所有格名詞所有格的分類名詞所有格的分類名詞所有格可分為三種:1、有生命名詞的所有格2、無生命名詞的所有格3、雙重所有格 名詞所有格名詞所有格一、有生命的名詞所有格一、有生命的名詞所有格 : s + 名詞名詞 “的的” a . 當(dāng)名詞不是當(dāng)名詞不是s 結(jié)尾時(shí),用結(jié)尾時(shí),用 s Lucys hair / my mothers bag lucy的頭發(fā)的頭發(fā) / 我媽媽的袋子我媽媽的袋子 b. 當(dāng)名詞是當(dāng)名詞是s 結(jié)尾時(shí),則用結(jié)尾時(shí),則用 s students rea

15、ding room 學(xué)生們的閱覽室學(xué)生們的閱覽室 workers club 工人俱樂部工人俱樂部注意:注意:Womens Day 婦女節(jié)婦女節(jié) Childrens Day 兒童節(jié)兒童節(jié) Teachers Day 教師節(jié)教師節(jié)c. 表示時(shí)間、距離、國家、城市的名詞,加表示時(shí)間、距離、國家、城市的名詞,加s 構(gòu)成所有格構(gòu)成所有格 five minutes walk= a five-minute walk eight miles journey= an 8-mile journeyd. 雙重所有格雙重所有格 : of+名詞所有格名詞所有格 / of + 名詞性的名詞性的物主代詞物主代詞 a frie

16、nd of mine, an old photo of my fathers.e. 共同所有格與個(gè)體所有格:共同所有格與個(gè)體所有格: 共有的東西共有的東西,所有所有格也共有格也共有; 分開的東西分開的東西,所有格也分開所有格也分開. Shes Tom and Jims mother. (同一個(gè)母親同一個(gè)母親) Theyre Toms and Jims mothers. ( 各自的母各自的母親親) 二、表示無生命的名詞所有格二、表示無生命的名詞所有格 用用 “of “ 教室的門教室的門 the door of the classroom 山頂山頂 the top of the hill 樹葉樹葉 the leaves of the tree 社會的發(fā)展社會的發(fā)展The development of the society 書的封面書的封面The cover of a book 雙重所有格 雙重所有格由“of+名詞所有格”如: 或“of+名詞性物主代詞”如: 我爸爸的一個(gè)朋友a(bǔ) friend of my f


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